Elon says 2024 my be last election decided by American citizens

Intelligent enough to be thoroughly dishonest, unfair, malicious, destructive I suppose.

Only a moron thinks that intelligence makes people "dishonest, unfair, malicious and destructive".

Intelligent, educated people may have their flaws, but on the whole, those are attributes mostly of uneducated morons - especially MAGA Idiots.

Intelligent, well- educated people do not have to resort to that level. They do fine just based on their personal achievements.

Of course that would be hard for you to imagine. Which explains why people like you assume that everyone is corrupt - because if you had that power, you would be corrupt.

Business magnate Elon Musk has suggested that because the U.S. is being inundated by illegal aliens, the 2024 election will likley be the last in which the results are determined by American citizens.

"Given the massive influx of illegals from every country on Earth, 2024 will probably be the last election actually decided by US citizens," Musk tweeted.

The House of Representatives passed a measure that would require the nation's decennial census count to include a component for respondents to indicate whether they and those in their household are U.S. citizens. The measure would require the exclusion of noncitizens from the figures used in determining each state's number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. The number of House seats in a state also impacts how much influence that state will have on the outcome of presidential elections.

The vote was 206-202, strictly along party lines, with Republicans supporting passage and Democrats voting against the measure.

"Unanimous Democrat opposition to requiring citizenship for apportionment of House seats and Presidential electoral college votes says it all," Musk tweeted. "The Democratic Party goal is to disenfranchise US citizens by importing as many illegal immigrants as possible," he added.

It's not rocket science

The interesting question will be, will the DNC form a slave block of voters with Hispanics like they did with Blacks? The assumption is they will. it would be hilarious if the opposite happened, however.
He's wrong...
2016 was the last one.... Pretty much for good.
Only a moron thinks that intelligence makes people "dishonest, unfair, malicious and destructive".

Intelligent, educated people may have their flaws, but on the whole, those are attributes mostly of uneducated morons - especially MAGA Idiots.

Intelligent, well- educated people do not have to resort to that level. They do fine just based on their personal achievements.

Of course that would be hard for you to imagine. Which explains why people like you assume that everyone is corrupt - because if you had that power, you would be corrupt.
Sigh..... Intelligence and morality simply do not go hand in hand.

Bill Clinton was extremely intelligent. Bill Clinton also had absolutely no morals and still does not.

Ted Bundy had a very high IQ.
Sigh..... Intelligence and morality simply do not go hand in hand.

Bill Clinton was extremely intelligent. Bill Clinton also had absolutely no morals and still does not.

Ted Bundy had a very high IQ.

Bill Clinton's extra marital affairs does not mean that he "had absolutely no morals".

He's a decent guy that only did what millions and millions of men have done throughout the ages. His wife didn't care. Only sex obsessed partisan hacks like yourself cared.

Ted Bundy was extremely immoral, but you seem to discount the millions of highly intelligent, well-educated people that have never done a seriously immoral act in their life.

Of course, to a dumb monkey like yourself, intelligent, well-educated people confuse you and you're obviously afraid of them.

So, you rationalize that they are corrupt - to protect your own ego.

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