1% of all american citizens are in jail

not willing to even look at it. Can you summarize it in 3 sentances or less so I can mock it quickly and get on to real issues, instead of faurage over nothing?

ops, i thought this was a standard lecture for american men. He writes in central that we lost somehow the needed rituals of Initiation. That means, boys aren´t teached any more when childhood ends and the adult life begins. It becomes even worser if a boy did not had any male examples.
Before you rage on, let me say that i´m not a representative of the "It´s not their fault. It´s their bad childhood" fraction. But on the other hand, any reasons does this progress has to have.
Meh there could be any number of reasons for that. It's not evidence that our judicial system is terrible.
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What's evil about it? Are you suggesting that we should work up scads of sympathy for a dumbass who 1) has a history of harming other people (hence the whole "THREE strikes" concept), and 2) is obviously too stupid to rehabilitate, as evidenced by the fact that he keeps committing crimes AND he keeps getting caught? Excuse me if I yawn.

You want to know what's evil over life in prison over a pizza? How about it's a giant waste of money and the punishment is excessively harsh.
not willing to even look at it. Can you summarize it in 3 sentances or less so I can mock it quickly and get on to real issues, instead of faurage over nothing?

ops, i thought this was a standard lecture for american men. He writes in central that we lost somehow the needed rituals of Initiation. That means, boys aren´t teached any more when childhood ends and the adult life begins. It becomes even worser if a boy did not had any male examples.
Before you rage on, let me say that i´m not a representative of the "It´s not their fault. It´s their bad childhood" fraction. But on the other hand, any reasons does this progress has to have.
So the book basically says because 13 year old boys don't essentially have a 'bar mitzfah' to signify adulthood they go out of control? Feh. Bushwah.

Secondly, no this is not 'standard fare' for American Males. I've never met a man or boy who thought that way except in third world cultures or in the Jewish faith which is a much more modernized/ritualized event. I've seen amazonian tribe put mittens of 'bullet ants' on the hands of pre-pubescent boys to 'prove they were men' for example, and know there are other barbaric customs associated with this. If find them all a load of shit.

You then seem to blend the idea in to the conundrum of single mother families with no strong male role model or father figure being damaging. THis on the other hand is a true phenomenon in society. Boys and girls suffer without a father figure. Boys have no model to live up to, girls have no model to base love for the opposite sex off of. They're left to flounder for their own ideas of what fatherhood and husbands should be like. They are often much less fulfilled unless a surrogate takes it's place and acts the father figure. This can be a relative, grandparent, coach, teacher, pastor, youth counselor... someone to provide that template. In many cases, there is a strong correllation between cultural violence and a lack of this figure in any young person's life. Girls get pregnant younger in many cases, and boys degenerate into little thugs quicker.

This can also be true in 'abscentee father' families too.
not willing to even look at it. Can you summarize it in 3 sentances or less so I can mock it quickly and get on to real issues, instead of faurage over nothing?

ops, i thought this was a standard lecture for american men. He writes in central that we lost somehow the needed rituals of Initiation. That means, boys aren´t teached any more when childhood ends and the adult life begins. It becomes even worser if a boy did not had any male examples.
Before you rage on, let me say that i´m not a representative of the "It´s not their fault. It´s their bad childhood" fraction. But on the other hand, any reasons does this progress has to have.
So the book basically says because 13 year old boys don't essentially have a 'bar mitzfah' to signify adulthood they go out of control? Feh. Bushwah.

Secondly, no this is not 'standard fare' for American Males. I've never met a man or boy who thought that way except in third world cultures or in the Jewish faith which is a much more modernized/ritualized event. I've seen amazonian tribe put mittens of 'bullet ants' on the hands of pre-pubescent boys to 'prove they were men' for example, and know there are other barbaric customs associated with this. If find them all a load of shit.

You then seem to blend the idea in to the conundrum of single mother families with no strong male role model or father figure being damaging. THis on the other hand is a true phenomenon in society. Boys and girls suffer without a father figure. Boys have no model to live up to, girls have no model to base love for the opposite sex off of. They're left to flounder for their own ideas of what fatherhood and husbands should be like. They are often much less fulfilled unless a surrogate takes it's place and acts the father figure. This can be a relative, grandparent, coach, teacher, pastor, youth counselor... someone to provide that template. In many cases, there is a strong correllation between cultural violence and a lack of this figure in any young person's life. Girls get pregnant younger in many cases, and boys degenerate into little thugs quicker.

This can also be true in 'abscentee father' families too.

First: You might find the aboriginal intiation rituals as you wish, the fact is they´re working, in many cases for ten thousands of years.

second: I agree. An african word says: "It needs a whole village to transfer a boy to a man" But do you have these social structures in the hoods and ghettos of the drug cities and quarters?
I don't know where this data was culled from but I smell poo. As in pulled out of someone's ass.

I think its hilarious that so many people see a graph like this and are automatically:
1. shocked
2. doubtful of its authenticity

When have you ever seen an article that DIDN'T show blacks highly over-represented in crime statistics? This is not something new. The numbers may vary a little from year to year but it is always the same story.

The Pew Center and the Chicago Tribune have enough fact checkers to make sure this correct within a reasonable error range of a percent here or there
The less money that goes into jails just means we'll have even worse criminals come out. Take a page from the Nordic countries and realize that fascism doesn't work
I used to think that American capitalism made our American criminals were the very best in the world.

But then the WALL fell and we're getting to know how truly superior the criminal class is that was spawned in communist tyrannies.

And now we're also seeing our homegrown organized criminal class eclipsed by Mexican and Central American organized crime, too.

I'm telling yas, if this keeps up we're not going to be number one is ANY field of endeavor mankind puts his hands to.

Come on American criminal class, we KNOW you can do crime better than a bunch of immigrants if you just put your minds and hearts into it.
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First: You might find the aboriginal intiation rituals as you wish, the fact is they´re working, in many cases for ten thousands of years.
Assumptive. you've created an age based caste system where all the boys have strong father figures to model themselves after and the population density is that of a small commune.

second: I agree. An african word says: "It needs a whole village to transfer a boy to a man" But do you have these social structures in the hoods and ghettos of the drug cities and quarters?
No. Wrong. It takes a family to raise a man or woman. I live in Minneapolis, I do not want the community here teaching my child standards, if I had one, on what it is to be a mature, respectable man. I will do that. Not the schools, not the neighbors. Me and my kin. If me and my kin is not available, then you have to go to lesser secondary choices of those WILLING to mentor the boy or girl. You cannot assume that it will be done automatically OR well.

This is a critical flaw of socialism: assuming responsibility and authority over things which they have none.
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You do not fear secret police. Nor death squads in this nation. You can say what you think without fear of your own family turning you in to be 're-educated'. You can own your own business and become wealthy if you so choose.(well it used to be easier).

You don't think this is the land of the free? You are painfully ignorant and should experience for a short period of time what an oppressive regime truly feels like. Go join the peace corps and go to Rwanda, or Cambodia (or whatever it's called this week). You've grown so fat and lazy intellectually, you seem to think that the rest of the world is just like Canada or the UK or at worst Spain. Go educate yourself. You're in desperate need of it.

Replace in the quote "communists", "union leaders" or "Social democrats" with "muslims", "blacks" or "three and you´re out felons". See anything?

we should talk again when the republicans robbed the elections again as they did in 2000 and install the system they really want. The fall of obama just startet and i don´t think he´ll get his re-election. They have spottet, that blaming someone is much more effective and conductive than a kill shot. Your "patriot act" was just the start to cut your rights, when they rage as they want to, you´ll see what´s coming. You´ll rub your eyes when you see how fast a change would come. But don´t say that nobody warned you.

What I see is that you were obviously out of class the day your teacher taught about making analogies, because you really suck at it. There is no parallel whatsoever to be drawn between the evil, totalitarian government your country allowed to take it over and systematically exterminate millions of your own citizens and those of neighboring countries, and America's criminals, PARTICULARLY not criminals that OUR government has already caught and imprisoned according to our duly-passed and not-at-all unusual laws.

And if you were going for a parallel between the innocent citizens your country allowed its government to exterminate and the criminals that our government incarcerates and thereafter extends a raft of care, treatment, and rights that many innocent people in the world don't enjoy, you need to shut the fuck up now, because you're not just stupid, you're insane.
Replace in the quote "communists", "union leaders" or "Social democrats" with "muslims", "blacks" or "three and you´re out felons". See anything?

we should talk again when the republicans robbed the elections again as they did in 2000 and install the system they really want. The fall of obama just startet and i don´t think he´ll get his re-election. They have spottet, that blaming someone is much more effective and conductive than a kill shot. Your "patriot act" was just the start to cut your rights, when they rage as they want to, you´ll see what´s coming. You´ll rub your eyes when you see how fast a change would come. But don´t say that nobody warned you.
Oh for fuck sake!

You're one of those conspiracy 'Bush stole the election' kooks? Fucking figures.

Obama's done for thanks to Carville's observation about elections "It's the economy, Stupid". It happened to Hoover, it happened to H.W. Bush, it happened to every president who got stuck with a decling economy. They always got kicked out. Always.

I see you desperately stretching to claim that criminals are persecuted classes. They are not. Let's try this version of Bonnhoffer's quote and see if you still agree with it:

"When the nazis fetched the murderers, no word came from me. I wasn´t a murderer .
When they picked up the drug dealers, i hushed, i wasn´t one
When they took the rapists, i did not any protest. I was not a rapist.
And when they came for me, nobody was left to protest."
You still willing to play this game?

Malignantly cretinously, treacherously stupid.

i just got a long call with a friend of mine who´s a half american (his mother comes from your country). Was he said is that many of his friends from the usa are just trying to escape from your crashing country. These are all well skilled, intellectual, professional thinkers. I tell you: That´s how it started here in 1930. The longer you try to reduce your crisis on a economical level and denie that there is structually going wrong with you, the worser will be the effects in the end.

It can´t be true that a society suddenly produces over 20 million rapists, drug dealers, murderers without any reason. It wasn´t in the 50ths not in the 70ths even not in the 90ths. So, what happend? Did these criminals came form mars? Did the hell opened the gates and let them out? Somehow, somewhen you missed the highway exit and landed on this country lane you´re now.

And - do you know how many innocent muslims were thrown into prison for months and years after 9-11? So don´t tell me something about true freedom. You gave it up with the patriot act. And i´ll tell you again: This was only a test run.

"Trying to escape"? All they have to do is get on a fucking plane, tweeko. Unlike many countries - your own in the not-so-distant past, for example - we don't have to build walls and fences to try to keep people IN. We're still fighting to keep people OUT. So talk to me about "escaping" the horrific USA when YOUR country has people flooding over it's borders, desperate to be there. I'm not terribly surprised that anyone who would associate with YOU would find the United States not to their liking, though, and let me be the first to say that you are more than welcome to them. Help yourself.

Do YOU know how many "innocent Muslims" were thrown into prison for months and years after 9/11? Or do you just know some unsubstantiated propaganda that you swallowed hook, line, and sinker because you're a dumbass and it fit your desire to believe that the United States is horrible and evil so that you don't have to feel so bad about your own second-rate excuse for a nation? I'd imagine if MY country was still trying to live down starting a world war and massacring tens of millions of people, I'd be hunting frantically for someone to feel superior to, as well. Tell you what, though; when someone has to come marching through America, releasing skeletal prisoners from concentration camps with gas chambers and ovens and mass graves, you can talk to us about the human rights violations of the US.

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