Remember John Edwards?

So the country got a president it didn't want, who fucked upthe country and killed hundreds of thousands of people, but it's okay, we followed a process!!!

So when shouldnt we follow the rules of how the elections work? Is it just when it doest elect the people you like or is it more arbitrary than that?
Oh, I don't know, was it suppressed? Everyone heard about it. Most people doubted it because it was just too silly on face value.

So when shouldnt we follow the rules of how the elections work? Is it just when it doest elect the people you like or is it more arbitrary than that?
The people said no to Trump.

Because he was manifestly unfit to be President.

He immediately set out proving it.

But we followed a process, that was the important thing.
The people said no to Trump.

Because he was manifestly unfit to be President.

He immediately set out proving it.

But we followed a process, that was the important thing.

I'll ask again. You admit that the rules of how Presidents are elected were followed in 2016 correct or are you an election denier? So, when shouldn't we follow those rules? And who decides when we've met that threshold?
I'll ask again. You admit that the rules of how Presidents are elected were followed in 2016 correct or are you an election denier? So, when shouldn't we follow those rules? And who decides when we've met that threshold?

Well, if we followed the process, all those electors would have looked at each other and said, "Man, we can't do this. This guy is nuts and probably owned by the Russians".

The whole purpose of putting in electors was as a back check against the electorate getting it wrong.

Except the exact opposite happened. The electorate got it right (rejecting Trump by 2 million votes) and the electors pushed the button like they were in a suicide pact. (I'm wondering if any Trump Electors died of Covid? That would be ironic.)

Doesn't matter................all is needed is an AG who wants to change it.

Right. An AG would change it because then the President would fire him. Which is what Nixon did in 1973.

Now, the Independent Counsel Law was supposed to be a backstop to this problem, but we already see how that doesn't work. Walsh, Starr, Fitzgerald, Hur, we all see how that goes wrong.
Well, if we followed the process, all those electors would have looked at each other and said, "Man, we can't do this. This guy is nuts and probably owned by the Russians".

The whole purpose of putting in electors was as a back check against the electorate getting it wrong.

Except the exact opposite happened. The electorate got it right (rejecting Trump by 2 million votes) and the electors pushed the button like they were in a suicide pact. (I'm wondering if any Trump Electors died of Covid? That would be ironic.)

Right. An AG would change it because then the President would fire him. Which is what Nixon did in 1973.

Now, the Independent Counsel Law was supposed to be a backstop to this problem, but we already see how that doesn't work. Walsh, Starr, Fitzgerald, Hur, we all see how that goes wrong.
And this kids is what it looks like when you are ideologically captured.....
And this kids is what it looks like when you are ideologically captured.....

Or... I recognize a bad system.

Let's leave Trump off to the side for the moment. He's a symptom of much worse problems in our society. The EC is a terrible way to pick Presidents.

First, most states aren't even in play. This last election came down to five states - GA, MI, WI, AZ, and PA.

The rest of the country, meh. They weren't in play, so no one spent that much time in them.

Winning PA by 80K votes means more than winning CA by 2 million votes. That's just crazy.

Presidents selected this way have always been the bad ones - Trump, Bush, Harrison and Hayes.
Actually, a conviction is the point.

Once he gets a conviction, then decent, not crazy republicans are going to ask, "Can the party of Law and Order REALLY nominate a convicted felon?"
No stupid, any thinking person (that leaves you out) knows it wouldn't hold up on appeal.
You're guilty of prostitution but I dont think Stormy was paid for the sex, (at least she's never said she was) just paid for her silence about the sex
It's funny Trump isn't being Me Too'ed like Harvey Weinstein. The way he uses his wealth and power to get laid. This sort of pulls the curtain back although I think we always suspected it. How do some women fall for it?

She said "how did I misread this". Dummy! You went into his hotel room. Alone. How could Trump read it any other way?

Did you know Monica threw herself at Bill? Do you care? Nope. You just care that he cheated on poor Hillary/Melania.

I love how embarrassing this is for a man who is shameless.
Not really.

Do you think there is anyone who heard about Stormy Daniels's testimony yesterday and didn't think Trump is an absolute scumbag?

You see, the main reason why Clinton mostly survived the Lewinsky Affair is Monica never really turned on him.

Trump's underlying scuzziness is there for all the world to see, and it doesn't look good.
Explain why she even testified. WTF did her testimony have to do with a bookkeeping entry?
Actually, Hillary got the most votes... but that's a different discussion. If people knew about the porn star, that would have shifted about 80K votes in the Swing states. That's why he paid to cover it up.
No she didn't. 304-234 isn't the most votes, Simp.

Learn how our system works.
Right. An AG would change it because then the President would fire him. Which is what Nixon did in 1973.
How'd that work out?

Now, the Independent Counsel Law was supposed to be a backstop to this problem, but we already see how that doesn't work. Walsh, Starr, Fitzgerald, Hur, we all see how that goes wrong.

Most since Starr have been appointed in violation of the COTUS........including Smith.
The people said no to Trump.

Because he was manifestly unfit to be President.

He immediately set out proving it.

But we followed a process, that was the important thing.
Did the people say no to Slick Willy twice? He only got 43% and 47% of the popular vote, Simp.
Well, if we followed the process, all those electors would have looked at each other and said, "Man, we can't do this. This guy is nuts and probably owned by the Russians".

The whole purpose of putting in electors was as a back check against the electorate getting it wrong.

Except the exact opposite happened. The electorate got it right (rejecting Trump by 2 million votes) and the electors pushed the button like they were in a suicide pact. (I'm wondering if any Trump Electors died of Covid? That would be ironic.)

Right. An AG would change it because then the President would fire him. Which is what Nixon did in 1973.

Now, the Independent Counsel Law was supposed to be a backstop to this problem, but we already see how that doesn't work. Walsh, Starr, Fitzgerald, Hur, we all see how that goes wrong.
Another nutbag RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA conspiracy theory moron.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Nice job, Simp.
Or... I recognize a bad system.

Let's leave Trump off to the side for the moment. He's a symptom of much worse problems in our society. The EC is a terrible way to pick Presidents.

First, most states aren't even in play. This last election came down to five states - GA, MI, WI, AZ, and PA.

The rest of the country, meh. They weren't in play, so no one spent that much time in them.

Winning PA by 80K votes means more than winning CA by 2 million votes. That's just crazy.

Presidents selected this way have always been the bad ones - Trump, Bush, Harrison and Hayes.
Take away the EC and it would still hinge on a handful of states. You do realize all of Hitlery's popular vote advantage, plus a few million, came in KKKalifornia? Take out one state and she loses by millions of votes.

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