Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

Jesus' message is of individual responsibility for one's well being. "Woke", being a distortion of language and a manipulated mindset, has nothing to do with it.

yes, I see wokism , as it is practiced in society as being a mindset of "you better get in line!" and as it instills fear in people and corporations to fall in line....its not exactly love or kindness at all but. apolitical tool, flipping something thats billed as being good...over into just another form of tyrany.
then in the name of fairness and inclusion and all of that.. we end up losing part of the color and fabric of our society.... little bits and pieces at a time until a lot of individualism just dissapears into group think.

"Wokist's" are all about looking for problems with other people and getting other to correct themselves, but should they make a mistake? there will never be an appology, retraction or a do -over... they seem to just double down even in a mistake. All seems to be so counter intuitive
Jesus' message is of individual responsibility for one's well being. "Woke", being a distortion of language and a manipulated mindset, has nothing to do with it.

Of course it does
Jesus preached for the acceptance of the outcasts


  1. a simple past tense of wake1.
  1. having or marked by an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those involving the treatment of ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities: In light of incidents of police brutality, it’s important to stay woke.He took one African American history class and now he thinks he’s woke.This generation of kids is trying to make woke choices in life.

Right..Woke CAN be a good thing... lets not be mistaken there. But that isnt exactly how its been practiced these last few years.... or to be fair..even if there has been some proper practice of wokism.... there also has been enough abuse to warrant derision you see coming from the right. Ther'es a reason ..other than the Lefts comeback that all conservatives are a bunch of neanderthal, mouth breathers etc..
They were all Jews. Jews he threatened to slaughter and throw into a lake of fire.

Respect and consideration for all, eh?

You appear not to understand his message.
He apparently knew when someone came at him with evil intent. Those people might get a scolding. Everyone that came to him out of faith was welcomed.
He apparently knew when someone came at him with evil intent. Those people might get a scolding. Everyone that came to him out of faith was welcomed.
A "scolding"? Ha ha!

He threatened them.

Respect and consideration for all, eh.

His respect and consideration were for the truth, not for the ruling, left-wing elites who fattened themselves off the masses.
if he is the one that put us here and gave us life you may not have a choice.....
Of course I have a choice. If it turns out God is a monster that just wants empty headed worshipers then he should have created us that way.
Of course I have a choice. If it turns out God is a monster that just wants empty headed worshipers then he should have created us that way.
well if there is a god and jesus was who he said he was,he claims all god wants is for you to follow the 10 commandments and he will give you eternal life in a great paradise.....does that sound like a monster?.......
Jesus believed that every person deserved a basic level of respect and consideration.

Jesus was not shy about being very disrespectful toward those who did not deserve respect. His polemic, for example, against the Scribes and Pharisees; or his treatment of the moneychangers in the Temple.

Jesus was never the pathetic, wishy-washy gutless LIbtARd that those on the left wrong who deny him, and yet presume to speak for him, try to make him out to be.
Jesus‘ teachings were consideration of others, helping the poor and sick, helping social outcasts like prostitutes and Lepers.
Jesus taught that you have an obligation to care for others and not judge them.

Was Jesus Woke?

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Haha!... the strawman is over the top with this one!
Jesus - 'Throw out the worthless servant into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth".
Jesus - "Whoever causes a child to commit sin, it would be better for them to have a great millstone tied around their neck and thrown into the sea"
Jesus - "But as to the enemies of God, bring them to me and slaughter them before me"

Need a few dozen more?


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