Girl Rips Up Her Diploma At Columbia Graduation

Obama killed more terrorists than any Republican
Ask Bin Laden
Obama killed a lot of wedding guests too.

Obama was just continuing the shit that Bush started.
And let's not forget about all of the Syrians, Yeminis, Sudanis, and Libyans who died in ethnic cleansing that was going on under our noses, without a peep from our legacy media.

FYI, Obama had next to nothing to do with Bin Laden other than just getting out of the way, but they never showed us a body. They claimed they buried him at sea.
Everyone who was part of that operation is now dead, save one guy, and they tried to arrest him last year.
Yup. A lot of indoctrination going on at universities, bought with Arab money.

Did you know that at freshman orientation, NYU students get an anti-Israel propaganda pamphlet? All I can figure is that an ARAB donor conditioned his contribution on handing it out. Doesn’t matter if you’re majoring in accounting or business administration or zoology or whatever - you must learn that Israel is horrible!
You don't have to attend college to know that, gosh.
Being stupid and ugly isn't going to get you a job.

This girl thought it would be a great idea to walk across the stage at the Columbia Commencement ceremony in zipties wearing Hamas colors.

Even worse, she rips up her diploma as soon as she gets it.

She's a blessed one, size 90 neck & a size 1 head, short, fat, dumpy & dog ugly to boot!
Yep, ruin it all for everyone else so YOU can make your statement.

The old addage is that every generations thinks the one that is follwoing is coddled.

This dirtbag doesn't do much to change that.

The University does not have to replace it. Nor does it have to confer. She could still be disciplined and refused a degree.
Give the degree to someone who could actually use it like a porcupine. Ole pickle fingers looks too be more qualified for janitor cart type employment.

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