Macron floats Ukraine troop deployment if frontline breached

Get this embarrassing horseshit out of here. I'm sure you get paid the same either way.

And you can fk right off with your maniac mangod's demands about NATO. Those countries have the right to self defense facts and self determination. And your piece of shit mangod gives them a new reason why every year.
Sure, Estonians in Tallinn, Estonia, have right for collective self-defense. No one is arguing about it. The point is, that Russians in Narva, Estonia, also have right for collective self-defense. And if the governments of Estonia, the EU and the USA do not defend their God-given rights, they have right to ask about their defense their brothers from Great Russia.

Yes, of course, the sovereign Estonia or Ukraine have right to discriminate Russians, abuse us or even genocide local folks. The point is, that sovereignty it's not only rights to do whatever one wants. Sovereignty means also responsibility for the consequences of your actions.

If the EU and NATO folks really do have understanding of the actual situation and really do support genocide of Russian people - they deserved to be genocided, too, and the war is inevitable. And the only thing that we can do then - is to minimize our own losses (by the first counter-force attack against US/NATO nuclear forces). Sad, but true. The pretty same situation if do not want to study the actual reasons of the current crisis.

But if you do want to study something and then, build the system of undivided safety and equal rights for everyone - then, and only then, negotiations are possible. (If you are brainwashed goons who actually believe that the Russians should be discriminated and genocided - discussions are useless. If you are fools who believe that you can win in this conflict - discussions are useless). I do not actually believe in zombies or brainwashed goons. And any stupidity can be measured in the number of casualties necessary for bringing you back to reality. So, that's the practical question - how many American soldiers should be killed, how many American cities should be destroyed, how much of American land should be lost to force you to accept the reality?
You can go further back, if Western Countries had signed up to a defence pact against Germany as the Soviets asked for before the war there would have been no war at all, but those Western powers were hoping Hitler would attack the Soviets first.
Actually, there was that pact. And the first Hitler's attempt to take Czechoslovakia diplomatically failed. It took significant effort from Chamberlain to destroy that pact.

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