More Biden Being Out Of Touch With Ordinary Americans

CNN's Erin Burnett asks Biden if he can turn the economy around in time for the November election and Biden says he's already turned it around while the truth is inflation is going higher and interest rates are not coming down. Americans can't afford to live now and it's more of Biden saying that everything's just fine. Then he goes on to complain about banks charges for bounced checks and late payment fees on credit cards. He doesn't even realize that if Americans could afford to live they wouldn't be bouncing checks or making late payments on credit cards or even having to charge groceries on their cards because prices are so high.

Sadfully our Country has becomes a cesspool of Lies,
regurgitated Obama style Marxism { purposedly masquerating }
as if just what this country needs.Akin to old style Stalinism.
Where Newspeak,Doublethink and Big Brother is
manifestly Watching You.
Where Controlling YOU is Job One.
" YOU cannot make a revolution with silk gloves. "
Joseph Stalin
No one is astonished by President Biden's being out of touch with the average American,

He has made a nice living at the public trough for more than a half century.

It is impossible for him to understand the economic suffering of many Americans.
So whose to blame.? How has this been allowed to fester
and get worse by the year.In of all places The Most Strongest
Nation on Earth.
I say blame uno is the MSM or Press.
Then of course the death of Journalism.
Where Real Journalism has suffered a death of a thousand
cuts for a couple decades.
You can't live and enjoy Americanism in a country that has
been weaned on Liberal turned leftist indoctrination daily.
Starting in the Radical 60's and now full blown Commie.
Government is no longer organized,peaceful and helpful.
It has been transformed into hateful and divisive.
" Communism is a hateful thing and a menace to
Peace and organized government. "
-- Grover Cleveland
I am an American and I can afford things just fine. Americans understand how and why things got real cheap during the pandemic and that if trump was president right now we'd be facng the same thing with a leader who would have no clue of how to fix them.

The farmers here in my state who filed bankruptcy thanks to Trumps China trade war, might tell you sonething different.
You are little more than Stuck on Stupid in the Extreme.
You rely like Pickle relish on constant Biden Hot Dog
B.S. in order to sleep at night.
Eventually the Tooth Fairy will have no choice other than
Ban you from restful sleep.You don't deserve it.
You haven't earned it.
Lies are your sleep aid.For now.
Literate Americans understand that Trump inherited the Obama/Biden economy. Trump spent during the pandemic. American government spending did not create the global inflation that existed. Biden has set job growth records above and beyond what were returned after the pandemic. These are the facts literate Americans understand. RWM users understand the fake mess you posted.
CNN's Erin Burnett asks Biden if he can turn the economy around in time for the November election and Biden says he's already turned it around while the truth is inflation is going higher and interest rates are not coming down. Americans can't afford to live now and it's more of Biden saying that everything's just fine. Then he goes on to complain about banks charges for bounced checks and late payment fees on credit cards. He doesn't even realize that if Americans could afford to live they wouldn't be bouncing checks or making late payments on credit cards or even having to charge groceries on their cards because prices are so high.

Hey nitwit, lower interest rates and you push inflation higher

And inflation is not out of control
Hey nitwit, lower interest rates and you push inflation higher

And inflation is not out of control
We're only a Slim Jim away from full blown Stagflation.
This economy is basically weaker than Jimmy Carters.
Just a few more major nationwide bank shutting down
and we're in a Financial pickle.
Where's there's no bucket of blood to bail out.
Or Beatniks to use as fodder.
Maxwell H. Brock : " I'm proud to say my poetry is only understood
by that minority that is aware. "
Yellow Door Patron : " Aware of what ? "
Maxwell H. Brock : " Why,not of anything,stupid.Just aware! "
In hindsight it takes a whole lot of todays " anything " to be
both stupid while being aware.
Try it sometime.
And we know the media is cooperating with that. In fact, I noticed lately that since RFK is a threat to Biden, all of a sudden they are really pushing the worm in the brain story. The media have misrepresented what RFK actually said in order to help Biden. Imagine that.
The mainstream media is not in lockstep in support of Biden.
The mainstream media is not in lockstep in support of Biden.
For the most part, they are. They are a bunch of democratic donors who do what they can to further the democratic cause. Some of the time they don't realize that they are doing it but many of the times they blatantly bring up stories that hurt Trump or the Republicans while doing what they can to bury stories that hurt Biden. One recent example is badmouthing and bringing up skeletons regarding RFK and his brain worms because he is a threat to Biden and the world order while they do absolutely nothing to bring up the skeletons of Jill Stein or Cornell West, because they are not much of a threat to Biden.
You are in the running for the honor of being the dumbest member here.
" Its alright nurse Anderson ... Please leave it alone!.
Stop it nurse.Stop it.Please leave iT alone. "
- The Fly - { 1958 } original film starring Vincent Price.
Comparison warranted to Potus Biden as a pesky Fly.
Since his ability to talk,reason and move around
is in a state of Infirmity!
" Its alright nurse Anderson ... Please leave it alone!.
Stop it nurse.Stop it.Please leave iT alone. "
- The Fly - { 1958 } original film starring Vincent Price.
Comparison warranted to Potus Biden as a pesky Fly.
Since his ability to talk,reason and move around
is in a state of Infirmity!
Okeedokee. .
Hey nitwit, lower interest rates and you push inflation higher

And inflation is not out of control
What was the interest rate in Jan 2021 when Trump handed Tater 1.6% inflation?

Let’s find out if Lesh has the balls to post it…….
What was the interest rate in Jan 2021 when Trump handed Tater 1.6% inflation?

Let’s find out if Lesh has the balls to post it…….
You mean when the economy was in the shits from Covid?
The current job growth is simply the resurrection of jobs lost during the period of COVID abuse.
Those jobs were resurrected well over a year and a half ago. So not only did Biden fix the mess left to him he kept the pace up

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