
  1. MindWars

    Democrats are now calling for a revolution in the streets and I believe that they are quite serious

    Even some big celebrity names are starting to use the word “revolution” in messages to their followers. On Twitter, Katy Perry has ominously warned that “the revolution is coming“, and comedian Sarah Silverman has boldly declared that “Trump gets a chance to hear us (or else we R them) If he...
  2. MindWars

    Anti-Trump protests are paid and staged, craigslist reveals

    It was reported previously on The Duran that MoveOn – a George Soros controlled NGO, is behind the organization of anti-Trump protests across the country. As the protests continue, however, Craigslist has become an important recruitment tool for some of these organizers, and here is what it...
  3. MindWars

    ABC NEWS/WP Tracking poll: Ten point swing for Donald Trump in 4 days

    Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump is rising in the polls, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll. ======================================================= Oh the hillary goon squads won't like this. here comes the attack of denial. We told you these polls were rigged...
  4. ding

    The History of How the Democratic Party Expanded Slavery

    Very few people today know that in 1808 Congress abolished the slave trade. That's because by the 1820's, most of the Founding Fathers were dead and Thomas Jefferson's party, the Democratic Party, which was founded in 1792, had become the majority party in Congress. With this new party a...
  5. P@triot

    Why aren't progressives supporting their own candidate?

    A progressive's dream platform: Outright outlaw or at least restrict firearms Enforce through stop and frisk Implement progressive economic policy Support Gay Marriage Pro-"choice" So whose platform is this? Donald Trump. A life-long Democrat. It's comical how progressives see their...
  6. MindWars

    Fake Websites, Fake Polls, Fake News, Fake Leaks: The Desperate Maneuvers of the Losing Clinton Camp

    Yesterday, I wrote about a brand new leak that had come my way. I read through the first 5 pages, confirmed that the two entities in the document were genuine and were really in cahoots, and quickly got out the information that the polls we are seeing with Clinton in the lead are fake. Fake...
  7. P@triot

    Russia CONFIRMS interfering with U.S. elections

    As usual - it was at the request of the Dumbocrats... Picking his way through the Soviet archives that Boris Yeltsin had just thrown open, in 1991 Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, came across an arresting memorandum. Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB...
  8. MindWars

    Democratic operatives will commit election fraud on a national scale using every available means, sa

    Democratic operatives will commit election fraud on a national scale using every available means, says former Clinton insider Larry Nichols. “They always set up people who will fall on their sword for them,” said Nichols on The Alex Jones Show Wednesday. “They are the machine behind the...
  9. P@triot

    What do progressives support?

    I have given comprehensive explanations of the progressive ideology many times, only to hear them deny it all, cry and complain about my posts, and insist that their lies are actually the truth. Well - here was another accidental moment of honesty from a progressive who has once again proven me...
  10. MindWars


    Not all will wake up to the game of politics. Not all will see how the Elites control the media. Not all will ever understand how those in control can push anything out there. If they want to sink an running mate they can do it. Because the public has no clue they can put it out there. The...
  11. P@triot

    DNC is already a complete mess

    What a mess already.... ROCKY START: Dem officials jeered, booed at convention opening; DNC apologizes over emails BERNIE BACKERS MARCH: Protesters march on Democratic National Convention FBI PROBE LOOMING? House GOP calls on FBI — and IRS, FTC — to probe Clinton Foundation OWN SET OF PROBLEMS...
  12. P@triot

    Uh-oh....looks like *somebody* can't even unite her OWN party

    How in the hell is Hitlery going to unite the country? She can't even unite her own party... :eusa_whistle: Wasserman Schultz booed off stage in Philadelphia
  13. P@triot

    A Soros state of affairs for liberals

    Billionaire socialist and staunch Democrat supporter George Soros is on record with the following: Referred to working for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's as "the best time of his life" Fancies himself as "some kind of god" Desires the creation of a new world Desires the creation of a new...
  14. P@triot

    Every Democrat must be branded as a complicit liar

    A great op-ed by Allen West. One of the best and brightest the U.S. military has ever produced. Here is a quick synopsis for our friends on the left (who have proven time and time again that they are too lazy to read a simple article)... So we have four Americans who were abandoned to die and...
  15. P@triot

    Part of being a Democrat is blindly obeying orders from the top

    I think this explains a lot. All of America simply shakes their head at the astounding misinformation spewed by the minions of the left. Well...if you don't question anything and blindly believe what ever your masters tell you, then of course you are going to be full of misinformation. Part of...
  16. American_Jihad

    Terry McAuliffe fulfills his mission of delivering the battleground state for Hillary.

    Criminalcrats - Birds of a feather... Virginia's Massive Voter Drive for Felons Terry McAuliffe fulfills his mission of delivering the battleground state for Hillary. April 26, 2016 Matthew Vadum To clear the way for fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton to capture the White House this year...
  17. P@triot

    How Democrats Are Corrupting The English Language

    I've literally been saying this for decades now. The left pretends like words do not matter. They pretends like what is written on a legal document really isn't written there. It's the only way for them to engage in illegal activity... All of life is a giant 'loophole' until liberals come up...
  18. P@triot

    How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

    I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more...
  19. P@triot

    The disingenuous Democrats

    I shouldn't be surprised given their long and dark history, but still I can't get over just how disingenuous the left has become in this country. It's to the point where they won't have an honest debate/discussion about anything. And their leaders won't act with honesty in any capacity. Here is...
  20. American_Jihad

    The Democrats’ Soft Spot for Islam

    I keep telling them they are going to get their heads cut off, but they don't care so F them... The Democrats’ Soft Spot for Islam Jihad terror? What’s that, you Islamophobe? March 21, 2016 Robert Spencer The hard-Left online organ Salon has discovered the secret of Donald Trump’s success...
  21. Slade3200

    Pros/Cons of Presidential Candidates... Is Bloomberg the answer?

    Fact of the matter is... none of the top candidates show strong promise. Trump is great at firing people up and is by far the most entertaining candidate to listen to, however, he is so off the wall with his extreme ideas for immigration/national security and so reactionary with his defensive...
  22. R

    How come Obama isn't standing up for the hundred thousand the GOP is poisoning in Flint?

    Obama visits Michigan amid Flint, Detroit crises - Seems the president is meeting with the mayor of Flint the state's GOP governor has illegally bypassed. We call a dictatorship unconstitutional. Gov. Snyder has known about this since LAST YEAR when he was notified in...
  23. Compost

    Homeless Lose Shelter to Feel the Bern

    Surely, homeless people were allowed in to listen to Sanders...weren't they? Shelter Closes Its Doors to Homeless in Freezing Cold For Sanders Rally #Caring - The Gateway Pundit With temperatures in Birmingham expected to dropped to 20 overnight — the lowest temperature thus far in 2016 — the...
  24. American_Jihad

    Stealing America

    Oh My... Stealing America: What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me About Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party By Richard Kirk January 13, 2016 ... A liberal who’s been mugged, it’s said, becomes a conservative. But what does a conservative become when he’s mugged by a corrupt...

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