Have you seen any RACIST "protesters" against Gaza palestine-fascist GENOCIDE regime causing its peoples deaths? (Fake "Pro palestine" )


Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2023
I'm still searching for an encampment against human shields death cult Hamas,
Islamic Jihad,
Palestine Authority -

Please send in any "events..."

Don't get fooled by the label pro palestine. No one cares about the Arabs there.

It's about bigotry.

Always was.

Palestine activist with Hitler placards in car RELEASED by police after just 10 minutes ... before he then REJOINED protest.
By Holly Bishop.
April 5, 2024.

Wrath of the Keffiyeh Nazis.
Hitler predicted them and they will end up with him on the ash heap of history.
Benjamin Kerstein.
Feb 20, 2024

Keffiyeh as Neo-Swastika Fashion Statement
By Guest Contributor -April 10, 2024.

Pro-Palestinian protests: Man arrested for carrying swastika placard and another held for racist remarks at London march.
There was a simultaneous static demonstration organised by pro-Israel group Enough is Enough along the route of the march.
Saturday 27 April 2024

Columbia Then and Now: Lessons for Today’s Jewish Protesters from Nazi Germany’s Notorious Columbia Concentration Camp.
History is replete with Jews, and persons of Jewish ancestry, being our own worst enemies.
Ron Galperin.
May 1, 2024

Rutgers forces Jewish BBQ off campus after giving into anti-Israel encampment’s demands.
By David Spector.
Published May 4, 2024, 9:49 a.m. ET

As Columbia anti-Israel encampment endures, Jewish students horrified by ‘Judenrein’ campus.
'A hotbed for radical antisemitism': Protesters have shouted 'Kill all the Jews' and 'We want one Arab state' as administration struggles with out of control demonstrators, outside agitators
By Catgryn J. Prince.
25 April 2024, 7:03 am

Pro-Palestinian activist in Syracuse told to step down after antisemitic posts surface, group says
Updated: May. 02, 2024, 10:50 a.m.|Published: May. 01, 2024, 6:07 p.m.
...Several posts on a now-deleted Twitter account linked to graduate student Aziza Zahran praise the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

Swastikas sprayed at Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn as anti-Semitic acts rising.
Nov 12, 2023.
News 5 Cleveland.

Racist-Arabs students at Hebrew university draw Nazi swastika.
Feb 2, 2024.

Last edited:
I'm still searching for an encampment against human shields death cult Hamas,
Islamic Jihad,
Palestine Authority -

Please send in any "events..."

Don't get fooled by the label pro palestine. No one cares about the Arabs there.

It's about bigotry.

Always was.

Palestine activist with Hitler placards in car RELEASED by police after just 10 minutes ... before he then REJOINED protest.
By Holly Bishop.
April 5, 2024.

Columbia Then and Now: Lessons for Today’s Jewish Protesters from Nazi Germany’s Notorious Columbia Concentration Camp.
History is replete with Jews, and persons of Jewish ancestry, being our own worst enemies.
Ron Galperin.
May 1, 2024

Rutgers forces Jewish BBQ off campus after giving into anti-Israel encampment’s demands.
By David Spector.
Published May 4, 2024, 9:49 a.m. ET

As Columbia anti-Israel encampment endures, Jewish students horrified by ‘Judenrein’ campus.
'A hotbed for radical antisemitism': Protesters have shouted 'Kill all the Jews' and 'We want one Arab state' as administration struggles with out of control demonstrators, outside agitators
By Catgryn J. Prince.
25 April 2024, 7:03 am

Pro-Palestinian activist in Syracuse told to step down after antisemitic posts surface, group says
Updated: May. 02, 2024, 10:50 a.m.|Published: May. 01, 2024, 6:07 p.m.
...Several posts on a now-deleted Twitter account linked to graduate student Aziza Zahran praise the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

Swastikas sprayed at Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn as anti-Semitic acts rising.
Nov 12, 2023.
News 5 Cleveland.

Racist-Arabs students at Hebrew university draw Nazi swastika.
Feb 2, 2024.
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Nazism in Palestinian society and the use of Nazi symbols.

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