Climate Alarmists are Meeeellllltttting.....melllllllttttttinnnnng

That's no surprise. Engineers are among the dopiest of the deniers.

It's called Engineer's Arrogance Syndrome, a variant of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome. The know too little to know how little they know. They take a few tech classes, and that makes them believe they're scientists. They're not. They're jumped up techs.

Anyways, that's why you can only deflect, screech and handwave. You literally have no idea of how the science works.

It's also why you're stuck raging in a SafeSpace. You've been laughed out of the real world. Enjoy your ongoing complete irrelevence.

Empty sweeping arrogant drivel ...... that is what low YOUR IQ does for you....... you who claimed you have a PHD is Physics at another forum but show zero evidence of higher-level thinking in your posting regularly caught making stupid statements you get corrected on you are known as the warmist clownfool over there but after the many beatings you get from many people you have been absent for a while now......

This fool though ACE index was baloney, but it is official data from the NOAA which he still disputed until the NOAA website passages were shoved into his sneering face, he goes quiet......... and vanish.

You have the same screaming style in all three forums I see you in where you get schooled over and over gaining a reputation that you are gutter level moron.
LOL, you still don't understand, and your replies are empty drivel while Willis make a clear presentation with evidence that you and crick never address at all which is all satellite data because you don't possess critical thinking skills for it.

Meanwhile you still ignore post 107........

Both are clear examples of raging insecurity and the need to be right at least once in their lives.

And this ain't it.
Empty sweeping arrogant drivel ...... that is what low YOUR IQ does for you....... you who claimed you have a PHD is Physics at another forum but show zero evidence of higher-level thinking in your posting regularly caught making stupid statements you get corrected on you are known as the warmist clownfool over there but after the many beatings you get from many people you have been absent for a while now......

This fool though ACE index was baloney, but it is official data from the NOAA which he still disputed until the NOAA website passages were shoved into his sneering face, he goes quiet......... and vanish.

You have the same screaming style in all three forums I see you in where you get schooled over and over gaining a reputation that you are gutter level moron.

You sir, just insulted gutter level morons.
Both are clear examples of raging insecurity and the need to be right at least once in their lives.

And this ain't it.

I don't recall mamooth ever being right, but Crick has been right once in a while especially when he deals with stupid people like EMH I put on ignore recently.
How do you know it isn't true.
Multiple surveys. People aren't as upset about it as the US presidential election, the war in Gaza, terrorism or inflation, I assume because these are more immediate threats. But a majority of Americans for decades has accepted that AGW is real and is a threat and should be addressed.
Nobody listens to you.
You did. I get lots of responses. Lots of people here disagree with me. But they still listen to what I say and respond to it.
You are mocked on a regular basis, called a moron (for good reason) and marginalized at every turn.
Whereas you are called an idiot, which is a former intellectual classification that went like this:
  1. Moron 51 - 70
  2. Imbecile 25 - 50
  3. Idiot Below 25
Your credibility, being what it isn't (very good), really doesn't put you in a place to render any kind of judgement people put any stock in.
I have no expertise in judging people's intellect but I do have some expertise in science. And I have come to the conclusion that people who reject extremely well-evidenced theories that are very widely accepted by mainstream science just aren't very bright. Like you. If someone who DOES have some expertise were to come on here and explain how people of good intellect can arrive at such conclusions, I will be glad to listen and I might attempt to modify my behavior - stop calling you all idiots. You know, perhaps you're all only imbeciles.
But, being a left-wing asshole, you just know you are right so you keep pushing B.S. and Bananas until the bitter end.
My acceptance of mainstream science has nothing to do with my political inclinations. Unfortunately, for most deniers, it is almost the sole reason behind their otherwise unsupportable choices.
Absolutely correct. But what is true can be lost in the messaging. Of course, that point flew about a mile over your head as you call others names.
Many more people read messages than write them. When I call you an idiot, the odds that the insult will set you to thinking a little harder is exceedingly low in my priorities and expectations. What is higher is convincing the rest of the audience that you are indeed an idiot to have come to the conclusions you claim to hold and that they ought look elsewhere for guidance.
You've done zero to move the needle here
I'm quite certain your needle has long ago rusted into complete unusability.
and your little band of alarmists are slowly slipping below the waves, like the Titanic, soon to be completely forgotten.
My little band? Like Robin Hood and his Merry Men? There are a number of trends out there in the real world that show you to be incorrect and stupid, just as I have repeatedly shown. The use of coal and other fossil fuels is in decline worldwide. The use of non-emitting alternative energy technology is on the rise. What do you think is driving that? Why, me and my posts on this website. ; - )
I've said other places that the message might have import, but that no longer matters as you've pretty much pissed away any intellectual capital you might have carried. Great job.
That I believe AGW to be a valid theory and that global warming represents a risk to our society, our species and many others and that you do not is de facto evidence that my intellectual capital is vastly ahead of every denier on this board.
Yes, we know how that one works. I am an engineer who works with scientists.
So was I.
Scientists generally have no sense of practicality or context.
I disagree. That is an ignorant generalization.
They just know what they find in a test tube and somehow think they can translate that into something meaningful.
That the world around you looks and works the way it does is extremely strong evidence that such a contention is completely correct.
That's what engineers do. Scientists don't like it when we come back and tell their idea isn't a good fit for something that might actually make money or overcome manufacturing obstacles. Most engineers I know think you and your kind are full of s**t. So, holding up that banner is meaningless to me. More than once I've seen scientists absolutely screw up the interpretation of data because they have to be right......
That you think generalizations like these have any validity or value marks you as the ignorant fool I named you long ago.
Never denied that [AGW] might be the case. Also don't know that it is the case. And....I hate to break it to you....neither do you.
Welcome to the natural sciences.
Being a left-winger, you have no humility.
Being a fellow with an engineering degree and a lifelong interest in the sciences operating in a discussion board filled with flat-earthers, humility has been a tough row to hoe.
That you are wrong isn't a possibility for someone like you because you just know you are right.
I have been wrong and made mistakes on this board on a number of occasions and when I've been shown I was wrong, I have conceded it. I have, on more than one occasion, told someone I'd been arguing with heatedly that I was wrong and they were right. I apologize for my errors. Those are not easy things to do and I feel it is THOSE actions that have generated the bulk of whatever intellectual capital I hold here.
Now that the din is dying down
What din?
and you don't have assclowns like that moron on the weather channel who wanted to pull the credentials of any weatherman or weatherwoman who doubted global warming (yeah, we get 100% no arm twisting here).....many are coming out saying we don't have to be alarmed.
The published science and the assessments of the IPCC have been saying the precise opposite. In particular, the rapid rise of ocean temperatures and rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 levels have raised a great deal of alarm among the scientists actuallys studying this issue. Do you understand what a tipping point is? It is possible, perhaps likely, that the Earth's climate at present is bistable. We were stable prior to the Industrial Revolution. The Earth's climate had been in a stable oscillation between glacial and interglacial states driven by Milankovitch forcing aided by several feedback mechanisms . Now, with our geologically rapid injections of billions and billions of tons of CO2 near the height of the Holocene interglacial, we may have pushed the Earth out of that oscillation and in to a new and unknown state.
Which we already knew.
Deniers thought they knew that. Mainstream science has not held that belief for several decades and, as I just said, holds the opposite view.
Not because there was nothing to be alarmed about. But because you had so screwed up your message nobody was going to do anything.
In all the world, there are about twenty people who have read my posts here. Whether or not I know how to message to your high and exacting standards doesn't amount to an ant on a mole on a hill of beans.
So if half the globe floods....well tought s**t. You had your chance. And you screwed it over the course of several decades. And here we are.....
I'm glad, though, that you somehow think I am responsible. Is this like when a mugger shoots his victim because they were too slow getting out their wallet and you choose to blame the victim?
Yep, just like all my scientist friends [certain that the message is true]. Quite certain. Still certain they were on the right track when an economic analysis of their research showed it was going to take $200 to make $100.
Hmm... I never knew responding to AGW was a profit-making venture.
The rest of us were just stupid. Most of them were PhD's....meaning they were the biggest drama queens known to man.
How much of your life's direction is based on these sorts of fantasy-based generalizations?
Well your true message keeps getting pushed down the priority list. Get out your water wings.....cause nobody cares enough to really do anything about it. What's funny is watching the Science Moms use fear tactics in their little 30 second sound bits to try and freak people out. Great job there SCIENCEMOMS. Maybe you should call yourselves PROPAGANDAMOMS or FEARMONGERINGMOMS.
Have you thought about the fact that though you claim to admit to accepting AGW, you've made no suggestion that you support taking any action in response. Your attempts to blame me for people's inaction is an attempted projection, I suppose to augment some guilt.
Don't care what they call themselves.... But we do call you dumbass.
Feel free to call me whatever you like. But if you want anyone else to think you have reason to do so, you need to provide some.
The fact that you are certain only tells me the opposite is true. Not that I care about your opinion. Like the many who are caring less and less about what you and your troop of baboons are screeching about. Have a banana and a good stiff drink. It's all you've got left. Maybe you guys can fund a movie like "Don't Look Up". Nobody is going to take it seriously. In the end it will be sad because while they had no chance, you did (if we needed a chance). And you blew it.
So what do you think humanity should do in response to global warming?
I don't recall mamooth ever being right, but Crick has been right once in a while especially when he deals with stupid people like EMH I put on ignore recently.

My overarching message to the Climate Alarmist Cult is that you can be wrong in the right way and you can be right in the wrong way.

The message can get lost in the delivery.

And for as long as I have watch the Climate Alarmist apes swinging from the trees throwing s**t all over the place, I've only seen it work that way. They know they have a tough crowd to convince, so they go about doing it in the most Un strategic way they can. Not saying they are right....just saying no one cares to find out because all their yelling and dire predictions have not materialized (does not mean they might not, but if they do...we'll just have to adapt....they blew it).

I am more than willing to take that chance.

If I lived my life listening to every screeching baboon who wanted to scare me into submission, I'd be hiding on a mountain in Montana.

I never listened to Rush Limbaugh for a reason.
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Proof you are a world class idiot who thinks mamooth who screams like a kid rarely gets above gutter level speech.

You need to talk to a psychologist.
Proof you are a world class idiot who thinks mamooth who screams like a kid rarely gets above gutter level speech.

You need to talk to a psychologist.
Mamooth knows this stuff quite well - and is much more effective at communication - than am I. I suspect, though, that he tires of wasting his time with you fools.

What do you think I should talk to a psychologist about?
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Monmouth explained, “Less than half (46 percent) of the American public sees climate change as a very serious problem.”

And this is what you get when you keep crying wolf over and over and over and over.

And your fundamental message, which really may have merit, is lost.

Way to go guys.

And you can send a big thank you to Al Gore.

If you had focused on stewardship instead of shutting down oil and might have gotten more sympathy.

Breath that earned it.
Nation of morons

I're doing your part
That's no surprise. Engineers are among the dopiest of the deniers.

It's called Engineer's Arrogance Syndrome, a variant of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome. The know too little to know how little they know. They take a few tech classes, and that makes them believe they're scientists. They're not. They're jumped up techs.

Anyways, that's why you can only deflect, screech and handwave. You literally have no idea of how the science works.

It's also why you're stuck raging in a SafeSpace. You've been laughed out of the real world. Enjoy your ongoing complete irrelevence.
Sad but true. Techs are fine. Engineers in this country are groomed to become greedy, denying, projecting assholes. Thankfully, a few like Crick still buck the trend.
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Sad but true. Techs are fine. Engineers in this country are groomed to become greedy, denying, projecting assholes. Thankfully, a few like Crick still buck the trend.

Yes, well it's clear you are not an engineer.

It's also clear you are not a lawyer.

And it's just as clear that if you have a diploma, it came in a box of CrackerJax.

You probably did play in a marching band as it seems that anyone with a baton could lead you around and over a cliff.
Multiple surveys. People aren't as upset about it as the US presidential election, the war in Gaza, terrorism or inflation, I assume because these are more immediate threats. But a majority of Americans for decades has accepted that AGW is real and is a threat and should be addressed.

The OP shows that the fearmongering isn't working and this is fading as an issue.

Addressed ? Not the way the extremists want to address it.

Of course, addressing it would mean bombing the new coal fired power plants the Chinese and Indians are building.

You did. I get lots of responses. Lots of people here disagree with me. But they still listen to what I say and respond to it.

Actually, I don't even read your crap anymore. I have you on ignore. I decided to peak at your response because I needed a laugh.
Whereas you are called an idiot, which is a former intellectual classification that went like this:
  1. Moron 51 - 70
  2. Imbecile 25 - 50
  3. Idiot Below 25
4. Crick Below 0

I have no expertise in judging people's intellect but I do have some expertise in science. And I have come to the conclusion that people who reject extremely well-evidenced theories that are very widely accepted by mainstream science just aren't very bright. Like you. If someone who DOES have some expertise were to come on here and explain how people of good intellect can arrive at such conclusions, I will be glad to listen and I might attempt to modify my behavior - stop calling you all idiots. You know, perhaps you're all only imbeciles.

That's have no expertise....but you do it anyway. A true left-winger.

I never said I rejected them BTW: I said I don't know. And I said, neither do you.

Nobody is going to waste their time with you. It's clear that if the oceans dried up, you'd find a way to blame it on global warming

It's not a matter of evidence anymore. It's a matter of YOU are right and anyone who does not agree with you is stupid.

And the fact that we feel the same way is nothing you can empathize with because it would mean admitting you are wrong.

Yes, I don't mind being an imbecile on the scale. But you'd only be there if someone gave you a bottle of genius pills.
My acceptance of mainstream science has nothing to do with my political inclinations. Unfortunately, for most deniers, it is almost the sole reason behind their otherwise unsupportable choices.

That statement, in and of itself, is why you have no credibility. Thomas Sowell wrote a great book that describes the differences in approach based on fundamental thinking. Political inclinations follow. Let me restated that for your below zero wouldn't matter if politics existed at all or if big business existed at all......we'd still say you are full of s**t. I know your tiny little mind will explode over that.....hope it doesn't hurt to much.

Many more people read messages than write them. When I call you an idiot, the odds that the insult will set you to thinking a little harder is exceedingly low in my priorities and expectations. What is higher is convincing the rest of the audience that you are indeed an idiot to have come to the conclusions you claim to hold and that they ought look elsewhere for guidance.

No, it puts you on ignore. I don't need you to know where I stand in terms of others. What audience has you convinced. From what I can tell you have a host of people who kick your ass on a routine basis (or they were when I was bothering to read your slobber).

I don't advocate against. I just don't advocate for. More and more that is what scientists are doing. Your efforts to make them hold the partyline are failing. And they are separating from you.

For those few you kid yourself into believing you are doing something for....maybe you can direct them here:

I'm quite certain your needle has long ago rusted into complete unusability.

Please point to one poster that has moved over to your side. If you can, that's great. You've made a difference. The gaggle of people who mock you on daily basis would not longer be relevant. Hahahahaha
My little band? Like Robin Hood and his Merry Men? There are a number of trends out there in the real world that show you to be incorrect and stupid, just as I have repeatedly shown. The use of coal and other fossil fuels is in decline worldwide. The use of non-emitting alternative energy technology is on the rise. What do you think is driving that? Why, me and my posts on this website. ; - )

Most everything I read projects a peak at 2026. The last several years, it has hit record highs. Yeah....I'm stupid. :cool:

I really don't keep up with alternative energy scams. But I am sure your posts have not one thing to do with them.

That I believe AGW to be a valid theory and that global warming represents a risk to our society, our species and many others and that you do not is de facto evidence that my intellectual capital is vastly ahead of every denier on this board.

That statement is hysterical and off the irony meter. I might just quit reading here. My eyes are full of tears from laughing so hard at the ignorance of your contention. Your belief in something proves you are smarter. OMGosh. Did I say below 0. How about somewhere down around -100.

That the world around you looks and works the way it does is extremely strong evidence that such a contention is completely correct.

O.K. Follow one retarded statement with another. You are doing great.
I have been wrong and made mistakes on this board on a number of occasions and when I've been shown I was wrong, I have conceded it. I have, on more than one occasion, told someone I'd been arguing with heatedly that I was wrong and they were right. I apologize for my errors. Those are not easy things to do and I feel it is THOSE actions that have generated the bulk of whatever intellectual capital I hold here.

And I believe you because I trust that you are telling me the truth. :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

That you think generalizations like these have any validity or value marks you as the ignorant fool I named you long ago.

Somehow we are supposed to make connections that you want, yet you are still want to draw conclusions with no proof. I think that makes you the bigger, more arrogant asshole. Somewhere in all of this are a bunch of unwritten assumptions that you expect we buy into.

Like you are honest.

Like you are smart.

I get that you have a class of dimwits who seems to lap up your B.S. just because you tell them it's steak and they are to stupid to check for themselves.

What din?

All you dicks crying wolf.

The published science and the assessments of the IPCC have been saying the precise opposite. In particular, the rapid rise of ocean temperatures and rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 levels have raised a great deal of alarm among the scientists actuallys studying this issue. Do you understand what a tipping point is? It is possible, perhaps likely, that the Earth's climate at present is bistable. We were stable prior to the Industrial Revolution. The Earth's climate had been in a stable oscillation between glacial and interglacial states driven by Milankovitch forcing aided by several feedback mechanisms . Now, with our geologically rapid injections of billions and billions of tons of CO2 near the height of the Holocene interglacial, we may have pushed the Earth out of that oscillation and in to a new and unknown state.

Might be. I've never denied something might happen.

I've only said that you cucks have carried the banner right up Al Gore's ass and as a result, we might tip.

Here's to the future....whatever it might bring.

Me.....I am not panicked.

Have you thought about the fact that though you claim to admit to accepting AGW, you've made no suggestion that you support taking any action in response.

Because I have not made any suggestions. Unlike you, I do realize there are limitations to what we know and our ability to predict what might happen. I have said I accept the possiblity of AGW and I certainly do accept climate change [why am I explaining that to you.....GFY]......

In all the world, there are about twenty people who have read my posts here. Whether or not I know how to message to your high and exacting standards doesn't amount to an ant on a mole on a hill of beans.

You is the entire community. Just like the ScienceMoms who put out the fearmongering garbage that is consistent with the rest of the movements idiot approach. I understand organizational momentum. And you've not changed the status quo one little bit. The longer this goes, the more desperate you guys become. And the less relevant you become to many ( the OP). It really doesn't matter if you are right or wrong.....if we tip or not. The point is that you've screwed up your messaging. You've made it tough for any other points of view to exist (except your outright opposition) and you fold your arms and say "I told you so" and everyone asks "Told us what ?"

I'm glad, though, that you somehow think I am responsible. Is this like when a mugger shoots his victim because they were too slow getting out their wallet and you choose to blame the victim?

Dumbassed analogy. The entire movement is responsible for not being able to deliver a message that doesn't look fanatical in nature. You are not a victim. There is so much of peoples time and attention and you've occupied it for years with your bellowing. Now, people are walking away from you. You might be right....but they don't care. They are losing trust in your sorry movement.
Hmm... I never knew responding to AGW was a profit-making venture.

So far over your head you need radar to see it.

Welcome to the natural sciences.

Oh, I've been here a long long time.

How much of your life's direction is based on these sorts of fantasy-based generalizations?

Not as much as yours.

Feel free to call me whatever you like. But if you want anyone else to think you have reason to do so, you need to provide some.

Hypocrite much ?
So what do you think humanity should do in response to global warming?

Shut you guys up and find some people who can approach the subject in a way that actually engages them in the conversation.
Mamooth knows this stuff quite well - and is much more effective at communication - than am I. I suspect, though, that he tires of wasting his time with you fools.

What do you think I should talk to a psychologist about?


Here is a few of Mamooth posts in the thread that Crick thinks are great when they are actually empty bullcrap:

See? Reality hurts this one too much, so he just denies it outright and makes up his own fantasy.

That's no surprise. Engineers are among the dopiest of the deniers.

It's called Engineer's Arrogance Syndrome, a variant of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome. The know too little to know how little they know. They take a few tech classes, and that makes them believe they're scientists. They're not. They're jumped up techs.

Anyways, that's why you can only deflect, screech and handwave. You literally have no idea of how the science works.

It's also why you're stuck raging in a SafeSpace. You've been laughed out of the real world. Enjoy your ongoing complete irrelevence.

Don't worry. You always run, so you didn't disappoint anyone by running again. It's not like you understood what you parroted. You never do. You're clueless about everything you cut and paste here. Though you do copy propaganda well, I'll give you that

So what was Willis babbling about?

He said that instead of quadratic, two different straight lines were better, and that "fact" proved there was no acceleration.

Of course, the second straight line had a higher slope. You know, which showed the rate of change was increasing. Which is, you know, the definition of acceleration.

Don't worry. To match the ongoing acceleration, Willis can soon add a third straight line, with an even greater slope. As long as he just keeps drawing straight lines that slope higher and higher, he can pretend it doesn't mean sea level rise is accelerating. Even though anyone can just look at the record and clearly see the acceleration.

Needless to say, the howler monkeys at WUWT all think the same. Nobody ever accused them of intelligence.

No attempt to debate anything just scream and rant is all he could muster up.

He your sister?

Here is a few of Mamooth posts in the thread that Crick thinks are great when they are actually empty bullcrap:

No attempt to debate anything just scream and rant is all he could muster up.

He your sister?
He's taken you every time. I don't think I've ever seen him lose. Can't say that about you, can I.

Here is a few of Mamooth posts in the thread that Crick thinks are great when they are actually empty bullcrap:

No attempt to debate anything just scream and rant is all he could muster up.

He your sister?

It is truly amazing to see his response to this.

From a "scientist" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I usually don't get into piling on, but in this case it's too tempting to resist.

The opening statements are typically attacks on the poster.

The middle section (if there is one...which means there is more than three lines which is often not the case) alludes to something that is supposed to prove something even though there is little indication as to what.

All her (mammy's) arguments are (1) what I say is law and can't be disputed (2) I don't need to link arguments to conclusions. I am god so bow to me (3) All your arguments are garbage (4) I don't need to rebuff them.....didn't your read 3 ? What else is needed.

Looks like the electronic version of "getting a hand".
It is truly amazing to see his response to this.

From a "scientist" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I usually don't get into piling on, but in this case it's too tempting to resist.

The opening statements are typically attacks on the poster.

The middle section (if there is one...which means there is more than three lines which is often not the case) alludes to something that is supposed to prove something even though there is little indication as to what.

All her (mammy's) arguments are (1) what I say is law and can't be disputed (2) I don't need to link arguments to conclusions. I am god so bow to me (3) All your arguments are garbage (4) I don't need to rebuff them.....didn't your read 3 ? What else is needed.

Looks like the electronic version of "getting a hand".
Why don't you apply your editorial skills to the posts to which he is responding? I think you will find Mamooth's responses more than appropriate, considering the subdued level of general science expertise, logic and rationality applied by his conversants.

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