Climate Alarmists are Meeeellllltttting.....melllllllttttttinnnnng

Odd that Piri Reis and other ancient maps show an ice free arctic


Brilliant !!!
Oh no sea levels are rising....maybe......


The alarmists have been such dickwads that people don't pay attention to them anymore.

It's O.K. guys, you tried. The fact that you really don't have a clue how to message isn't your fault.

No go home.....and's all you've got left.
Look no further than the vegetable occupying the Oval Office for proof.
He's doing a hell of a lot better at EVERYTHING than Trump ever did. And have you listened to your man attempt to speak lately? Even back when he was in office he couldn't form a coherent sentence. Now he can't keep a consistent grasp on reality.
Oh no sea levels are rising....maybe......


The alarmists have been such dickwads that people don't pay attention to them anymore.

It's O.K. guys, you tried. The fact that you really don't have a clue how to message isn't your fault.

No go home.....and's all you've got left.
A poster here by the name of skookerasbil ("Libs are kooks" backwards) has been pushing the No One Cares message here for years. It isn't true, of course, but that hasn't stopped him. It has, however, marked his as a moron here in everyone's minds. You weren't far from there to start with, so...

Whether or not anyone knows "how to message" has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not the message is true. And given the full support of very close to 100% of the world's scientists that humans are causing global warming and that it is a threat to us all, I'm quite certain the message is true and that you're a full-throated idiot.
A poster here by the name of skookerasbil ("Libs are kooks" backwards) has been pushing the No One Cares message here for years. It isn't true, of course, but that hasn't stopped him. It has, however, marked his as a moron here in everyone's minds. You weren't far from there to start with, so...

Whether or not anyone knows "how to message" has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not the message is true. And given the full support of very close to 100% of the world's scientists that humans are causing global warming and that it is a threat to us all, I'm quite certain the message is true and that you're a full-throated idiot.
The ridiculous amount of feedback being piled on is not true.
What do you believe are the causes of sea level rise?
If you change water storage, for example water held by dams, underground aquifers, melting ice. A change in rain patterns and heavy rainfall have an effect too. You also have erosion, sediments entering the oceans. The changes in continents, both subsiding and rebounding.

Also, gravity is not uniform around the planet and alters sea level. So as gravity changes, so does sea level.
50% or so of Americans don`t accept Evolution as fact and that`s a really bad look for us. We really are the world`s dumbasses.
Why do you claim that? A difficult claim by evolutionists has to be it all came from one spot.
Bacteria had to be the root. But do you know of men who have the appearance of any fish?
Are you descended from insects?

Buy the book called Brilliant Creations and discover facts.
A poster here by the name of skookerasbil ("Libs are kooks" backwards) has been pushing the No One Cares message here for years. It isn't true, of course, but that hasn't stopped him. It has, however, marked his as a moron here in everyone's minds. You weren't far from there to start with, so...

Whether or not anyone knows "how to message" has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not the message is true. And given the full support of very close to 100% of the world's scientists that humans are causing global warming and that it is a threat to us all, I'm quite certain the message is true and that you're a full-throated idiot.
You care because they tell you to care, moron. :rolleyes-41:

There's no emergency and they're trying to tax the air everyone breathes because they think people are stupid and they can get away with it.

They have some serious Chutzpah, I'll give 'em that. You're just an idiot that fell for their sophist bullshit.

They counted on the ones like you.
A poster here by the name of skookerasbil ("Libs are kooks" backwards) has been pushing the No One Cares message here for years.
Like the guy already.
It isn't true, of course, but that hasn't stopped him.

How do you know it isn't true. Nobody listens to you. You are mocked on a regular basis, called a moron (for good reason) and marginalized at every turn.
You weren't far from there to start with, so...
Your credibility, being what it isn't (very good), really doesn't put you in a place to render any kind of judgement people put any stock in.

But, being a left-wing asshole, you just know you are right so you keep pushing B.S. and Bananas until the bitter end.
Whether or not anyone knows "how to message" has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not the message is true.

Absolutely correct. But what is true can be lost in the messaging. Of course, that point flew about a mile over your head as you call others names. You've done zero to move the needle here and your little band of alarmists are slowly slipping below the waves, like the Titanic, soon to be completely forgotten. I've said other places that the message might have import, but that no longer matters as you've pretty much pissed away any intellectual capital you might have carried. Great job.

And given the full support of very close to 100% of the world's scientists that humans are causing global warming

Yes, we know how that one works. I am an engineer who works with scientists. Scientists generally have no sense of practicality or context. They just know what they find in a test tube and somehow think they can translate that into something meaningful. That's what engineers do. Scientists don't like it when we come back and tell their idea isn't a good fit for something that might actually make money or overcome manufacturing obstacles. Most engineers I know think you and your kind are full of s**t. So, holding up that banner is meaningless to me. More than once I've seen scientists absolutely screw up the interpretation of data because they have to be right......
that humans are causing global warming and that it is a threat to us all,

Never denied that might be the case. Also don't know that it is the case. And....I hate to break it to you....neither do you. Being a left-winger, you have no humility. That you are wrong isn't a possibility for someone like you because you just know you are right.

Now that the din is dying down and you don't have assclowns like that moron on the weather channel who wanted to pull the credentials of any weatherman or weatherwoman who doubted global warming (yeah, we get 100% no arm twisting here).....many are coming out saying we don't have to be alarmed.

Which we already knew. Not because there was nothing to be alarmed about. But because you had so screwed up your message nobody was going to do anything. So if half the globe floods....well tought s**t. You had your chance. And you screwed it over the course of several decades. And here we are.....

I'm quite certain the message is true

Yep, just like all my scientist friends. Quite certain. Still certain they were on the right track when an economic analysis of their research showed it was going to take $200 to make $100. The rest of us were just stupid. Most of them were PhD's....meaning they were the biggest drama queens known to man.

Well your true message keeps getting pushed down the priority list. Get out your water wings.....cause nobody cares enough to really do anything about it. What's funny is watching the Science Moms use fear tactics in their little 30 second sound bits to try and freak people out. Great job there SCIENCEMOMS. Maybe you should call yourselves PROPAGANDAMOMS or FEARMONGERINGMOMS.

Don't care what they call themselves....

But we do call you dumbass.
and that you're a full-throated idiot.
The fact that you are certain only tells me the opposite is true.

Not that I care about your opinion.

Like the many who are caring less and less about what you and your troop of baboons are screeching about.

Have a banana and a good stiff drink. It's all you've got left.

Maybe you guys can fund a movie like "Don't Look Up". Nobody is going to take it seriously. In the end it will be sad because while they had no chance, you did (if we needed a chance). And you blew it.
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I am an engineer who works with scientists.
That's no surprise. Engineers are among the dopiest of the deniers.

It's called Engineer's Arrogance Syndrome, a variant of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome. The know too little to know how little they know. They take a few tech classes, and that makes them believe they're scientists. They're not. They're jumped up techs.

Anyways, that's why you can only deflect, screech and handwave. You literally have no idea of how the science works.

It's also why you're stuck raging in a SafeSpace. You've been laughed out of the real world. Enjoy your ongoing complete irrelevence.
LOL, in your deluded dreams you didn't counter ANYTHING I posted thus your post was dead on arrival.
Don't worry. You always run, so you didn't disappoint anyone by running again. It's not like you understood what you parroted. You never do. You're clueless about everything you cut and paste here. Though you do copy propaganda well, I'll give you that

So what was Willis babbling about?

He said that instead of quadratic, two different straight lines were better, and that "fact" proved there was no acceleration.

Of course, the second straight line had a higher slope. You know, which showed the rate of change was increasing. Which is, you know, the definition of acceleration.

Don't worry. To match the ongoing acceleration, Willis can soon add a third straight line, with an even greater slope. As long as he just keeps drawing straight lines that slope higher and higher, he can pretend it doesn't mean sea level rise is accelerating. Even though anyone can just look at the record and clearly see the acceleration.

Needless to say, the howler monkeys at WUWT all think the same. Nobody ever accused them of intelligence.
Don't worry. You always run, so you didn't disappoint anyone by running again. It's not like you understood what you parroted. You never do. You're clueless about everything you cut and paste here. Though you do copy propaganda well, I'll give you that

So what was Willis babbling about?

He said that instead of quadratic, two different straight lines were better, and that "fact" proved there was no acceleration.

Of course, the second straight line had a higher slope. You know, which showed the rate of change was increasing. Which is, you know, the definition of acceleration.

Don't worry. To match the ongoing acceleration, Willis can soon add a third straight line, with an even greater slope. As long as he just keeps drawing straight lines that slope higher and higher, he can pretend it doesn't mean sea level rise is accelerating. Even though anyone can just look at the record and clearly see the acceleration.

Needless to say, the howler monkeys at WUWT all think the same. Nobody ever accused them of intelligence.

LOL, you still don't understand, and your replies are empty drivel while Willis make a clear presentation with evidence that you and crick never address at all which is all satellite data because you don't possess critical thinking skills for it.

Meanwhile you still ignore post 107........
That's no surprise. Engineers are among the dopiest of the deniers.

A true left winger....speaking on things of which you know nothing about.
It's called Engineer's Arrogance Syndrome, a variant of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome. The know too little to know how little they know. They take a few tech classes, and that makes them believe they're scientists. They're not. They're jumped up techs.

Yeah yeah yeah......we have so-called scientists trying to enter our programs all the time. They fail pretty routinely and go back to their stodgy little labs when they can convice themselves they are productive.

Engineers work in the real world. Sorry to break it to you. We are scientists who know how to keep the whole view in mind.
Anyways, that's why you can only deflect, screech and handwave. You literally have no idea of how the science works.

And since you can barely spell the word, we know where you fit in the picture. Somewhere in the janitors closet.

It's also why you're stuck raging in a SafeSpace.

Your projection is noted.

You've been laughed out of the real world.

Your time of the month ? Or did mommy cut you off ? Seems like you can't say anything that doesn't wreak of self-loathing.

Enjoy your ongoing complete irrelevence.

What I am enjoying is the fruits of being paid much more than most any lab-rat who has little to no idea how the real world works.

Keep at it, loser.

Your collective tantrum is fading. People are tired of listening to you whinners scream and yell and then throw yourselves in front of traffic when no one pays attention to you. How's that CO2 doing. You've made zero progress.

All because you suck at what you do.

To bad too. You (not you it is clear you are worthless) might have made a difference. But now you can sit by while the tides wash up over Ellis Island and lament your total incompetence.
You are describing yourself.

With every post, this moron reveals just how little she knows about anything, much less complex global systems.

And her response is to project her own stupidity onto those who clearly lord over her in terms of intellectual prowess.

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