Jeffries demands Alito apologizes for disrespecting flag, and recuse himself from J6 cases


This coming from Commie Jeffries, no less.

This would be funny if it weren't so sickeningly sad.

If anyone should recuse, it is the woman who doesn't know what a woman is. And who wrote some real BS back in 2019 as a Circuit Court judge, sprinkled with outright lies. Yet, she sat in on the Presidential immunity case.

Just more bomb throwing by the extremist Democratic Party.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries on Friday called for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from January 6 court cases, and apologize for disrespecting the American flag by flying it upside down in January of 2021.

So you are pissed if someone knells down to the flag, burns the flag, etc., but it's ok to fly it upside down.
What's sad about it? Alito is obviously completely biased

A SC justice making an absurd political statement by way of an upside-down flag outside his house. This should answer any questions about the ethics of Supreme Court justices. They have no ethics.

You really that dumb? Checks notes... Yep.
The only commies in the entire US are Republicans.

Putin loving authoritarian leaning commies.

Privatized profits for CEO's and party aparatchiks.

Socialized debt for workers.

Enforced by the power of the state.

Communists by the very definition of what a communist is.

It beats talking about teal issues like the mentally defective president who has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button.
I don't like what Alito's wife did. But she has the right of free speech. And she will have to accept what the consequences bring for it because others have the right to say 'no' and punish her.

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