10 things I don't understand about the dating game


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
I don't understand none of the things below

1. Why everyone has to exaggerate their lifestyle during the getting to know process

2. Why women constantly ask me if I like my job when they first meet me

3. Why women only seem to text or call me when I disappear for a while

4. I'm not supposed to talk to a women I want to date the way I talk to my platonic female friends..............so what do I talk about?

5. I was told I don't have any GAME and I have no clue what the hell that is in the dating game

6. I don't know what it means when a woman says "tell me something good"

7. The question "what do you like to do for fun?" In my sparetime or on a date?

8. When a woman sends a text stating she may 10 or 15 mins late........."is it because she is wrapping up another date?

9. When a woman sends a text after a 1st date that says........."It was a pleasure meeting you".........Is that not Interest?

10. If a woman comes home after a date and views your online profile is that a good sign or bad sign?

These are the reasons why I am single because It's so much about the dating game that I just don't know.
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1. You don't have to, but people feel compelled to do so. I never did and I did just fine when I dated.

2. Probably because they don't want to get involved with someone who hates their job. In the long run it would make a relationship miserable too.

3. Can't help you there, I don't know.

4. Who says you can't? I mean obviously you can't act like this person you just met is a life long friend, but IMO, that is how you want things to be. It would be the goal if you ask me.

5. You don't need "game". If you can't get a second date because you don't have "game" well, you don't want to date her anyway.

6. Lol, my wife used to say that when we were dating, but only after we became a couple. I would answer like "you" or "us" or "our relationship". She quit asking after a while. If a woman asks you that on your first date, well that's a little strange, IMO. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try to complement her in some way, or you could say "the Steak here".

7. That question implies in your personal life.

8. Doubtful. But if she is so what? It means that that date probably sucked or else she would call off yours. I doubt any woman is going to schedule two dates in one night.

9. It could be. IMO it's a good sign. Even if you don't go out again, she probably would have said anything at all if you sucked.

10. You cannot count on it being either. As a woman, it's a good idea to check these things but even better to do so before a date if possible.

No one knows everything there is to know about dating. The thing is that you shouldn't try to change the person you really are. Don't play games, don't try to be someone you aren't. Even if you were successful by changing, your true self will show eventually and it will likely lead to heartbreak. It's kind of like a woman stuffing her bra to attract men. Eventually you will be found out.
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1. You don't have to, but people feel compelled to do so. I never did and I did just fine when I dated.

2. Probably because they don't want to get involved with someone who hates their job. In the long run it would make a relationship miserable too.

3. Can't help you there, I don't know.

4. Who says you can't? I mean obviously you can't act like this person you just met is a life long friend, but IMO, that is how you want things to be. It would be the goal if you ask me.

5. You don't need "game". If you can't get a second date because you don't have "game" well, you don't want to date her anyway.

6. Lol, my wife used to say that when we were dating, but only after we became a couple. I would answer like "you" or "us" or "our relationship". She quit asking after a while. If a woman asks you that on your first date, well that's a little strange, IMO. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try to complement her in some way, or you could say "the Steak here".

7. That question implies in your personal life.

8. Doubtful. But if she is so what? It means that that date probably sucked or else she would call off yours. I doubt any woman is going to schedule two dates in one night.

9. It could be. IMO it's a good sign. Even if you don't go out again, she probably would have said anything at all if you sucked.

10. You cannot count on it being either. As a woman, it's a good idea to check these things but even better to do so before a date if possible.

No one knows everything there is to know about dating. The thing is that you shouldn't try to change the person you really are. Don't play games, don't try to be someone you aren't. Even if you were successful by changing, your true self will show eventually and it will likely lead to heartbreak. It's kind of like a woman stuffing her bra to attract men. Eventually you will be found out.

I remember this quote from a Seinfeld episode that Jerry made

"There has to be games during the dating process because how else would you know whose winning?"

I don't understand
of the things below

1. Why everyone has to exaggerate their lifestyle during the getting to know process

They shouldn't lie to impress someone. The truth always comes out eventually.

2. Why women constantly ask me if I like my job when they first meet me

Given payscale disparities, women (as in potential wives and mothers) often rely on the husband's income. Also, if the guy hates a job that she perceives as a good one it raises a warning flag for her.

3. Why women only seem to text or call me when I disappear for a while

Well there's no need to call or text you if you're right there, is there?

4. I'm not supposed to talk to a women I want to date the way I talk to my platonic female friends..............so what do I talk about?

You can talk about anything, just do it in a way that elevates her above the usual schmucks.

5. I was told I don't have any GAME and I have no clue what the hell that is in the dating game

GAME = a natural easy way of relating to the date and making her feel special while making yourself seem to be a better choice than any other guy.

Tip: Get her to talk about herself. You can learn more about her this way, plus it shows you're interested in her.

6. I don't know what it means when a woman says "tell me something good"

Good about her, about you as a couple, about the beautiful romantic full moon...

7. The question "what do you like to do for fun?" In my sparetime or on a date?

In your spare time, at work, on a date, with family, etc. She needs to know if you share common interests and activities.

8. When a woman sends a text stating she may 10 or 15 mins late........."is it because she is wrapping up another date?

Almost never. It usually means she's running late for the same reasons that men run late: stuck in traffic, unexpected guests popping in, a shoestring broke...

9. When a woman sends a text after a 1st date that says........."It was a pleasure meeting you".........Is that not Interest?

It's interest.

10. If a woman comes home after a date and views your online profile is that a good sign or bad sign?

It shows that she's interested.

These are the reasons why I am single because It's so much about the dating game that I just don't know.
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Calm down fbj. You'll know it's her when you meet her.

“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.”

― Robert Fulghum
Had another date tonight but I had no plans on sending any text messages and will pretend today is July 27, 1999 lol

So I will just call one day next week not sure when

There was two things that happened during the day that made me think she wants to see me again but of course I can be wrong

1. During the date I told her I wanted to ask her something but it slipped my mind and she seemed very interested to know what it was

2. We were discussing what train I could catch to get to the area she lives in

3. At the end of the date she said...."you can hug me" I guess I was looking like I wasn't going in for the hug

But I will confirm if there is interest one day next week
1. You don't have to, but people feel compelled to do so. I never did and I did just fine when I dated.

2. Probably because they don't want to get involved with someone who hates their job. In the long run it would make a relationship miserable too.

3. Can't help you there, I don't know.

4. Who says you can't? I mean obviously you can't act like this person you just met is a life long friend, but IMO, that is how you want things to be. It would be the goal if you ask me.

5. You don't need "game". If you can't get a second date because you don't have "game" well, you don't want to date her anyway.

6. Lol, my wife used to say that when we were dating, but only after we became a couple. I would answer like "you" or "us" or "our relationship". She quit asking after a while. If a woman asks you that on your first date, well that's a little strange, IMO. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try to complement her in some way, or you could say "the Steak here".

7. That question implies in your personal life.

8. Doubtful. But if she is so what? It means that that date probably sucked or else she would call off yours. I doubt any woman is going to schedule two dates in one night.

9. It could be. IMO it's a good sign. Even if you don't go out again, she probably would have said anything at all if you sucked.

10. You cannot count on it being either. As a woman, it's a good idea to check these things but even better to do so before a date if possible.

No one knows everything there is to know about dating. The thing is that you shouldn't try to change the person you really are. Don't play games, don't try to be someone you aren't. Even if you were successful by changing, your true self will show eventually and it will likely lead to heartbreak. It's kind of like a woman stuffing her bra to attract men. Eventually you will be found out.

I remember this quote from a Seinfeld episode that Jerry made

"There has to be games during the dating process because how else would you know whose winning?"


I don't understand none of the things below

I don't claim to completely "understand" them either, but here's my thoughts anyway.

1. Why everyone has to exaggerate their lifestyle during the getting to know process

"Everyone" doesn't have to. Lots of people do, but you don't have to. Just be yourself.

2. Why women constantly ask me if I like my job when they first meet me

Small talk. It's like talking about the weather.

3. Why women only seem to text or call me when I disappear for a while

I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

4. I'm not supposed to talk to a women I want to date the way I talk to my platonic female friends..............so what do I talk about?

Why not? Be comfortable and confident - acting the way you do towards platonic friends is a good way to start.

5. I was told I don't have any GAME and I have no clue what the hell that is in the dating game

Game = confidence. It's that simple.

6. I don't know what it means when a woman says "tell me something good"

It's small talk. It means "start a conversation".

7. The question "what do you like to do for fun?" In my sparetime or on a date?

Well, you could go either way. If you say something date-like, you could use it as a segue into suggesting actually doing it. If you go with spare time, mention something you think she might share an interest in.

8. When a woman sends a text stating she may 10 or 15 mins late........."is it because she is wrapping up another date?

Probably not. Don't be too paranoid.

9. When a woman sends a text after a 1st date that says........."It was a pleasure meeting you".........Is that not Interest?

It would depend on what followed that introduction.

10. If a woman comes home after a date and views your online profile is that a good sign or bad sign?

No way to know, so no reason to worry about it.

These are the reasons why I am single because It's so much about the dating game that I just don't know.

Be comfortable and confident. It's as simple as that.
Had another date tonight but I had no plans on sending any text messages and will pretend today is July 27, 1999 lol

So I will just call one day next week not sure when

There was two things that happened during the day that made me think she wants to see me again but of course I can be wrong

1. During the date I told her I wanted to ask her something but it slipped my mind and she seemed very interested to know what it was

2. We were discussing what train I could catch to get to the area she lives in

3. At the end of the date she said...."you can hug me" I guess I was looking like I wasn't going in for the hug

But I will confirm if there is interest one day next week

Do you want to see her again or not? If you do, don't wait a week to call her.
Here's my free advice, worth every penny you're paying for it.

The way I see it, you're approaching dating like a job interview.

The way you SHOULD be approaching it is as a fun evening enjoying good conversation and a good meal, or dancing, or whatever.

If she likes you GREAT, if she doesn't, so what.

That's one out of 50 million single women just in the U.S.

HAVE FUN MAN, enjoy yourself.

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