Judge Cannon pushes back Trump deadline for filing

Doubtful, you underestimate the Democrats treachery and capacity for lawless corruption. If Dems can't find dirt on you they fabricate it.

True so you're basically saying that they are using this time to put their heads together on their next move and that was another thought of mine too.
Judge Cannon suspends Trump classified Documents case

It seems like all these cases are crumbling.


At least this frees up his calendar for the Jan. 6th trial once his NY porn star payoff/campaign finance violation trial concludes.
I'm not too sure who tells you MAGAts things like "all Trump's trials are crumbling" because that's not exactly the case. They may "crumble," they may not.
In NY anyway that will all be up to a jury of Trump's peers.
She did what Trump nominated her to do.
Unfortunately for Cannon, her reputation as a judge is pretty much shot.
Happens when you carry the Don's water. :)
Happens when you abide by the law for one who is being witch hunted
It is not an absolute right.
Zednar vs. the US is an example of the exceptions.
As long as the defendant has not caused the delay by his own actions, he has very nearly an absolute right to a speedy trial. A judge can only allow a delay under extraordinary circumstances.

Congestion of the court, or lack of readiness by the prosecution is not a reason to delay. A delay for the determination of the defendant's mental competency to stand trial is legitimate, and allowing the prosecution sufficient time to conduct due diligence is acceptable within strict limits.

Long delays by a prosecutor are not allowed. The State should not bring charges against someone if they are not prepared to try the case. They must dismiss the charges, and bring them later when they are ready to proceed.

18 USC 3161 was the U.S. Congress response to the court's decision in Barker, and establishes fixed limits and the permissible exceptions.
So your opinion has changed to "very nearly an absolute right".

Nitwit, there is no such thing as very nearly an absolute right.
When the government tampers with evidence and gets caught the defendant should be reimbursed for their costs.
Jerk Smith’s goons also flat out lied to the court.

Case should be dropped, and they should be disbarred.
Postpones date for Trump filing deadline. Doubtful this will got to court before election day.

The ruling by the judge, Aileen M. Cannon, was made in a bare-bones order that contained no factual or legal reasoning. It did not schedule a new deadline but erased the one she had set almost a month ago ordering Mr. Trump’s lawyers to file by Thursday a detailed list of the classified materials that they intend to introduce at the trial, which is set to take place at some point in Federal District Court in Fort Pierce, Fla.
That list is enormously consequential because, when filed, it will mark the first step in what will ultimately be a pitched battle between the defense and prosecution over what sorts of classified materials the jury will get to hear about at trial — a contested process, balancing issues of public access and national security, that could take months to complete.

Ex-Trump White House Attorney Has Damning Prediction For Classified Docs Judge -- His own lawyer. How many ex Presidents can claim such relations with their own lawyers?

Ty Cobb, former White House attorney under Donald Trump, accused the judge overseeing the classified documents case of “bias and incompetence” and said she is trying everything she can to stop the trial from proceeding.

“The things that she has done here are inexplicable,” he said on CNN on Tuesday hours after Judge Aileen Cannon ― who was nominated to her position by Trump ― indefinitely postponed the criminal trial.


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