left-wing lies

  1. P@triot

    Progressives rotate 180°on their views over night

    For the past 10 years or so we had to hear from progressives how businesses were not private. How they belonged to the government and/or the public. How serving the public meant they had no right to refuse service. Yet the past few days, progressives had drowned social media celebrating stories...
  2. P@triot

    Why does the "Global Warming" crowd have so much to hide?

    First we had left-wing political activists posing as "scientists" caught discussing how they falsify their "data" to make it appear that "Global Warming" actually exists. Then we had a second round of left-wing political activists posing as "scientists" caught discussing how they falsify their...
  3. P@triot

    The left exploits nations, the environment, and CHILDREN for their agenda

    This is disturbing. And it's a prime example of how the left operates. Exploit nations, the planet, and children so that people like Al Gore can have their own private jet. Turns out that the left actually loves coal mines if they are lining their pockets. They only "hate" coal when a...
  4. P@triot

    The lying left

    When it comes to lying - the left has actually surpassed pathological status. They lie about their lies. And then they lie about that. It's gotten to the point that any lefty in the media doesn't even want to cover the truth as a part of their job. If it's not a lie - the left wants no part of...
  5. P@triot

    The definitive guide to the "Global Warming" scam

    The data is overwhelming. The history is indisputable. The lies have all been captured. A study in the journal Nature Climate Change reviewed 117 climate predictions and found that 97.4% never materialized. Biologist Paul Ehrlich predicted in the 1970s that: “Population will inevitably and...
  6. P@triot

    Fascism spreading

    One of the traits of fascism is that the government will tell a lie and force the people to repeat that lie. That is what we are seeing around the world - including in the U.S. (New York) and Canada. Forcing people to call a man "she" or a woman "he" is forcing people to perpetuate a lie. It's...
  7. P@triot

    Progressive Propaganda: The Fracking Edition

    Even the EPA was forced to acknowledge that there is absolutely no evidence that fracking poses an environmental risk. We continue to see the left manufacture lie after lie to fulfill their quest for wealth and control. Their lies are costing the tax payers hundreds of billions of dollars every...
  8. P@triot

    The intolerance is exclusively left-wing

    This video is priceless. We see the left rioting, assaulting, and acting like thugs all over America. When asked for a single instance of conservatives acting like that - nobody can come up with one.
  9. P@triot

    Progressive Propaganda: The SJW Edition

    You know the left is taking their lies to unprecedented levels when even other progressives are calling them out of lying. Hollywood actress mercilessly mocked for this massive liberal fail
  10. P@triot

    Progressive Propaganda: The Academia Edition

    This is as damaging as it gets for the left. It proves that left-wing academia has abandoned all intellectualism and instead is pushing pure propaganda for an agenda. But it gets much worse than that... Fake academic paper published in liberal journal hilariously exposes the absurdity of...
  11. P@triot

    Indisputable proof of left-wing LIES

    The left has weaved such a web of lies that they can't keep them straight anymore. For decades they were adamant that taxes had no negative impact on business. They were adamant that higher taxes did not impact purchasing decisions. And yet lately they've been insisting that we need to tax soda...
  12. P@triot

    The disgusting left-wing indoctrination

    This is disgusting. And it is why the left vehemently opposes "school choice" (as seen here) and home schooling - because it prevents them from indoctrinating children. N.Y. promoted, covered up lesson plan teaching students to sympathize with Islamic suicide bombers
  13. P@triot

    The repulsive hypocrisy of the left

    The left would have you believe that "school choice" is a travesty. That's their official narrative - from Hollywood hypocrites like Matt Damon to their political powers like Barack Obama - all of them insist that only their children deserve "school choice". The rest of you useless minions...
  14. P@triot

    The left-wing fraud continues

    It's bad enough that they engage in voter fraud, but they also use those same tactics to engage in fraud to unionize... Home Caregivers Identify Evidence of Voter Fraud in Bid to Oust Union
  15. P@triot

    The Left-Wing Lies

    The headline says it all and the closing sentence caps it off perfectly... Climate-alarmist researchers say they’ve found a disturbing strategy to trick you into ‘going green’ Climate-alarmist researchers say they’ve found a disturbing strategy to trick you into ‘going green’
  16. P@triot

    Left-wing propaganda

    The more the left attempts to push their propaganda, the more they make themselves look really bad. They still haven't figured out that in this day and age of technology (internet, cell phone video and pictures, security cameras, etc.), you can't get away with lying for very long. NYT shows...
  17. P@triot

    An insight into the left-wing mindset

    I love when left-wing politicians and celebrities accidentally speak the truth. It illustrates what that ideology is all about when it happens (ie lies, lies, and more lies). Here is Hitlery Clinton stating she is "finally free to speak her mind". Uh....Hitlery? You were not only always free to...
  18. P@triot

    The left-wing lies about taxes

    The left desperately attempts to promote the false narrative that taxing people has no affect on them at all. While even the most basic common sense (not to mention history) dictates otherwise, the left still attempts to push that propaganda on society. Now, even the CBO (Congressional Budget...
  19. P@triot

    Intellectual Dishonesty

    So - in another thread - one of the hardline left-wingers here stated the following: So the question for the forum is - why do you suppose that the left engages in such absurd propaganda? It would be like trying to convince the people of USMB that George Washington was never President of the...
  20. P@triot

    Bye Felicia!

    Epic. Absolutely epic! These left-wing anti-American idiots thought that if they couldn't have their way they would just burn America to the ground. Instead, the American people keep winning just as President Trump promised. Terrorist Rasmea Odeh is being stripped of her U.S. citizenship and is...
  21. P@triot

    The U.S. Constitution is NOT an international document

    It is time to put this idiotic left-wing false narrative to rest once and for all. The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. As such, it applies to U.S. citizens on U.S. soil only. A non-US citizen has no constitutional rights. None. They don't have a right to free speech. The...
  22. P@triot

    Madam C.J. Walker

    Another perfect example of why Congressional Republicans have submitted a bill to end the Department of Education. Aside from being unconstitutional - it is nothing more than a propaganda arm for the left-wing hatriots. Case in point: how come nobody has heard of Madam C.J. Walker? Why isn't...
  23. P@triot

    Exposing the worst progressive lies

    Progressives have a long and ugly history of lying. But even by their repulsive standards, some of their lies just reach inconceivable new lows. Here is one of many that will be documented in this thread: So much for the false narrative of "unprecedented obstruction" Obama Tops Bush on...

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