Obama is so afraid to talk about what he has done for the last three years...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Obama's failure as our President makes him unable to run on his record so he and his adolescent followers choose to smear Romney with whatever they can find that might cast a bad light on Romney until election day.

Liberals are desperate for mud to sling because their candidate is a total failure.

The Bain Saga is merely an example.
Obama's failure as our President makes him unable to run on his record so he and his adolescent followers choose to smear Romney with whatever they can find that might cast a bad light on Romney until election day.

Liberals are desperate for mud to sling because their candidate is a total failure.

The Bain Saga is merely an example.

The Bain saga is a fact, not a smear. The tax return saga will go away as soon as Romney produces them...
If the democrats want to focus on Bain then fine. Romney just need to focus on how bad Obama's record is then simply remind people that "hey, you want 4 more years of this?"
your problem is things have gotten better under Obama even with the republicans trying to keep anything good from happneing
Obama's failure as our President makes him unable to run on his record so he and his adolescent followers choose to smear Romney with whatever they can find that might cast a bad light on Romney until election day.

Liberals are desperate for mud to sling because their candidate is a total failure.

The Bain Saga is merely an example.

The Bain saga is a fact, not a smear. The tax return saga will go away as soon as Romney produces them...

Until anything unsavory is proved, which it has not nor will it be, it is a smear. It is the desperate tactics of a campaign in big trouble - a shitty economic record, a shitty foreign policy record, representing a man who's background is as shady as it gets, who's accomplishments are nill and who's sold himself on a mountain of lies.

Pretty pathetic actually.. but what is more pathetic is watching so called "intellectual" types defending this empty suited boy king by demonizing actual success.
Obama's failure as our President makes him unable to run on his record so he and his adolescent followers choose to smear Romney with whatever they can find that might cast a bad light on Romney until election day.

Liberals are desperate for mud to sling because their candidate is a total failure.

The Bain Saga is merely an example.

Absolutely correct.
Obama's failure as our President makes him unable to run on his record so he and his adolescent followers choose to smear Romney with whatever they can find that might cast a bad light on Romney until election day.

Liberals are desperate for mud to sling because their candidate is a total failure.

The Bain Saga is merely an example.

The Bain saga is a fact, not a smear. The tax return saga will go away as soon as Romney produces them...

Neither Bain nor Romney's tax returns have more meaning to me than Obama's college transcripts and thesis papers. He should be anxious to present those to reveal his utter brilliance to the American people. FACT is more likely that they would expose his bent toward Marxism and hatred of the American way.

I doubt Romney has done anything illegal and certainly he has contributed more to society than Obama ever will.
your problem is things have gotten better under Obama even with the republicans trying to keep anything good from happneing

So, the worst economic comeback in U.S. history coupled with 40+ months of record unemployment is better?

Better than what?

your problem is things have gotten better under Obama even with the republicans trying to keep anything good from happneing


Tell that to the communities that have lost their livelihood because of what Obama has done to the coal and oil industries.

You are an absolute fool if you think we are better off under Obama.
Bain was very successful and created thousands of jobs. Democrats don't want to mention that. All they have is what they can muster up for a smear.

If democrats think that things have gotten better under obama, what they are really saying is that republicans stopped obama from making things as bad as he intended to make them.
your problem is things have gotten better under Obama even with the republicans trying to keep anything good from happneing

The millions of people who have lost their jobs would probably disagree.

Although, if you consider being wholly dependent on the government for your well being, then yes, things have got a lot better for a lot of Americans under Obama.
your problem is things have gotten better under Obama even with the republicans trying to keep anything good from happneing

Is that a fact? well slugger time to pull your head out of your ass and look at what is happening. The worst recorded recovery in US history, corporate earnings falling below projections, Fed warning the economy is slipping further, GDP in Asia, Europe, and the US continues to remain below the true rate of inflation. How stupid and naive can a person be, and yet after two years of total control of all three branches in government your pathetic group blames the GOP? Such lemmings.
maybe if you guys helped some instead of blocking EVERYTHING the dems and Obama are trying to do you would have a point
Damned good thing the Reps are blocking some of BS Barry and company are slinging.

Cap and Trade for one. Can you just imagine if that bs had passed?? Good Gawd.

AS for Romney tax records. Believe me. If he had done anything illegal the IRS would be on his ass. No IRS. Guess there's nothing illegal to go after.

Its all about deflection.

Barry's campaign and supporters sure don't want to talk about the economy and the state of the country. They would much rather throw out the toilet, the seat and the water rather than than talk about what matters to the American taxpayer.
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