Joe Biden Can Be Prosecuted and Convicted TODAY - The Mountain of Evidence Against Joe Biden is Staggering

NOTE: Yes, I expected the usual cadre of leftist shills to reply. This is a learning moment, as you can see that not a single one of them bothers to refute the evidence, allegations, and case against Dirty Joe.

Pointing out that you're lying on behalf of your Chinese masters is a refutation.

So, how does Beijing want you to respond to that? Run and check.
The prosecution of old "Lunch Box" Joe Biden

Let's look at the evidence:

Wire transfers of millions of dollars while Joe was VP;
Transfers from China (government linked entities; Ukraine; and Romania);
Son Hunter was point/bag man, taking positions he is insanely unqualified for;
Over 170 bank issued Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs);
Multiple bank accounts at multiple banks for multiple shell LLCs;
Incremental payments;
Joe Biden himself intimately linked to said accounts and LLCs;
Biden abusing his VP position to stop Ukrainian prosecutor going after Hunter Biden;
Multiple witnesses, documents, and emails linking these transactions to Joe Biden;

Why is Joe, through his family and LLCs, getting paid such large sums of money (some of which came from Chinese state-controlled entities) while VP? He has not given any sort of explanation. Joe is a lawyer and lifetime feeder at the public trough. What skill, service, or product does he have to offer that warrants such payments OTHER THAN influence? Absolutely nothing!

The applicable charges (though not an exhaustive list):

Being an unregistered foreign agent;
Abuse of power (influence peddling);
Conspiracy to commit racketeering and FARA;
Obstruction of justice (the ongoing coverup);
Wire fraud;
False financial disclosures with FEC (among others);
Violations of oath of office;
Tax fraud;
Perjury (for false statements given regarding his finances);

The is circumstantial in part, yet very strong. There is also hard, non-circumstantial testimony from people familiar with the criminal activity. People have been convicted of these crimes upon far less evidence.

The Left's False Narrative of Lack of Evidence:

The left lies and says there is no evidence. Why? Politics and power. There is a mountain of evidence of criminal activity on the part of Joe Biden. There is clearly enough to warrant a criminal investigation. There is enough to appoint a special prosecutor. There is enough evidence to swiftly conclude such investigation and issue a voluminous indictment. The claim of no evidence is absurd on its face.

The Corruption:

Clearly, the DOJ is protecting Joe Biden. He is the empty vessel through which the leftists are holding power, and their power will be diminished greatly and hastily upon any prosecution. Therefore, no prosecution is taking place. This is banana republic government tactics.

The only thing staggering here is is the MAGATS drunk from too much kool-aid.
Bidens election opponent shouldn't be such a criminal and he wouldn't have to be indicted.
See how that works?
He's NOT a criminal. He's a presidential candidate who Biden cannot beat in a legitimate election. For an unscrupulous criminal like Joe Biden, that's enough.
I see how THAT works.
What's the purpose behind these weepy threads?

Same reason why Islamic jihadists scream "Allahu Ahkbar!". They're not doing it to convince outsiders. They're doing it to show their cult brethren how loyal to the cult they are.

Like the jihadists, Trump cultists are violent bunch. And cultists hate apostates much more than they hate non-cultists. Trump cultists have to constantly keep showing their devotion to the cult, or their deranged and unstable cult brethren will turn on them for betraying the cult.
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Raped a woman in a department store dressing room.

Stole the life savings of the elderly at his fake University.

Stole money from cancer kids.

Stole money from the Holocaust Memorial.

Stole money from the United Negro College Fund.

Defrauded insurance companies and banks, including, but not limited to, claiming his 11,000 square foot apartment is 30,000 square feet.

Incited a coup to overthrow our democracy.

Created illegal false electors in pursuit of overthrowing our democracy.

Actively engaged in hiding government property from the National Archivist.

Stole $250 million from his supporters and distributed it to friends and kept some for himself.

Bribed a porn star through a cutout to keep his extramarital affair from affecting the outcome of an election.

And all the tards shout, "HE'S NOT A CRIMINAL!!!" :laughing0301: :spinner: :auiqs.jpg:

You know...with people this credulous and stupid, you can sell them gold coins at twice their market value! No joke.
Joe Biden's name is not connected with any of his son's business ventures. That's a simple fact.

As for Hunter being unqualified for the jobs he was paid for, he is not the first person to trade on their last name, and he won't be the last.

The Trump family has reaped billions of dollars by trading on their connection to Crooked Donald. And the Trump family had 500 "shell companies". Not one BDS tard ever voiced a single complaint about it.

If Hunter evaded taxes, fine. Charge him.

But his deals have nothing to do with his father. There is ZERO evidence of Joe Biden "influence peddling" like Spiro Agnew did. Not even Trump's appointees in the DOJ found anything nefarious or credible.

Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Denial is DEEP among Democrats these days. The disgusting part of it is they know Biden is the main man behind all the influence peddling, and instead of standing up for the victims (the American people), they stand up for the perpetrator (Joe Biden).

So they're willing to let the USA fall, from whatever ramifications might come from Biden's enrichment schemes, rather than protect the country and indict Biden.

I wonder if Demcrats realize how awful they look doing this, and what damage they are doing to their party, for the long haul. (just to save one corrupt, selfish, opportunist, pedophile, creep).
Raped a woman in a department store dressing room.

Stole the life savings of the elderly at his fake University.

Stole money from cancer kids.

Stole money from the Holocaust Memorial.

Stole money from the United Negro College Fund.

Defrauded insurance companies and banks, including, but not limited to, claiming his 11,000 square foot apartment is 30,000 square feet.

Incited a coup to overthrow our democracy.

Created illegal false electors in pursuit of overthrowing our democracy.

Actively engaged in hiding government property from the National Archivist.

Stole $250 million from his supporters and distributed it to friends and kept some for himself.

Bribed a porn star through a cutout to keep his extramarital affair from affecting the outcome of an election.

And all the tards shout, "HE'S NOT A CRIMINAL!!!" :laughing0301: :spinner: :auiqs.jpg:

You know...with people this credulous and stupid, you can sell them gold coins at twice their market value! No joke.
:link: .......


Until then, it's established that you are hook, line, sinker on the left's standard Trump-bash propaganda.
Not going to happen. Your party doesn't have close to enough traitor shithumans in their ranks.

Yes, half of your party is that stupid and crazy. However, half isn't. They know such a display of rank partisan corruption would turn the blue wave into a blue tsunami.
Why would that be stupid if it wasn't stupid to impeach Trump?

How right-wing news powers the ‘gold IRA’ industry​

Ads for gold coins have become a mainstay on Fox News, Newsmax and other conservative outlets, even as regulators have accused some companies of defrauding elderly clients.

That's what Trump and the MAGA media's goal is in dumbing down and lying to their viewers. It make it much easier to soak them for all they got.

How right-wing news powers the ‘gold IRA’ industry

Ads for gold coins have become a mainstay on Fox News, Newsmax and other conservative outlets, even as regulators have accused some companies of defrauding elderly clients.

That's what Trump and the MAGA media's goal is in dumbing down and lying to their viewers. It make it much easier to soak them for all they got.
So all the advertisers on network news are 100% above board and honest?
:link: .......


Until then, it's estblished that you are hook, line, sinker on the left's standard
Trump-bash propaganda.
Have you been living in a cave? Why do you tolerate your propagandists keeping you in the dark?

Very weird and very sad.

Robbing the elderly of their life savings:

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university

Stealing from black college students and the Holocaust Museum:

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Pardons Ukrainian money laundering by Paul Manafort:

Trump pardon unwinds some Manafort forfeitures

Pardons Steve Bannon for stealing from Trump supporters:

Trump pardons ex-strategist Steve Bannon, dozens of others

Steals money from cancer kids:

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

Stole $250 million from his supporters who donated to an Election Defense Fund which didn't exist:

The ‘big rip-off’: how Trump exploited his fans with ‘election defense’ fund

Defrauded the IRS, banks, and insurance companies:

Trump told banks his 11,000-square-foot Trump Tower triplex was triple that size

Used his lawyer as a cutout to pay off his mistress:

Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels and the $130,000 payment to buy her silence

Used his friend at AMI to capture and kill other stories about him:

National Enquirer owner admits to 'catch and kill' payment to ex-Playmate

Felt entitled as a celebrity to grab women's pussies and rape them:

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

Poor sap. I guess all you can do now is whine, "Nuh-uh!" :lol:
We're talking about Manhattan and DC juries. They will convict regardless of the evidence.
How convenient you have neglected to mention a Florida grand jury handed down the biggest indictment.
Have you been living in a cave? Why do you tolerate your propagandists keeping you in the dark?

Very weird and very sad.

Robbing the elderly of their life savings:

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university

Stealing from black college students and the Holocaust Museum:

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Pardons Ukrainian money laundering by Paul Manafort:

Trump pardon unwinds some Manafort forfeitures

Pardons Steve Bannon for stealing from Trump supporters:

Trump pardons ex-strategist Steve Bannon, dozens of others

Steals money from cancer kids:

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

Stole $250 million from his supporters who donated to an Election Defense Fund which didn't exist:

The ‘big rip-off’: how Trump exploited his fans with ‘election defense’ fund

Defrauded the IRS, banks, and insurance companies:

Trump told banks his 11,000-square-foot Trump Tower triplex was triple that size

Used his lawyer as a cutout to pay off his mistress:

Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels and the $130,000 payment to buy her silence

Used his friend at AMI to capture and kill other stories about him:

National Enquirer owner admits to 'catch and kill' payment to ex-Playmate

Felt entitled as a celebrity to grab women's pussies and rape them:

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

Poor sap. I guess all you can do now is whine, "Nuh=uh!" :lol:
Only scum peddle these lies.

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