Pro-HAMAS students block UCLA Jewish student from entering campus

This is war. This is how it looks. Feels even worse but it's a nonstop reality in yhis area.

Israel is in an existential fight. you believe 'looking bad' is a higher consideration than life of security?

Hyperbolic bs.

Hamas has no means to destroy Israel and yes there is a way to coduct operations against them without this many casualties.
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Now I really have to scratch my head

Anyone who drenches themselves in gasoline and lights the match is completely crazy

Totally nuts

Yet he is the person who guides your thinking?
Lol. A coward and chickenhawk like you, would never do anything opposing the state. Then you denigrate someone brave enough to oppose the state.

Heil Hitler Mac!!!
Yes. And we know this because Israel has offered them land for peace deals before, and the Palestinians turned them down.

So lets have a forever war?

You OFFER AGAIN AND AGAIN, Israel needs to remain the civilized country in the room consistently offering something resembling a way out and a furture for Palestine.

Instead, Israeli leadership is declining the only solution obvious to everyone else except the people killing each other - a two state solution.
Lol. A coward and chickenhawk like you, would never do anything opposing the state. Then you denigrate someone brave enough to oppose the state.

Heil Hitler Mac!!!
If you think setting yourself on fire is a winning tactic then go for it

I will stick with a more cowardly route
If you think setting yourself on fire is a winning tactic then go for it

I will stick with a more cowardly route
No doubt Fox News didn’t show you this just days after the Hamas attack. Israel knows dumb Americans are easily duped. Open your eyes dummy.

Israel announces ‘total’ blockade on Gaza​

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant says blockade will include ban on admission of food, electricity and fuel.
No doubt Fox News didn’t show you this just days after the Hamas attack. Israel knows dumb Americans are easily duped. Open your eyes dummy.

Israel announces ‘total’ blockade on Gaza​

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant says blockade will include ban on admission of food, electricity and fuel.
Does this mean you are finished regaling us about the joys of self-immolation?
You say this based....on what?

I'm trying to understand what factual basis you are making these arguments from. If it's just blind bias then it's based on not much at all.

Your “news” sources didn’t inform you of these facts?
Everybody else knows this why don’t you?
No doubt Fox News didn’t show you this just days after the Hamas attack. Israel knows dumb Americans are easily duped. Open your eyes dummy.

Israel announces ‘total’ blockade on Gaza​

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant says blockade will include ban on admission of food, electricity and fuel.
Aljazeera? Hahahaahahahahahahahaaaa!
You seem to have hit rock bottom, zipper. :popcorn:
No doubt you love Blinken and Kushner. You’ve lost your mind. It’s not your own.

For how many generations of young people can you raise on Big Lies—such as that Israel and its sugar daddy are prosecuting a fair, legitimate war, rather than waging Total War against innocent civilians? Total War is a term to describe an all-out war against any and all. “What I saw was not war, but annihilation,” lamented Dr. Ifran Galaria, volunteer in Gaza, to MSNBC’s Joy Reid.

Contrast good guys Galloway and Bushnell with Jared Kushner.

These days, “bloody Blinken, secretary of genocide”—a moniker given to him by the grand ladies of “Code Pink,” who have camped out at the Blinken mansion—has been coming and going to the Middle East. In dizzy rapture over Israel, Blinken shuttles to-and-fro on missions to smooth over Israel’s assault on Gaza; make it more genteel, more sellable.

Sellable as Jared Kushner assesses “Gaza’s waterfront property” to be.

With the fey charm of a state-cutter—a coroner—preparing to carve a corpse; philosopher-king Kushner shrugged a slender shoulder, as he languidly mused:

‘I’m sitting in Miami Beach right now, and I’m looking at the situation [in Gaza] and I’m thinking: What would I do if I was there? … I would just bulldoze something in the Negev, I would try to move people in there … I think that’s a better option, so you can go in and finish the job. … I do think right now opening up the Negev, creating a secure area there, moving the civilians out, and then going in and finishing the job would be the right move.’

This waterfront property “could be very valuable” Kushner let slip,
on February 15, to an audience at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government’s Middle East Initiative.
Gaza: What If America Were the Good Guy? - LewRockwell
Lol. A coward and chickenhawk like you, would never do anything opposing the state. Then you denigrate someone brave enough to oppose the state.

Heil Hitler Mac!!!
cowards and chickenhawks wear mask and gloves to "protest"
No doubt you love Blinken and Kushner. You’ve lost your mind. It’s not your own.

For how many generations of young people can you raise on Big Lies—such as that Israel and its sugar daddy are prosecuting a fair, legitimate war, rather than waging Total War against innocent civilians? Total War is a term to describe an all-out war against any and all. “What I saw was not war, but annihilation,” lamented Dr. Ifran Galaria, volunteer in Gaza, to MSNBC’s Joy Reid.

Contrast good guys Galloway and Bushnell with Jared Kushner.

These days, “bloody Blinken, secretary of genocide”—a moniker given to him by the grand ladies of “Code Pink,” who have camped out at the Blinken mansion—has been coming and going to the Middle East. In dizzy rapture over Israel, Blinken shuttles to-and-fro on missions to smooth over Israel’s assault on Gaza; make it more genteel, more sellable.

Sellable as Jared Kushner assesses “Gaza’s waterfront property” to be.

With the fey charm of a state-cutter—a coroner—preparing to carve a corpse; philosopher-king Kushner shrugged a slender shoulder, as he languidly mused:

‘I’m sitting in Miami Beach right now, and I’m looking at the situation [in Gaza] and I’m thinking: What would I do if I was there? … I would just bulldoze something in the Negev, I would try to move people in there … I think that’s a better option, so you can go in and finish the job. … I do think right now opening up the Negev, creating a secure area there, moving the civilians out, and then going in and finishing the job would be the right move.’

This waterfront property “could be very valuable” Kushner let slip,
on February 15, to an audience at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government’s Middle East Initiative.
Gaza: What If America Were the Good Guy? - LewRockwell
So Jared Kushner wants a booming economy in Gaza, and support Hamas...

Yeah, I see the difference. don't think Hitler had high support from Germans?

Propaganda is a hell of a drug.

Yes... and there was no way around many of them dying to extract the cancer. War sucks. What the Israelis are doing is not "genocide". Now, if the Israelis put down their arms, there would be genocide, because the Muslims won't stop. You know who is actually experiencing genocide? Christians in the Middle East (not Israel). The Muslims have little to no tolerance.... yet play the victim.
So Jared Kushner wants a booming economy in Gaza, and support Hamas...

Yeah, I see the difference.
Try to think for yourself for once. Don’t let Fox News do your thinking.

You’ll love the following…

Chris Hedges reports that 77 percent of all healthcare facilities in Gaza have been destroyed along with 68 percent of telecommunications infrastructure, half of all roads, 60 percent of all homes, and 68 percent of all residential buildings. All the universities and other educational facilities were bombed and shutdown. More than 200 heritage sites and 208 mosques and churches have been destroyed. The Israelis have so far dropped 25,000 tons of explosives on this 25-mile by 5-mile piece of land, the equivalent of two nuclear bombs. They dropped 2000-pound bombs on refugee camps. That’s one way to get rid of “refugee problems.”

There are 1.7 million homeless people now in Gaza according to Hedges, and 32,705 Palestinians had been killed at the time of his report with another 75,000 crippled for life from bullets and bombs. Hundreds of doctors and nurses were killed in all the bombings, and starving people are eating grass and animal food. Disease is rampant.

This is all apparently a part of Israel’s own “Anaconda Plan.” Hedges quotes Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant declaring that his goal is that there is to be “No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel” in Gaza
. There is even talk in Israel of dropping nuclear bombs to finish the job.
Palestinian Confederates - LewRockwell
Try to think for yourself for once. Don’t let Fox News do your thinking.

You’ll love the following…

Chris Hedges reports that 77 percent of all healthcare facilities in Gaza have been destroyed along with 68 percent of telecommunications infrastructure, half of all roads, 60 percent of all homes, and 68 percent of all residential buildings. All the universities and other educational facilities were bombed and shutdown. More than 200 heritage sites and 208 mosques and churches have been destroyed. The Israelis have so far dropped 25,000 tons of explosives on this 25-mile by 5-mile piece of land, the equivalent of two nuclear bombs. They dropped 2000-pound bombs on refugee camps. That’s one way to get rid of “refugee problems.”

There are 1.7 million homeless people now in Gaza according to Hedges, and 32,705 Palestinians had been killed at the time of his report with another 75,000 crippled for life from bullets and bombs. Hundreds of doctors and nurses were killed in all the bombings, and starving people are eating grass and animal food. Disease is rampant.

This is all apparently a part of Israel’s own “Anaconda Plan.” Hedges quotes Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant declaring that his goal is that there is to be “No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel” in Gaza
. There is even talk in Israel of dropping nuclear bombs to finish the job.
Palestinian Confederates - LewRockwell
hahah....yes, look at all the destruction from having Hamas as the Govt of Gaza.

Why do you keep supporting Hamas? Why don't you want to liberate the people from Hamas?

Oh, nevermind, I get it, you are clueless and a bigot
Does this get you excited?

The people who are illegally there and preventing people who are legally entitled to attend class from attending arec getting removed and you are boo hooing for the “illegals”
Why do a variety of differing illegals get so much support from the emotionally addled lib loons?
I think it’s due to the liberal “we are owed” mentality
If they wanted to commit genocide, why so few dead?
I could have taken out that many Arabs in the first day.
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant declaring that his goal is that there is to be “No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel” in Gaza. There is even talk in Israel of dropping nuclear bombs to finish the job.

You’d love it if Israel were to nuke Gaza. Psycho!
Mostly true, but Israel has been so sloppy on minimizing civilian casualties that they are now crossing the line into becoming war criminals themselves. NatanYahoo administration is damaging Israel by turning off many of it's long time supporters that can no longer look past staggering civilian casualties.

Both can be true.
The only war crime is losing.

Treat Gaza like Carthage.

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