Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker protested during a recent commencement address at a Catholic college


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Groups of college women all across the US protested the controversial comments by Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker during a recent commencement address. In addition to calling Pride Month a “deadly sin” and bemoaning diversity and equity initiatives, Butker set off waves of criticism when he suggested that women find more fulfillment through getting married and having children than by pursuing careers – directly after quoting a song by Taylor Swift.

Conservative voices have praised Butker’s speech for being “100% correct” and for reflecting his self-professed deep Catholic faith. However, his reference to Swift — a childless, unmarried superstar and feminist figure who by Butker’s own definition is not living up to her potential — has prompted additional outcry.

"Did he like, just, like, criticize Taylor?" asked a bewildered female college student at the Catholic school. "How, is that like, even possible? Like, he is so, like divisive, Like I feel like he does not, like, represent, like, the inclusivity of like my faith. Like, he should be like banned from society!"

Even the Pope chimed in saying, "Butker is a wall builder, and as such is subsequently hereby excommunicated from the Catholic church. He has aroused division that has caused many to become offended, Who does he think he is, Jesus Christ? And did he like, criticize "The Taylor' like that is like totally unacceptable?"

But it got worse at Columbia university as throngs of students built encampments all across the campus to protest the commencement speech of Butker, citing his unacceptable stance on gay marriage and women willingly giving themselves to a Patriarchal culture of submission to the toxic culture of men. However, women at the protest later donned hijabs to protest for Hamas chanting gas the Jews!"
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Groups of college women all across the US protested the controversial comments by Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker during a recent commencement address. In addition to calling Pride Month a “deadly sin” and bemoaning diversity and equity initiatives, Butker set off waves of criticism when he suggested that women find more fulfillment through getting married and having children than by pursuing careers – directly after quoting a song by Taylor Swift.

Conservative voices have praised Butker’s speech for being “100% correct” and for reflecting his self-professed deep Catholic faith. However, his reference to Swift — a childless, unmarried superstar and feminist figure who by Butker’s own definition is not living up to her potential — has prompted additional outcry.

"Did he like, just, like, criticize Taylor?" asked a bewildered female college student at the Catholic school. "How, is that like, even possible? Like, he is so, like divisive, Like I feel like he does not, like, represent, like, the inclusivity of like my faith. Like, he should be like banned from society!"

Even the Pope chimed in saying, "Butker is a wall builder, and as such is subsequently hereby excommunicated from the Catholic church. He has aroused division that has caused many to become offended, Who does he think he is, Jesus Christ? And did he like, criticize "The Taylor' like that is like totally unacceptable?"

But it got worse at Columbia university as throngs of students built encampments all across the campus to protest the commencement speech of Butker, citing his unacceptable stance on gay marriage and women willingly giving themselves to a Patriarchal culture of submission to the toxic culture of men. However, women at the protest later donned hijabs to protest for Hamas chanting gas the Jews!"
The Pope is a leftist jerk, who long ago divorced himself from having anything to do with the Catholic religion, My guess is that Butker will pay no attention to him, and will continue attending mass and practicing his religion.

His speech was a well-needed breath of fresh air. College students (a minority of them) are breaking records at making fools of themselves..
Somebody needs to tell all those hijab wearing girls protesting for Hamas, about Koran 4:34, advocating wife-beating. :rolleyes:

Harrison Butker exposes the media’s blindness

Did any of the commentators even watch the speech?
17 May 2024 ~~ By Ben Domenech

The mass freakout over Kansas City Chiefs placekicker Harrison Butker’s commencement speech to Benedictine College is a revelatory incident. For one, it’s another sign of the impatient obliviousness of our media landscape. The speech is a mere twenty minutes long, but it’s readily apparent that most commentators on the remarks didn’t bother to watch it. CNN’s Jonah Goldberg put the speech in the context of a reactionary attitude among men toward women in the workplace, which is just absolutely ludicrous if you watch the speech — most of which is an indictment of the current Catholic priesthood — in a segment where the CNN commentators ordered Butker to “stick to kicking.”
It fell to Whoopi Goldberg to make the obvious point: that if you support the right of Colin Kaepernick to speak out, you have to support Butker’s right, too. You can disagree with what he said, and how he said it, but he’s got as much a right to express these views as anyone else. In fact, Butker’s statement is even more defensible — the solid argument against Kaepernick is that his act of protest was a distraction for teammates because it occurred on the field of play, on game day, not expressed in press conferences or speeches or off the field, as in the case of Butker.
Whether you agree with everything Butker had to say or not, the truth is that his perspective is probably closer to that of the average players, coaches and fans of the NFL than any of the commentators who are going to be weighing in on it over the coming days. It’s another reminder of the intense level of media corruption and bias on the topics of religion, family and abortion — where just saying things that are representative of the views of half the country is enough to make everyone lose their minds. But don’t worry — they’ll keep commenting on the speech without watching it, even as they warn you against watching it, lest it infect your minds with something other than the message of their own secular religion.

Gutfeld had a great take on this.

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