
  1. EvilEyeFleegle

    Stevia linked to heart attack, stroke, study finds

    Well, that sucks. The popular sugar substitute erythritol has been shown to increase risk of heart attack and stroke. This is the main ingredient in Stevia and some other sugar substitutes. Since many people use Stevia or monkfruit because they need to cut down on sugar for health reasons, this...
  2. buttercup

    When it comes to health and not getting sick...

    This might offend a lot of people, but if everyone is concerned about their health and trying to avoid getting sick, why are those same people eating the S.A.D, not caring that they're obese, putting all sorts of crap in their body... and on top of all that, putting all their trust in big...
  3. midcan5

    Health and Happiness

    For a change I thought I'd share some information that could help everyone. Of the twenty five things, I personally do most. For instance, I drink a pot of coffee or more each day. Olive oil not so much and one thing I will never do except as a favor for someone is walk a dog. The four items...
  4. TheProgressivePatriot

    America Has a Health Crisis and This is a Big Part of the Reason Why

    A serious question for all. Is how you feel about what you eat important or is it just about getting the most immediate gratification ? I'm sure that this sort of thing is tasty- fat , salt, cheese, meat...yum. But how do you feel AFTER eating this stuff? I for one would feel like I had a...
  5. peacefan

    sleep-deprivation caused by thoughts that keep on going : tips that may save you misery or your life

    I personally have this problem from time to time, thoughts rambling on and on, to the extent of not being able to sleep at all, period, for an unknown and seemingly endless time. the cause of the rambling thoughts that can’t be calmed down into something that allows you to fall asleep like a...
  6. S

    Universal healthcare is the price for retaining no considerations for previous conditions

    Universal healthcare is the price for retaining no considerations for previous conditions. The cost of medical insurance is the cost of medical products, (i.e. goods and services) including the costs of medical insurance. Obviously, medical insurance costs more if all other medical goods and...
  7. TheProgressivePatriot

    Lab-Grown Meat Is Coming to Your Supermarket. Ready For it?

    Lab-Grown Meat Is Coming to Your Supermarket. Ranchers Are Fighting Back. Check this out ! I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it or if I would partake. I have been sworn off of meat for a long time- for many reasons including love and respect for animals, concern for the environment , and...
  8. E

    Alaska Native Justice Center Is this appropriate? I hate specialty courts. In my hometown in the lower 48 there are several: Veterans Court, Drug Court, Mental Health Court, Immigration Court, Divorce Court to name a few. It is always the same. Defense and Prosecution work together as a "team" for the...
  9. MindWars

    Dramatic visual medical proof of EMF electromagnetic hypersensitivity in EHS patients

    Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), or medically known as idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI) by the World Health Organization [1], is described as … characterized by a variety of non-specific symptoms, which afflicted individuals attribute to exposure to EMF. The symptoms most...
  10. R

    AIDS vaccine

    An AIDS vaccine could be a reality soon. Johnson&Johnson received positive results from clinical trial of investigational drug! JNJ - Announcement
  11. stewartdean98

    Current political situation stressing out Americans: study

    More than half of Americans, including both Democrats and Republicans, feel the current political climate is a significant source of stress, according to a new survey. Two-thirds of Americans said they are stressed about the future of US, according to the new report by American Psychological...
  12. MindWars

    5.1 tons of mercury per yr from fillings in your teeth can't go down public sewers anymore EPA rules

    Mercury Fillings Cannot go into Public Sewers Anymore | Health Nut News The EPA recently announced that the mercury you can safely put in your mouth (yeah, right) can no longer safely be put into public sewers. The day after the EPA’s ruling, European authorities approved a draft rule that would...
  13. MindWars

    Pharma giant's vaccines had glass in them, but they refused to recall

    Pharma Giant’s Vaccines Had Glass In Them, But They Refuse Recall | Health Nut News (Editor’s note: Companies owned by multi-billion pharma giant Sanofi, have paid huge criminal fines in the past (feel free to look it up in the mainstream media) so the fact that professors and medical doctors...
  14. P@triot

    CDC Study Says Teen Virgins Are Healthier

    These are some astounding numbers. I hope that parents, educators, pastors, etc. will share these numbers with teenagers and encourage them to abstain... CDC Study Says Teen Virgins Are Healthier Than Sexually Active Teens
  15. MindWars

    Carcinogens, neurotoxins, and seizure-causing chemicals in the Flu Vaccine (full breakdown of ingred

    One such consumer re-wrote and posted on Facebook the following conversation between her and the pharmacist at Ride-Aid in a post that’s going viral on social media: Consumer: “May I please have the package insert for the flu vaccine?” Rite-Aid Pharmacist: “Why?” C: “So I can read it.” P...
  16. MindWars

    Vaccines are not for public health, it's really about profit former Merck sales rep reveals.

    “Vaccines are Not for Public Health, It’s Really About Profit” — Former Merck Sales Rep Reveals After seeing corruption first hand behind the scenes of Merck & Co. as a sales rep. for their shockingly dangerous drug Vioxx (which killed tens of thousands of people), former pharmaceutical sales...
  17. Peony

    Hillary’s Basket of Lying Squirrel Nuts

    It’s difficult not to notice a pattern of information chicanery going on during this election. Whenever something happens to Hillary, we’re told, look! Squirrel! Reponses to questions about Hillary change with the wind, and sometimes as often as with every breath. Bill says Hillary has had...
  18. midcan5

    The Secrets of Sugar

    Is there any need to remind readers of other issues of our time? We like to think science is scientific but enter money and it changes face. 'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway
  19. Anonymous1977

    Should small amounts of wine consumption be acceptable in the workplace on religion grounds...

    So the Bible commands in the New Testament to drink wine to heal infirmities...if wine has curative powers (and scientists agree that it does; see first two paragraphs here: Health effects of wine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ,) should minimal amounts of wine consumption be acceptable in...
  20. Anonymous1977

    Curative powers of wine & Bible's instructions to drink wine for heatlh; Wine in the workplace

    So the Bible commands in the New Testament to drink wine to heal infirmities...if wine has curative powers (and scientists agree that it does; see first two paragraphs here: Health effects of wine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ,) should minimal amounts of wine consumption be acceptable in...

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