BREAKING NEWS: U.S. authorities identify six "Russian" officials in DNC hack: WSJ


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
New its clear it was an "act of war" against the USA ? whats new? What Trump is gonna do to "Nigeria in snow "?


U.S. authorities identify six "Russian" officials in DNC hack: WSJ

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has gathered enough evidence to charge six members of the Russian government in the hacking of Democratic National Committee computers before the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the investigation.

Federal agents and prosecutors in Washington, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and San Francisco have been cooperating on the DNC investigation and prosecutors could bring the case to court next year, it said.

By identifying individual Russian military and intelligence hackers with charges, U.S. authorities could make it difficult for them to travel, but arrests and jailing would be unlikely, according to the Journal report.

The hacking investigation, conducted by cybersecurity experts, predates the appointment in May of federal special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee the probe of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion with President Donald Trump’s campaign." U.S. authorities identify six Russian officials in DNC hack: WSJ
"It would be the second time the United States charged Russians with cyber crimes. In March, the Justice Department charged two Russian intelligence agents and two hackers with masterminding the 2014 theft of 500 million Yahoo accounts."
Russia hackers had targets worldwide, beyond US election

November 2, 2017


WASHINGTON (AP) — The hackers who disrupted the U.S. presidential election had ambitions well beyond Hillary Clinton’s campaign, targeting the emails of Ukrainian officers, Russian opposition figures, U.S. defense contractors and thousands of others of interest to the Kremlin, according to a previously unpublished digital hit list obtained by The Associated Press. The list provides the most detailed forensic evidence yet of the close alignment between the hackers and the Russian government, exposing an operation that stretched back years and tried to break into the inboxes of 4,700 Gmail users across the globe — from the pope’s representative in Kiev to the punk band Pussy Riot in Moscow. “It’s a wish list of who you’d want to target to further Russian interests,” said Keir Giles, director of the Conflict Studies Research Center in Cambridge, England, and one of five outside experts who reviewed the AP’s findings. He said the data was “a master list of individuals whom Russia would like to spy on, embarrass, discredit or silence.” The AP findings draw on a database of 19,000 malicious links collected by cybersecurity firm Secureworks, dozens of rogue emails, and interviews with more than 100 hacking targets.

Secureworks stumbled upon the data after a hacking group known as Fancy Bear accidentally exposed part of its phishing operation to the internet. The list revealed a direct line between the hackers and the leaks that rocked the presidential contest in its final stages, most notably the private emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. “This is the Kremlin and the general staff,” said Andras Racz, a specialist in Russian security policy at Pazmany Peter Catholic University in Hungary, as he examined the data. “I have no doubts.” In the United States, which was Russia’s Cold War rival, Fancy Bear tried to pry open at least 573 inboxes belonging to those in the top echelons of the country’s diplomatic and security services: then-Secretary of State John Kerry, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, then-NATO Supreme Commander, U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, and one of his predecessors, U.S. Army Gen. Wesley Clark. The list skewed toward workers for defense contractors such as Boeing, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin or senior intelligence figures, prominent Russia watchers and — especially — Democrats. More than 130 party workers, campaign staffers and supporters of the party were targeted. The AP also found a handful of Republican targets.
The US DOJ is going to "CHARGE" 6 Russian nationals with "hacking the DNC computers"?


Will they be read their Miranda rights? Will they get due process? Will they be provided court appointed legal council?
The US DOJ is going to "CHARGE" 6 Russian nationals with "hacking the DNC computers"?


Will they be read their Miranda rights? Will they get due process? Will they be provided court appointed legal council?

Still irritated that you legal genius ' have never charged her with anything in 35 years?
Ever google her accomplishments?
Omg no of course
And what have you done for 911 families, African kids?
How's your A rated foundation by the way?
Prefer to whine and suck off your socialist VA SS Medicare from your double wide?
"By identifying individual Russian military and intelligence hackers with charges, U.S. authorities could make it difficult for them to travel, but arrests and jailing would be unlikely, according to the Journal report."


I bet those Russians are SHITTING THEIR PANTS at the prospect of restricted travel.
Hey, just because russians hacked their emails which is illegal and then Trump and Co worked hard to get that illegal information doesnt mean that meeting with Russians to obtain illegal information is a bad thing
The Fed gov is going to charge Russia for hacking a private organization's computer?

Wouldn't the private organization have to file the charges?
Didn't that private organization say they weren't hacked and refuse to allow the FBI to investigate?
The Fed gov is going to charge Russia for hacking a private organization's computer?

Wouldn't the private organization have to file the charges?
Didn't that private organization say they weren't hacked and refuse to allow the FBI to investigate?

It's all bullshit.

It's like Russia charging Debbie Wasserman Schultz for rigging the DNC elections. WTF?
The US DOJ is going to "CHARGE" 6 Russian nationals with "hacking the DNC computers"?


Will they be read their Miranda rights? Will they get due process? Will they be provided court appointed legal council?
will the FBI finally get to see the servers
Hey, just because russians hacked their emails which is illegal and then Trump and Co worked hard to get that illegal information doesnt mean that meeting with Russians to obtain illegal information is a bad thing

Do you really believe that the Russians were the only ones that hacked the DNC server?
The US DOJ is going to "CHARGE" 6 Russian nationals with "hacking the DNC computers"?


Will they be read their Miranda rights? Will they get due process? Will they be provided court appointed legal council?
will the FBI finally get to see the servers

Good point.


DNC should be subpoenaed to hand over everything they didn't smash with a hammer or bleach bit.
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Where are the REAL e-mails?

Kaine said:

"The one (email) that has referred to me was flat-out completely incorrect. So I don’t know whether it was doctored or whether the person sending it didn’t know what they were talking about. Clearly, I think there’s a capacity for much of the information in them to be wrong."

OK, so where are the real e-mails that prove the leaked e-mails were doctored?

Are the Clinton WikiLeaks emails doctored?
"By identifying individual Russian military and intelligence hackers with charges, U.S. authorities could make it difficult for them to travel, but arrests and jailing would be unlikely, according to the Journal report."


I bet those Russians are SHITTING THEIR PANTS
at the prospect of restricted travel.

- not for long ...



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Hey, just because russians hacked their emails which is illegal and then Trump and Co worked hard to get that illegal information doesnt mean that meeting with Russians to obtain illegal information is a bad thing

Do you really believe that the Russians were the only ones that hacked the DNC server?
we talk about Muscovy´s crimes , or you want to talk about Nuland and Soras instead ?
The Fed gov is going to charge Russia for hacking a private organization's computer?

Wouldn't the private organization have to file the charges?
Didn't that private organization say they weren't hacked and refuse to allow the FBI to investigate?
Yup, comrade, defend Russia

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