
  1. Litwin

    "Russian" Olympian team meldonium- adventures in South Korea /pictures , cartoons, funny stories

    "Russian" Olympian team meldonium- adventures in South Korea /pictures , cartoons, funny stories what do you think about this picture? LOL
  2. Litwin

    The Ukrainian famine , Anne Applebaum, history podcast |

    Great , Great Book ...comments? "Historian and author Anne Applebaum discusses her new book Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine, which charts the events of the devastating 1932–33 famine in Soviet Ukraine. Almost 4 million people lost their lives in this man-made catastrophe"
  3. Litwin

    US issues 'Putin list' of 210 top " Russians " but avoids more sanctions

    where is gonna hide Punia´s friends stolen money new? and what they are gonna to their mob leader , ´cos he can not protect their interests anymore ? "The US has published a list of 114 Russian politicians and 96 oligarchs, some close to the president, as part of a sanctions law aimed at...
  4. Litwin

    "Russia" 'will target US mid-term elections' says CIA chief

    Will Muscovite hybrid war machine succeed once again ? or this time, Trump administration will stop Putin and his fancy bears ? "The director of the CIA expects that Russia will target the US mid-term elections later this year. Mike Pompeo told the BBC there had been no significant...
  5. Litwin

    Chechnya gay rights activists 'make up nonsense for money' - Kadyrov

    Freaks, democracy haters, putlerists got a new leader, Muslim czar Muscovy - Kadyrov..I just wander when the Hague gets him finally ... " Ramzan Kadyrov arrived in the Caucasus mountains to rows of people applauding him furiously. The leader of Chechnya had come for the official opening of...
  6. Litwin

    Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about "Russia"'s interference in US-elections

    the western technologies broke Finally Cozy Bear neck. Will the reality star agree publicly that His friend Punia did it or not? " Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections Hackers from the Dutch intelligence service AIVD have provided the FBI with...
  7. Litwin

    "Russian" -trained mercenaries back Bosnia's Serb separatist

    When the Free world will grow some balls and start tocall Muscovy what it is, a terrorist state ? or Punia holds Trump short? "Russian-trained mercenaries are helping to establish a paramilitary unit serving the Serb separatist leader in Bosnia, it was reported in Sarajevo on Friday. The...
  8. Litwin

    BREAKING : "Russia" recognises same-sex marriage for first time after couple finds legal loophole"

    in the same time, there are death camps for gays in Chechnya, the mordor will not last for long , 2 or 3 years and this is it... " Eugene Wojciechowski and Pavel Stotzko tied the knot in the Danish capital of Copenhagen earlier this month. On their return home, they submitted their passports...
  9. Litwin

    U.S. Defense Strategy Shifts Focus From Islamic Militants To Countering China/"Russia"

    I Just wander what mr Trump think about the Pentagon´s new strategy ? Focus on this good friend Vova Putin, How its possible ? or it was not real Pentagon ´s words , but some kind of fake Pentagon´s words ? U.S. Defense Strategy Shifts Focus From Islamic Militants To Countering China/Russia
  10. Litwin

    Republican Senator Jeff Flake: Trump using Stalin's words to attack media

    great words from a great patriot of the USA and the Free World., which else of Koba´s tools Donald Trump uses today and gonna use in the near future? GULAG, political terror inside of own country , HOLODOMOR ? Trump's media attacks compared to Stalin
  11. Litwin

    Inside the KGB Terror of the Soviet Union/was it any significant investigation of KGB crimes in the

    was it any significant investigation of KGB crimes in the USA after collapse of the USSR ?
  12. Litwin

    Lavrov: Trump’s Russia policy similar to Obama’s

    My guess the next step will be the golden-shower tape in, what do you think guys? "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Thursday that there was little difference between the administration of former US president Barack Obama and his successor, Donald Trump, when it came to their...
  13. Litwin

    Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government

    " Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government A review by David Martin Late in 2012 two notable books were published that deal with the outcome of World War II and the Cold War. Each was written by a pair of authors. One is long; the other is relatively short. If you...
  14. Litwin

    The most famous Putin´s Crime in UK/Poisoned by Polonium 210: The Litvinenko murder

    When Litvinenko´s killers will be arrested in Moscow? " When a Russian dissident was poisoned in London with a highly radioactive substance, the UK government accused the Kremlin of his murder. Alexander Litvinenko had been a colonel in the Russian security services, but claimed the Putin...
  15. Litwin

    BREAKING NEWS: U.S. authorities identify six "Russian" officials in DNC hack: WSJ

    New its clear it was an "act of war" against the USA ? whats new? What Trump is gonna do to "Nigeria in snow "? " U.S. authorities identify six "Russian" officials in DNC hack: WSJ WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has gathered enough evidence to charge six members of...
  16. Litwin

    How "Russia" Uses American Businesses to Steal U.S. Military Technology

    bad news, Putin did it again, when will the USA finally put stop to this Afro- Asian criminal enterprise and to the khan Juchi project in general ? any help from Trump´s side? " KATIE ZAVADSKI 10.25.17 Russia doesn’t only use spies to steal secrets. Sometimes those doing its dirty work...
  17. AsianTrumpSupporter

    What do you think will be the biggest bombshell in the classified JFK assassination files?

    In light of the remaining 3,000 or so classified documents on JFK's assassination being released soon, what do you think will be the biggest bombshell in those files?
  18. Litwin

    The "Russia" Challenge in Europe

    why usa has saved from great hunger project of khan juchi so many times ? "Please join the CSIS Missile Defense Project and the CSIS Defense-Industrial Initiatives Group (DIIG) for The Russia Challenge in Europe: The INF Treaty and Implications for Army Modernization, featuring a keynote...
  19. Litwin

    Why Putin killed Alexander Litvinenko? Knew the Truth about Putin´s pedophilia fiver ?

    Why Putin killed Alexander Litvinenko? cos He knew the Truth about Putin´s pedophilia fiver ? " Alexander Litvinenko: The Putin video and paedophile claims which may have triggered ex-spy's murder An inquiry has found Mr Litvinenko was killed by polonium poisoning in 2006 after 'antagonising'...
  20. Litwin

    Israeli spies 'watched "Russian" agents breach Kaspersky software'

    great article, " Russian" hackers breached Kaspersky cyber-security software two years ago, " Putin´s crimes came out again . questions: will Putin´s useful idiots still say "there are no evidence"? what Trump will be reaction to this shocking Israeli intelligence rapport? " Israeli spies...
  21. Litwin

    Israeli spies found Russians using Kaspersky software for hacks: media

    once again, Muscovite crimes came out. will Putin´s useful idiots still say "there are no evidence"? what Trump will be reaction to this Israeli intelligence rapport? " WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli intelligence officials spying on Russian government hackers found they were using Kaspersky...
  22. Litwin

    UN Says Russia Committing 'Grave Human Rights Violations' In Occupied Crimea

    The Hague is getting closer and closer to Voka Putin , when we will see him and his gang in Holland? " Agents of the Russian state have committed serious human rights abuses, including torture, since Russia occupied and seized control of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, a UN human rights report...
  23. Litwin

    Cannibal family 'confesses to killing and eating at least 30 people in "Russia", where they kept hum

    well , it shows once again that Muscovy is Nigeria in snow, where is putin´s KGB? where is Serial Killer Profiling? Cannibal family 'admits killing and eating 30 in ¨"Russia' | Daily Mail ... Cannibal family 'admits killing and eating 30 in Russia' | Daily Mail Online "Cannibal family...
  24. Litwin

    Top "Russian" general Valeryi Asapov killed in ISIS mortar shelling in Syria, reveals Vladimir Putin

    whats funny in this story Asapov terrorized Ukrainian state (and western world in general ) for years, + who , and how he was killed unknown..."Syria" is "A-stan" N2 for Muscovy already . When Putin will leave "Syria"? " FATAL STRIKE Top "Russian" general Valeryi Asapov killed in ISIS mortar...
  25. Litwin

    Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin The biggest mass - killer in the History , a Muscovite and commie

    Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin The biggest mass - killer in the History , a Muscovite and commie of ´cos. a monster made for Hollywood? " Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin (Russian: Васи́лий Миха́йлович Блохи́н, 7 January 1895 – 3 February 1955) was a Soviet Russian Major-General who served as...
  26. Litwin

    Morgan Freeman calls on everyone to fight against Putin!

    Great actor, great patriot of The USA, and great freedom fighter !! are you ready? what you do for the free world and the USA in order to protect our values , law, our freedoms? ps take it mr. Botox Kleptocrat !!
  27. Litwin

    Relatives of Swedish war hero Wallenberg sue Russia's FSB

    a typical morder story , saved thousands of Jews Killed by NKVD...question, will Kremlin NKVD (FSB) thugs tell the truth , pay compensation to the Relatives of Swedish and World war hero Raoul Wallenberg? " MOSCOW (Reuters) - Relatives of Swedish war hero Raoul Wallenberg filed a lawsuit in a...
  28. Litwin

    "Russia" Stole U.S. Presidency, Pro-Kremlin Politician Claims on Live TV

    Finally, we begin to get some real information from the Primary source , from the very heart of Muscovite Kleptocracy - and its most famous (N1) propagandacondom - Vladimir Solovyov. so Whats new? "A "Russian" politician claimed on TV that "Russian" intelligence “stole” the U.S...
  29. Litwin

    The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep: "Russia"'s Road to Terror and Dictatorship under Putin

    My question is simple, when this terrorist and butcher and his gang pay the price what they have done to Muscovite people? The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep: Russia's Road to Terror ... ▶ 1:47:00 "David Satter, Kevin Klose, Carl Gershman, Robert Amsterdam, and Charles Davidson...
  30. Litwin

    Syria forces behind Khan Sheikhoun gas attack: UN probe

    OK, its official. the read-line has been passed by Syrian dictator/IRAN/MUSCOVY , whats gonna do the "strong" PRESIDENT ( Trump) ? " UN war crimes investigators say they have evidence that Syrian government forces were behind a chemical attack that killed scores of people in a rebel-held town...
  31. Litwin

    It’s Time to Realize that Putin Is at War With America

    Its a great article, a lot of information and facts, so question is very simple, does Trump Realize, it ("that Putin Is at War With America")? if not why ?... " While the United States, along with its Western allies, became preoccupied with post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, global...
  32. American_Jihad

    Democratic Collusion's With Russia

    Lets dig up all the dirt, remember when dumbos like the ussr very much... TED KENNEDY AND THE KGB A reflection on the late Democratic Senator's outreach to the Kremlin to undermine President Reagan. July 12, 2017 Jamie Glazov Editors’ note: In light of the ongoing controversy surrounding...

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