10 Takeaways from the NYT Error Ridden Defense of Obama's FBI Spying on Trump Campaign


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“It’s reasonable to assume that much of the new information in the New York Times report relates to leakers’ fears about information that will be coming out in the inspector general report. . . . The story says the FBI was worried that if it came out they were spying on Trump campaign it would ‘only reinforce his claims that the election was being rigged against him.’ It is easy to understand how learning that the FBI was spying on one’s presidential campaign might reinforce claims of election-rigging.”

10 Takeaways From NYT's Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign

Remember when Trump’s claim that his campaign was being spied on was dismissed as absurd paranoia?
"The scandal is that the FBI, lacking the incriminating evidence needed to justify opening a criminal investigation of the Trump campaign, decided to open a counterintelligence investigation. With the blessing of the Obama White House, they took the powers that enable our government to spy on foreign adversaries and used them to spy on Americans — Americans who just happened to be their political adversaries."

'Crossfire Hurricane' New York Times Report Buries Ledes | National Review
“It’s reasonable to assume that much of the new information in the New York Times report relates to leakers’ fears about information that will be coming out in the inspector general report. . . . The story says the FBI was worried that if it came out they were spying on Trump campaign it would ‘only reinforce his claims that the election was being rigged against him.’ It is easy to understand how learning that the FBI was spying on one’s presidential campaign might reinforce claims of election-rigging.”

10 Takeaways From NYT's Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign

Remember when Trump’s claim that his campaign was being spied on was dismissed as absurd paranoia?

Remember when Trump claimed he was being spied on- and he wasn't?
“It’s reasonable to assume that much of the new information in the New York Times report relates to leakers’ fears about information that will be coming out in the inspector general report. . . . The story says the FBI was worried that if it came out they were spying on Trump campaign it would ‘only reinforce his claims that the election was being rigged against him.’ It is easy to understand how learning that the FBI was spying on one’s presidential campaign might reinforce claims of election-rigging.”

10 Takeaways From NYT's Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign

Remember when Trump’s claim that his campaign was being spied on was dismissed as absurd paranoia?

yeah, it still makes me laugh

did you know there are still some stupid assholes that actually believe it?

“It’s reasonable to assume that much of the new information in the New York Times report relates to leakers’ fears about information that will be coming out in the inspector general report. . . . The story says the FBI was worried that if it came out they were spying on Trump campaign it would ‘only reinforce his claims that the election was being rigged against him.’ It is easy to understand how learning that the FBI was spying on one’s presidential campaign might reinforce claims of election-rigging.”

10 Takeaways From NYT's Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign

Remember when Trump’s claim that his campaign was being spied on was dismissed as absurd paranoia?
From the NYT's story

The facts, had they surfaced, might have devastated the Trump campaign: Mr. Trump’s future national security adviser was under investigation, as was his campaign chairman. One adviser appeared to have Russian intelligence contacts. Another was suspected of being a Russian agent himself.
Democrat President uses government to spy on opposing campaign..
Except of course- for the fact that the article itself shows that the FBI was acting without the knowledge of the Executive branch....you know- except for the facts.
“It’s reasonable to assume that much of the new information in the New York Times report relates to leakers’ fears about information that will be coming out in the inspector general report. . . . The story says the FBI was worried that if it came out they were spying on Trump campaign it would ‘only reinforce his claims that the election was being rigged against him.’ It is easy to understand how learning that the FBI was spying on one’s presidential campaign might reinforce claims of election-rigging.”

10 Takeaways From NYT's Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign

Remember when Trump’s claim that his campaign was being spied on was dismissed as absurd paranoia?

You may as well have just said "Yanny."
“It’s reasonable to assume that much of the new information in the New York Times report relates to leakers’ fears about information that will be coming out in the inspector general report. . . . The story says the FBI was worried that if it came out they were spying on Trump campaign it would ‘only reinforce his claims that the election was being rigged against him.’ It is easy to understand how learning that the FBI was spying on one’s presidential campaign might reinforce claims of election-rigging.”

10 Takeaways From NYT's Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign

Remember when Trump’s claim that his campaign was being spied on was dismissed as absurd paranoia?

yeah, it still makes me laugh

did you know there are still some stupid assholes that actually believe it?


Keep gaslighting, lol. You do realize, it is no longer working and your side is cooked-)
“It’s reasonable to assume that much of the new information in the New York Times report relates to leakers’ fears about information that will be coming out in the inspector general report. . . . The story says the FBI was worried that if it came out they were spying on Trump campaign it would ‘only reinforce his claims that the election was being rigged against him.’ It is easy to understand how learning that the FBI was spying on one’s presidential campaign might reinforce claims of election-rigging.”

10 Takeaways From NYT's Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign

Remember when Trump’s claim that his campaign was being spied on was dismissed as absurd paranoia?
From the NYT's story

The facts, had they surfaced, might have devastated the Trump campaign: Mr. Trump’s future national security adviser was under investigation, as was his campaign chairman. One adviser appeared to have Russian intelligence contacts. Another was suspected of being a Russian agent himself.

Hey, why don't you tell everyone where they got the information from-) Oh wait! From the people who have to CYA, lolol.

Not HAPPENING. Your side is screwed, lolol. Have an adult beverage, and start plotting for 2022 midterms. Only thing you can do-)
Hey folks, remember when all the Leftists said it was a conspiracy theory, lololol. Now look, they have to spin their own DEMISE! You gotta love it-)
Did Bush Jr, Kush, and Manafort still meet with a rep of a foreign government in hopes to sway the outcome of an election? Yes.

That is collusion.

That is the takeaway.

Everything else is a smokescreen.
Early edition of Damage Control...........

Everyone already knows they were playing Dirty and committing crimes..........

The investigation was a cover up for criminal activity of the previous administration and the Hillary Campaign.

Only question will these dirty ass people be drawn and quartered for their crimes and abuse of power.

Given the current gov't............they will sweep it away and let a few pawns take the fall...........

Trump and team are crooks, thugs, russian agents, and close to traitors if not traitors.... LOCK 'EM UP! :D
Trump and team are crooks, thugs, russian agents, and close to traitors if not traitors.... LOCK 'EM UP! :D
Hillary, Obama, Comey, the DNC, are a team of crooks, thugs, russian agents, and close to traitors if not traitors..........LOCK 'EM UP!
It has come pretty obvious that the FBI was investigating both sides.

It is also obvious that they treated two investigations differently. Trump was treated far better than Clinton.

Why? Because they thought Clinton would win...

They thought if she won and they said nothing the RWNJ would be calling fix...

And if the told everyone that they were investigating the Trump the RWNJ would have screamed political interference...

I see where the FBI was coming from but they were wrong. Clinton was very harshly dealt with....

The Orange Jesus crew believe no matter what Trump must be proven to be innocent even if he is guilty...

They have lost reason, they never asked why he was investigated, just it must be a witchhunt..
“It’s reasonable to assume that much of the new information in the New York Times report relates to leakers’ fears about information that will be coming out in the inspector general report. . . . The story says the FBI was worried that if it came out they were spying on Trump campaign it would ‘only reinforce his claims that the election was being rigged against him.’ It is easy to understand how learning that the FBI was spying on one’s presidential campaign might reinforce claims of election-rigging.”

10 Takeaways From NYT's Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign

Remember when Trump’s claim that his campaign was being spied on was dismissed as absurd paranoia?

yeah, it still makes me laugh

did you know there are still some stupid assholes that actually believe it?

What lie will you tell when you are proven wrong?
Remember when Trump’s claim that his campaign was being spied on was dismissed as absurd paranoia?

I 'member...

looks like Jug Ears really did tap Trump's wires

and the media defends it, works to defuse or minimize the story, or lies about Trump comments

rinse, wash, repeat

the most interesting point I have seen about a lot of the recent leaks that look damaging to the left and our esteemed alphabet boys in law enforcement/intelligence is that they are trying to get ahead of the story and mitigate damage that is sure to be done

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