The self-preservation of the media


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘We should not assume that “everyone knows” that Donald Trump, the MAGA movement, and other right-wing malign actors are an existential threat to American democracy, freedom, and society. Most Americans are disengaged, uninterested, ignorant, largely uninvolved, with and unsophisticated in their knowledge of politics and current events. Thus the demand to repeatedly, with examples and explanations, show and demonstrate what Trump and his forces believe and plan to do if they take power.

The Fourth Estate are supposed to be the guardians of democracy. This responsibility is even greater in the Age of Trump. Reporters, journalists, and others with a public platform must proceed from a position of moral clarity, a commitment to the truth, and not be afraid to take a stand on questions of right and wrong. We should seek out real experts and quote them, interview them in long-form, and more generally provide them with a platform.

Don’t forget the basics and common sense and what should be standing order number one for reporters and journalists: “If someone says it's raining and another person says it's dry, it's not your job to quote them both. Your job is to look out of the window and find out which is true." To reiterate what New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen has so wisely commanded, it is the stakes not the horserace. We must consistently tell the public why this all matters.’

Reporters and journalists must understand that ‘both sides’ are in fact not ‘the same’ and challenge and expose the disinformation and lies of Trump and his supporters.
"Moral clarity"?!?


‘We should not assume that “everyone knows” that Donald Trump, the MAGA movement, and other right-wing malign actors are an existential threat to American democracy, freedom, and society. Most Americans are disengaged, uninterested, ignorant, largely uninvolved, with and unsophisticated in their knowledge of politics and current events. Thus the demand to repeatedly, with examples and explanations, show and demonstrate what Trump and his forces believe and plan to do if they take power.

The Fourth Estate are supposed to be the guardians of democracy. This responsibility is even greater in the Age of Trump. Reporters, journalists, and others with a public platform must proceed from a position of moral clarity, a commitment to the truth, and not be afraid to take a stand on questions of right and wrong. We should seek out real experts and quote them, interview them in long-form, and more generally provide them with a platform.

Don’t forget the basics and common sense and what should be standing order number one for reporters and journalists: “If someone says it's raining and another person says it's dry, it's not your job to quote them both. Your job is to look out of the window and find out which is true." To reiterate what New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen has so wisely commanded, it is the stakes not the horserace. We must consistently tell the public why this all matters.’

Reporters and journalists must understand that ‘both sides’ are in fact not ‘the same’ and challenge and expose the disinformation and lies of Trump and his supporters.
If the truth does not create profit then there is no incentive to report it. That's how it works in the U.S.
‘We should not assume that “everyone knows” that Donald Trump, the MAGA movement, and other right-wing malign actors are an existential threat to American democracy, freedom, and society. Most Americans are disengaged, uninterested, ignorant, largely uninvolved, with and unsophisticated in their knowledge of politics and current events. Thus the demand to repeatedly, with examples and explanations, show and demonstrate what Trump and his forces believe and plan to do if they take power.

The Fourth Estate are supposed to be the guardians of democracy. This responsibility is even greater in the Age of Trump. Reporters, journalists, and others with a public platform must proceed from a position of moral clarity, a commitment to the truth, and not be afraid to take a stand on questions of right and wrong. We should seek out real experts and quote them, interview them in long-form, and more generally provide them with a platform.

Don’t forget the basics and common sense and what should be standing order number one for reporters and journalists: “If someone says it's raining and another person says it's dry, it's not your job to quote them both. Your job is to look out of the window and find out which is true." To reiterate what New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen has so wisely commanded, it is the stakes not the horserace. We must consistently tell the public why this all matters.’

Reporters and journalists must understand that ‘both sides’ are in fact not ‘the same’ and challenge and expose the disinformation and lies of Trump and his supporters.
The media has been destroying themselves w/this "both sides ism."
‘In a much-discussed new essay in his newsletter, Chris Quinn, Editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, declared his unapologetic and unqualified commitment to pro-democracy journalism and the truth, an approach that does not engage in false equivalency or fake balance between Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. In a subsequent interview with Dan Froomkin at his site Press Watch, Quinn elaborated on why he is not afraid to make the historically accurate comparison between the MAGA movement and the rise of Nazism and the Third Reich


Quinn offered these insights into why his fellow editors and other senior decision-makers all too often default to obsolete norms of “bothsideism” and so-called balance when covering Trump’s dangerous and aberrant behavior – behavior that is without equal in American history: “I think they’re afraid of that pushback. I think that the same reason that you’ll see a half dozen stories about Joe Biden’s mental state in the Washington Post and New York Times is it bleeds in, and they’re not setting their own agenda. I wish they would."

His advice for other editors: “I think the false equivalence has got to go, because that’s not what this is anymore.”’

Reporters and journalists must not fear baseless attacks from the right when accurately and factually reporting on Trump’s dangerous and aberrant behavior in defense of our democratic institutions.
‘In a much-discussed new essay in his newsletter, Chris Quinn, Editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, declared his unapologetic and unqualified commitment to pro-democracy journalism and the truth, an approach that does not engage in false equivalency or fake balance between Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. In a subsequent interview with Dan Froomkin at his site Press Watch, Quinn elaborated on why he is not afraid to make the historically accurate comparison between the MAGA movement and the rise of Nazism and the Third Reich


Quinn offered these insights into why his fellow editors and other senior decision-makers all too often default to obsolete norms of “bothsideism” and so-called balance when covering Trump’s dangerous and aberrant behavior – behavior that is without equal in American history: “I think they’re afraid of that pushback. I think that the same reason that you’ll see a half dozen stories about Joe Biden’s mental state in the Washington Post and New York Times is it bleeds in, and they’re not setting their own agenda. I wish they would."

His advice for other editors: “I think the false equivalence has got to go, because that’s not what this is anymore.”’

Reporters and journalists must not fear baseless attacks from the right when accurately and factually reporting on Trump’s dangerous and aberrant behavior in defense of our democratic institutions.
Nobody believes you lying faggots anymore....If parakeets could read, they might think that shitting on the newspaper was too good for it.
‘In a much-discussed new essay in his newsletter, Chris Quinn, Editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, declared his unapologetic and unqualified commitment to pro-democracy journalism and the truth, an approach that does not engage in false equivalency or fake balance between Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. In a subsequent interview with Dan Froomkin at his site Press Watch, Quinn elaborated on why he is not afraid to make the historically accurate comparison between the MAGA movement and the rise of Nazism and the Third Reich


Quinn offered these insights into why his fellow editors and other senior decision-makers all too often default to obsolete norms of “bothsideism” and so-called balance when covering Trump’s dangerous and aberrant behavior – behavior that is without equal in American history: “I think they’re afraid of that pushback. I think that the same reason that you’ll see a half dozen stories about Joe Biden’s mental state in the Washington Post and New York Times is it bleeds in, and they’re not setting their own agenda. I wish they would."

His advice for other editors: “I think the false equivalence has got to go, because that’s not what this is anymore.”’

Reporters and journalists must not fear baseless attacks from the right when accurately and factually reporting on Trump’s dangerous and aberrant behavior in defense of our democratic institutions.
Your press idols are considerably confused with their failure to understand that truth in reality is not a political trait anymore. I hope you brighten your time reading the actual truth is that Making America Great policies are good and not bad. The beneficiaries are Americans of every color, party, viewpoint, and clan.
Abandoning their journalistic oath and becoming the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party was their downfall. As usual the truth is simple, Democrats are complicated.

Why do you only focus on the Democrats? Are you suggesting that the right wing media doesn't do the bidding of the Republicans?

This is a problem

Two parties. Two sides.

Time for more choice and better politics. Time for Proportional Representation. Except the powers that be don't want it, why would they? And the people are too ignorant to understand it.

Even people who claim interest in politics, ie, people who come onto this board, most have no idea what PR is, have no interest in finding out either.
Until large swaths of the people start Burning Things and Killing each other

Yes, there is that. Even then, the burning and killing each other is good for them. Then they can demonize people. Demonizing is the easiest way of conducting politics.
Why do you only focus on the Democrats? Are you suggesting that the right wing media doesn't do the bidding of the Republicans?

This is a problem

Two parties. Two sides.

Time for more choice and better politics. Time for Proportional Representation. Except the powers that be don't want it, why would they? And the people are too ignorant to understand it.

Even people who claim interest in politics, ie, people who come onto this board, most have no idea what PR is, have no interest in finding out either.
Because over 90 percent of all TV and internet media is controlled by Democrats. Conservative outlets are a small voice of counter opinion to Democrat Controlled media.
Yes, there is that. Even then, the burning and killing each other is good for them. Then they can demonize people. Demonizing is the easiest way of conducting politics.
They will not demonize the Military and Law Enforcement will they ( After they curbstomp the wrong side ) ???
Because over 90 percent of all TV and internet media is controlled by Democrats. Conservative outlets are a small voice of counter opinion to Democrat Controlled media.

Nope, it's about 50/50

The problem is that the right wing all watch the same crap, where as the left tends to watch different things.

Fox controls so much of the right wing media, and makes up a large portion of that.

Your problem is that you're probably being deliberately loose with facts.

For you 1+1+1+1+1 isn't the same as 5.

You'd say this former is 5 and the latter is 1 because you're counting the numbers, not counting what they add up to.

Fox is 5.
Nope, it's about 50/50

The problem is that the right wing all watch the same crap, where as the left tends to watch different things.

Fox controls so much of the right wing media, and makes up a large portion of that.

Your problem is that you're probably being deliberately loose with facts.

For you 1+1+1+1+1 isn't the same as 5.

You'd say this former is 5 and the latter is 1 because you're counting the numbers, not counting what they add up to.

Fox is 5.
Hell Even Foxsnews has moved left from Middle left , the Far Left & Left Control 75% of the MSM minimum

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