Zone1 If You Blacks Would Just Comply....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
I will not begin this with the not all cops are bad cops line. These are bad cops.

“84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”
The United States Department of Justice

"The Commissioners find a prima facie case of Crimes against Humanity warranting an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC). The crimes under the Rome Statute include: Murder, Severe Deprivation of Physical Liberty, Torture, Persecution of people of African descent, and other Inhumane Acts, which occurred in the context of a widespread or systematic attack directed against the civilian population of Black people in the U.S."
-Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People of African Descent in the U.S.

Cops FIRED For Battering Unarmed Black Man Who Was Surrendering​


Here’s a newsflash for IQ2:

Nobody is applauding police brutality and I don’t hear many people denying that it exists.

Oh, and it can even implicate racism in some cases. But, not in all:

Most of the time the videos of the officers beating on suspects are soundless and/or not shown in their entireity.

A police officer I know got in trouble for the beating the hell out of a honky on tape, but it turned out the honky suspect accused the officer's mother of prostitution, so he definitely deserved what was coming to him.
Most of the time the videos of the officers beating on suspects are soundless and/or not shown in their entireity.

A police officer I know got in trouble for the beating the hell out of a honky on tape, but it turned out the honky suspect accused the officer's mother of prostitution, so he definitely deserved what was coming to him.

Um, no, you don't get to beat someone because you didn't like what they had to say.
I will not begin this with the not all cops are bad cops line. These are bad cops.

“84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”
The United States Department of Justice

"The Commissioners find a prima facie case of Crimes against Humanity warranting an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC). The crimes under the Rome Statute include: Murder, Severe Deprivation of Physical Liberty, Torture, Persecution of people of African descent, and other Inhumane Acts, which occurred in the context of a widespread or systematic attack directed against the civilian population of Black people in the U.S."
-Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People of African Descent in the U.S.

Cops FIRED For Battering Unarmed Black Man Who Was Surrendering​

NOt seeing the problem here. The cop overreacted, he was disciplined.

Here's the thing: The police execute 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops every year, and 99.9999% of those are done professionally and without incident.

Your statistic is kind of flawed. If you ask any worker "have you seen your co-workers make mistakes", I'm pretty sure that 84% of them would say "Yes". Probably more.

I've been pretty strong about condemning police overreach here, but at the end of the day.

George Floyd shouldn't have taken drugs or tried to use counterfeit money.
Jacob Blake shouldn't have tried to leave with his kids when the cops told him to stop.
Duante Wright shouldn't have tried to drive away when he was being detained.
I don't trust a source like the young turks .. they are notorious for skewing the story. I'll just find an article that provides better context

Besides .. if the cop did something bad .. and was disciplined .. what's the issue?
I will not begin this with the not all cops are bad cops line. These are bad cops.

“84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”
The United States Department of Justice

"The Commissioners find a prima facie case of Crimes against Humanity warranting an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC). The crimes under the Rome Statute include: Murder, Severe Deprivation of Physical Liberty, Torture, Persecution of people of African descent, and other Inhumane Acts, which occurred in the context of a widespread or systematic attack directed against the civilian population of Black people in the U.S."
-Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People of African Descent in the U.S.

Its a little bit of bait and switch. IM2 starts with Department of Justice quote about excessive force. This DOJ survey is not ideologically motived. Then IM2 follows up with a quote from the “International Commission of Inquiry on systemic Racist Police violence”. Which, from what I understand is a commission formed with the sole purpose of producing a report about systemic racism. “Big surprise” they concluded systemic racism is “widespread”. Producing that conclusion was the entire reason for forming the commission.

The DOJ survey on the other hand found that serious incidents of police abuse are “very rare and isolated”.

Results of the survey suggest that po- lice officers have complex and some- times contradictory attitudes toward the abuse of authority. On the one hand, the survey reveals positive evidence of American police officers’ integrity. The majority of officers in the sample, for example, disagreed that it is acceptable to use more force than legally necessary—even to con- trol someone who physically assaults an officer. In addition, the vast major- ity of responding officers described serious incidents of police abuse (such as the Rodney King and Abner Louima cases) as isolated and very rare occur- rences and indicated that their depart- ments take a tough stand on police abuse.
Notwithstanding its positive findings, the survey suggests that police abuse remains a problem that needs to be addressed by policymakers and police professionals. Even though most police officers disapprove of the use of exces- sive force, a substantial minority con- sider it acceptable to sometimes use more force than permitted by the laws that govern them.

He follows it all up with a video by TYT LOL
Um, no, you don't get to beat someone because you didn't like what they had to say.

So you would stand by and just let some dipshit falsely accuse your mother of prostitution publicly and not do anything to defend her honor? It wasn't like they were in a discussion about politics, or religion, or who they thought would win the Super Bowl or Royal Rumble. The miscreant was accusing the officer's mum of serious charges.
Just for today, do yourself a favor and put it all behind you and watch the Derby. Just have fun with no bad feelings about anything. :bye1:
Spare me. I didn't watch the Derby and I feel good every day. I don't ever feel bad for confronting white racists. And I feel even better when I have them whining like I have you guys doing here.
….. I feel good every day. I don't ever feel bad for confronting white racists. And I feel even better when I have them whining like I have you guys doing here.
IM2 is a harbinger of things to come. They are already teaching in universities that all white people are racist. These liberals won’t bother to hyphenate “white“ much longer.
So you would stand by and just let some dipshit falsely accuse your mother of prostitution publicly and not do anything to defend her honor? It wasn't like they were in a discussion about politics, or religion, or who they thought would win the Super Bowl or Royal Rumble. The miscreant was accusing the officer's mum of serious charges.
As a professional, on the job, that is exactly what you should do.
So you would stand by and just let some dipshit falsely accuse your mother of prostitution publicly and not do anything to defend her honor? It wasn't like they were in a discussion about politics, or religion, or who they thought would win the Super Bowl or Royal Rumble. The miscreant was accusing the officer's mum of serious charges.

Doesn't matter. As a police officer, his job is to safeguard the public, not defend his mother's honor.

He has a badge and a gun. Now, if he wants to beat that person up as a private citizen, he can do that, but he'll still end up facing charges.
Doesn't matter. As a police officer, his job is to safeguard the public, not defend his mother's honor.

He has a badge and a gun. Now, if he wants to beat that person up as a private citizen, he can do that, but he'll still end up facing charges.

No one is suggesting that people should shoot those who would slander their mother.

But thanks anyhow. Now I know that if I am in an urban heck hole, I can go up to a police officer and make accusations against his mum, and he'll just take it.
Um, no, you don't get to beat someone because you didn't like what they had to say.

except if you’re a Black claiming the victim said the N-word gasp!! I’m so confused with Libstain spew?

why is it so hard to find any pro-American Blacks? where are the Ball players? Whites always saving the nation fir the ingrates.

except if you’re a Black claiming the victim said the N-word gasp!! I’m so confused with Libstain spew?

Can you name a case where a black person beat someone up for calling them the n-word, and got off scott free?

why is it so hard to find any pro-American Blacks? where are the Ball players? Whites always saving the nation fir the ingrates.
Funny, I remember serving with a bunch of black folks in the army.

I don't recall seeing you there, but I'm sure you'll be showing up at the recruiter's any day now.
I don't whine. I just feel sorry for you. Racism isn't a good feeling, and you bathe in it daily.
Don't feel sorry for me. You are the one to be pitied. Ignoring racism doesn't make it go away despite your fines delusions. You, among the many other white right wingers here, whine all day about how unfair life is for whites and how we are losing the country because whites can't get everything they want.
except if you’re a Black claiming the victim said the N-word gasp!! I’m so confused with Libstain spew?

why is it so hard to find any pro-American Blacks? where are the Ball players? Whites always saving the nation fir the ingrates.

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Blacks are all pro American. We want the America that the so called founders wrote on parchment. That hasn't happened yet. Whites aren't saving this country. Whites like you are trying to destroy It so you can get everything given to you.

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