More Biden Being Out Of Touch With Ordinary Americans

CNN's Erin Burnett asks Biden if he can turn the economy around in time for the November election and Biden says he's already turned it around while the truth is inflation is going higher and interest rates are not coming down. Americans can't afford to live now and it's more of Biden saying that everything's just fine. Then he goes on to complain about banks charges for bounced checks and late payment fees on credit cards. He doesn't even realize that if Americans could afford to live they wouldn't be bouncing checks or making late payments on credit cards or even having to charge groceries on their cards because prices are so high.

Biden is trying to gaslight people. He’s hoping the media cooperates with that.
Most literate Americans undetstand that Biden is not the one who is jacking up prices. It's those corporations who were given the trump tax cuts that are.
That’s incredibly ignorant.

Corporations are not printing more money devaluing the dollar

Corporations aren’t responsible for rising energy prices.

Corporations aren’t responsible for spending us into oblivion.

Corporations aren’t responsible for illegals flooding the border absorbing resources.

Corporations aren’t responsible for spending countless billions supporting the foreign wars of other nations.
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Literate Americans understand that Trump inherited the Obama/Biden economy. Trump spent during the pandemic. American government spending did not create the global inflation that existed. Biden has set job growth records above and beyond what were returned after the pandemic. These are the facts literate Americans understand. RWM users understand the fake mess you posted.
Link us up to these job growth records beyond all those just going back to work, Simp.
Most literate Americans undetstand that Biden is not the one who is jacking up prices. It's those corporations who were given the trump tax cuts that are.
Weird how inflation was 1.6% under Trump…..AFTER those across the board tax cuts, huh Cletus?
Weird how inflation was 1.6% under Trump…..AFTER those across the board tax cuts, huh Cletus?
Again, Trump inherited a growing economy. His tax cuts were not even necessary and what he did by cutting taxes while increasing spending, was set a record deficit because he reduced revenues but not soending.

Inflation was not 1.6 under trump. In 2020 it went to 1.4 due to a contraction caused by Covid, not by Trump. Trump came to office with a 2.1 percent rate of inflation and he dd not create that.

Buddy, if you're a Biden supporter and you don't see that our POTUS is both senile and extremely fragile compared to Trump you don't need to be gaslit.
What I see is trump faling asleep in a courtroom and slurring his words and unable to pronouce words in speeches. Trump is a fat slob and he is mentally unfit. Biden is in far better condition.

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