Where does your self-worth come from?

What do you believe makes you valuable?

  • Your intelligence / intellect

  • Your physical beauty / good looks

  • Your skills, talents and abilities

  • Your personal success and achievements

  • Your character (honesty, kindness, etc)

  • The love, attention and adulation from others

  • The knowledge that you were created by God, loved by God, and valued by God

  • Other (explain)

  • Nothing, humans have no inherent value

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We saw with the Pandemic (or Plandemic if you prefer) and the lockdowns how suicidal thoughts spiked, particularly amongst the youth. Add to that many advocate that humans are a "plague on this planet" and it would be better if human presence diminished drastically, so it's no wonder youth have low self-worth, far worse than when we were teenagers. Plus the peer pressures that are on social media that we didn't have to experience in our teenage years. Fear, no hope, bullying. It's no wonder perceived self-worth is low these days.

Very good point about how young people are bombarded with lies about humanity (in numerous ways) so it's no wonder they are so messed up with low self-worth and no hope. Heck, even the overall message from "science" (I put that in quotes for a reason) is very demeaning and hopeless....that humans are nothing but worthless little specks in a vast godless multiverse, yada yada yada. But hey, we know who the lowercase 'god of this world' is, and where those lies come from. ;)

Thanks for your thoughts on this.
The crux of the experiments is that people make unconscious choices well before they are aware that the choice was made and your conscious mind makes you believe you made that choice but that happens after you already made it.

And when I say your idea of who you are isn;t really yours I mean exactly that.

You did not choose to be born, you did not choose your parents or your siblings and immediate family but from the day you were born these people were telling you who you were and what they expected of you long before you could even speak.

This conditioning along with your genetics were not chosen by you and you cannot delete it and all these influences from just your immediate family contribute and may even define aspects of yourself that you did not choose to possess.

If all these factors contribute to any decision you make then at least part of that decision was not your idea.

Well of course there are some things that are beyond our control, like where we were born, our parents, etc. But it doesn't follow that we don't have free will or the ability to change our lives.

I don't want to get too off topic here, but I'm sorry, I find those philosophies you're into not only false, but extremely negative, gloomy and hopeless. The good news is, those ideas are lies, not the truth. :)
Well of course there are some things that are beyond our control, like where we were born, our parents, etc. But it doesn't follow that we don't have free will or the ability to change our lives.

I don't want to get too off topic here, but I'm sorry, I find those philosophies you're into not only false, but extremely negative, gloomy and hopeless. The good news is, those ideas are lies, not the truth. :)

Well that's not judgmental and dismissive at all. How much experience do you have with any of the philosophies I refer to other than the few bits I use here?

Do you really believe that philosophies that don't jive with your beliefs are all lies and that those of us that pursue those philosophies are just too stupid to realize that?? Why is it you think you have the monopoly on truth?
Well that's not judgmental and dismissive at all. How much experience do you have with any of the philosophies I refer to other than the few bits I use here?

Do you really believe that philosophies that don't jive with your beliefs are all lies and that those of us that pursue those philosophies are just too stupid to realize that?? Why is it you think you have the monopoly on truth?

Wait a second, before you condemn me for what I said, first acknowledge the point... do you deny that the idea that we don't really make our own choices and we don't have free will (if that is your position) is gloomy and hopeless?

Maybe to you it isn't, but to me it seems.... what's the word...fatalistic. And if that were true, then why bother with anything? Maybe you see it a different way, but to me it DOES seem to be a dreary way of looking at life. So I was just being straightforward in saying that.

I never claimed to have all the truth. I just have a different worldview than you, and it's not one that I always had (in the past I was much more similar to you) so I've been on both 'sides' and everything I believe now is not because someone told me to, but because of things I've experienced, plus God literally answering a sincere question that was in my mind when I first started to think about the weightier things of life. I did not even believe in God, so I wasn't asking God the question, it was something that I was questioning in my mind. And that was the first moment that the scales fell off my eyes, so to speak... which confirms what the bible says “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find."

Anyway, we've gotten way off topic here now.
Wait a second, before you condemn me for what I said, first acknowledge the point... do you deny that the idea that we don't really make our own choices and we don't have free will (if that is your position) is gloomy and hopeless?

Maybe to you it isn't, but to me it seems.... what's the word...fatalistic. And if that were true, then why bother with anything? Maybe you see it a different way, but to me it DOES seem to be a dreary way of looking at life. So I was just being straightforward in saying that.

I never claimed to have all the truth. I just have a different worldview than you, and it's not one that I always had (in the past I was much more similar to you) so I've been on both 'sides' and everything I believe now is not because someone told me to, but because of things I've experienced, plus God literally answering a sincere question that was in my mind when I first started to think about the weightier things of life. I did not even believe in God, so I wasn't asking God the question, it was something that I was questioning in my mind. And that was the first moment that the scales fell off my eyes, so to speak... which confirms what the bible says “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find."

Anyway, we've gotten way off topic here now.

Saying that much of our decision making process is unconscious does not mean 100% determinism either.

We certainly are not the single driver of our own behavior but as i explained before humans are not a closed programing loop either. Not only do we receive input unconsciously and against our will with no choice in the matter but we can also add to that input.

It makes the idea of you being the sole arbiter of your free will and everything you do and every choice you make pretty murky.

Like most things this is just another one of those shades of gray areas.
Do you believe you are valuable? If so, what do you believe makes you valuable? I’m not asking what society believes makes you valuable, but what do you personally believe makes you valuable?

I’m going to post a poll, because why not?

(Btw, to the mods, if I posted this in the wrong section, feel free to move it, I wasn't sure if this was the right section)
The first 6 choices are follow-ons to the answer that my worth is from God.
In other words, if you rightly understand the God choice, you are automatically picking all the 6 that precede it.
Worth comes from service to others.

Do you believe you are valuable? If so, what do you believe makes you valuable? I’m not asking what society believes makes you valuable, but what do you personally believe makes you valuable?

I’m going to post a poll, because why not?

(Btw, to the mods, if I posted this in the wrong section, feel free to move it, I wasn't sure if this was the right section)
Individuals' self-worth is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be influenced by various factors. I'll explore some key sources of self-worth:

1. Self-Perception:

  • Achievements: Personal accomplishments, whether big or small, contribute to a sense of competence and value.
  • Skills and Abilities: Recognizing and appreciating one's own talents and capabilities can boost self-worth.
  • Goals and Ambitions: Having clear objectives and working towards them can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

2. Relationships:

  • Social Connections: Positive relationships with family, friends, and a supportive community can enhance feelings of belonging and significance.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Effective communication and the ability to build meaningful connections contribute to a positive self-perception.

3. External Validation:

- Recognition and Appreciation: Receiving acknowledgment and praise from others can positively impact self-worth.

- Supernatural experiences: These experiences can profoundly impact an individual's perception of themselves and the world around them, often leading to a greater sense of self-worth through the validation, growth, and understanding derived from these encounters.

- Success in Roles: Fulfilling roles and responsibilities in work, family, or community can contribute to a sense of value.

4. Self-Reflection:

  • Values and Beliefs: Aligning actions with personal values and principles can foster a sense of integrity and self-worth.
  • Acceptance of Imperfections: Embracing flaws and understanding that nobody is perfect can contribute to a healthier self-image.

5. Coping Skills:

  • Resilience: The ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks can reinforce a positive self-view.
  • Problem-Solving: Being able to navigate difficulties and find solutions can enhance feelings of competence.

6. Personal Identity:

  • Cultural and Individual Identity: A strong sense of identity, whether rooted in cultural background or personal values, can positively impact self-worth.
  • Self-Expression: The freedom to express oneself authentically contributes to a sense of autonomy and worth.

7. Intrinsic Motivation:

- Passions and Hobbies: Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment can contribute to a positive self-concept. - Personal Growth: The pursuit of continuous learning and self-improvement can enhance self-worth over time.

Individual experiences and perspectives vary, and self-worth is a dynamic and evolving aspect of one's identity. The interplay of these factors can shape a person's or my sense of self-worth, and fostering a positive and balanced approach to these elements is key to cultivating a healthy self-esteem. :)
I don't believe in self-worth, but then I'm not obsessed with self. I have self-acknowledgment. It's always been enough.
God made me. I almost laugh at self-acknowledgement, it is strongest in some of the most odious people I've known !!
I have to go with St FrancIs " I am what I am in God's Eyes, no more, no less"
God made me. I almost laugh at self-acknowledgement, it is strongest in some of the most odious people I've known !!
I have to go with St FrancIs " I am what I am in God's Eyes, no more, no less"
You are made in G-d's image.

Acknowledge it.

That IS the image you were created from, but as humans, we are given the free will by G-d to make our dominion in our self-image with G-d's laws.
Do you believe you are valuable? If so, what do you believe makes you valuable? I’m not asking what society believes makes you valuable, but what do you personally believe makes you valuable?

I’m going to post a poll, because why not?

(Btw, to the mods, if I posted this in the wrong section, feel free to move it, I wasn't sure if this was the right section)

What a retarded question. No one is valuable. You may be valued, and your family may love you, but no person is valuable.

Unless you are calling for a return to slavery.
I REALLY hope, for Hashem's sake, that isn't true.

What isn't true?

I would never subject anyone, particularly my favorite deity, with being in my image.

We are not made in our image. Yet we have the free will to choose to react like the image we are created in and follow the laws bestowed to that free-willed image.

Humanity acknowledges our active free will that is not made in G-d's image unless we do it right... with the bestowed dominion of the land to man's free will.
What a retarded question. No one is valuable. You may be valued, and your family may love you, but no person is valuable.

Unless you are calling for a return to slavery.

Human life has no value? Wow, that's a very materialist, atheistic* view that you hold, and an ugly view that has historically led to disastrous consequences. But you're entitled to your opinion. :dunno:

* I'm not saying you're an atheist, but the view that humans have no value is typically an atheistic view.
You are made in G-d's image.

Acknowledge it.

That IS the image you were created from, but as humans, we are given the free will by G-d to make our dominion in our self-image with G-d's laws.

That's actually an interesting topic that would be good for a thread of its own. I have some thoughts on what 'imago dei' really means... that's different than the standard view. But like I said, probably best to save that for another time / thread.

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