Elon says 2024 my be last election decided by American citizens

Correct, and yet you retards keep falling for it over and over. Illegals cannot vote nor will they be legally doing so. It's unconstitutional and there is no evidence whatsoever that they have been doing this in numbers with any significance to sway an election.
The BRO has been tazed so much that his brain has melted. You know god damn well that everyone of Biden's illegals will soon be awarded with legality and citizenship. Nobody in their right mind (which does not include you) knows that, at a minimum, they will vote Liberal. Dipshit Joe is killing us.
No. Learn to read, dumbo.

I said:

"Intelligent People have dominated the media and academia for a very long time now."

Are you really that stupid?
So, the average intelligent person only votes democrat?

You can't get around the fact you are basically dissing the intelligence from anyone outside your "I don't know what a woman is" party cult.

But that would require integrity and intelligence, neither of which you have.

But after watching smart people I know fall under the same DNC cult you are under, I've come to realize that intelligence has nothing to do with how cult membership is spread, which is scary in itself. Conversely, you think you are immune to this crap because your IQ may be high.

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For now, but the powers that be, will say that they pay taxes and s/s, etc. and should have a say in the elections at some point.
change my mind

They can say whatever they want. It doesn't change the law nor pass a Constitutional test.
Sounds like you & Votto have a reading comprehension problem.

But in your delusional world you misinterpret anything you read any way you like.

Sucks to be you!
Can you at least tell us what a woman is?

Baby steps.
So, the average intelligent person only votes democrat?

You can't get around the fact you are basically dissing the intelligence from anyone outside your "I don't know what a woman is" party cult.

But that would require integrity and intelligence, neither of which you have.

But after watching smart people I know fall under the same DNC cult you are under, I've come to realize that intelligence has nothing to do with how cult membership is spread, which is scary in itself. Conversely, you think you are immune to this crap because your IQ may be high.


Wow, you really have a reading comprehension problem!

I said:

"Intelligent people have dominated the media and academia for a long time now"

Nothing more.

Try to break out of your delusional world and get a grip!
No, I don't and neither do you. Furthermore, naturalized citizens are not illegal, are they.
Your comprehension is quite limited, isn't it? The point I made is that Biden's illegals will gain citizenship down the road and will in mass vote for future skunks like Biden. Now go ahead and tell me that Biden would allow this invasion if he had any inkling that the hoards would eventually vote Republican. It is all about the votes in the hope this country will turn into a far-left shithole.
Correct, and yet you retards keep falling for it over and over. Illegals cannot vote nor will they be legally doing so. It's unconstitutional and there is no evidence whatsoever that they have been doing this in numbers with any significance to sway an election.

They don't "vote". But they are signed up on selected State Voter rolls. Some states require no ID to register if you check the box "homeless" see WISC. Mail-in Ballots will be generated in their names. They will be printed/sent out to some "address" given at registration (homeless, shelters, RV parks, vacant lots, temporary help for immigrant registration sites etc.). Someone will get the Ballot....give to Mules...fill it out for D...dump in drop boxes. Just like in 2020. Hope this helps you catch up, somewhat.

**The key is they don't need to actually walk in and try to vote. Just getting the names on the Voter Rolls in Swing states ensure a floating batch of ballots to "mail out", "harvest", then fill out and submit. Since Signatures cannot and are not checked......(see Fulton County or Arizona)....if you can generate a mail-in ballot it can be and will be voted in most cases.
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Religious NGO’s (non-governmental orgs) like Catholic, Lutheran and other types of do-gooders collaborate with the Biden administration to take those migrants – the ones who arrive by plane – into the heartland – and then allegedly register them.

The details are fascinating.

These NGOs set up addresses that seem like homeless shelters – but aren’t – they are migrant ballot registration collection points. Some are just offices in crappy strip malls.

We know because we drill into the actual address photos. Watch our videos on Omega4America.com.

The migrants show up, get a phone, gift cards worth several grand, get registered to vote.
In Wisconsin, for instance, there is a Form EL-131.

Form EL-131 says if you are homeless, check the box. You can register to vote with no supporting ID.

For you election deniers, and Republican types – read this slowly so you can comprehend this madness.
If the poor can cross the border and do anything they want without being legal, then rich folk obviously can as well.

Laws are now used to only target those who oppose DNC power.
musk i9s being "targeted?" lolololol

and if they really wanted to "get trump" this insider trading scam is obvious to everybody on wall st.
You is a woman.

And a lying bitch as well!

Ain't nobody got time for that trained biologist talk!!
This does not even make sense? People came in a voted "electronically" but the last 19,000 must be re-scanned manually? HUH? Trust us?
“Georgia’s voting system provides built-in safeguards, in the form of paper ballots that allow us to quickly process ballots that are electronically cast.”

Ms. Hamilton said the manual scanning “will be completed as quickly as possible.”

At the least, this needs to be independently investigated. No one has done so. In an 11K vote difference state. just like ARIZ.

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They don't "vote". But they are signed up on selected State Voter rolls. Some states require no ID to register if you check the box "homeless" see WISC. Mail-in Ballots will be generated in their names. They will be printed/sent out to some "address" given at registration (homeless, shelters, RV parks, vacant lots, temporary help for immigrant registration sites etc.). Someone will get the Ballot....give to Mules...fill it out for D...dump in drop boxes. Just like in 2020. Hope this helps you catch up, somewhat.

**The key is they don't need to actually walk in and try to vote. Just getting the names on the Voter Rolls in Swing states ensure a floating batch of ballots to "mail out", "harvest", then fill out and submit. Since Signatures cannot and are not checked......(see Fulton County or Arizona)....if you can generate a mail-in ballot it can be and will be voted in most cases.
for the homeless to be unable to vote against the people/policies that left them so seems a bit unjust. yet

our voting system requires an address for assignment to a precinct, does it not?
Elon is an illegal alien.

Just one w/a ton of money.
Musk is a naturalized citizen. You are a natural jerk.

By that definition, Elon Musk is indeed an immigrant. He was born in South Africa and obtained Canadian citizenship through his mother in 1988. He transferred as a student to the University of Pennsylvania in 1992 and moved to California in 1995. He became a U.S. citizen in 2002.
for the homeless to be unable to vote against the people/policies that left them so seems a bit unjust. yet

our voting system requires an address for assignment to a precinct, does it not?
In Wisconsin, for instance, there is a Form EL-131.
Form EL-131 says if you are homeless, check the box. You can register to vote with no supporting ID.

Stuff it arsejack. you don't even make sense. They can register as many as they feel like (7 million on the voter roll in a state with 5 million legal age CITIZENS).

Just check the box homeless. Illegals can be registered. No address or ID required. Do it under mulitple alias. No one knows or checks. Sod off wanker. I'd say "don't play dumb" but in your case it can't be helped.
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Wisconsin’s total number of eligible voters (Age 18 & older) is 4.65 million

scrub My Vote WI (Under the auspices of the Wisconsin Election Commission Home (wi.gov)) of its approximate 3.6 -3.8 million extra ineligible “inactive” non-registered voter names that are, for some unexplained reason, co-mingled with the approximate 3.6 million eligible “active” registered voter names.

The “inactive” designation for My Vote WI means a person’s name is on the voter rolls, but not on the poll books for elections due to moving, death, being a felon, being declared incompetent, registered in another state, fraudulent citizenship or made inactive through Wisconsin’s rarely enforced “voter maintenance record” law after 4 years of no voter activity

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