Kim Davis met with pope?

oh oh. remember how they LOVED the pope while being with their thug Dear Leader?

and now this: omg here comes the hate

mark my words...:eusa_whistle:
Her church members probably look down on the Pope with righteous indignation.
Her church members probably look down on the Pope with righteous indignation.

Probably true.

Jeremiah is fundie and hates catholicism.

I think its weird that the pope would meet with someone from a hate group and tell her to 'stay strong'.
Her church members probably look down on the Pope with righteous indignation.

Probably true.

Jeremiah is fundie and hates catholicism.

I think its weird that the pope would meet with someone from a hate group and tell her to 'stay strong'.

Not if you think about his agenda. He needs the Protestants for his One World Religion, Luddly. Rome sent it's own Jesuit agents (pretending to be Pastors, preachers, evangelists, converts from Catholicism, etc) to infiltrate the Protestant, evangelical, Pentacostal churches long ago but it didn't work on those who were truly born again Christians. Then the Pope sent his own agent whom he called his friend to Kenneth Copeland's church (the young man suddenly died in an "accident" after he fulfilled his assignment from the Jesuit Pope) and he told the audience the only group that refused to submit to Rome and sign the agreement with Rome (it's a written document) was the fundamentalist Christians - the Pentacostals. He came to Copeland's church on behalf of the Pope with a message to those who refused to submit to Rome - he said the Pope said the Protest is over and that everyone present is now a Catholic. (Because the Pope said so). You can see the actual message given on You Tube. The Pope actually had the nerve to tell the Christians to surrender to Rome and call themselves Catholics because the protest was over. Why was it over? Because he said it was over. Sounds like a power hungry Dictator to me.

Those of us who serve Christ refuse to do any such thing. We will never submit to Rome and Pope Francis talking with Kim Davis is not going to change our minds. It means absolutely nothing. He is still the leader of a false church and he has nothing to do with Christianity and the Body of Christ that follows Jesus Christ and calls Him Lord and Savior. The true church are those born again Christians who are worshiping in many different denominations, different churches, throughout the world. The Body of Christ is not a single denomination or church organization. The Body of Christ are born again believers wherever they may be found.

Jesus Christ never appointed a Vicar. We don't need a Pope.
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Here is the young man who died in a sudden accident after delivering Pope Francis message to the Protestants. Charisma news reported it - Charisma magazine and Christianity Today were both exposed as both front organizations for the Vatican in Rome - they advertise themselves to be "Christian Magazines". The deception runs deep, people. Keep in mind everything Rome does is very well planned out and executed.

Bishop Tony Palmer, Champion of Unity, Dies in Motorcycle Accident


Bishop Tony Palmer, a South African Bishop with the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches, has passed away after a motorcycle accident.

Palmer gained worldwide media attention in January after Pope Francis sent a special envoy to a Charismatic Evangelical Leadership Conference Kenneth Copeland hosted.

"Tony Palmer, the charismatic young preacher who enjoyed a friendship with Pope Francis, has apparently died in a motorcycle accident," Kathy Schiffer reported on her Seasons of Grace blog. Not a Catholic, Palmer was a bishop in the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches.
The article is misleading. Tony Palmer was trained by the Jesuits - I believe it is only 2% of all Jesuits become priests - Tony Palmer first joined Kenneth Copeland's church years ago. He became married - he was still married - he then changed to Episcopal and so on, then later became spokesman for the Pope and told the evangelicals at Kenneth Copeland's church and the Christian guests attending Copeland's evangelical conference -he had come with a message from the Pope. He said the Pope says the Protest is over. You are no longer Protestants, you are all now Catholics. That was the message to Copeland's evangelical conference audience and Copeland never stopped him. Copeland is hireling and another agent of Rome. (so is Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Joseph Prince, TBN, Andrew Womack & others). Tony Palmer told the audience everyone else had already signed the agreement with Rome years ago and the Pentacostals were the only ones who had held out against Rome. Shortly after that speech to the evangelical conference, he died. Apparently he said too much.
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for the record------there IS----very definitely,,, a REAL ****ONE RELIGION FOR THE WORLD*** movement on the planet. Generally it bills itself as a proponent of WORLD MONOTHEISM---------and skips and jumps over to
THEOCRACY FOR THE WORLD------it is a movement -----with lots of
people who like it--------it seems to me that most of its adherents are muslims---
then catholics---------OF THE UPPER ECHELONS of those two groups.
POPE FRANCIS does seem to echo some of their concepts------it is damned
dangerous------like all totalitarian ideologies
Her church members probably look down on the Pope with righteous indignation.

Probably true.

Jeremiah is fundie and hates catholicism.

I think its weird that the pope would meet with someone from a hate group and tell her to 'stay strong'.

Not if you think about his agenda. He needs the Protestants for his One World Religion, Luddly. Rome sent it's own Jesuit agents (pretending to be Pastors, preachers, evangelists, converts from Catholicism, etc) to infiltrate the Protestant, evangelical, Pentacostal churches long ago but it didn't work on those who were truly born again Christians. Then the Pope sent his own agent whom he called his friend to Kenneth Copeland's church (the young man suddenly died in an "accident" after he fulfilled his assignment from the Jesuit Pope) and he told the audience the only group that refused to submit to Rome and sign the agreement with Rome (it's a written document) was the fundamentalist Christians - the Pentacostals. He came to Copeland's church on behalf of the Pope with a message to those who refused to submit to Rome - he said the Pope said the Protest is over and that everyone present is now a Catholic. (Because the Pope said so). You can see the actual message given on You Tube. The Pope actually had the nerve to tell the Christians to surrender to Rome and call themselves Catholics because the protest was over. Why was it over? Because he said it was over. Sounds like a power hungry Dictator to me.

Those of us who serve Christ refuse to do any such thing. We will never submit to Rome and Pope Francis talking with Kim Davis is not going to change our minds. It means absolutely nothing. He is still the leader of a false church and he has nothing to do with Christianity and the Body of Christ that follows Jesus Christ and calls Him Lord and Savior. The true church are those born again Christians who are worshiping in many different denominations, different churches, throughout the world. The Body of Christ is not a single denomination or church organization. The Body of Christ are born again believers wherever they may be found.

Jesus Christ never appointed a Vicar. We don't need a Pope.

You're describing a cross between James Bond and a Catholic priest. You know how stupid that sounds? Goofy shit like that is what makes Christians look crazy.
for the record------there IS----very definitely,,, a REAL ****ONE RELIGION FOR THE WORLD*** movement on the planet. Generally it bills itself as a proponent of WORLD MONOTHEISM---------and skips and jumps over to
THEOCRACY FOR THE WORLD------it is a movement -----with lots of
people who like it--------it seems to me that most of its adherents are muslims---
then catholics---------OF THE UPPER ECHELONS of those two groups.
POPE FRANCIS does seem to echo some of their concepts------it is damned
dangerous------like all totalitarian ideologies

Yes, his intention is to lead it, Rosie. The most recent development was that Pope Francis had another of his Jesuit agents - Shimone Perez - nominate Francis as the one the United Nations appoints to be the ruler of the One World Religion - with "unquestioned authority" (would Rome have it any other way? After all - Temporal Powers are Temporal Powers!)

Shimone - who is a Jesuit and was elected the President of Israel without the people knowing he was an agent of Rome - is one of Francis's right hand men. I've got articles to prove that too. So this Jesuit plan (Did you know the Jesuits founded the League of Nations and later were behind the formation of the U.N. too? Now you know why Israel was always "outside the loop" on that deal - I've got documentation for that too, Rosie, just ask......) is more far reaching than perhaps you realized.

Peres proposes ‘UN for religions’ to pope at Vatican

VATICAN CITY – Former president Shimon Peres emerged from a Vatican City audience with Pope Francis Thursday after proposing a kind of United Nations for religions.

Peres, 91, who was the world’s oldest head of state until his term ended six weeks ago, met with Francis amid heightened tensions in the Middle East.

He used the talks to highlight human rights abuses from Hamas and to discuss the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe.

But the main topic of conversation was Peres’s idea to create a UN-like organization he called “the United Religions.”

Peres said the Argentina-born pontiff was the only world figure respected enough to bring an end to the wars raging in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world.

The real story is Shimone is a Jesuit who didn't come up with the idea of the Pope leading the UN One World Religion with full powers to be unquestioned - that was the Vatican's idea - because from the beginning it was their intention to rule the world through exercise of Temporal Powers. Now they have the Jesuit created UN and their mouthpiece Shimone Perez backing them. You have to examine those words carefully, the Argentine born Pontiff (he is still 100% full blooded Italian and Jesuit no matter where he was born) is the ONLY WORLD FIGURE RESPECTED ENOUGH TO BRING AN END TO THE WARS..........

Only World figure trusted enough? Really? Trusting this Jesuit Pope will be the greatest mistake this world ever makes!!!
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Her church members probably look down on the Pope with righteous indignation.

Probably true.

Jeremiah is fundie and hates catholicism.

I think its weird that the pope would meet with someone from a hate group and tell her to 'stay strong'.

Not if you think about his agenda. He needs the Protestants for his One World Religion, Luddly. Rome sent it's own Jesuit agents (pretending to be Pastors, preachers, evangelists, converts from Catholicism, etc) to infiltrate the Protestant, evangelical, Pentacostal churches long ago but it didn't work on those who were truly born again Christians. Then the Pope sent his own agent whom he called his friend to Kenneth Copeland's church (the young man suddenly died in an "accident" after he fulfilled his assignment from the Jesuit Pope) and he told the audience the only group that refused to submit to Rome and sign the agreement with Rome (it's a written document) was the fundamentalist Christians - the Pentacostals. He came to Copeland's church on behalf of the Pope with a message to those who refused to submit to Rome - he said the Pope said the Protest is over and that everyone present is now a Catholic. (Because the Pope said so). You can see the actual message given on You Tube. The Pope actually had the nerve to tell the Christians to surrender to Rome and call themselves Catholics because the protest was over. Why was it over? Because he said it was over. Sounds like a power hungry Dictator to me.

Those of us who serve Christ refuse to do any such thing. We will never submit to Rome and Pope Francis talking with Kim Davis is not going to change our minds. It means absolutely nothing. He is still the leader of a false church and he has nothing to do with Christianity and the Body of Christ that follows Jesus Christ and calls Him Lord and Savior. The true church are those born again Christians who are worshiping in many different denominations, different churches, throughout the world. The Body of Christ is not a single denomination or church organization. The Body of Christ are born again believers wherever they may be found.

Jesus Christ never appointed a Vicar. We don't need a Pope.

You're describing a cross between James Bond and a Catholic priest. You know how stupid that sounds? Goofy shit like that is what makes Christians look crazy.

You really need to look into the history of the Jesuits. Look up Alberto Rivera - ex - Jesuit who exposed the Vatican and the Jesuit Order.
I've thought it over, and decided that it is OK if Kim does not issue marriage licenses because of her religious beliefs. That is, of course, if the Jewish cashier at her supermarket can refuse to ring up her pork and shellfish, and still keep his job.
for the record------there IS----very definitely,,, a REAL ****ONE RELIGION FOR THE WORLD*** movement on the planet. Generally it bills itself as a proponent of WORLD MONOTHEISM---------and skips and jumps over to
THEOCRACY FOR THE WORLD------it is a movement -----with lots of
people who like it--------it seems to me that most of its adherents are muslims---
then catholics---------OF THE UPPER ECHELONS of those two groups.
POPE FRANCIS does seem to echo some of their concepts------it is damned
dangerous------like all totalitarian ideologies

Yes, his intention is to lead it, Rosie. The most recent development was that Pope Francis had another of his Jesuit agents - Shimone Perez - nominate Francis as the one the United Nations appoints to be the ruler of the One World Religion - with "unquestioned authority" (would Rome have it any other way? After all - Temporal Powers are Temporal Powers!)

Shimone - who is a Jesuit and was elected the President of Israel without the people knowing he was an agent of Rome - is one of Francis's right hand men. I've got articles to prove that too. So this Jesuit plan (Did you know the Jesuits founded the League of Nations and later were behind the formation of the U.N. too? Now you know why Israel was always "outside the loop" on that deal - I've got documentation for that too, Rosie, just ask......) is more far reaching than perhaps you realized.

Peres proposes ‘UN for religions’ to pope at Vatican

Peres is a Jesuit? maybe that's why his wife left him. Remember
the law student YIGAL AMIR? now in jail. He killed RABIN----
but was also hot on killing Peres. He considered them both to be
traitors to Israel. Yigal Amir-----seems to be doing ok-----he got married---
and he and his wife had a baby--------the kid smuggled sperm out in a bottle
It doesn't matter, Hobelim. Luddly has posted bad information before on threads and each time it turns out that the discussion brings forth truth everyone benefits from. So all things work together for good..............again.
for the record------there IS----very definitely,,, a REAL ****ONE RELIGION FOR THE WORLD*** movement on the planet. Generally it bills itself as a proponent of WORLD MONOTHEISM---------and skips and jumps over to
THEOCRACY FOR THE WORLD------it is a movement -----with lots of
people who like it--------it seems to me that most of its adherents are muslims---
then catholics---------OF THE UPPER ECHELONS of those two groups.
POPE FRANCIS does seem to echo some of their concepts------it is damned
dangerous------like all totalitarian ideologies

Yes, his intention is to lead it, Rosie. The most recent development was that Pope Francis had another of his Jesuit agents - Shimone Perez - nominate Francis as the one the United Nations appoints to be the ruler of the One World Religion - with "unquestioned authority" (would Rome have it any other way? After all - Temporal Powers are Temporal Powers!)

Shimone - who is a Jesuit and was elected the President of Israel without the people knowing he was an agent of Rome - is one of Francis's right hand men. I've got articles to prove that too. So this Jesuit plan (Did you know the Jesuits founded the League of Nations and later were behind the formation of the U.N. too? Now you know why Israel was always "outside the loop" on that deal - I've got documentation for that too, Rosie, just ask......) is more far reaching than perhaps you realized.

Peres proposes ‘UN for religions’ to pope at Vatican

Peres is a Jesuit? maybe that's why his wife left him. Remember
the law student YIGAL AMIR? now in jail. He killed RABIN----
but was also hot on killing Peres. He considered them both to be
traitors to Israel. Yigal Amir-----seems to be doing ok-----he got married---
and he and his wife had a baby--------the kid smuggled sperm out in a bottle

Yes, Perez is a Jesuit. Had the Jews known about it they never would have elected him and I would have to believe - his wife would have never married him either. Jesuits make their vows to the Pope and obey him as if he is God. The Pope comes first in their life - in every aspect of their life, they make a vow to do this. Have you ever read the vow of the Jesuits? It's very wicked, Rosie.
for the record------peres seemed ok to me-----just slightly annoying

As he is a Jesuit he is a Master of deception, Rosie. Of course he would seem alright to you. But he is a Jesuit none the less and as you can see he was the first one to suggest that Francis be the leader of the UN One World Religion. Look at the date of the article I posted above. What does that tell you, Rosie. Think about it. Here is an article on the truth about Shimone.

Israel’s Jesuit President, Shimon Peres heads again to Rome to offer Pope Francis I the Cenacle (Church with the Upper Room) and an International Jerusalem

As Barry Chamish, in his recent article on May 13, 2013, titled, “Franciscans Honor Shimon Peres”, we learn:

Barry Chamish – “Those who know Peres acknowledge his, honestly, psychopathic need for medals and awards, to the point of bribing the Nobel committee for a prize. Last week, Yoav Yitzhak, in the wide circulation newspaper Maariv, revealed that Peres gave Terje Larsen, the UN Middle East representative, $100,000 to secure him a Nobel Prize.

This week, David Bedein, writing in Makor Rishon, applied the coup de grace. He interviewed a member of the Nobel Prize Committee, Kaare Kristiansen, who not just confirmed the bribe but described Larsen's pressure on the committee in full detail.

But accepting made-up accolades from the Franciscans is utterly insulting to anyone with a modicum of understanding of recent Jewish history. From the mid to late '40s, the Franciscans (along with the Dominicans), in what is known as Operation Paperclip, hid in their monasteries over a hundred thousand Nazis, before smuggling them to freedom worldwide. It is estimated that just the US received 30,000, largely Franciscan “refugees.

So while in Italy, naturally Peres lavished in the praises of the Nazi saviors and then was practically smothered by a pope, not named like many believe after a talking mule, but by the very same church leader that the Franciscans honor, Francis I [St Francis of Assisi]:

No sooner had Bergoglio (Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope Francis I) taken office, than Peres invited the new pope to visit Israel, asking him to contribute to peace as a spiritual, rather than a political, leader. He'll be a welcome guest in the Holy Land, as a man of inspiration who can add to the attempt to bring peace in a stormy area," Peres said.”All people here, without exception, without difference of religion or nationality, will welcome the newly elected pope.”

- See more at: Israel’s Jesuit President, Shimon Peres heads again to Rome to offer Pope Francis I the Cenacle (Church with the Upper Room) and an International Jerusalem
for the record------there IS----very definitely,,, a REAL ****ONE RELIGION FOR THE WORLD*** movement on the planet. Generally it bills itself as a proponent of WORLD MONOTHEISM---------and skips and jumps over to
THEOCRACY FOR THE WORLD------it is a movement -----with lots of
people who like it--------it seems to me that most of its adherents are muslims---
then catholics---------OF THE UPPER ECHELONS of those two groups.
POPE FRANCIS does seem to echo some of their concepts------it is damned
dangerous------like all totalitarian ideologies

Yes, his intention is to lead it, Rosie. The most recent development was that Pope Francis had another of his Jesuit agents - Shimone Perez - nominate Francis as the one the United Nations appoints to be the ruler of the One World Religion - with "unquestioned authority" (would Rome have it any other way? After all - Temporal Powers are Temporal Powers!)

Shimone - who is a Jesuit and was elected the President of Israel without the people knowing he was an agent of Rome - is one of Francis's right hand men. I've got articles to prove that too. So this Jesuit plan (Did you know the Jesuits founded the League of Nations and later were behind the formation of the U.N. too? Now you know why Israel was always "outside the loop" on that deal - I've got documentation for that too, Rosie, just ask......) is more far reaching than perhaps you realized.

Peres proposes ‘UN for religions’ to pope at Vatican

Peres is a Jesuit? maybe that's why his wife left him. Remember
the law student YIGAL AMIR? now in jail. He killed RABIN----
but was also hot on killing Peres. He considered them both to be
traitors to Israel. Yigal Amir-----seems to be doing ok-----he got married---
and he and his wife had a baby--------the kid smuggled sperm out in a bottle

Jeri-------that CREEP PRINCE BIN TALAL was there-----he is the engineer of that MONOTHEIST TOTALITARIAN WORLD GOVERNMENT concept------
which is nothing more than ------ A REICH ---CALIPHATE world ------
ie -------a HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE ----- CALIPHATE corporation of the
planet earth. My concept of PERES is that he might be stupid enough to BUY
IN to the idea--------I doubt that he had a Jesuit education. ----he is over 90----his
wife left him and then died-------he is like an autumn leaf in the wind. Good that
he is no longer in a position of power
Israel’s Jesuit President, Shimon Peres heads again to Rome to offer Pope Francis I the Cenacle (Church with the Upper Room) and an International Jerusalem
Israeli President Shimon Peres, the Vatican’s Agent to Israel: Part One

- See more at: Israel’s Jesuit President, Shimon Peres heads again to Rome to offer Pope Francis I the Cenacle (Church with the Upper Room) and an International Jerusalem

The title is correct. He is the Vatican's agent to Israel. He is a Jesuit. And he isn't the only one, Rosie. Rome's Jesuit agents have infiltrated Israel thoroughly.

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