Biden’s Biggest Donors Also Funding Anti-Israel Protests, Analysis Reveals

Biden is so far gone he parrots (poorly) whatever he is told to say. He loses ground constantly with all Americans who still have the capacity to think and choose their policy positions.
I think so too.
But it could be that he unconsciously stumbled onto the side that will prevail. The apartheid regime is ready to take Bibi down.
Trump will never do either and so your support can stand.

But saving those considerations, he will find a way to extract himself from his wayward support of Zionism.

Iran? Hamas? Hezbollah?
I have no firm opinion on whether or not they will turn to a peaceful solution?

They have nearly 40,000 reasons to seek revenge.

IF that's the case then America will still need to go to bat for the Z regime if it still exists??
Noted that you have no clue what you're talking about on this issue. But at least you're keeping it pretty civil and I'll give you kudos for that. Have a great day.
These are all Democratic Party rent-a-mobs, not some 'spontaneous uprising of concerned humanitarians n stuff'. Just vermin, deviants, foreign 5th columnists, and media hacks.
Ultimately, this is all about the great reset.

They succeeded in placing a complete oaf in power and are now going after the great Satan and the Little Satan together.

From their perspective, they are cutting off the head of the snake in their scheme to eliminate national sovereignty.
Peer pressure is all they rely on as a guide.
you got that right Dudley

We are Jewish Americans who have varying perspectives. We’ve come together to highlight and oppose the unprecedented and damaging role of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its allied groups in US elections, especially within Democratic Party primaries.

Ultimately, this is all about the great reset.

They succeeded in placing a complete oaf in power and are now going after the great Satan and the Little Satan together.

From their perspective, they are cutting off the head of the snake in their scheme to eliminate national sovereignty.
I see it as one more card they are playing to achieve total power based on Marxist totalitarianism.
If the anarchy in universities is funded by organizations that are cozy with anti-American interests it should be a big story in the mainstream media but where the hell are they? Is the mainstream media cozy with anti-American interests in order to preserve the power of the corrupt Biden administration?
but where the hell are they?


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