
  1. Litwin

    Belarusian message to Putler" : Lukašenka : "We Will Hand Out 7 Million Machine Guns, Assault Rifle

    Question: will it chill down Muscovites´s FASCIST BAMBOO - IMPERIAL PLANS? I am personally with Lukašenka 100% on this , great move " Lukašenka : We Will Hand Out 7 Million Machine Guns, Assault Rifles To Every Adult Belarusian, If War Comes, God Forbid" New samples of weapons were...
  2. Litwin

    Soviet war crimes: pogroms, rapea, Murders of civilians,looting,etc. Nuremberg 2?

    i think its about time for Nuremberg 2? what do you think? " War crimes perpetrated by the Soviet Union and its armed forces from 1919 to 1991 include acts committed by the Red Army (later called the Soviet Army) as well as the NKVD, including the NKVD's Internal Troops. In some cases, these...
  3. Litwin

    Niall Ferguson Comparing Marxism and Fascism

    MANY GREAT analysis from Niall Ferguson , what do you think about Niall Ferguson´s main points?
  4. Litwin

    George Orwell ´s ANIMAL FARM describes "Russian" communism (Stalinism& Putinism)

    George Orwell ´s ANIMAL FARM describes "Russian" communism (Stalinism& Putinism) . what do you think , whats similar and whats different between Muscovy and George Orwell ´s ANIMAL FARM? OVERVIEW OF THE COMPARiSON Animal Farm and Joseph Stalin - animal farm
  5. Litwin

    C. Church "Young teen martyred by Soviet soldier for resisting rape attempt beatified in Slovakia"

    When the red army and its successor (Putler´s hordes) will be taking to The Nuremberg N2, for its WW2, Chechen wars, Ukrainian war, etc. ? Young woman martyred by Soviet soldier for resisting rape attempt beatified in Slovakia : News Headlines
  6. Litwin

    Lithuania is publishing information the red-army crimes in Lithuania (looting, rape, killings, etc

    Lithuania is publishing information about the red-army crimes in Lithuania (looting, rape, killings, etc) during ww2 , will USA /EU do the same one day? KGB veikla Lietuvoje, visa informacija ir dokumentai
  7. Litwin

    You are American WW2 pilot, bad luck, Which concentration camp ´d you prefer? German or Stalin´s GUL

    You are American WW2 pilot (not Jewish) , bad luck, Which concentration camp ´d you prefer ? 1) a German one or 2) Stalin´s GULAG ps please explain your choice some info: Brutal!!! Drawings from the GULAG - A prisoner who went on hunger strike is being forcefully fed through his...
  8. Litwin

    Occupation of Georgia by USSR (Sovet "Russian"). 25 February, 1921/USSR occupation of independent st

    Occupation of Georgia by USSR (Sovet "Russian"). 25 February, 1921/USSR occupation of independent states 1918-1945. " The Red Army invasion of Georgia (15 February – 17 March 1921), also known as the Soviet–Georgian War[5] or the Soviet invasion of Georgia,[6] was a military campaign by the...
  9. Litwin

    The yellow sands , one of the best films about Satanism (Kurapty killings , Great Purge , Soviet sec

    one of the best films about Satanism (Kurapty killings , Great Purge , Soviet secret police, NKVD) 1) what do you think about this film 2) a perfect case for The Hague ? Kurapaty - Wikipedia
  10. Litwin

    Stalin (KOBA) Attacks the Red Army

    Why this crazy tyrant (czar) is still so popular in Muscovy ? Stalin More Popular Than Putin, Russians Say - Newsweek Jun 26, 2017 - Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin has been voted the most “outstanding” figure in Russia's history, beating the country's most beloved poet, ... For Russians, Stalin...
  11. Litwin


    PHOTO-SHOPPED ICONIC USA and Wehrmacht PICTURES ON PUTLER´S PROPAGANDA ("russki mir") BILLBOARDS. Guys, what do you think about it?
  12. Litwin

    KGB, torture and Soviet terror: why Latvia worries about today’s "Russia"

    That´s why Latvia knows much more about Putler and his wonna be imperial builder politic ....
  13. Litwin

    "Russian" military spending falls as sanctions bite/coming to 1991 USSR situation?

    Siluanov said also that Muscovy is leading toward USSR´s year 1991 collapse , how the future map of euro- asia will be look like? " Russian military spending fell by one-fifth in 2017 compared with a year earlier, the first cut in real terms since 1998 as sanctions and economic...
  14. Litwin

    The Lokot Republic, liberated by Germany (from USSR occupation) peasant republic

    SO WHAT do you think about this story? "The Lokot Republic (Russian: Локотскoe самоуправление) was a semi-autonomous region in Nazi German-occupied Central Russia led by Bronislav Kaminski's administration from July 1942 to August 1943. The name is derived from the region's administrative...
  15. Litwin

    Guy gets arrested for waving the Soviet Flag during Trumps speech

    Should all soviet - commie symbols be banned in Free world? Decommunization in Ukraine - Wikipedia ps who was this guy? a Trump fan, provocateur, putlerist, commie?
  16. Litwin

    Jewish police collaborated with Nazis in Buczacz, Ukraine during WW2

    Try to keep the level of this video, don't put the blame on the whole nations Buchach - Wikipedia comments ?
  17. Litwin

    The Dangers of Forgetting: Communism as Anti-Development

    as long as i am here, the Muscovite crimes against humanity will not be Forgotten.... "On November 17, 1917, a coup d’état in Russia led by Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin opened a dark communist era, marked by fear, death, economic chaos and a complete assault on individual freedoms...
  18. Litwin

    Joshua Rubenstein "The Last Days of Koba Dzhugashvili (Sralin)"

    Was Koba killed and died in his own experiments , and pee . or all went naturally except 2 days of the experiments , and pee part ? Joshua Rubenstein, associate director of major gifts at Harvard Law School, discusses his new book, "The Last Days of Stalin", which details the final months...
  19. Litwin

    GDP per capita europe 1938". Latvia and Estonia ranked as #10 and #11 in Europe, ahead of Austria, F

    my question is simple, should Muscovy pay compensation for its Asian 55 years occupation of East and Central European countries ? ""gdp per capita europe 1938". Latvia and Estonia ranked as #10 and #11 in Europe, ahead of Austria, Finland, Italy, Spain etc. before the Soviets came and ruined...
  20. Litwin

    Lipetsk USSR´s city where Koba created Luftwaffe for Hitler

    Its clear that USSR and Germany started WW2 ...comments? " works were required at Lipetsk to prepare for the German fighter-pilot school, Lipetsk Air Base. It operated from 1926 to 1933.[2][4] In June 1925, the base was ready for flight operations but training of German pilots was only...
  21. Litwin

    Kelly Lindsey: Afghanistan women's coach says it is 'life or death' for players

    year 2018.... " Spat at, stoned in the street, and having to avoid bombings on the way to training. All because you want to play football. That is the reality for some of Afghanistan women's international team. Their coach - retired former USA international Kelly Lindsey - has never set foot...
  22. Litwin

    A white wedding during Ethiopia's Red Terror

    When we see Nuremberg N2 for the commie - crimes? " Love can often flourish in the most hopeless of situations. And so it was for Aynalem and Genet who married each other in 1978 during the height of Ethiopia's brutal Red Terror. The bloodshed began a year earlier, when Marxist leader...
  23. Litwin

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion the most famous (made in "Russian" empire) antisemitic fabricate

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion the most famous (made in "Russian" empire) antisemitic fabricated text/Hitler´s N1 book . whats funny , even today many Juchi Mongols believe to this "book". such losers !! . Why all Muscovite empires have hated the Jews so much? cos they always all were...
  24. Litwin

    Polish Prime Minister's Jewish Holocaust 'Perpetrators' Comments Spark Outrage In Israel

    very interesting development , in the same time , Poland attacks with the new laws Ukraine UIA. i hope it will end where it is today , and not go farther ... Ukrainian Insurgent Army - Wikipedia "Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s conservative Law and Justice party that fines or imprisons...
  25. Litwin

    Polish Prime Minister's Jewish Holocaust 'Perpetrators' Comments Spark Outrage In Israel

    Holocaust, though there is ample evidence of Polish collaborators in Hitler's so-called "Final Solution" of the Jews.... “Of course it’s not going to be punishable, not going to be seen as criminal, to say that there were Polish perpetrators, as there were Jewish perpetrators, as there were...
  26. Litwin

    New space race: Could Musk's gain be "Russia"'s loss?

    Muscovy is becoming more and more "Nigeria in snow" , how fast Musk kills Muscovite all space programs? which left of them ...
  27. Litwin

    "Russian" nuclear scientists arrested for 'Bitcoin mining plot'

    and this "country" (Nigeria in snow, state- gas station ), see many Trumpists as the main USA´s ally.. comments? " Russian " security officers have arrested several scientists working at a top-secret Russian nuclear warhead facility for allegedly mining crypto-currencies." 'Bitcoin'...
  28. Litwin

    USA slavery vs. Muscovite ("Russia") slavery - Serfdom , Kolkhoz. Which one was the worst one?

    USA slavery vs. Muscovite ("Russia") slavery - Serfdom , Kolkhoz. Which one was the worst one? Muscovite Serfdom - slavery or not? soviet Kolkhoz , slavery or not? " As a whole, serfdom both came and remained in Russia much later than in other European countries. Slavery remained a legally...
  29. Litwin

    Koba (Stalin) war (hybrid/conventional war ) on Georgia (was under USA protection) in 1921

    Koba (Stalin) war (hybrid/conventional war ) on Georgia (under USA protection) in 1921 , sound like 2018? yeh , Muscovite empire has never changed .... ... establishment of Soviet rule in Baku in April 1920, Ordzhonikidze, probably acting on his own initiative, advanced on Georgia in support of...
  30. Litwin

    USSR - Germany (inducing Nazis) military cooperation in 1918-1941

    USSR - Germany (inducing Nazis) military cooperation in 1918-1941 Belarusians make a lot of great articles , thy leaving Muscovite influence zone for sure, of cos 99% Muscovites don't even want to read about it , so what ? LOL))) " German aces in the sky above Lipetsk. Why did the Red...
  31. Balancer

    USSR-Russia. 1988-2018. Timeline.

    Over the past 30 years, Russia has gone through a very difficult path. Few people imagine this process. And not only in the West, but many people forget this already in Russia itself. Also, very many people who knew Russia only in the 1990s, judge it for that period. In this topic, I'll try to...
  32. Litwin

    how Trump connects the United States and "Russia"/What is Oligarchy?

    I have a question for the white trash who fanatically support the reality star and wanna be "Russian" oligarch ( Novye Russkie) Trump even today , do you really want to live in "Russian" world? Do you understand what kind of life you are gonna have If Trump brakes apart American democracy...
  33. Litwin

    Putin; 80-85% Bolsheviks Revolution were Jews.

    Do you agree with this Pynia´s statement?
  34. Litwin

    "Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish", putting all blame for Kurapty, GULAG, "RED TERRO

    Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish", putting all blame for Kurapty, GULAG, "RED TERROR", HOLODOMOR, etc. on the Jews . does it mean that the pogroms are just matter of time? "Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish | The Times of Israel...
  35. Litwin

    Did Stalin (Koba) Start World War 2? The Secret Plans to Conquer Europe

    "The Soviet Union began World War II with a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany, the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, signed on 23 August 1939. About the book: In addition to stipulations of non-aggression, the treaty included a secret protocol that divided...
  36. Litwin

    Guess who introduced into the world "gas car" ? ANSWER: Muscovites, The "gas car" founder I. Berg

    COMMENTS? "A gas van or gas wagon (Russian: душегубка (dushegubka); German: Gaswagen) was a vehicle reequipped as a mobile gas chamber. The vehicle had an air-tight compartment for victims, into which exhaust fumes were transmitted while the engine was running. The victims were gassed with...
  37. Litwin

    John Mackinder "Who rules East Europe commands the World" Heartland Theory/ Intermarium

    do you agree with Mackinder that Eastern Europe is the most important (geostrategically) part of the world? ..... The Geographical Pivot of History, sometimes simply as The Pivot of History is a geostrategic theory, also known as Heartland Theory.[1] "The Geographical Pivot of History" was an...
  38. Litwin

    More than 4,000 square miles of Belarus were sacrificed to save the "Russian" capital from radiation

    a pure case for The Hague , question when, and why Muscovy doesn´t pay today to Belarusian people? " Russian military pilots have described how they created rain clouds to protect Moscow from radioactive fallout after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. Major Aleksei Grushin repeatedly...
  39. Litwin

    Muscovite death CAMPS - GULAG, pictures, photos, numbers, Drawings. etc.

    Drawings from the GULAG By the order of the prosecutor general Vyshinsky, any methods were considered “good” to get the confession. NKVD staff used brutal tortures with pump, soldering iron, bottle (shoved into vagina and anus), rats (placed in the heated bucket under victim’s bare buttocks)...
  40. Litwin

    Kazakhstan is not just Borat/Kazakh famine of 1919–22, Kazakh lands lost more than half of its popu

    Kazakhstan is not just Borat/Kazakh famine of 1919–1922, in 10–15 years Kazakh lands lost more than half of its population. Did you know about this genocide? Why its still unknown? why Hollywood has not made a great film about this tremendous Muscovite - Commie crime ? " The Kazakhstan...

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