Zone1 the RCC is not from God

"The Church Jesus founded is not of God".
Think hard about that one.
I’m thinking really hard but I don’t get it. Jesus Christ is a member of the Godhead and therefore shares the title of God. So please clarify this incomplete thought.
And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
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Daniel 2:44 KJV -
My bible has crush all those kingdoms)= out of existence forever. It has not occurred yet. Rev 16 assures Every kingdom( govt, armies and supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus at Rev 19:11( Harmageddon)-They will be wiped off of Gods earth.
No, as prophet, he spoke by the power of the Holy Ghost. So, no lies. Did he have opinions? Yes. All men do. In fact, he was chastised by God a few times for not trusting in him and one time we lost an additional 116 pages of the Book of Mormon. But, what was needed for the marvelous work and wonder that Isaiah and Ezekiel prophesied for out day, it and other things were abridged by Mormon. So, only when he speaks with “this sayeth the Lord, and it’s put into our latter day scriptures is it from God. Other than that, he had opinions as did Brigham Young and all the prophets and apostles old and new.
You follow Mr Smith. i will follow Jesus.
You follow Mr Smith. i will follow Jesus.
When the Prophets and Apostles speak as the mouthpiece of Christ, it’s the same as if Christ were speaking. So, when Joseph Smith spoke as a prophet, the people were following Christ. I am able to discern the writings of Joseph to know if he was speaking as the prophet or offering his opinions. Same with all the prophets and apostles since.
Because you have no apostles or prophets, you are following your scholars and interpreters. At the beginning of your JW church, the leaders tried to pass themselves off as prophets, seers and revelators. After 5 bad so called “thus sayeth the Lord” statements when the end was coming, they changed themselves to scholars and not prophets. 🤣
we don't follow Joseph Smith or any other Prophet. We follow God and Jesus Christ. Prophets tell us what God needs us to know.
There haven't been any prophets since Revelation was written. There are these-Matt 24:45= Ones taking the lead in Jesus' religion.
Oh, Gunny is Mormon, I think. OK. That explains it. The girls were always the funnest growing up, the most curious. And my belief over a lifetime the best Moms.
and you are wrong. I am sorry you don't accept God's gift and attack it instead.
Gods word shows this is how God and Jesus do things now.-Jesus appoints the ones taking the lead in his religion. Matt 24:45. And he promised to these that he would send holy spirit to guide them into all truth.( At the proper time)= the light grows brighter over time. Thus errors were taught on those matters until God revealed those truths at the proper time, thus corrections would be made in front of all hearts. Most hearts condemned that. Why? Because their light didn't grow brighter at the proper time. Why? Because the ones taking the lead in their religion do not belong to Jesus.
I have never denied I was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In fact, I have said so a bunch of times.
Oh, I was not suggesting that. I was trying to figure the platform you are standing on. Were you born into the faith or converted? I doubt I have lived a day without some kind of bilagaana Mormon in the area. We always had them in Dinétah.

I joined in 1977 and have never doubted the doctrine.
I didnt attend much I joined the Marine Corps in 79 too. I just am not much for going to church but I believe in the Church and all it's goals. Right now I am disabled unable to get out of the house so the local missionaries zoom with me once a week.
I didnt attend much I joined the Marine Corps in 79 too. I just am not much for going to church but I believe in the Church and all it's goals. Right now I am disabled unable to get out of the house so the local missionaries zoom with me once a week.
Do they provide the Sacrament for you each week? Members often make the mistake of not understanding the purpose of attending Sunday Sacrament Meeting is for the purpose of partaking of the Sacraments renewing our covenants with the Lord. This is foreign to many Christian Churches.
I didnt attend much I joined the Marine Corps in 79 too. I just am not much for going to church but I believe in the Church and all it's goals. Right now I am disabled unable to get out of the house so the local missionaries zoom with me once a week.
Good for the missionaries. That is a good use of their time and duties. I am sad you are crippled up at home: no fun. My major physical liability right now is arthritic pain in my hands and lack of stability in my ankles, both from service injuries. But I am able to key and get around on my feet if I am careful.

Is VA taking good care of you?
Do they provide the Sacrament for you each week? Members often make the mistake of not understanding the purpose of attending Sunday Sacrament Meeting is for the purpose of partaking of the Sacraments renewing our covenants with the Lord. This is foreign to many Christian Churches.
I opted for once a month. They come once a month for that.
Good for the missionaries. That is a good use of their time and duties. I am sad you are crippled up at home: no fun. My major physical liability right now is arthritic pain in my hands and lack of stability in my ankles, both from service injuries. But I am able to key and get around on my feet if I am careful.

Is VA taking good care of you?
I am 100 percent finally so get that and Medicare. I got paid at 100 percent rate since 1999 but was only 70 percent. Haven't worked since August 1999. Been totally laid up for 3 years now used to be able to get around a bit have been using a wheelchair since about 2015 but could walk a bit up till I fractured my ankle during covid and spent 8 months healing in a nursing home.

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