1 In 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working" "economy Working?" Ask These People!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A new chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee shows a startling fact: Almost 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 25-54 (or prime working years) are not working.

Here's a chart showing those in that age group currently employed (95.6 million)
and those who aren't (28.9 million):

Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 9.07.30 AM.png

1 in 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working The Weekly Standard
Yeah, well, that's what happens when there's no jobs. Elect another globalist, and they'll pass the TPP and double those numbers of unemployed.
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Do you people actually believe that crap? Who passed over 2,300 new jobs killing EPA regulations...yes Obama and his band of socialist pukes that's who. Who's holding up the Keystone pipeline jobs...yes Obamatard. Who is driving corporations to relocate oversees with high uncompetitive corporate taxes...yes the dumb as Democrats that's who. There I beat your post to the ground and kicked dirt in its face.
A new chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee shows a startling fact: Almost 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 25-54 (or prime working years) are not working.

Here's a chart showing those in that age group currently employed (95.6 million)
and those who aren't (28.9 million):

View attachment 32325

1 in 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working The Weekly Standard

There is a lie in that chart...that ALL those not in the labor force are so discouraged they left the labor force.
As of August the breakdown of those age 25-54 Not in the Labor Force was:
Total: 23,624,000
Did Not Want a Job: 20,899,000
Wanted to work, did not look for work in over a year: 1,461,000
Wanted to work, looked in last year but not last 4 weeks, not available to start now: 301,000
Wanted to work, looked in last year but not last 4 weeks, available to work, stopped looking for personal reasons (family issues, school, transportation etc) 639,000
Wanted to work, looked in last year but not last 4 weeks, available to work, stopped looking due to discouragement: 324,000

Source: A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work age and sex
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government
It's working exactly he way Democrats want it to work.

California is run by Democrats, and has a bad economy for he Middle-class, and has been so for decades, yet they keep electing Democrats.

Why is that?

Jerry Brown should never be able to show his face in public yet he's their governor.

It is very hard to put people to work when the President ADVOCATES businesses go bankrupt, tax revenue loss and people unemployed.
Obama has advocated that:
1) 1,300 companies be put out of business that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and employ 400,000 people.
2) "Bankrupt utilities."
3) Higher gas prices and keeps prices higher by signing 40% fewer federal oil leases then Bush and thus lowering Federal oil production by 13%.

The above objectives have been specifically stated by Obama and with that kind of agenda how would these people get any jobs?
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government

We are still suffering the after effects of the 2nd Great Depression caused by the Republican Deregulation of the Wall Street Casino.

At best we will recover around the end of this decade but the damage to the economy was severe. The current imbalance between hardworking Americans and the wealthy has never been greater and there needs to be a reset on that wealth gap.

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

This won't happen out of the kindness of the hearts of greed obsessed CEO's either therefore this has to be done via We the People using the government OF the People FOR the People.

Yes, I know, your blood pressure is rising and you are calling me a commie and a socialist and all of the other idiotic kneejerk names.

But that doesn't alter the reality of (a) where we are now, and (b) how and why we got here, and (c) what we have to do in order to turn this around.

So use your outrage creatively and find a way to convince a CEO to create more jobs even if it means taking a pay cut. That would do more to help this nation than just venting your feelings at me.
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government

We are still suffering the after effects of the 2nd Great Depression caused by the Republican Deregulation of the Wall Street Casino.

At best we will recover around the end of this decade but the damage to the economy was severe. The current imbalance between hardworking Americans and the wealthy has never been greater and there needs to be a reset on that wealth gap.

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

This won't happen out of the kindness of the hearts of greed obsessed CEO's either therefore this has to be done via We the People using the government OF the People FOR the People.

Yes, I know, your blood pressure is rising and you are calling me a commie and a socialist and all of the other idiotic kneejerk names.

But that doesn't alter the reality of (a) where we are now, and (b) how and why we got here, and (c) what we have to do in order to turn this around.

So use your outrage creatively and find a way to convince a CEO to create more jobs even if it means taking a pay cut. That would do more to help this nation than just venting your feelings at me.

You know there was ONLY ONE event that caused what you call the 2nd Great Depression AND IT WASN"T Wall Street Deregulation... IN SPITE of
these 4 gigantic cataclysmic events which ALL YOU idiots seem to forget OCCURRED!
1) A recession that STARTED under Clinton... ended under Bush 11/01.
2) A Dot.com bust that cost $5 trillion in assets over 500,000 jobs and yet NOT one mention by you!
3) OH a minor event called 9/11! Geez 3,000 people died, $2 trillion in damages, 18,000 businesses gone and YOU forget that???
4) Worst WORST hurricane SEASONS NOt just Katrina... that cost
10 Costliest Catastrophes in the U.S. - Slide Show-Kiplinger
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...

AND NOT ONE mention of these events that NO other president ever faced in American history... YET
IN spite of these events:
GWB had the Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Tax revenues INCREASED after tax cuts for 4 straight years 2004 through 2007.

And in SPITE of all this nearly 5 million more people working in 2008 then at the beginning of 2001!

YET the ONLY ONLY event you mention is the "great depression"... CAUSED BY these factors which NOT one of you idiots will recognize!

HERE ARE THE FACTS that precipitated this major issue...!
1) Community Re-Investment-Act encourage higher risk loans! Understand? Started under Carter and expanded under Clinton.
2) Most of the CRA loans were backed by Fannie/Freddie? Proof?
Banks re-packaged and sold with Fannie/Freddie Using CDswaps banks could unload the sub-prime loans by having Fannie/Freddie securitizing them as explained in this statement:
Oct. 23,2008 (Bloomberg) --Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an "effective'' federal guarantee, not the "full faith and credit'' of the U.S. government, Federal Housing Finance Agency Director James Lockhart said after the hearing. That does give them effectively a guarantee of the U.S. government.''
Lockhart s Fannie Freddie Guarantee Remarks Stir Up Confusion - Bloomberg
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government

We are still suffering the after effects of the 2nd Great Depression caused by the Republican Deregulation of the Wall Street Casino.

At best we will recover around the end of this decade but the damage to the economy was severe. The current imbalance between hardworking Americans and the wealthy has never been greater and there needs to be a reset on that wealth gap.

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

This won't happen out of the kindness of the hearts of greed obsessed CEO's either therefore this has to be done via We the People using the government OF the People FOR the People.

Yes, I know, your blood pressure is rising and you are calling me a commie and a socialist and all of the other idiotic kneejerk names.

But that doesn't alter the reality of (a) where we are now, and (b) how and why we got here, and (c) what we have to do in order to turn this around.

So use your outrage creatively and find a way to convince a CEO to create more jobs even if it means taking a pay cut. That would do more to help this nation than just venting your feelings at me.

You know there was ONLY ONE event that caused what you call the 2nd Great Depression AND IT WASN"T Wall Street Deregulation... IN SPITE of
these 4 gigantic cataclysmic events which ALL YOU idiots seem to forget OCCURRED!
1) A recession that STARTED under Clinton... ended under Bush 11/01.
2) A Dot.com bust that cost $5 trillion in assets over 500,000 jobs and yet NOT one mention by you!
3) OH a minor event called 9/11! Geez 3,000 people died, $2 trillion in damages, 18,000 businesses gone and YOU forget that???
4) Worst WORST hurricane SEASONS NOt just Katrina... that cost
10 Costliest Catastrophes in the U.S. - Slide Show-Kiplinger
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...

AND NOT ONE mention of these events that NO other president ever faced in American history... YET
IN spite of these events:
GWB had the Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Tax revenues INCREASED after tax cuts for 4 straight years 2004 through 2007.

And in SPITE of all this nearly 5 million more people working in 2008 then at the beginning of 2001!

YET the ONLY ONLY event you mention is the "great depression"... CAUSED BY these factors which NOT one of you idiots will recognize!

HERE ARE THE FACTS that precipitated this major issue...!
1) Community Re-Investment-Act encourage higher risk loans! Understand? Started under Carter and expanded under Clinton.
2) Most of the CRA loans were backed by Fannie/Freddie? Proof?
Banks re-packaged and sold with Fannie/Freddie Using CDswaps banks could unload the sub-prime loans by having Fannie/Freddie securitizing them as explained in this statement:
Oct. 23,2008 (Bloomberg) --Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an "effective'' federal guarantee, not the "full faith and credit'' of the U.S. government, Federal Housing Finance Agency Director James Lockhart said after the hearing. That does give them effectively a guarantee of the U.S. government.''
Lockhart s Fannie Freddie Guarantee Remarks Stir Up Confusion - Bloomberg
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government

We are still suffering the after effects of the 2nd Great Depression caused by the Republican Deregulation of the Wall Street Casino.

At best we will recover around the end of this decade but the damage to the economy was severe. The current imbalance between hardworking Americans and the wealthy has never been greater and there needs to be a reset on that wealth gap.

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

This won't happen out of the kindness of the hearts of greed obsessed CEO's either therefore this has to be done via We the People using the government OF the People FOR the People.

Yes, I know, your blood pressure is rising and you are calling me a commie and a socialist and all of the other idiotic kneejerk names.

But that doesn't alter the reality of (a) where we are now, and (b) how and why we got here, and (c) what we have to do in order to turn this around.

So use your outrage creatively and find a way to convince a CEO to create more jobs even if it means taking a pay cut. That would do more to help this nation than just venting your feelings at me.

You know there was ONLY ONE event that caused what you call the 2nd Great Depression AND IT WASN"T Wall Street Deregulation... IN SPITE of
these 4 gigantic cataclysmic events which ALL YOU idiots seem to forget OCCURRED!
1) A recession that STARTED under Clinton... ended under Bush 11/01.
2) A Dot.com bust that cost $5 trillion in assets over 500,000 jobs and yet NOT one mention by you!
3) OH a minor event called 9/11! Geez 3,000 people died, $2 trillion in damages, 18,000 businesses gone and YOU forget that???
4) Worst WORST hurricane SEASONS NOt just Katrina... that cost
10 Costliest Catastrophes in the U.S. - Slide Show-Kiplinger
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...

AND NOT ONE mention of these events that NO other president ever faced in American history... YET
IN spite of these events:
GWB had the Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Tax revenues INCREASED after tax cuts for 4 straight years 2004 through 2007.

And in SPITE of all this nearly 5 million more people working in 2008 then at the beginning of 2001!

YET the ONLY ONLY event you mention is the "great depression"... CAUSED BY these factors which NOT one of you idiots will recognize!

HERE ARE THE FACTS that precipitated this major issue...!
1) Community Re-Investment-Act encourage higher risk loans! Understand? Started under Carter and expanded under Clinton.
2) Most of the CRA loans were backed by Fannie/Freddie? Proof?
Banks re-packaged and sold with Fannie/Freddie Using CDswaps banks could unload the sub-prime loans by having Fannie/Freddie securitizing them as explained in this statement:
Oct. 23,2008 (Bloomberg) --Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an "effective'' federal guarantee, not the "full faith and credit'' of the U.S. government, Federal Housing Finance Agency Director James Lockhart said after the hearing. That does give them effectively a guarantee of the U.S. government.''
Lockhart s Fannie Freddie Guarantee Remarks Stir Up Confusion - Bloomberg

Are you a paid shill or just gullible in order to actually believe all of that disinformation?
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government

We are still suffering the after effects of the 2nd Great Depression caused by the Republican Deregulation of the Wall Street Casino.

At best we will recover around the end of this decade but the damage to the economy was severe. The current imbalance between hardworking Americans and the wealthy has never been greater and there needs to be a reset on that wealth gap.

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

This won't happen out of the kindness of the hearts of greed obsessed CEO's either therefore this has to be done via We the People using the government OF the People FOR the People.

Yes, I know, your blood pressure is rising and you are calling me a commie and a socialist and all of the other idiotic kneejerk names.

But that doesn't alter the reality of (a) where we are now, and (b) how and why we got here, and (c) what we have to do in order to turn this around.

So use your outrage creatively and find a way to convince a CEO to create more jobs even if it means taking a pay cut. That would do more to help this nation than just venting your feelings at me.

You know there was ONLY ONE event that caused what you call the 2nd Great Depression AND IT WASN"T Wall Street Deregulation... IN SPITE of
these 4 gigantic cataclysmic events which ALL YOU idiots seem to forget OCCURRED!
1) A recession that STARTED under Clinton... ended under Bush 11/01.
2) A Dot.com bust that cost $5 trillion in assets over 500,000 jobs and yet NOT one mention by you!
3) OH a minor event called 9/11! Geez 3,000 people died, $2 trillion in damages, 18,000 businesses gone and YOU forget that???
4) Worst WORST hurricane SEASONS NOt just Katrina... that cost
10 Costliest Catastrophes in the U.S. - Slide Show-Kiplinger
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...

AND NOT ONE mention of these events that NO other president ever faced in American history... YET
IN spite of these events:
GWB had the Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Tax revenues INCREASED after tax cuts for 4 straight years 2004 through 2007.

And in SPITE of all this nearly 5 million more people working in 2008 then at the beginning of 2001!

YET the ONLY ONLY event you mention is the "great depression"... CAUSED BY these factors which NOT one of you idiots will recognize!

HERE ARE THE FACTS that precipitated this major issue...!
1) Community Re-Investment-Act encourage higher risk loans! Understand? Started under Carter and expanded under Clinton.
2) Most of the CRA loans were backed by Fannie/Freddie? Proof?
Banks re-packaged and sold with Fannie/Freddie Using CDswaps banks could unload the sub-prime loans by having Fannie/Freddie securitizing them as explained in this statement:
Oct. 23,2008 (Bloomberg) --Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an "effective'' federal guarantee, not the "full faith and credit'' of the U.S. government, Federal Housing Finance Agency Director James Lockhart said after the hearing. That does give them effectively a guarantee of the U.S. government.''
Lockhart s Fannie Freddie Guarantee Remarks Stir Up Confusion - Bloomberg

Are you a paid shill or just gullible in order to actually believe all of that disinformation?

Which of these events didn't happen?
1) There wasn't a recession?
2) dot.com bust didn't happen?
3) Tell the 3,000 people that died in 9/11 they aren't dead.
4) And of course 3,000 people didn't die in the worst hurricane SEASONS not just one hurricane but several years..

None of those events occurred according to you.
When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

Your math is meaningless. The only companies that can pay a CEO 350 times what they pay an average worker employ tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of employees. 300 employees, therefore, represent but a tiny fraction of the workers that company employs.
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Yes, yes, we're all aware of the shrieking meme that even ONE Republican in office means they're "in charge" and thus must be blamed for everything, no matter how stupid that is. Do you see the democrats coming back to Washington, insisting that they get to work? I don't.
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government

We are still suffering the after effects of the 2nd Great Depression caused by the Republican Deregulation of the Wall Street Casino.

At best we will recover around the end of this decade but the damage to the economy was severe. The current imbalance between hardworking Americans and the wealthy has never been greater and there needs to be a reset on that wealth gap.

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

This won't happen out of the kindness of the hearts of greed obsessed CEO's either therefore this has to be done via We the People using the government OF the People FOR the People.

Yes, I know, your blood pressure is rising and you are calling me a commie and a socialist and all of the other idiotic kneejerk names.

But that doesn't alter the reality of (a) where we are now, and (b) how and why we got here, and (c) what we have to do in order to turn this around.

So use your outrage creatively and find a way to convince a CEO to create more jobs even if it means taking a pay cut. That would do more to help this nation than just venting your feelings at me.

You know there was ONLY ONE event that caused what you call the 2nd Great Depression AND IT WASN"T Wall Street Deregulation... IN SPITE of
these 4 gigantic cataclysmic events which ALL YOU idiots seem to forget OCCURRED!
1) A recession that STARTED under Clinton... ended under Bush 11/01.
2) A Dot.com bust that cost $5 trillion in assets over 500,000 jobs and yet NOT one mention by you!
3) OH a minor event called 9/11! Geez 3,000 people died, $2 trillion in damages, 18,000 businesses gone and YOU forget that???
4) Worst WORST hurricane SEASONS NOt just Katrina... that cost
10 Costliest Catastrophes in the U.S. - Slide Show-Kiplinger
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...

AND NOT ONE mention of these events that NO other president ever faced in American history... YET
IN spite of these events:
GWB had the Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Tax revenues INCREASED after tax cuts for 4 straight years 2004 through 2007.

And in SPITE of all this nearly 5 million more people working in 2008 then at the beginning of 2001!

YET the ONLY ONLY event you mention is the "great depression"... CAUSED BY these factors which NOT one of you idiots will recognize!

HERE ARE THE FACTS that precipitated this major issue...!
1) Community Re-Investment-Act encourage higher risk loans! Understand? Started under Carter and expanded under Clinton.
2) Most of the CRA loans were backed by Fannie/Freddie? Proof?
Banks re-packaged and sold with Fannie/Freddie Using CDswaps banks could unload the sub-prime loans by having Fannie/Freddie securitizing them as explained in this statement:
Oct. 23,2008 (Bloomberg) --Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an "effective'' federal guarantee, not the "full faith and credit'' of the U.S. government, Federal Housing Finance Agency Director James Lockhart said after the hearing. That does give them effectively a guarantee of the U.S. government.''
Lockhart s Fannie Freddie Guarantee Remarks Stir Up Confusion - Bloomberg

Are you a paid shill or just gullible in order to actually believe all of that disinformation?

Which of these events didn't happen?
1) There wasn't a recession?
2) dot.com bust didn't happen?
3) Tell the 3,000 people that died in 9/11 they aren't dead.
4) And of course 3,000 people didn't die in the worst hurricane SEASONS not just one hurricane but several years..

None of those events occurred according to you.

Lying about me isn't helping your cause one iota.
When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

Your math is meaningless. The only companies that can pay a CEO 350 times what they pay an average worker employ tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of employees. 300 employees, therefore, represent but a tiny fraction of the workers that company employs.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that the concept is beyond your grasp.
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government

We are still suffering the after effects of the 2nd Great Depression caused by the Republican Deregulation of the Wall Street Casino.

At best we will recover around the end of this decade but the damage to the economy was severe. The current imbalance between hardworking Americans and the wealthy has never been greater and there needs to be a reset on that wealth gap.

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

This won't happen out of the kindness of the hearts of greed obsessed CEO's either therefore this has to be done via We the People using the government OF the People FOR the People.

Yes, I know, your blood pressure is rising and you are calling me a commie and a socialist and all of the other idiotic kneejerk names.

But that doesn't alter the reality of (a) where we are now, and (b) how and why we got here, and (c) what we have to do in order to turn this around.

So use your outrage creatively and find a way to convince a CEO to create more jobs even if it means taking a pay cut. That would do more to help this nation than just venting your feelings at me.

You asked out to "create more jobs".
How about simply not attacking existing companies that employ people as a start?
Obama wants 1,300 companies to go out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes and employ 400,000 people.
Obama wants utility companies to go bankrupt... he's said so.
Obama wants utility rates to skyrocket. He's said so.
Obama wants higher gas prices and he contributes by signing 40% LESS federal oil leases then Bush and thus reducing federal production by 13%.

If Obama didn't want these events to occur then more people would be working! That simple.

Please ask me to prove the above statements that Obama has made are true.
And yet the Republicans continue to fight against job creation in the US in favor of sending our jobs overseas.

They won't even come back from their vacation to support their own country in a war though so how can we expect them to suddenly decide to work for their own citizens.

If the Repubs ever show up for work again, they should be brought up on charges of treason.

Oh Blah Blah Blah Stupid Prog Pablum ^^^^

What causes job creation: Economic Growth

What causes economic growth: A Healthy Private Sector (businesses large and small)

What causes a Healthy Private Sector: Free Markets that aren't oppressed by Big Government

We are still suffering the after effects of the 2nd Great Depression caused by the Republican Deregulation of the Wall Street Casino.

At best we will recover around the end of this decade but the damage to the economy was severe. The current imbalance between hardworking Americans and the wealthy has never been greater and there needs to be a reset on that wealth gap.

When a CEO is being paid 350 time more than the average worker than means that 300+ workers are out of jobs that could otherwise be helping the economy.

This won't happen out of the kindness of the hearts of greed obsessed CEO's either therefore this has to be done via We the People using the government OF the People FOR the People.

Yes, I know, your blood pressure is rising and you are calling me a commie and a socialist and all of the other idiotic kneejerk names.

But that doesn't alter the reality of (a) where we are now, and (b) how and why we got here, and (c) what we have to do in order to turn this around.

So use your outrage creatively and find a way to convince a CEO to create more jobs even if it means taking a pay cut. That would do more to help this nation than just venting your feelings at me.

You asked out to "create more jobs".
How about simply not attacking existing companies that employ people as a start?
Obama wants 1,300 companies to go out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes and employ 400,000 people.
Obama wants utility companies to go bankrupt... he's said so.
Obama wants utility rates to skyrocket. He's said so.
Obama wants higher gas prices and he contributes by signing 40% LESS federal oil leases then Bush and thus reducing federal production by 13%.

If Obama didn't want these events to occur then more people would be working! That simple.

Please ask me to prove the above statements that Obama has made are true.

Sure, why not, knock yourself out proving your allegations.

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