Trump Makes a Very Interesting Demand of Biden Before First Debate

Trump Makes a Very Interesting Demand of Biden Before First Debate​

18 May 2024 ~~ By Matt Margolis

The first debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is just over a month away, and Donald Trump has agreed to all of Biden’s conditions, including no live audience, timed microphones, and only pro-Biden outlets and moderators. But now Trump has a condition of his own.
And it's a justifiable one.
“I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said Friday evening, during the Minnesota Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner. “I am, no I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union, he was high as a kite.”
It has long been suspected that Joe Biden was drugged during his State of the Union address.
Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist specializing in elderly dementia patients, pointed out that Biden's increased speed and volume during the address, contrary to his usual slow and stumbling demeanor, could be indicative of stimulant usage, potentially Adderall or another amphetamine.
“[Adderall]’s given to focus someone’s attention so if you give it to someone who is not focused and give it to them ahead of a big event like the State of the Union, it will improve their focus,” Lieberman told the Washington Times. “But it’s treating the symptoms rather than boosting the brain and it’s addictive so it’s dangerous.”
So, yes, Trump is definitely justified in his request, but there isn't a chance that the Biden campaign will agree to this.

The article also pointed to a 2022 study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry that "found medications that treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, such as Adderall, can generally improve cognitive performance in Alzheimer’s patients."
Does anyone really think Joe Biden will submit to a drug test?
It’s starting to get to the point of diminishing returns and they’re having to constantly increase dosage.
Trump’s already scored his points on the issue and will not renege on his 2-debate commitment when Biden predictably refuses a pre-debate drug test.
he also needs to insure that Briben isn't wearing an earpiece or some other communication devise ..
Trump can't even participate in a "real debate"
He is too wrapped up in himself to listen and respond
That's why he staked Clinton.
That's why he continuously talks over his opponent.
He's incapable of telling the truth.
That's why he needs the sycophantic audience.

Live fact checking
Mic cutoffs
No audience
Make Trump actually debate or tell him to take a hike to losersville.
As most things Democrats think sound great, the unintended consequence is that Biden has to adhere to his own rules as well....Let him start spouting the 9% lie, and he should be smacked down for shit like that...
A collection of “perfectly timed photos”.

You MAGATS are a gullible lot.

More twitter crap because it's all MAGATS have!

Because it’s fucking silly. It’s as dumb as the birth certificate bullshit you guys tried to pull.
you don’t find it odd that some days Biden can barely speak and other days he’s sharp as a tack?

That raises some serious questions to his cognitive ability and why situations like the above happens
Odds are….you are a libtard who screams “waaacist!” when they point out the negative consequences of Affirmative Action.
Actually, with your posts, it is quite easy to claim racism
Trump did not say that if Biden fails the drug test, no debate. He just wants the American people to know what cocktail of meds it takes for Biden to function for an hour-long debate.

Why does Biden get to ask for conditions - that Trump immediately accepted - but Trump isn't allowed to?

So, now the Dems want a two-tiered debate system, along with their two-tiered justice system?
Biden is going to destroy trump. Just like he did 4 years ago. Trump might decide to opt out of the second debate once Biden is done with him.
What makes you think Biden destroyed Trump? Because your media and your party told you so? Can you provide any specific example(s) from the debate that shows how Biden exposed Trump? Or, would that be to much work for you and you would just like to rely on your sense of entitlement to have your opinion considered to be fact?
Trump did not say that if Biden fails the drug test, no debate. He just wants the American people to know what cocktail of meds it takes for Biden to function for an hour-long debate.

Why does Biden get to ask for conditions - that Trump immediately accepted - but Trump isn't allowed to?

So, now the Dems want a two-tiered debate system, along with their two-tiered justice system?

Biden should agree if Trump will step on a scale
Everyone will laugh it off.

Trump wins. He's not in a courthouse when he's mixing it up with the Stuttering Incontinent Celery Stalk.

Trump gets more visibility and people see just how stupid Biden really is.
Trump is a gutless jerkoff looking for an excuse to chickenshit out of the debate.

Biden is POTUS & he doesn't have to bow down to the demands of a craven criminal lowlife like Trump. The bastard is lucky he's not sitting in prison where he belongs for J6 & for ripping off top secret intel.

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