Why isn't the Biden administration investigating George Soros and his funding of the college anti-Jewish protests?

Then tell that to Soros as in his own words... 1944 was the best year of his life"..
Soros has repeatedly called 1944 "the best year of his life." 70% of Mr. Soros's fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half-million human beings, were annihilated in that year, yet he gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation, either at the time or indeed in retrospect"
During an interview with "Sixty Minute's" Steve Kroft, Soros was asked about his "best year."
KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were
his adopted godson.
SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.
SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many, years. Was it difficult?
SOROS: No, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.
KROFT: No feelings of guilt?
SOROS: No, only feelings of absolute power.
You all going to copy and paste the same shit from the same shitty PDF? LOL at you thinking this is proof.
well that's the claim. I don't know
In 2017, the Open Society Foundations The Open Society Foundations act as a global advocate for justice systems and policing that treat everyone equally, and which reduce unnecessary and punitive use of incarceration. In the United States, this mission is particularly vital.
announced that Soros had transferred $18 billion of his fortune towards funding the future work of the Foundations, bringing his total giving to the Foundations since 1984 to over $32 billion.
Oh gee-----a soros denier. Reminds me of the islamo nazi literature I read
as a child. No wonder its "name" is John Doe
Great now all the wack jobs are coming out for this one since Soros is in the title. Stop embarrassing yourself, shithead.
Go George! I love it when you piss off the retarded NaziCons!
This is them being independent thinkers and doing their own research? You've got some rando posting a pdf of words and another rando posting a video on youtube. LOL research. What a bunch of clowns.
This is them being independent thinkers and doing their own research? You've got some rando posting a pdf of words and another rando posting a video on youtube. LOL research. What a bunch of clowns.

People outside of your Cult are familiar with the record Soros has.
Are you aware of gravity. Or do you require a link?
People outside of your Cult are familiar with the record Soros has.
Are you aware of gravity. Or do you require a link?
Yeah send me a link with the original Soros interview. LOL at all this "evidence" that's been presented. NOTHING has been provided so far. This is what you call "research"? LOL!
George Soros and his hard-left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country. SCPR provides up to $7,800 for its community-based fellows and between $2,880 and $3,660 for its campus-based “fellows” in return for spending eight hours a week organizing “campaigns led by Palestinian organizations.”
They are trained to “rise up, to revolution.”
The radical group received at least $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.

At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are “fellows” of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).

Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia — all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — and at some, students have clashed with police.
The SJP parent organization has been funded by a network of nonprofits ultimately funded by, among others, Soros, the billionaire left-wing investor.
Evidence Regarding Soros Funding Anti-Jewish Protests

There is no substantial support for the claim that George Soros funds anti-Jewish protests. In fact, claims about Soros being the engine behind political or social movements have been identified as being intertwined with antisemitism or explicitly antisemitic, given historical tropes about wealthy Jewish people controlling the world.

The connection between the protests and funding from Soros's Open Society Foundations (OSF) is described as tenuous and obviously contrived. Additionally, there is no evidence to suggest that demonstrators were paid by Soros or his organizations.

Furthermore, George Soros, who is Jewish, has been the subject of anti-Semitic attacks and conspiracy theories for decades, making him a favored target among many on the right. The claims linking Soros to protests and antifa have been described as part of misinformation and conspiracy theories, and there is no substantial evidence to support these claims.

In summary, the available evidence strongly suggests that the protests are what they seem: gatherings of thousands of Americans upset about police brutality and racial injustice, and there is no credible evidence to support the claim that George Soros funds anti-Jewish protests.

==> Intelligence agencies probably have the evidence. BUT it's classified. I really did not see any activities behind the scenes. I have no psychic abilities! Lol. :)

Sources :

1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...onic-push-blame-campus-protests-george-soros/

2. George Soros conspiracy theories surge as protests sweep US

3. George Soros conspiracy theories surge as protests sweep US

4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros_conspiracy_theories

5. https://www.usatoday.com/story/mone...oros-conspiracy-theories-protests/3232738001/
Hahaha... George Soros an innocent Jew????
Are you that truly ignorant of Soros?
Here is a brief history of this traitor to the jewish faith in Soros' OWN WORDS!!

Born in Hungary in 1930, Soros began life as George Schwartz.
ivadar Soros had his son George assume a non-Jewish identity — “Sandor Kiss” — and pose as the godson of a Hungarian agriculture ministry bureaucrat named Baumbach, whose job was taking inventory of Jewish properties confiscated by the Nazi occupiers.
Soros accompanied Baumbach on one job, traveling to the estate of a wealthy Jewish aristocrat named Moric Kornfeld. What’s not disputed is that Soros hung around the estate while Baumbach did his work for the Nazi-occupying regime; what is disputed is what, if anything, Soros did while Baumbach took inventory.

Soros has repeatedly called 1944 "the best year of his life." 70% of Mr. Soros's fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half-million human beings, were annihilated in that year, yet he gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation, either at the time or indeed in retrospect"
During an interview with "Sixty Minute's" Steve Kroft, Soros was asked about his "best year."
KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were
his adopted godson.
SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.
SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many, years. Was it difficult?
SOROS: No, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.
KROFT: No feelings of guilt?
SOROS: No, only feelings of absolute power.

And YOU, the dumb ass idiot you are MoonGlow, write.."Look at the anti-Semite schmering an innocent Jew."
You'd do the same to survive.

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