Republican drinking in the committee room.

Investigate whether drinking played role in chaotic House hearing, senior Democrat Jamie Raskin says

“There was drinking going on in the hearing room on the Republican side,” he told The Hill.

“You had a bunch of members who had skipped legislative votes yesterday in order to go to Donald Trump’s trial...I don’t even want to imagine how much drinking was taking place on the train or up in New York,” he said.

“And these members came back out of control. And the chairman did not rein them in, and the institution pays the price.”

More reprehensible behavior from the republican party. Why would they think this was OK?

Do any of you guy drink on the job? I know I don't/didn't (
I'm retired).

If the investigation shows they were what should be done?
Cocaine in the ready room nothing is as bad as that. Well there was that pulling the fire alarm thing
Yeah, we could do this all day.

It's almost like we live in a country of 330 million people, and there are only two mainstream political parties; so attributing random people's behavior to an entire group is sorta pointless.

Which is what my original point was.
Bull fawking shit. Your original post, chiming in after another Trumpbot nimrod posted up about the antics of Democratic staffers, was an attempt to equivalate those sick actions to sitting members of Congress showing up drunk on their ass for an active session. It was tired, it was childish, and it was stupid. And now, well you want to double down on stupid. You are a dishonest piece of shit troll.
Bull fawking shit. Your original post, chiming in after another Trumpbot nimrod posted up about the antics of Democratic staffers, was an attempt to equivalate those sick actions to sitting members of Congress showing up drunk on their ass for an active session. It was tired, it was childish, and it was stupid. And now, well you want to double down on stupid. You are a dishonest piece of shit troll.

Who said the Congressmen were "drunk on their ass"? They were just enjoying an adult beverage or two.

No breathalyzers were done
Who said the Congressmen were "drunk on their ass"? They were just enjoying an adult beverage or two.

No breathalyzers were done
Look, I got no problem with a two martini lunch for a Congressional representative. Well, except that it is a damn martini and not some good bourbon. But the whole trip to New York to suck on Trump's pecker. That was some sick ass shit. Missing votes--I mean what the hell were the elected to do, kiss Trump's ass or pass legislation?

Mike Johnson, is a ballless sack of shit. And the really scary part, he is third in line to the presidency. Oh, he will monitor his adopted son's internet usage, but showing up at a trial that involves a porn star and illicit sex--that is some sick ass shit dude. These Trump supporting Republicans, they have no morals, they have no business representing the local cub scout pack, let alone their district. And it takes a sheer fool, A FAWKING FOOL, to vote for them. There is an old meme, if you can't stand for something, you will fall for anything. What do these people stand for, other than getting reelected? They have fallen for a sick ass, self-absorbed, asshat with the intelligence of your average fourth grader. And so have you. Make America Great Again my damn ass. You fawkers are driving a nail in our coffin.

Investigate whether drinking played role in chaotic House hearing, senior Democrat Jamie Raskin says

“There was drinking going on in the hearing room on the Republican side,” he told The Hill.

“You had a bunch of members who had skipped legislative votes yesterday in order to go to Donald Trump’s trial...I don’t even want to imagine how much drinking was taking place on the train or up in New York,” he said.

“And these members came back out of control. And the chairman did not rein them in, and the institution pays the price.”

More reprehensible behavior from the republican party. Why would they think this was OK?

Do any of you guy drink on the job? I know I don't/didn't (
I'm retired).

If the investigation shows they were what should be done?
You accept what shithead Raskin says?


You’re a joke.
Look, I got no problem with a two martini lunch for a Congressional representative. Well, except that it is a damn martini and not some good bourbon. But the whole trip to New York to suck on Trump's pecker. That was some sick ass shit. Missing votes--I mean what the hell were the elected to do, kiss Trump's ass or pass legislation?

Mike Johnson, is a ballless sack of shit. And the really scary part, he is third in line to the presidency. Oh, he will monitor his adopted son's internet usage, but showing up at a trial that involves a porn star and illicit sex--that is some sick ass shit dude. These Trump supporting Republicans, they have no morals, they have no business representing the local cub scout pack, let alone their district. And it takes a sheer fool, A FAWKING FOOL, to vote for them. There is an old meme, if you can't stand for something, you will fall for anything. What do these people stand for, other than getting reelected? They have fallen for a sick ass, self-absorbed, asshat with the intelligence of your average fourth grader. And so have you. Make America Great Again my damn ass. You fawkers are driving a nail in our coffin.

Donald J Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, and he is on trial for his life in a kangaroo court in NYC.

Why shouldn't the party rally behind him?
Donald J Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, and he is on trial for his life in a kangaroo court in NYC.

Why shouldn't the party rally behind him?
Kangaroo court? Get fucking real. I mean wake up and smell the coffee moron. Did he fuck the skanky bitch? Damn skippy. I mean that is logic one oh one. Did he pay the bitch off, yep, sure bud did. And there is no problem with that, except he did it out of business funds and tried to cover it up. That is a felony, how hard is that to understand? Had he stroked her a check out of his personal account, no flippin problem. But oh no, the cheap ass bastard wants to call it a "campaign expense" or a "business expense". That is a damn problem hoss. It don't work that way.
Kangaroo court? Get fucking real. I mean wake up and smell the coffee moron. Did he fuck the skanky bitch? Damn skippy. I mean that is logic one oh one. Did he pay the bitch off, yep, sure bud did. And there is no problem with that, except he did it out of business funds and tried to cover it up. That is a felony, how hard is that to understand? Had he stroked her a check out of his personal account, no flippin problem. But oh no, the cheap ass bastard wants to call it a "campaign expense" or a "business expense". That is a damn problem hoss. It don't work that way.

President Trump said he didn't fuck the skanky bitch. She said that he did.

But there is no DNA evidence to suggest that was the case at all, and her record is one of lying.

In fact, she signed an official document stating she didn't.

As far writing any checks, they were written by Mike Cohen, not President Trump.

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