Will elections finally be secure and honest in 2024?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
It's a question many Americans want to know the answer to. Red states made improvements. What about purple states?

---Election integrity Scorecord shows some states like Tennessee and Missouri made improvements---

It's a question many Americans want to know the answer to. Red states made improvements. What about purple states?

---Election integrity Scorecord shows some states like Tennessee and Missouri made improvements---

That depends when the next plague hits the US?
Short answer? NO. Nothing has substantially changed to make the elections more secure. They will cheat next year and regardless of how badly Biden does in the polls, he'll win an unbelieveable number of votes again, either he or whoever they put in his place. At that point, America will be on its way to full dissolution and anarchy. No civil war necessary, just tens of millions of citizens in multiple states that will tell DC to go fark itself and stay the hell out of their lives on pain of violent resistance.
I predict that they will be at least as secure and honest as elections in North Korea where everyone votes and there is never any dispute as to who won.
It's a question many Americans want to know the answer to. Red states made improvements. What about purple states?

---Election integrity Scorecord shows some states like Tennessee and Missouri made improvements---

They were secure and honest in 2020.

The people have spoken. They hate you...and they hate your blob even more.
Short answer? NO. Nothing has substantially changed to make the elections more secure. They will cheat next year and regardless of how badly Biden does in the polls, he'll win an unbelieveable number of votes again, either he or whoever they put in his place. At that point, America will be on its way to full dissolution and anarchy. No civil war necessary, just tens of millions of citizens in multiple states that will tell DC to go fark itself and stay the hell out of their lives on pain of violent resistance.

Unless your blob wins...in that case, everything was fixed, right?


My prediction is that any result that ends with Trump back in the Oval Office will trigger Civil War 2.0
It's a question many Americans want to know the answer to. Red states made improvements. What about purple states?

---Election integrity Scorecord shows some states like Tennessee and Missouri made improvements---

Yeah, we now get an implant chip to track each voter in Missouri.
Short answer? NO. Nothing has substantially changed to make the elections more secure. They will cheat next year and regardless of how badly Biden does in the polls, he'll win an unbelieveable number of votes again, either he or whoever they put in his place. At that point, America will be on its way to full dissolution and anarchy. No civil war necessary, just tens of millions of citizens in multiple states that will tell DC to go fark itself and stay the hell out of their lives on pain of violent resistance.
They already are secure. What really needs to happen is Trump cry babies need to get a grip and accept their guy is incompetent, doesn't have a clue and hated by the vast majority of Americans.
It's a question many Americans want to know the answer to. Red states made improvements. What about purple states?

---Election integrity Scorecord shows some states like Tennessee and Missouri made improvements---

Cheating goes on during every election cycle.

The only question is, does it change the outcome which is something you can never prove either way.
They already are secure. What really needs to happen is Trump cry babies need to get a grip and accept their guy is incompetent, doesn't have a clue and hated by the vast majority of Americans.
Trump saw the fraud before most Americans did. Trump tried to stop the steal.
It's a question many Americans want to know the answer to. Red states made improvements. What about purple states?

---Election integrity Scorecord shows some states like Tennessee and Missouri made improvements---

Not as long as Democrats are around.
It's a question many Americans want to know the answer to. Red states made improvements. What about purple states?

---Election integrity Scorecord shows some states like Tennessee and Missouri made improvements---

The 2020 election was the most secure.

Not likely. Here is a typical return letter from an "ACTUAL CONGRESS" sitting Congress person. Stressing Every voice be heard? WTH? no mention of millions bogus voices heard thru bad ballots, bad voter rolls, no sig check etc. Can't say who it is or Libstain may Attack him or track others down.****************

The election system in the United States is a cornerstone of democracy, providing citizens with the essential right to choose their leaders and shape the direction of the country. Our election system should ensure every voice is heard in order to empower individuals to participate actively in the governance of their nation. As a Member of Congress who is a naturalized citizen, I not only swore an oath to the Constitution once, but twice. I take that obligation seriously. The constitution outlines several fundamental principles that lay the framework for our election system, most importantly amendments, such as the 15th, 19th, and 26th, ensuring that citizens' right to vote cannot be denied based on factors like ethnicity or gender. (the old disinfranchise Blacks and homeO again?)

Many of the concerns I have received regard federal interference in state elections, election fraud and voting irregularities, as well as protection for election workers. (to continue cheating like the Sig reviewers in AZ or re-running stacks in GA) In the same vein, constituent support for voter ID enforcement, election finance transparency, and election fraud whistleblowers (attempt to toss a bone) has also come to my attention. Again, I appreciate you taking the time to express these concerns. Please know, as your Representative in Congress, I am dedicated to bolstering election integrity. (no mention how 9 months away?) I am grateful that constituents like you continue to contact me and help me stay informed on the issues most important to our community.

Thank you again for taking the time to reach out. Please stay in touch as we continue to move our district and nation forward. You can reach my office blah blah blah blah blah
My reply back to the "POLITICIAN" a summary example of ARIZONA FRAUD 2020. No I am not fixing the TEXT. I am tired of it. I am not a Document Control supervisior for Libstain.
Arizona was called by a margin of 10,457 votes.•Maricopa County accepted 20,500 mail-in ballots after Election Day 2020,including 18,000 – more than the entire election margin – on Nov. 4 picked up from the U.S. Postal Service. By law, ballots must be received no later than 7p.m. on Election Day, which was Nov. 3.•“The 20,000 ballots recorded as incoming from the USPS on and after November4 were of sufficient quantity to change the result of the 2020 General Election inArizona,” according to Verity Vote.

•The findings were based on Maricopa County’s official Elections Department records, which were withheld from a public records request for nearly seven months. The records showed 18,000 mail-in ballots received on Nov. 4; 1,000received on Nov. 5; and 1,500 received on Nov. 6.•The 18,000 mail-in ballots received on Nov. 4 and subsequently counted represented a significant spike in ballots received, higher than every single day total since Oct. 29, 2020. The receipt of mail-in ballots had steadily declined from 14,500 ballots on Oct. 29 to 10,500 on Oct. 30; 6,000 on Oct. 31; 1,500 on Nov. 1; 1,000 on Nov. 2; and 2,500 on Nov. 3.

•In the 2020 General Election, 420,987 ballots failed signature verification standards, “thus the election was openly vulnerable to fraud,” according to an ongoing analysis conducted by We the People Arizona Alliance and presented to the state legislature.


•The initial analysis of 380,976 ballots, using official state records and official signature verification training techniques, identified 181,378 ballots that should not have been counted, or nearly half of all reviewed.

This includes: 1,870 blank envelopes, some of which were approved on Nov. 5and Nov. 8; 542 with a signature other than the voter; 2,104 scribbles; 128duplicate voters processed; 48,117 unreasonably different control signatures;1,875 where the signature did not match until


the election; 36,034 control signatures that do not match the voter; 4,433 unusable control signatures; 47,366that failed Secretary of State standards; and 38,909 egregious signature mismatches, where not one point of a signature matched any on file.•In the case of the 1,875 votes, the ballot envelopes did not have a signature match on Election Day, but “matching” signatures were later put on file for the voter on either Jan. 28, 2021, Feb. 3, 2021, or Feb. 8, 2021. There were 783signatures digitally inserted on Feb. 3, 2021 alone.

Since the findings were presented to the Arizona State Legislature, the number of egregious mismatches found has increased to76,354, over seven times the


election margin. This is an error rate of 9.30 percent of ballot envelopes reviewed.

Throughout the signature verification analysis, which remains ongoing, analysts have consistently found 20 percent do not meet the Secretary of State’s standards, and 9 percent are egregious violations. Extrapolated to all 1.9 million mail-in ballots in 2020,176,700 ballots “should have been rejected for improper signature verification due to egregious signature mismatches.”


Maricopa County has no documented chain of custody for 740,000 ballots from the 2020 Election.


Out of the 923,000 early vote ballots accepted at vote centers or drop boxes, only183,406 ballots are accounted for on ballot transport forms. More than 80 percent of the ballot transport forms have no ballot counts.

Without proper documentation of how many votes were cast at the time they were cast, it is impossible to verify the origin and true total of ballots in a given election. “Without this count, there is no way to determine if the transport staff retrieved one ballot or one thousand ballots,” according to Verity Vote. “Keeping a proper chain of custody is more than a best practice - it is essential to encouraging trust in our democracy,” according to the Election Assistance Commission.


Of the 1,895 early vote ballot transport forms, 48 did not have the required two witness signatures attesting to the ballot transfer, including some with no witness signatures at all. “As a result, the public is not assured that both parties witnessed the transfer of ballots,” as required. •Millions of files of 2020 General Election data and security logs were deleted from the Elections Management Server and purged on critical days, including the day before the Arizona audit of the 2020 Election began on Feb. 2, 2021.


•The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors admitted they purged the system and moved election data after they received a subpoena, in testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives.


•Two precincts in Pima County had


100 percent turnout for mail-in ballots, and 40 precincts had over 97 percent returned.


The national mail-in ballot return rate was 71 percent, but in Pima County the mail-in ballot return rate was 15 percent higher, and 19 percent higher than all the counties combined in the entire state of Arizona. One precinct with 99.5 percent mail-in turnout had 9,812 ballots counted. Another precinct with 100.6 percent turnout had 2,182 ballots returned, but only 2,170 mail-ins were ever sent. These two precincts total 11,994 ballots, which alone is more than the margin needed to alter the outcome of the Presidential Election. •In all, there were 264,000 votes from precincts in Pima County with over 92 percent turnout for mail-in ballots.

Significant anomalies were discovered for mail-in ballot returns in Pima County. In precincts with anomalous high turnout of over 92 percent in Pima County, mail-in ballots started flipping from 6 percent Republican for Biden to 40 percent of Republicans voting for Biden.


•The election integrity group True the Vote identified more than 202 ballot traffickers in Maricopa County who made 4,282 individual drop box visits during the 2020 General Election.
The answer is NO:

1. GBI Strategies Democrat-funded ballot registration harvesting scandal​

The massive ballot registration fraud by GBI Strategies – a Democrat-funded operation – in Michigan and every battleground state.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, in August 2023, CONFIRMED that 8,000 to 10,000 suspected fraudulent ballot registrations were delivered to the Muskegon, Michigan, City Clerk prior to the 2020 election.

The Gateway Pundit and our contacts in Michigan released the original report earlier in the week. This report and investigation was buried for three years.

Our reporting was based on a redacted police report describing how Muskegon City Clerk Meisch encountered a woman dropping off 8,000 – 10,000 completed voter registration applications. Meisch found this unusual since the voting population in Muskegon at the time was around 30,000 individuals so she immediately reported this to authorities. The Gateway Pundit reported that the “registrations included the same handwriting, non-existent addresses, and incorrect phone numbers.”

An investigation found that the woman who turned in the fraudulent ballot registrations worked for GBI Strategies, a Democrat-funded group with operations across the state. GBI Strategies was funded by dark money super PAC ‘BlackPAC,’ who paid them $11,254,919 to register voters for Joe Biden.


2. The #DetroitLeaks training sessions​

The #DetroitLeaks Tapes: Democrats in Michigan were caught on audio training poll workers in Detroit to commit voter fraud in a variety of ways.
he #DetroitLeaks reports revealed that Detroit poll workers who were trained in how to lie, trained on how to handle ballot challenges from Trump supporters, told to call 911 on any challengers, and to use COVID as an excuse to deny poll challengers access to view the ballots as they were being counted and tabulated.

Here’s the #DetroitLeaks video that was captured by an undercover conservative reporter during a training session prior to the 2020 election.

Bill Barr and Chris Wray did nothing to investigate these planned and coordinated voter fraud training sessions. The Gateway Pundit believes similar actions may have been used in other states.

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