Gog Magog Ezekiel 38-39


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Ezekiel 38-39 Gog Magog verses used to preach armageddon show alot of the players and events seen today regarding
Isis pilaging and Gog coming from the North down to Syria. PLAYERS LIKE Iran and Libya fighting Isis etc. But Preachers took the Liberty to assume and interpret how they would see it go down not what actually occured and is continuing to unfold.
Russia could make it's way into portions of Syria considered Israel in the Bible or into the Golan flushing out Isis but the verses never give a notion that Gog would forcefully battle Israelis, just that they'd make their way there. The Bible doesn't make it clear the borders we are discussing, ancient Israel or Present day or even future borders? With Russia you never know as Putin believes in changing borders and redesigning ownership.
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Ezekiel 38-39 Gog Magog verses used to preach armageddon show alot of the players and events seen today regarding
Isis pilaging and Gog coming from the North down to Syria. PLAYERS LIKE Iran and Lybia fighting Isis etc. But Preachers took the Liberty to assume and interpret how they would see it go down not what actually occured and is continuing to unfold.
Russia could make it's way into portions of Syria considered Israel in the Bible or into the Golan flushing out Isis but the verses never give a notion that Gog would forcefully battle Israelis, just that they'd make their way there. The Bible doesn't make it clear the borders we are discussing, ancient Israel or Present day or even future borders? With Russia you never know as Putin believes in changing borders and redesigning ownership.

I believe what disturbs me the most about the mis-interpretation of Scripture concerning the Book of Ezekiel, HaShev, is Ezekiel 37. When I hear a preacher identify Ezekiel 37 as the church and not the Jewish people and Israel I know that one of two things is happening.

Either he does not know the Scriptures or he is teaching replacement theology (which is from hell). Ezekiel 37 is about the Jewish people and has nothing to do with the church. While I had said earlier (in another post - and not these exact words -->) that the Hebrew prophets spoke the oracles of God and there is a multi dimension to what they said which means they could speak to more than one people at one specific time - this is not the case with Ezekiel 37. The entire prophecy is concerning God's people - the Jews - and it is not speaking of the church. As to Ezekiel 38 and 39 I have yet to hear it preached correctly. People are getting ahead of God's Word and have confused the prophecy of Ezekiel with Obadiah and Isaiah. What I believe we see unfolding is found in Obadiah, Isaiah and Psalm 83.
Use to be mainly Jews lived in Russia and Ukraine. They sure did a number on the Czars and Eastern Orthodox Churches which they burnt.
Ezekiel 38-39 Gog Magog verses used to preach armageddon show alot of the players and events seen today regarding
Isis pilaging and Gog coming from the North down to Syria. PLAYERS LIKE Iran and Lybia fighting Isis etc. But Preachers took the Liberty to assume and interpret how they would see it go down not what actually occured and is continuing to unfold.
Russia could make it's way into portions of Syria considered Israel in the Bible or into the Golan flushing out Isis but the verses never give a notion that Gog would forcefully battle Israelis, just that they'd make their way there. The Bible doesn't make it clear the borders we are discussing, ancient Israel or Present day or even future borders? With Russia you never know as Putin believes in changing borders and redesigning ownership.

I'm not going to get all in a tither just yet. While it is true it does appear the players are beginning to get in place, Russia's Afghan War turned out to be a total disaster for them.
Use to be mainly Jews lived in Russia and Ukraine. They sure did a number on the Czars and Eastern Orthodox Churches which they burnt.

your catechism whore taught you that the population of Russia and Ukraine was
"mainly jews"??? and jews attacked the eastern orthodox there?. Does the
pope know about this child abusing bitch?
Use to be mainly Jews lived in Russia and Ukraine. They sure did a number on the Czars and Eastern Orthodox Churches which they burnt.

your catechism whore taught you that the population of Russia and Ukraine was
"mainly jews"??? and jews attacked the eastern orthodox there?. Does the
pope know about this child abusing bitch?

No I can read and do read history.
Please note----both Penelope and Surada INSIST
that there was a time in which DA JOOOOS were
the MAJORITY in both the UKRAINE and GREAT
MOTHER RUSSIA----for similar brilliant information visit your local chapter of AA ---and
your local methadone distribution center and your local mosque that serves muslims of southeast Asian populations (they use english
for the INSTRUCTIVE Khutbah Jumaat "sermons")
Please note----both Penelope and Surada INSIST
that there was a time in which DA JOOOOS were
the MAJORITY in both the UKRAINE and GREAT
MOTHER RUSSIA----for similar brilliant information visit your local chapter of AA ---and
your local methadone distribution center and your local mosque that serves muslims of southeast Asian populations (they use english
for the INSTRUCTIVE Khutbah Jumaat "sermons")

Who says they were a majority? Do you just stay hysterical?
Who says they were a majority? Do you just stay hysterical?
Penelope does have a bit of a problem in
English COMP-----she wrote:
""Use to be mainly Jews lived in Russia and Ukraine."" well----ok----just the usual messy
"sloppy expression"-----and YOU AGREED (LOL)
There was a time that I was tutor in the
"REMEDIAL ROOM" I did, often, get a bit hysterical. My all time fave "referral" involved
a CALCULUS GENIUS who-----for his assigned
"theme paper" wrote the standard rules for baseball and WONDERED why he was awarded a
"D" ----he asserted "I spelled all the words right"
Ezekiel 38-39 Gog Magog verses used to preach armageddon show alot of the players and events seen today regarding
Isis pilaging and Gog coming from the North down to Syria. PLAYERS LIKE Iran and Libya fighting Isis etc. But Preachers took the Liberty to assume and interpret how they would see it go down not what actually occured and is continuing to unfold.
Russia could make it's way into portions of Syria considered Israel in the Bible or into the Golan flushing out Isis but the verses never give a notion that Gog would forcefully battle Israelis, just that they'd make their way there. The Bible doesn't make it clear the borders we are discussing, ancient Israel or Present day or even future borders? With Russia you never know as Putin believes in changing borders and redesigning ownership.
These "prophecies" have already taken place. Ezekiel 38:7, Gog and his army need to be prepared because they would meet with defeat. The battle would take place after Israel was returned from captivity (Eze 38:8).
These "prophecies" have already taken place. Ezekiel 38:7, Gog and his army need to be prepared because they would meet with defeat. The battle would take place after Israel was returned from captivity (Eze 38:8).
There's the historical, the repeat emulations(future prophecy), and spiritual emulations... And of course any emulation can be referred back to learning from the past(stories) to recocognize these repeat emulations.
There's the historical, the repeat emulations(future prophecy), and spiritual emulations... And of course any emulation can be referred back to learning from the past(stories) to recocognize these repeat emulations.

Please present the book, chapter and verse that verifies anything that you just stated as to be considered Doctrine under the New Testament of Grace.

The Old Testament is called the OLD TESTAMENT for a reason......its a historical record of prophecies and ancestral lineage of Biblical Isarel.....all leading up to the New Testamen Covenant of Jesus Christ, documenting Jesus as the Son of Man and the Son of God......the Messiah. The method and manner of how God communicates with mankind has changed, today God speaks to mankind through His Son Jesus Christ whom He appointed heir of all things in heaven and earth (Hebrews 1:1-2), just as prophesied in Jer 31:31-34. The Old Law was temporary until the Seed came to earth, that seed of Abraham was Jesus Christ (Gal. 3)

Today the Old Testament is used as a schoolmaster, a teacher........Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17-18), the Old Law was nailed to the sacrifical cross of Jessus (Col.2:14). If anyone seeks to be justified by the Old Law, they have fallen from the grace provided by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Gal. 5:4)

In other words the Old Testament is to be read, studied and comprehended as HISTORY. "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." -- Romans 15:4

God declared that He took away the first law (Law of Moses) in order to establish the New Covenant Law (Heb. 10:9). The Old Law was our guardian of the faith until Christ came to earth (Gal.3:24-25).........The Old Testament contains examples for us so that we will not be caught unaware and make the same mistakes made by Biblical Israel (1 Cor. 10:1-12). The birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ fulfilled the law and the prophets, one cannot apply any prophecy that brings them to Christ and attempt to declare that it is somehow to be fulfilled again in the distant future...especially when it concerns the day of Judgement as only the Father knows of that date, not any angel, not any prophet, not even the Christ Himself.....only the Father (Matthew 24:36)
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Please present the book, chapter and verse that verifies anything that you just stated as to be considered Doctrine under the New Testament of Grace.

The Old Testament is called the OLD TESTAMENT for a reason......its a historical record of prophecies and ancestral lineage of Biblical Isarel.....all leading up to the New Testamen Covenant of Jesus Christ, documenting Jesus as the Son of Man and the Son of God......the Messiah. The method and manner of how God communicates with mankind has changed, today God speaks to mankind through His Son Jesus Christ whom He appointed heir of all things in heaven and earth (Hebrews 1:1-2), just as prophesied in Jer 31:31-34. The Old Law was temporary until the Seed came to earth, that seed of Abraham was Jesus Christ (Gal. 3)

Today the Old Testament is used as a schoolmaster, a teacher........Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17-18), the Old Law was nailed to the sacrifical cross of Jessus (Col.2:14). If anyone seeks to be justified by the Old Law, they have fallen from the grace provided by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Gal. 5:4)

In other words the Old Testament is to be read, studied and comprehended as HISTORY. "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." -- Romans 15:4

God declared that He took away the first law (Law of Moses) in order to establish the New Covenant Law (Heb. 10:9). The Old Law was our guardian of the faith until Christ came to earth (Gal.3:24-25).........The Old Testament contains examples for us so that we will not be caught unaware and make the same mistakes made by Biblical Israel (1 Cor. 10:1-12). The birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ fulfilled the law and the prophets, one cannot apply any prophecy that brings them to Christ and attempt to declare that it is somehow to be fulfilled again in the distant future...especially when it concerns the day of Judgement as only the Father knows of that date, not any angel, not any prophet, not even the Christ Himself.....only the Father (Matthew 24:36)
It's the sages oral tradition to know prophecy is the ability to read the signs and notice the probabilities to come (recognize sequences), hence writing the history dirty laundry (and reading the testiments) and all so we learn from and recognize the repeat behaviors and progress in the ways we deal with these repeated issues in history. Why else do you think there is a Bible, a reverence to transcribe, maintain, read, and absorb it?
It's the sages oral tradition to know prophecy is the ability to read the signs and notice the probabilities to come (recognize sequences), hence writing the history dirty laundry (and reading the testiments) and all so we learn from and recognize the repeat behaviors and progress in the ways we deal with these repeated issues in history. Why else do you think there is a Bible, a reverence to transcribe, maintain, read, and absorb it?

And Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.......(John 8:32) Truth is calibrated by the Word of God....not by the opinions of men, Jew, Christian, Muslim....etc.. Its the WORD that defines truth....not man made tradition. Jesus chastised the Jews of His day for the exact same thing that many people engage today.....making the traditions of men of more importance than the Law. (Matthew 23)

Why is there a Bible? To provide a righteous doctrine to make the man of God perfect in relation to TRUTH from HEAVEN (2 Tim. 3:16-17). God would have all men come to the knowledge of this Truth and find salvation (1 Tim. 2:4) The old testament is used To learn from the mistakes of Biblical Israel......a peoples that did not keep the precepts of the Covenant of Moses. Reference (Jer. 31:31-34). As explained previously........the Old Testament is called the Old Testament for a reason. Today we use the Law of Moses and the Prophets as its sometimes called to "Bring us to Christ" (Gal. 3:24) To learn from the mistakes of Israel (1Cor.10:1-12)

There was a problem with the Old Testament Law........the people did not keep it. Apparently the same problem continues today, the vast majority of peoples that identify as being Jews, are more secular than religious, only about 10% observe the faith in an orthodox manner.:laugh:

There was nothing wrong with the Law itself, it simply identified what God considered sin, it defined sin, but it brought no permanent solution for sin it could only offer a future hope of salvation (Romans 7:7-13). The Law and the prophets bound sin to mankind, but Christ freed us from sin. (Gal.4:21-31, 5:1-4). There was a change not only in the priesthood (Heb.5:1-10) There was a change in the Law, it was nailed to the cross of Jesus (Col.2:14).......Jesus is now our High Priest......However Jesus was not a descendent of Aaron, He was not even from the tribe of Levi. The scriptures teach us that the Order of Aaron was not intended to be permanent (Heb. 7:11) Therefore a change in the Order indicates a change in the Law (Heb.7:12-17)

There was a change from the Old Law in relation to sacrifices as compared to the N.T. of grace (Heb.9:16-28, 10:1-8). The New Testament law offers a permanent solution to sin.........the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus freed us from the wages of sin. There is no longer a requirement to carry sin from year to year and offer burnt offerings at the alter. At the acceptance of the Old Law Moses sprinkled the people with blood.......(Ex.24:8), The New Covenant also begins with the shedding of blood--Christs' death on the Cross.
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And Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.......(John 8:32) Truth is calibrated by the Word of God....not by the opinions of men, Jew, Christian, Muslim....etc.. Its the WORD that defines truth....not man made tradition. Jesus chastised the Jews of His day for the exact same thing that many people engage today.....making the traditions of men of more importance than the Law. (Matthew 23)

Why is there a Bible? To provide a righteous doctrine to make the man of God perfect in relation to TRUTH from HEAVEN (2 Tim. 3:16-17). God would have all men come to the knowledge of this Truth and find salvation (1 Tim. 2:4) The old testament is used To learn from the mistakes of Biblical Israel......a peoples that did not keep the precepts of the Covenant of Moses. Reference (Jer. 31:31-34). As explained previously........the Old Testament is called the Old Testament for a reason. Today we use the Law of Moses and the Prophets as its sometimes called to "Bring us to Christ" (Gal. 3:24) To learn from the mistakes of Israel (1Cor.10:1-12)

There was a problem with the Old Testament Law........the people did not keep it. Apparently the same problem continues today, the vast majority of peoples that identify as being Jews, are more secular than religious, only about 10% observe the faith in an orthodox manner.:laugh:

There was nothing wrong with the Law itself, it simply identified what God considered sin, it defined sin, but it brought no permanent solution for sin it could only offer a future hope of salvation (Romans 7:7-13). The Law and the prophets bound sin to mankind, but Christ freed us from sin. (Gal.4:21-31, 5:1-4). There was a change not only in the priesthood (Heb.5:1-10) There was a change in the Law, it was nailed to the cross of Jesus (Col.2:14).......Jesus is now our High Priest......However Jesus was not a descendent of Aaron, He was not even from the tribe of Levi. The scriptures teach us that the Order of Aaron was not intended to be permanent (Heb. 7:11) Therefore a change in the Order indicates a change in the Law (Heb.7:12-17)

There was a change from the Old Law in relation to sacrifices as compared to the N.T. of grace (Heb.9:16-28, 10:1-8). The New Testament law offers a permanent solution to sin.........the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus freed us from the wages of sin. There is no longer a requirement to carry sin from year to year and offer burnt Him, Hoe, and not Jesus.not offerings at the alter. At the acceptance of the Old Law Moses sprinkled the people with blood.......(Ex.24:8), The New Covenant also begins with the shedding of blood--Christs' death on the Cross.
And who best knows this scripture of truth Dan 10:21? Not Jim, not Joe, & not Jesus.
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fights the prince of Persia).
And Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.......(John 8:32) Truth is calibrated by the Word of God....not by the opinions of men, Jew, Christian, Muslim....etc.. Its the WORD that defines truth....not man made tradition. Jesus chastised the Jews of His day for the exact same thing that many people engage today.....making the traditions of men of more importance than the Law. (Matthew 23)

Why is there a Bible? To provide a righteous doctrine to make the man of God perfect in relation to TRUTH from HEAVEN (2 Tim. 3:16-17). God would have all men come to the knowledge of this Truth and find salvation (1 Tim. 2:4) The old testament is used To learn from the mistakes of Biblical Israel......a peoples that did not keep the precepts of the Covenant of Moses. Reference (Jer. 31:31-34). As explained previously........the Old Testament is called the Old Testament for a reason. Today we use the Law of Moses and the Prophets as its sometimes called to "Bring us to Christ" (Gal. 3:24) To learn from the mistakes of Israel (1Cor.10:1-12)

There was a problem with the Old Testament Law........the people did not keep it. Apparently the same problem continues today, the vast majority of peoples that identify as being Jews, are more secular than religious, only about 10% observe the faith in an orthodox manner.:laugh:

There was nothing wrong with the Law itself, it simply identified what God considered sin, it defined sin, but it brought no permanent solution for sin it could only offer a future hope of salvation (Romans 7:7-13). The Law and the prophets bound sin to mankind, but Christ freed us from sin. (Gal.4:21-31, 5:1-4). There was a change not only in the priesthood (Heb.5:1-10) There was a change in the Law, it was nailed to the cross of Jesus (Col.2:14).......Jesus is now our High Priest......However Jesus was not a descendent of Aaron, He was not even from the tribe of Levi. The scriptures teach us that the Order of Aaron was not intended to be permanent (Heb. 7:11) Therefore a change in the Order indicates a change in the Law (Heb.7:12-17)

There was a change from the Old Law in relation to sacrifices as compared to the N.T. of grace (Heb.9:16-28, 10:1-8). The New Testament law offers a permanent solution to sin.........the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus freed us from the wages of sin. There is no longer a requirement to carry sin from year to year and offer burnt offerings at the alter. At the acceptance of the Old Law Moses sprinkled the people with blood.......(Ex.24:8), The New Covenant also begins with the shedding of blood--Christs' death on the Cross.
offers a permanent solution to sin. <<<<ROFLMAO that worked out fine----the
"NT" became a blue print for MASSIVE GENOCIDE
Ezekiel 38-39 Gog Magog verses used to preach armageddon show alot of the players and events seen today regarding
Isis pilaging and Gog coming from the North down to Syria. PLAYERS LIKE Iran and Libya fighting Isis etc. But Preachers took the Liberty to assume and interpret how they would see it go down not what actually occured and is continuing to unfold.
Russia could make it's way into portions of Syria considered Israel in the Bible or into the Golan flushing out Isis but the verses never give a notion that Gog would forcefully battle Israelis, just that they'd make their way there. The Bible doesn't make it clear the borders we are discussing, ancient Israel or Present day or even future borders? With Russia you never know as Putin believes in changing borders and redesigning ownership.

Gog and Magog can be anyone, any country you like... and has been.

Gog and Magog can be anyone, any country you like... and has been.

True, but then it's in line with what I said about looking at emulations throughout history.
Perfect example of cherry picking to reinforce cognitive rigidity ( in this case belief in prophecy and a happy ending) .

Of course it is just another comfort story for Jews and Christians to latch on to -- the Goodies will defeat the Baddies in the last chapter , etc , etc.

But here , back in the real world , any strict or orthodox cult followers are useful because to the greater extent they pay their taxes and are compliant as good citizens .
An excellent type of Sheeple -- gullible and malleable .

They will believe almost anything, if they can link it to their Fairy Tales , and they will equally believe anything handed to them if it is packaged appropriately .
Make excellent slaves .

They think they know better , rofl. Agree with them . Makes them Pushovers .

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