What Actually Did Happen In The Election Of 2020?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I see a whole lot of trouble going on in the middle east, Trump being treated so unfairly and unconstitutionally, people being murdered by illegal immigrants, and quite a few thoughts are running through my brain.

America couldn't possibly be this stupid. If it wasn't an election fraud (but with all of the evidence around it has to be) then that means we truly have very dangerous people living in our country that hate America, hate the US Constitution and don't care at all for our safety or the safety of our allies.

I do believe that we have those kinds of people living in America anyways but still, how did it ever get this bad? What actually happened four years ago on election day for everything to get THIS bad?
In 2020, Biden won. That's what actually happened. End of story.

Again, I am in constant amazement of the level of adoration and devotion shown for a miserable excuse of a human being...and the suckers like you who lap everything he has to say up like it's liquid gold. :)
I see a whole lot of trouble going on in the middle east, Trump being treated so unfairly and unconstitutionally, people being murdered by illegal immigrants, and quite a few thoughts are running through my brain.

America couldn't possibly be this stupid. If it wasn't an election fraud (but with all of the evidence around it has to be) then that means we truly have very dangerous people living in our country that hate America, hate the US Constitution and don't care at all for our safety or the safety of our allies.

I do believe that we have those kinds of people living in America anyways but still, how did it ever get this bad? What actually happened four years ago on election day for everything to get THIS bad?
Not everyone who disagrees with your political views hates America. That seems to be the default fallacy rightists fall back on, along with "election fraud".
In 2020, Biden won. That's what actually happened. End of story.

Again, I am in constant amazement of the level of adoration and devotion shown for a miserable excuse of a human being...and the suckers like you who lap everything he has to say up like it's liquid gold. :)

Biden won, Trump lost.

End of story. Deal with it.

Okay, I was wrong. If you guys truly believe that then I guess you really are that stupid and how can this be considered a conspiracy theory if it's just me asking questions? 🙄
Not everyone who disagrees with your political views hates America. That seems to be the default fallacy rightists fall back on, along with "election fraud".

Name me one good thing that is going on right now that Biden accomplished.
Okay, I was wrong. If you guys truly believe that then I guess you really are that stupid and how can this be considered a conspiracy theory if it's just me asking questions? 🙄
Well that would be because this topic has been gone over so many times that even Jimmy Hoffa just raised his hand and said, "I'm over here!".
The 2020 election was decided years ago. Move on.
I see a whole lot of trouble going on in the middle east, Trump being treated so unfairly and unconstitutionally, people being murdered by illegal immigrants, and quite a few thoughts are running through my brain.

America couldn't possibly be this stupid. If it wasn't an election fraud (but with all of the evidence around it has to be) then that means we truly have very dangerous people living in our country that hate America, hate the US Constitution and don't care at all for our safety or the safety of our allies.

I do believe that we have those kinds of people living in America anyways but still, how did it ever get this bad? What actually happened four years ago on election day for everything to get THIS bad?
It actually started 8 years ago - when the orange douchebag got elected. Try to keep up. :itsok:
It was 100% rigged:




Name me one good thing that is going on right now that Biden accomplished.
A coalition of nations that has been able to limit Russia's advances in Ukraine.

Presenter 2 regional conflicts from engulfing a much wider area and drawing us in (boots on ground).

Both required major. constant and often unseen diplomatic efforts.

Inflation is down,the economy and unempmoyment are far better than what he inherited from his predecessor. Growth has o sistently trended up.
A coalition of nations that has been able to limit Russia's advances in Ukraine.

Presenter 2 regional conflicts from engulfing a much wider area and drawing us in (boots on ground).

Both required major. constant and often unseen diplomatic efforts.

Inflation is down,the economy and unempmoyment are far better than what he inherited from his predecessor. Growth has o sistently trended up.
Yeah, "limited" by the deaths of at least 1/2 million Ukranians, and millions left homeless, over a war that didn't have to happen.

You shitlibs have an extremely and unwarrantedly high opinion of yourselves.
Not everyone who disagrees with your political views hates America. That seems to be the default fallacy rightists fall back on, along with "election fraud".
While millions of diseased criminal illegals are crossing our border, raping children and women, and murdering innocent people. Maybe tomorrow will be your day in meeting one of those illegals.
A coalition of nations that has been able to limit Russia's advances in Ukraine.

Presenter 2 regional conflicts from engulfing a much wider area and drawing us in (boots on ground).

Both required major. constant and often unseen diplomatic efforts.

Inflation is down,the economy and unempmoyment are far better than what he inherited from his predecessor. Growth has o sistently trended up.
Funny, I dont remember Russia advancing in Ukraine while President Trump was in office, but weak kneed Joe Bribem, and instant war, which our tax dollars are being wasted on.
Okay, I was wrong. If you guys truly believe that then I guess you really are that stupid and how can this be considered a conspiracy theory if it's just me asking questions? 🙄
Because you are not of the high and mighty Marxist Mods, you have to suffer their will, while they can conspire all they want and face no redirecting of their BS posts.
A coalition of nations that has been able to limit Russia's advances in Ukraine.

Presenter 2 regional conflicts from engulfing a much wider area and drawing us in (boots on ground).

Both required major. constant and often unseen diplomatic efforts.

Inflation is down,the economy and unempmoyment are far better than what he inherited from his predecessor. Growth has o sistently trended up.

Now those are the REAL conspiracy theories.

What Actually Did Happen In The Election Of 2020?​

1. Trump lost Bigly
2. Rather than accept defeat like a responsible adult and congratulate the winner……

Trump whined like a Crybaby Loser
He made up a lie that he really won
He claimed he was really cheated
He filed frivolous lawsuits
He demanded recounts and audits in the states he lost
He brought in a slate of fake electors to try to steal the election
He pressured state election officials and his VP to overturn the voters

When all that failed…..He sent an angry mob to the Capitol to try to overturn the election and name him President

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