The Nikki Haley Write-In Campaign --- how real? --- what impact? --- will (non-MAGA) Republicans participate?

Do you think that Nikki Haley (RFK, too) will win a sizable non-winning percentage of the vote?

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No, we love the United States, just hate the Liberal infested blue shitholes.

You don’t love the United States, because a nation is its people. All of its people. And a house divided against itself cannot stand.

I’m willing to bet real money you don’t even know why you hate liberals. It’s just what you’ve been taught to do all of your life.
You don’t love the United States, because a nation is its people. All of its people. And a house divided against itself cannot stand.

I’m willing to bet real money you don’t even know why you hate liberals. It’s just what you’ve been taught to do all of your life.
Oh no. I do know why I hate Liberals (See also: Leftists, Communists, Socialists, Canadians). It's because the Left want to fundamentally twist and contort the US into a shithole country where women can kill their children at will and sexual freaks like faggots, shemales and pedophiles, all of whom you support, can prey upon our most vulnerable.
You don’t love the United States, because a nation is its people. All of its people. And a house divided against itself cannot stand.

I’m willing to bet real money you don’t even know why you hate liberals. It’s just what you’ve been taught to do all of your life.
Except of course, for white, heterosexual Alpha Conservatives, then you can discriminate with impunity. You've already castrated your men.
I have been thinking about writing-in Nikki Haley for a couple of months now since she dropped out of the GOP primaries, and, apparently, I am far from being alone in that thinking...

Some Haley voters hanging on to her candidacy, refuse to endorse Trump​

When Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign, she refused to endorse Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican nomination — and apparently so did some of her supporters in...

ByMARC LEVY Associated Press
April 24, 2024, 10:15 AM

Some Haley voters hanging on to her candidacy, refuse to endorse Trump


I will not vote for Donald Trump and I will not vote (again) for Joe Biden.

Just as RFK Jr. is likely to draw Democratic votes away from Joe Biden, so too is Nikki Haley very likely to draw votes away from Donald Trump.

Given Haley's very large minority-percentage draw at the polls prior to her exit from the campaign trail, especially some of those early states, I'm thinking she'll prove impactful.

Haley has the experience in governing and she has the foreign policy chops to be a highly effective President... if not in 2024, then in 2028.

She has strong leadership abilities and both a vision and a moral compass vastly superior to either of the pre-Boomer or early-Boomer Old Farts.

If I follow-through with my present inclination to write-in Nikki Haley it will send a signal to the Old Men and help encourage her for 2028.

In that respect ( sending a message ) at least I would not be throwing-away my vote; rather, I would be using it well, thinking of the future.


Which begs a question....

Given that the election is still seven months off (as I write this) and that none of us have a crystal ball to predict the future...

And conceding in advance that neither RFK Jr. nor Nikki Haley stand any real chance of being elected in 2024...

"Do you think that Nikki Haley (RFK, too) will win a sizable non-winning percentage of the vote?"
Sure, go ahead.
Sure, go ahead.
Here's the thing. The RNC has foisted upon us nothing but limp dick RINOs since Reagan like Bob Dull, John McShitstain, and Mittens. All because they'd prefer to "lose with dignity" than fight the Democrats toe to toe. The only exception being baby Bush. Then along comes Trump, who beat the Democrats at their own game because he WAS one and now everyone is pissed.
Once again, you attempt to dehumanize your fellow Americans. No real or patriotic American whatever do such a thing.

The MAGA Cult hates the United States of America even more than Putin or Xi. You call yourself patriots but you spit on everything but the flag and the constitution stands for.

Trump won’t even take an oath to the Constitution if he’s elected. That tells sane and decent Americans everything they need to know.
Didn't you wish death on Americans that didn't get the vaccine?
Nikki Haley is a threat to the GOP. We should have realized this when she took down the flag in South Carolina.
Nikki Haley will officially end up with no more votes than I, based on fact that only votes for registered candidates are counted.

As of mid-April, RFK Jr is on the ballot only in Utah and Michigan. Signature collecting is still going on in the remaining states. I'll wait 3 months to see how that goes before making any guesses.
I have been thinking about writing-in Nikki Haley for a couple of months now since she dropped out of the GOP primaries, and, apparently, I am far from being alone in that thinking...

Some Haley voters hanging on to her candidacy, refuse to endorse Trump​

When Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign, she refused to endorse Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican nomination — and apparently so did some of her supporters in...

ByMARC LEVY Associated Press
April 24, 2024, 10:15 AM

Some Haley voters hanging on to her candidacy, refuse to endorse Trump


I will not vote for Donald Trump and I will not vote (again) for Joe Biden.

Just as RFK Jr. is likely to draw Democratic votes away from Joe Biden, so too is Nikki Haley very likely to draw votes away from Donald Trump.

Given Haley's very large minority-percentage draw at the polls prior to her exit from the campaign trail, especially some of those early states, I'm thinking she'll prove impactful.

Haley has the experience in governing and she has the foreign policy chops to be a highly effective President... if not in 2024, then in 2028.

She has strong leadership abilities and both a vision and a moral compass vastly superior to either of the pre-Boomer or early-Boomer Old Farts.

If I follow-through with my present inclination to write-in Nikki Haley it will send a signal to the Old Men and help encourage her for 2028.

In that respect ( sending a message ) at least I would not be throwing-away my vote; rather, I would be using it well, thinking of the future.


Which begs a question....

Given that the election is still seven months off (as I write this) and that none of us have a crystal ball to predict the future...

And conceding in advance that neither RFK Jr. nor Nikki Haley stand any real chance of being elected in 2024...

"Do you think that Nikki Haley (RFK, too) will win a sizable non-winning percentage of the vote?"


It is paramount that we stop fossil Biden from flooding the country for four more years!!!

Voting for Haley now, would only assure a Biden victory!!
Nikki Haley is a threat to the GOP. We should have realized this when she took down the flag in South Carolina.
Nikki beats Biden by 10-17 points. That is a GOP landslide. Take the easy win if Trump ends up in prison.

We should know that by the GOP Convention in WI.

It is paramount that we stop fossil Biden from flooding the country for four more years!!!

Voting for Haley now, would only assure a Biden victory!!
As much as I despise Biden's corruption and his open borders and betrayal of Israel, I cannot vote for Trump, so...
A directed write in campaign for Nikki combined to RFKJr's pulling votes from Trump can, indeed, affect this election.
I have been thinking about writing-in Nikki Haley for a couple of months now since she dropped out of the GOP primaries, and, apparently, I am far from being alone in that thinking...

Some Haley voters hanging on to her candidacy, refuse to endorse Trump​

When Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign, she refused to endorse Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican nomination — and apparently so did some of her supporters in...

ByMARC LEVY Associated Press
April 24, 2024, 10:15 AM

Some Haley voters hanging on to her candidacy, refuse to endorse Trump


I will not vote for Donald Trump and I will not vote (again) for Joe Biden.

Just as RFK Jr. is likely to draw Democratic votes away from Joe Biden, so too is Nikki Haley very likely to draw votes away from Donald Trump.

Given Haley's very large minority-percentage draw at the polls prior to her exit from the campaign trail, especially some of those early states, I'm thinking she'll prove impactful.

Haley has the experience in governing and she has the foreign policy chops to be a highly effective President... if not in 2024, then in 2028.

She has strong leadership abilities and both a vision and a moral compass vastly superior to either of the pre-Boomer or early-Boomer Old Farts.

If I follow-through with my present inclination to write-in Nikki Haley it will send a signal to the Old Men and help encourage her for 2028.

In that respect ( sending a message ) at least I would not be throwing-away my vote; rather, I would be using it well, thinking of the future.


Which begs a question....

Given that the election is still seven months off (as I write this) and that none of us have a crystal ball to predict the future...

And conceding in advance that neither RFK Jr. nor Nikki Haley stand any real chance of being elected in 2024...

"Do you think that Nikki Haley (RFK, too) will win a sizable non-winning percentage of the vote?"
MAGA desperation.
They know 20% of the GOP will not vote for Trump.
They also know if those people vote for Biden Trump is doomed.

This is just "No Labels" with a skirt.

I smell your fear and
That should hurt Biden more than Trump. Thanks for the uplifting message!
Having 20% of Republican voters simply disappear helps Trump?


Seriously folks, you can't make this shit up



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No Republicans will write-in Nikki Haley when the other candidate is Joe Biden.

A more likely option is to nominate Nikki at the convention.
Never gonna happen.

MAGATS hate Haley.
They'd nominate Putin first.

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