Jacinda smashes the opposition. Kiwis reject populism. Its all good.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

But the historic victory of Ardern’s centre-left party on polling day – its best result in five decades, winning 64 of parliament’s 120 seats – was not the only measure by which New Zealand bucked global trends in its vote. The public also rejected some political hopefuls’ rallying cries to populism, conspiracy theories and scepticism about Covid-19.

The article makes the point that there is no Murdoch owned press in New Zealand. Unlike the UK and the US where this evil man blights the political landscape. Well done Jacinda, a well deserved victory for a woman who has kept her people safe.

But the historic victory of Ardern’s centre-left party on polling day – its best result in five decades, winning 64 of parliament’s 120 seats – was not the only measure by which New Zealand bucked global trends in its vote. The public also rejected some political hopefuls’ rallying cries to populism, conspiracy theories and scepticism about Covid-19.

The article makes the point that there is no Murdoch owned press in New Zealand. Unlike the UK and the US where this evil man blights the political landscape. Well done Jacinda, a well deserved victory for a woman who has kept her people safe.

To hell with those leftard sheep-lovers. If they prefer the Russia Times and the Xinhua News Agency instead of Murdoch's press, they deserve everything they have coming to them.

But the historic victory of Ardern’s centre-left party on polling day – its best result in five decades, winning 64 of parliament’s 120 seats – was not the only measure by which New Zealand bucked global trends in its vote. The public also rejected some political hopefuls’ rallying cries to populism, conspiracy theories and scepticism about Covid-19.

The article makes the point that there is no Murdoch owned press in New Zealand. Unlike the UK and the US where this evil man blights the political landscape. Well done Jacinda, a well deserved victory for a woman who has kept her people safe.

Go further into the details though, is this a rejecting of populism, or, a push for socialism and dependence on government because their jobs, opportunity and free market principles have been exported elsewhere?

When people become economically desperate they turn to Big Government, that's the angle for those looking to consolidate power over citizens. Make people desperate, drive standard of living down and then "manage" massive taxation on populations and borrow from future generations for todays theft.

It never works in the long run, except for those with their heads in the trough. In fact, it's a recipe for disaster. By the time the Titanic hits the iceberg, the authors of the demise have long left in their rowboats, searching out another ship to sink.
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..I couldn't care less.........New Zealand--WHOOOOPTY DOOOOOOOOOOOO
....they are not important to the US/etc

But the historic victory of Ardern’s centre-left party on polling day – its best result in five decades, winning 64 of parliament’s 120 seats – was not the only measure by which New Zealand bucked global trends in its vote. The public also rejected some political hopefuls’ rallying cries to populism, conspiracy theories and scepticism about Covid-19.

The article makes the point that there is no Murdoch owned press in New Zealand. Unlike the UK and the US where this evil man blights the political landscape. Well done Jacinda, a well deserved victory for a woman who has kept her people safe.
Let's hope this trend continues elsewhere with other rightwing authoritarians voted out of office, starting with Trump.
Murdoch tried to get at her through the echoes of Sky Australia, did not touch her at all.

She has just handled every crises well and with human empathy and intelligence.

Even the economic crises, New Zealand has had under half the GDP drop the USA has in this pandemic despite her economy being far more limited due to scale and dependent on tourism.

Behold a real leader.
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Murdoch tried to get out her through the echoes of Sky Australia, did not touch her at all.

She has just handled every crises well and with human empathy and intelligence.

Even the economic crises, New Zealand has had under half the GDP drop the USA has in this pandemic despite her economy being far more limited due to scale and dependent on tourism.

Behold a real leader.

A real leader?


A real Globlalist scum, that's what Jacinda is and represents :mad-61:

This is not the end of the story for NZ.
Well they are not dropping like dead fly America and their economy did not suffer the same damage and they actually have a health care system that works and when they had a mass shooting they did something about it, and they are not suffering mass race protests and riots and half wit armed militias reacting in response but still Trump is entertaining if you do not have to live in the chaos.
Murdoch tried to get at her through the echoes of Sky Australia, did not touch her at all.

She has just handled every crises well and with human empathy and intelligence.

Even the economic crises, New Zealand has had under half the GDP drop the USA has in this pandemic despite her economy being far more limited due to scale and dependent on tourism.

Behold a real leader.
The lesson is that when you get someone of talent you look after them. New Zealanders have seen the chaos in the UK and the US and opted to stay safe. Who can blame them ?
Stop all this Jacindamania
The liberal elite's fawning over Jacinda Adern is creepy and embarrassing.

Could Jacinda Ardern be more loved? New Zealand’s prime minister led her party to a landslide victory in last week’s General Election, winning 64 out of 120 seats and scoring the Labour Party’s best performance in five decades. But it’s not just New Zealanders who are celebrating – the whole world seems gripped by Jacindamania.

World leaders have queued up to declare their love. Boris Johnson tweeted his congratulations, adding ‘the UK and NZ have great things to look forward to’. London mayor Sadiq Khan said he and Ardern shared a vision ‘for an inclusive, fairer and greener future’. Justin Trudeau went one better, tweeting, ‘There’s so much we can do together and I’m looking forward to all of it’ (which I find kind of creepy, but each to their own). Even the Dalai Lama got in on the act: ‘I admire the courage, wisdom and leadership [of Jacinda Ardern], as well as the calm, compassion and respect for others she has shown in these challenging times.’

All of this is fair enough. But what’s strange is that the result of an election in a country with 5.6 sheep to every human (down from a peak of 22 sheep per person in 1982), and a population smaller than Yorkshire, should attract such global attention.

" Bequeathing Entitlement To The Undeserving Without Reason "

* Addressing Social Inequality Means Promoting The Global Majority Minority *

The lesson is that when you get someone of talent you look after them. New Zealanders have seen the chaos in the UK and the US and opted to stay safe. Who can blame them ?
None are safe importing fictional ishmaelism adherents into the country ; in fact , such a public policy is emphatically idiotic .

Immigration and demographic change in recent decades has contributed to the growth of minority religions, such as Hinduism (2.6%), Islam (1.3%), Buddhism (1.1%), and Sikhism (0.9%).[3] The Auckland Region exhibited the greatest religious diversity.[292]
To hell with those leftard sheep-lovers. If they prefer the Russia Times and the Xinhua News Agency instead of Murdoch's press, they deserve everything they have coming to them.
Nobody is for communism except for those with a gun to their head or in brainwashed GOP base voters minds.

But the historic victory of Ardern’s centre-left party on polling day – its best result in five decades, winning 64 of parliament’s 120 seats – was not the only measure by which New Zealand bucked global trends in its vote. The public also rejected some political hopefuls’ rallying cries to populism, conspiracy theories and scepticism about Covid-19.

The article makes the point that there is no Murdoch owned press in New Zealand. Unlike the UK and the US where this evil man blights the political landscape. Well done Jacinda, a well deserved victory for a woman who has kept her people safe.
What say you now commie?
Well done Jacinda, a well deserved victory for a woman who has kept her people safe.

See what a fool you made of yourself Tummy .

She had already been a WEF signed up Nazi for six years but you made no effort to DYOR .

Just a Fake News scribbler .

And proving that you cannot easily rehabilitate criminals , you still read and quote the Fake News Guardian funded by Baal Hates .

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