Jew Hatred cannot be tolerated in America

Jew Hatred cannot be tolerated in America

Is there a current list of hate that can be tolerated, because that's what our country runs on?
That's an incomplete list and nothing in it suggests that Jews deserved any of it.
Yet for thousands of years millions of Jews have been viciously persecuted for the actions of a minority of Jews. Henry Kissinger apparently had similar thoughts:

"Henry Kissinger at Museum of Jewish Heritage on May 13, 2015 in New York City. Kissinger, who has died at the age of 100, was quoted as saying he'd be antisemitic if he had not..."

Fact Check: Did Kissinger say he'd be antisemitic if he wasn't Jewish?

"A post on X, formerly Twitter, by user @hannahgais, viewed 905,000 times, stated 'Kissinger: 'If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic.... Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.'"
Jew Hatred cannot be tolerated in America

Is there a current list of hate that can be tolerated, because that's what our country runs on?
There is nothing wrong with hatred as long as you hate the right things...righteous hatred is a Biblical precept.

You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions” (Psalm 45:7 New King James Version).

Jesus forbids His flowers to hate their enemies. He said we should love our enemies, bless those who curse us, do good to those who hate us, and pray for those who spitefully use us and persecute us (Matthew 5:44). Although the Bible forbids us to hate, there is a type of hatred that is permitted. This is the hatred that every true child of God who loves God will inherently have.

They will love what God loves and hate what He hates. Just as there is no fellowship between righteousness and lawlessness, and no communion between light and darkness, so also there is no love between a child of God and whatever is evil.

Righteous hatred is positive hatred. It is hatred for evil; it is hatred for sin. It is hatred for whatever represents Satan. It is hatred for whatever stands in opposition to God or advances the cause of the devil. It is hatred borne out of love for God, not hatred because of personal disadvantage, injury, or hurt. It is not selfish hatred.
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Yet for thousands of years millions of Jews have been viciously persecuted for the actions of a minority of Jews. Henry Kissinger apparently had similar thoughts:

"Henry Kissinger at Museum of Jewish Heritage on May 13, 2015 in New York City. Kissinger, who has died at the age of 100, was quoted as saying he'd be antisemitic if he had not..."

Fact Check: Did Kissinger say he'd be antisemitic if he wasn't Jewish?

"A post on X, formerly Twitter, by user @hannahgais, viewed 905,000 times, stated 'Kissinger: 'If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic.... Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.'"
Did you read the whole article?

" While it was accurately quoted, Kissinger's comments were, according to Isaacson, intended with humor, also noting the late secretary of state's commitments to his faith "
This is just a question but has anyone ever noticed the worst, most hated planet are all jews? Is that coincidence? Or does that show why Jews have been the most persecuted people for the last 3k years?

They've always been insular, racist, self-isolating, and in the West always worked for the nobility and exploited the peasants no end. They were administrators and garrison soldiers in the Muslim invasions of Spain and elsewhere, mass murdered Christians where ever they could get away with it. Then after a few hundred years or so, the nobles would go into decline, they would lose their protections, and then they would be all shocked n stuff when the peasants got to take revenge on their abusers.

The last Jewish kings, in what is now Yemen, had steles made honoring their massacres of some 40,000 Christians in their invasions of the Arab regions. During the bar Kokhba Revolt they took time out of their busy schedules against the Romans to massacre 'galileans', a term for Christians, and Samaritans. Even as late as the early 20th Century Jews in Palestine were defending Kemal's massacres and genocides of Greek and Armenian Christians. That's just for starters; real history doesn't resemble the myth Jews scare their kids with, it's mostly just whining about how da evul xians are inferior goyim, not really humans, and don't worship them properly and allow them to plunder as much as they deserve. There is a reason why Jews converted to Christianity in droves and their numbers shrunk so dramatically; the Babylonian laws made it impossible for all but the richest Jews to be Jews and comply with all the nonsense. The practitioners shrunk down to the wealthy or those sponsored by the wealthy, from which the stereotypes of being 'smart and successful' grow. Most 'impure' Jews left the cults; there was also a 'Reformation' of sorts in the late 18th and 19th Centuries that sent many away from the more racist cults and started a modernization trend and a fad for 'rationalism'.
So other types of hatred should be tolerated? :question:

No, mostly it's just reaping what they sowed themselves, no different than other tribes and other peoples throughout history. There isn't anything special about their ups and downs, except in their own eyes, since they're so extra special everything is an 'outrage' when the subhumans aren't putting them on a pedestal. This delusion is common in many other tribes and cultures as well. Many Jews deeply resent how successful Christianity has been, same as their fellow xian haters and allies the Muslims, assorted pagans, sexual fetisheists, etc. .
Did you read the whole article?

" While it was accurately quoted, Kissinger's comments were, according to Isaacson, intended with humor, also noting the late secretary of state's commitments to his faith "
Henry wasn't known for his sense of humor, and even if this quote was intended humorously, it doesn't change the fact that any people who have been persecuted as viciously and regularly as Jews have been for thousands of years must be doing something wrong like stealing the land of non-Jews in Palestine.
CJPME to appeal TTC’s rejection of “Disappearing Palestine” ads

"In the same paragraph as the quote attributed to Kissinger, the book states: 'As was often the case, Kissinger's attitude toward his Jewishness was reflected in his humor, much of it directed at the pressure on him from 'my coreligionists' to forgive any Israeli sin...'"

"The quote is taken from Walter Isaacson's 1992 biography Kissinger, attributed to a meeting Kissinger held in 1973 after Israel breached a ceasefire between it and Egypt.

"While it was accurately quoted, Kissinger's comments were, according to Isaacson, intended with humor, also noting the late secretary of state's commitments to his faith."

CJPME to appeal TTC’s rejection of “Disappearing Palestine” ads
Henry wasn't known for his sense of humor, and even if this quote was intended humorously, it doesn't change the fact that any people who have been persecuted as viciously and regularly as Jews have been for thousands of years must be doing something wrong like stealing the land of non-Jews in Palestine.
except that the point was in quoting Kissinger to make the case, and Kissinger was joking according to the author of the book. That means that the initial claim that his quote was brought to prove is unproven.
Oh look... the same lies with maps as has been debunked loads of times

These misguided yutes demonstrating and committing violence in our most elite universities is must be stopped....they should be arrested and sent to special camps to be educated regarding the history of jew hatred and most especially the history of islam and these so called palestinians.

Palestinian groups that have been involved in politically motivated violence include the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Abu Nidal Organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas. Several of these groups are considered terrorist organizations by the governments of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan,New Zealand and the European Union.

Palestinian political violence has targeted Israelis, Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Americans and citizens of other countries. Attacks have taken place both within Israel and the palestinian well as internationally and have been directed at both military and civilian targets. Tactics have included hostage taking, plane hijacking, boat hijacking, stone and improvised weapon throwing, improvised explosive device (IED), knife attacks, shooting sprees, vehicle-ramming attacks, car bombs, suicide attacks, and assassinations.

Israeli statistics state that 3,500 Israelis have been killed as a result of Palestinian political violence since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Suicide bombings constituted 0.5% of Palestinian attacks against Israelis in the first two years of the Al Aqsa Intifada; though this percentage accounted for half of the Israelis killed in that period. As of 2024, a majority of Palestinians, 59%, believe in armed attacks against Israelis inside Israel are good'.

Fuck Jews. They are destroying America. 77% of America Jews vote dem.

Plus, we got these Jews + Papa Soros Jew.

Why should I love Jews when they work round the clock to destroy America?

soros (23).jpg
These misguided yutes demonstrating and committing violence in our most elite universities is must be stopped....they should be arrested and sent to special camps to be educated regarding the history of jew hatred and most especially the history of islam and these so called palestinians.

Palestinian groups that have been involved in politically motivated violence include the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Abu Nidal Organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas. Several of these groups are considered terrorist organizations by the governments of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan,New Zealand and the European Union.

Palestinian political violence has targeted Israelis, Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Americans and citizens of other countries. Attacks have taken place both within Israel and the palestinian well as internationally and have been directed at both military and civilian targets. Tactics have included hostage taking, plane hijacking, boat hijacking, stone and improvised weapon throwing, improvised explosive device (IED), knife attacks, shooting sprees, vehicle-ramming attacks, car bombs, suicide attacks, and assassinations.

Israeli statistics state that 3,500 Israelis have been killed as a result of Palestinian political violence since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Suicide bombings constituted 0.5% of Palestinian attacks against Israelis in the first two years of the Al Aqsa Intifada; though this percentage accounted for half of the Israelis killed in that period. As of 2024, a majority of Palestinians, 59%, believe in armed attacks against Israelis inside Israel are good'.

These misguided yutes

These misguided yutes demonstrating and committing violence in our most elite universities is must be stopped....they should be arrested and sent to special camps to be educated regarding the history of jew hatred and most especially the history of islam and these so called palestinians.

Palestinian groups that have been involved in politically motivated violence include the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Abu Nidal Organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas. Several of these groups are considered terrorist organizations by the governments of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan,New Zealand and the European Union.

Palestinian political violence has targeted Israelis, Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Americans and citizens of other countries. Attacks have taken place both within Israel and the palestinian well as internationally and have been directed at both military and civilian targets. Tactics have included hostage taking, plane hijacking, boat hijacking, stone and improvised weapon throwing, improvised explosive device (IED), knife attacks, shooting sprees, vehicle-ramming attacks, car bombs, suicide attacks, and assassinations.

Israeli statistics state that 3,500 Israelis have been killed as a result of Palestinian political violence since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Suicide bombings constituted 0.5% of Palestinian attacks against Israelis in the first two years of the Al Aqsa Intifada; though this percentage accounted for half of the Israelis killed in that period. As of 2024, a majority of Palestinians, 59%, believe in armed attacks against Israelis inside Israel are good'.
Instead of sending the pro-terrorist Hamas supporters to special camps, I would prefer that they all be rounded up, shoved onto planes, flown over Gaza, given parachutes and told that they have two ways they are leaving the plane, without parachutes, or with parachutes on to save them.
Once in Gaza, they can support their Hamas terrorist brothers. The Muslims in those that land will be incorporated into Hamas and the stupid non-Muslims that supported Hamas will be used as shields, as Hamas does with non-combatants and non-Muslims.
This is just a question but has anyone ever noticed the worst, most hated planet are all jews? Is that coincidence? Or does that show why Jews have been the most persecuted people for the last 3k years?
The Jews are the only surviving most hated group on the planet. Other hated groups, like heretic Christian sects, have been eradicated.

Jews are hated only in the Christian and Muslim spheres of influence. Antisemitism was unknown in China, India, and Japan, before the arrival of the Europeans.

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