Let them steal the election. Now we will see real woke

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
This guy is, in my view, one of the top conservatives writing today. Very good insight. Let them steal the election. Now we will see real woke.

Win or Lose, It Was a Good Election

Many white advocates are unhappy about last night’s election results. They didn’t get the decisive Trump win they wanted and it’s suspicious that the president was leading in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and other states when the authorities decided they couldn’t finish counting votes until tomorrow. Texas and Florida didn’t have that problem. Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden very early while it delayed calling an obvious Donald Trump victory in Florida.

We may never get an entirely convincing vote count for this election, but let us assume that Joe Biden wins, and wins fairly. Even in this “worst case” scenario, white advocates should be happy.

First, there was no “blue wave.” The polls were wrong, and media outlets look foolish. President Donald Trump did not lose Florida or Texas. I never thought President Trump would lose Florida, and I expected it would be closer than the polls predicted. Still, I thought Joe Biden would be the obvious victor by now and I was wrong.

Predictions that Joe Biden would win an overwhelming victory and come into office with a popular mandate were progressive fantasies. It’s almost as if polls were meant to direct public opinion, not measure it. And the results further discredit journalists, who are incapable of reporting fairly on Donald Trump — or on us.

Second, Big Tech openly supported the Democrats. Twitter is censoring the president’s tweets in the name of “election integrity” and conservatives are furious. President Trump may retaliate, and Republican senators who would rather leave corporate America alone may be forced to act. This could be the vital step towards reclaiming free speech on major tech platforms. If Twitter bans President Trump outright, he may join a new platform, which would give it — and us — a huge boost.

BREAKING: Twitter censors President Trump’s election night tweet pic.twitter.com/Y8E3PVkC6t
— Jewish Deplorable
(@TrumpJew) November 4, 2020

Third, President Trump won’t leave the White House in disgrace. He wasn’t repudiated by the nation. He would have suffered a narrow, controversial defeat. If many Republicans think the results weren’t fair, he’ll be a martyr. Even Republicans who will be glad to be rid of him (such as Mitt Romney) will face a backlash if they speak against him.

President Trump already declared victory and his supporters believe he won. Even if there was no fraud it is easy to see that media and tech companies helped push Mr. Biden over the finish line. Obviously, President Trump should have done more to control Big Tech.
Here is proof of how insanely biased Google is: unGoogle.us. Yes, Google does put its thumb on the scale.
Fourth, “Trumpism,” essentially anti-elite national populism, isn’t going away. It is hard to imagine a return to the days of George W. Bush or Paul Ryan. “Trumpism” wasn’t discredited. In fact, many Republicans will become even more dedicated to this movement if they think the election was “stolen” by Big Tech, Democrat officials in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and biased journalists. Senators Tom Cotton (who easily won re-election last night) and Josh Hawley will emerge as frontrunners for the Republican nomination in 2024. That’s assuming America’s most influential populist, Tucker Carlson, doesn’t run.

Tucker Carlson (Credit Image: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia)
Tucker Carlson (Credit Image: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia)

Fifth, Donald Trump personally isn’t going away. He may even do what he was reportedly planning if he lost in 2016 and start “Trump TV,” a new platform for America-First nationalists. I’m an Identitarian, not a civic nationalist, but such a platform would help sway more people in our direction. I don’t believe in the “safety valve” theory, according to which moderate conservatism bars the gate to racial identity; I think most people drift gradually from one position to another.

Tech companies and financial companies might try to stop “Trump TV,” but the former president would probably sue. He might have a better chance in court than American Renaissance did against Twitter. A ruling that supports free speech online would obviously help us, and with truly free speech, we win.

Sixth, the Biden/Harris Administration will be weak. Many Democrats who voted to get rid of President Trump aren’t enthusiastic about their new party leaders. The Republicans will probably hold the Senate. Democrats will not be able to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the filibuster, force through major legislation, or admit new states. They may not even be able to pass an amnesty for illegal aliens.
An uncharismatic, aging Joe Biden will preside over a country facing a pandemic, riots, recession, and China. Traditionally, the party holding the White House loses midterm elections, and angry Republicans will charge back in 2022. Indeed, although Democrats kept the House, it appears that Republicans increased their numbers in the lower chamber. An already weak president will face strong and growing opposition in Congress from both Left and Right.

Credit Image: © Adam Schultz / Biden via ZUMA Wire / ZUMAPRESS.com
Credit Image: © Adam Schultz / Biden via ZUMA Wire / ZUMAPRESS.com

Seventh, this was the worst possible outcome for “progressives” and democratic socialists. If Joe Biden had lost, they could rage against corporate Democrats and try to take over the party. Instead, they must meekly accept Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi. Joe Biden won a narrow, disputed contest, not a decisive victory and progressives will be yoked to this clod. There will be no hated enemy to unite liberals and progressives. Conflicts will flare up among Democrats while Republicans unite. The Right can seize the mantle of anti-establishment populism.

Eighth, we could see more action at the state level. While secession from the Union is unlikely, secession from existing states is possible. President Trump performed well in Virginia but once again, the occupied territory that is Northern Virginia determined the Old Dominion’s fate. Conservative counties in southwest Virginia and parts of western Maryland could and should secede from Virginia and join West Virginia to protect their interests. It could even be a new state (I suggest it be called “Shenandoah.”)

Similar movements such as the “State of Jefferson” in northern California, the Illinois Separation movement, and separatism in upstate New York could also grow. (Upstate New York could be called the state of Clinton, to honor Governor George Clinton.) Though Texas stayed red, eventually it might be best for Texas to split into five separate states, four of which would probably stay conservative.

One of many proposed breakups of California.
One of many proposed breakups of California.

This would prevent Democrats from tipping the Electoral College by admitting Washington DC and Puerto Rico as states. A compromise could make the greater Washington DC metro area (including Fairfax County in Virginia) a state, and Virginia would turn red again.

Ninth, the reason President Trump is in this position is because he didn’t do enough for white working-class voters. President Trump gained support with nearly every group except white men. Analysts, especially white advocates and nationalists, must hammer this crucial point again and again in the coming days.

Source: CNN
Source: CNN

President Trump offered a Platinum Plan to blacks, an American Dream Plan to Hispanics, and empty rhetoric to whites. An ambitious Republican who can speak to such voters and actually offer them something (someone like Tucker Carlson) could win them back.

This would not mean handouts for whites. It would mean fighting anti-white discrimination (“affirmative action”) and critical race theory in government, border security, and more economic populism. This would attract white voters without being “racist.” Don’t forget: Yesterday, voters in California kept the ban on affirmative action.

White working-class voters are now the most important voting group in America. They will have decided two presidential elections in a row. They will decide more. White nationalism, meaning a literal white ethnostate carved out of the United States, is unlikely for now, but white advocacy, meaning a movement that advances our interests as a race, is moral and necessary. Every other group pushes its interests, and whites must too, despite “woke” billionaires, academics, journalists, and antifa.

President Donald Trump President meets with students and union members at the International Union of Operating Engineers International Training and Education Center April 10, 2019, in Crosby, Texas. (Credit Image: © Joyce Boghosian via ZUMA Wire)
President Donald Trump President meets with students and union members at the International Union of Operating Engineers International Training and Education Center April 10, 2019, in Crosby, Texas. (Credit Image: © Joyce Boghosian via ZUMA Wire)

Tenth, you could argue that this election has stripped the system of legitimacy. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are satisfied. White advocates want change what lies outside what is politically possible now. Therefore, anything that undercuts system legitimacy is good for us. It opens new opportunities, and we should welcome a crisis of confidence, especially because our opponents in journalism, academia, and corporate America are clearly propping the system up.

President Trump may still win this election. If he does, many of the benefits of a Democratic victory would disappear. However, the most important benefit would not. Our opponents are forcing white Americans either to defend their own interests or submit. Our opponents have a vast system of media, financial, cultural, and political control, and it is clearer than ever that they use this system against us. What President Trump represents — defiance of the ruling class — has always been more important than what he does.

I am happy either way. If President Trump loses this election (or, as some will assume, has it taken from him), smart Republicans will know they can’t take white working-class votes for granted. The Left won’t have the power to just crush us.

If President Trump wins, Republicans will have to reign in Big Tech and challenge Democratic political machines just to keep the game straight. Republicans will not be able to break away from him. National populism will be here to stay.

Out of cold calculation, I think President Trump losing a narrow, contested contest may be best for us. Repudiation would have been a disaster, but that didn’t happen. He and his movement may become stronger after a defeat of this kind, much as Andrew Jackson became stronger after John Quincy Adams won a pyrrhic victory with the “Corrupt Bargain of 1824.”

Emotionally, I want President Trump to win because his opponents are our opponents. His victory would make me personally happy, but then he would have to handle a collapsing economy, a rising pandemic, and a ferocious Left.

If he wins, the Left will overreact. Conservatives will never shake off populism. Political polarization will sharpen – and will strengthen white identity. Progressives will push critical race theory and Black Lives Matter harder than ever. Therefore, we must stand with Donald Trump. Whether he knows it or not and despite all his many shortcomings, he represents white America. White advocates can’t scorn our mass base. We must stand with our people if we want to help them and eventually lead them.

Either way, we win, so it was a good election. I’ll be writing more, especially on whether Hispanics are “becoming white” and whether the United States can (or should) be saved by becoming a real Empire.

For now, be of good cheer. Be white-pilled. Throw yourself into the struggle. History has restarted, and our ideas are leading the way.
This guy is, in my view, one of the top conservatives writing today. Very good insight. Let them steal the election. Now we will see real woke.

Win or Lose, It Was a Good Election

Many white advocates are unhappy about last night’s election results. They didn’t get the decisive Trump win they wanted and it’s suspicious that the president was leading in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and other states when the authorities decided they couldn’t finish counting votes until tomorrow. Texas and Florida didn’t have that problem. Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden very early while it delayed calling an obvious Donald Trump victory in Florida.

We may never get an entirely convincing vote count for this election, but let us assume that Joe Biden wins, and wins fairly. Even in this “worst case” scenario, white advocates should be happy.

First, there was no “blue wave.” The polls were wrong, and media outlets look foolish. President Donald Trump did not lose Florida or Texas. I never thought President Trump would lose Florida, and I expected it would be closer than the polls predicted. Still, I thought Joe Biden would be the obvious victor by now and I was wrong.

Predictions that Joe Biden would win an overwhelming victory and come into office with a popular mandate were progressive fantasies. It’s almost as if polls were meant to direct public opinion, not measure it. And the results further discredit journalists, who are incapable of reporting fairly on Donald Trump — or on us.

Second, Big Tech openly supported the Democrats. Twitter is censoring the president’s tweets in the name of “election integrity” and conservatives are furious. President Trump may retaliate, and Republican senators who would rather leave corporate America alone may be forced to act. This could be the vital step towards reclaiming free speech on major tech platforms. If Twitter bans President Trump outright, he may join a new platform, which would give it — and us — a huge boost.

BREAKING: Twitter censors President Trump’s election night tweet pic.twitter.com/Y8E3PVkC6t
— Jewish Deplorable
(@TrumpJew) November 4, 2020

Third, President Trump won’t leave the White House in disgrace. He wasn’t repudiated by the nation. He would have suffered a narrow, controversial defeat. If many Republicans think the results weren’t fair, he’ll be a martyr. Even Republicans who will be glad to be rid of him (such as Mitt Romney) will face a backlash if they speak against him.

President Trump already declared victory and his supporters believe he won. Even if there was no fraud it is easy to see that media and tech companies helped push Mr. Biden over the finish line. Obviously, President Trump should have done more to control Big Tech.
Here is proof of how insanely biased Google is: unGoogle.us. Yes, Google does put its thumb on the scale.
Fourth, “Trumpism,” essentially anti-elite national populism, isn’t going away. It is hard to imagine a return to the days of George W. Bush or Paul Ryan. “Trumpism” wasn’t discredited. In fact, many Republicans will become even more dedicated to this movement if they think the election was “stolen” by Big Tech, Democrat officials in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and biased journalists. Senators Tom Cotton (who easily won re-election last night) and Josh Hawley will emerge as frontrunners for the Republican nomination in 2024. That’s assuming America’s most influential populist, Tucker Carlson, doesn’t run.

Tucker Carlson (Credit Image: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia)
Tucker Carlson (Credit Image: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia)

Fifth, Donald Trump personally isn’t going away. He may even do what he was reportedly planning if he lost in 2016 and start “Trump TV,” a new platform for America-First nationalists. I’m an Identitarian, not a civic nationalist, but such a platform would help sway more people in our direction. I don’t believe in the “safety valve” theory, according to which moderate conservatism bars the gate to racial identity; I think most people drift gradually from one position to another.

Tech companies and financial companies might try to stop “Trump TV,” but the former president would probably sue. He might have a better chance in court than American Renaissance did against Twitter. A ruling that supports free speech online would obviously help us, and with truly free speech, we win.

Sixth, the Biden/Harris Administration will be weak. Many Democrats who voted to get rid of President Trump aren’t enthusiastic about their new party leaders. The Republicans will probably hold the Senate. Democrats will not be able to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the filibuster, force through major legislation, or admit new states. They may not even be able to pass an amnesty for illegal aliens.
An uncharismatic, aging Joe Biden will preside over a country facing a pandemic, riots, recession, and China. Traditionally, the party holding the White House loses midterm elections, and angry Republicans will charge back in 2022. Indeed, although Democrats kept the House, it appears that Republicans increased their numbers in the lower chamber. An already weak president will face strong and growing opposition in Congress from both Left and Right.

Credit Image: © Adam Schultz / Biden via ZUMA Wire / ZUMAPRESS.com
Credit Image: © Adam Schultz / Biden via ZUMA Wire / ZUMAPRESS.com

Seventh, this was the worst possible outcome for “progressives” and democratic socialists. If Joe Biden had lost, they could rage against corporate Democrats and try to take over the party. Instead, they must meekly accept Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi. Joe Biden won a narrow, disputed contest, not a decisive victory and progressives will be yoked to this clod. There will be no hated enemy to unite liberals and progressives. Conflicts will flare up among Democrats while Republicans unite. The Right can seize the mantle of anti-establishment populism.

Eighth, we could see more action at the state level. While secession from the Union is unlikely, secession from existing states is possible. President Trump performed well in Virginia but once again, the occupied territory that is Northern Virginia determined the Old Dominion’s fate. Conservative counties in southwest Virginia and parts of western Maryland could and should secede from Virginia and join West Virginia to protect their interests. It could even be a new state (I suggest it be called “Shenandoah.”)

Similar movements such as the “State of Jefferson” in northern California, the Illinois Separation movement, and separatism in upstate New York could also grow. (Upstate New York could be called the state of Clinton, to honor Governor George Clinton.) Though Texas stayed red, eventually it might be best for Texas to split into five separate states, four of which would probably stay conservative.

One of many proposed breakups of California.
One of many proposed breakups of California.

This would prevent Democrats from tipping the Electoral College by admitting Washington DC and Puerto Rico as states. A compromise could make the greater Washington DC metro area (including Fairfax County in Virginia) a state, and Virginia would turn red again.

Ninth, the reason President Trump is in this position is because he didn’t do enough for white working-class voters. President Trump gained support with nearly every group except white men. Analysts, especially white advocates and nationalists, must hammer this crucial point again and again in the coming days.

Source: CNN
Source: CNN

President Trump offered a Platinum Plan to blacks, an American Dream Plan to Hispanics, and empty rhetoric to whites. An ambitious Republican who can speak to such voters and actually offer them something (someone like Tucker Carlson) could win them back.

This would not mean handouts for whites. It would mean fighting anti-white discrimination (“affirmative action”) and critical race theory in government, border security, and more economic populism. This would attract white voters without being “racist.” Don’t forget: Yesterday, voters in California kept the ban on affirmative action.

White working-class voters are now the most important voting group in America. They will have decided two presidential elections in a row. They will decide more. White nationalism, meaning a literal white ethnostate carved out of the United States, is unlikely for now, but white advocacy, meaning a movement that advances our interests as a race, is moral and necessary. Every other group pushes its interests, and whites must too, despite “woke” billionaires, academics, journalists, and antifa.

President Donald Trump President meets with students and union members at the International Union of Operating Engineers International Training and Education Center April 10, 2019, in Crosby, Texas. (Credit Image: © Joyce Boghosian via ZUMA Wire)
President Donald Trump President meets with students and union members at the International Union of Operating Engineers International Training and Education Center April 10, 2019, in Crosby, Texas. (Credit Image: © Joyce Boghosian via ZUMA Wire)

Tenth, you could argue that this election has stripped the system of legitimacy. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are satisfied. White advocates want change what lies outside what is politically possible now. Therefore, anything that undercuts system legitimacy is good for us. It opens new opportunities, and we should welcome a crisis of confidence, especially because our opponents in journalism, academia, and corporate America are clearly propping the system up.

President Trump may still win this election. If he does, many of the benefits of a Democratic victory would disappear. However, the most important benefit would not. Our opponents are forcing white Americans either to defend their own interests or submit. Our opponents have a vast system of media, financial, cultural, and political control, and it is clearer than ever that they use this system against us. What President Trump represents — defiance of the ruling class — has always been more important than what he does.

I am happy either way. If President Trump loses this election (or, as some will assume, has it taken from him), smart Republicans will know they can’t take white working-class votes for granted. The Left won’t have the power to just crush us.

If President Trump wins, Republicans will have to reign in Big Tech and challenge Democratic political machines just to keep the game straight. Republicans will not be able to break away from him. National populism will be here to stay.

Out of cold calculation, I think President Trump losing a narrow, contested contest may be best for us. Repudiation would have been a disaster, but that didn’t happen. He and his movement may become stronger after a defeat of this kind, much as Andrew Jackson became stronger after John Quincy Adams won a pyrrhic victory with the “Corrupt Bargain of 1824.”

Emotionally, I want President Trump to win because his opponents are our opponents. His victory would make me personally happy, but then he would have to handle a collapsing economy, a rising pandemic, and a ferocious Left.

If he wins, the Left will overreact. Conservatives will never shake off populism. Political polarization will sharpen – and will strengthen white identity. Progressives will push critical race theory and Black Lives Matter harder than ever. Therefore, we must stand with Donald Trump. Whether he knows it or not and despite all his many shortcomings, he represents white America. White advocates can’t scorn our mass base. We must stand with our people if we want to help them and eventually lead them.

Either way, we win, so it was a good election. I’ll be writing more, especially on whether Hispanics are “becoming white” and whether the United States can (or should) be saved by becoming a real Empire.

For now, be of good cheer. Be white-pilled. Throw yourself into the struggle. History has restarted, and our ideas are leading the way.
The New World Order is coming and only Prayer and God can stop it. If God allows Biden to steal the election, I say buckle up, because the end times are approaching, and I don't say that to scare anyone. Jerusalem is now Israel's capital for the first time in 2,500 years. Peace treaties are being signed with Israel, and if they begin to build a temple, and Russia, Iran, and Turkey line up to attack Israel then it's all coming like a freight train just like the book of Revelation has prophesied.

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