Climate Alarmism is a Mental Disorder


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Wall Street Journal:

Climate Change Alarmism Is ‘a Real Mental Disorder’

31 Jul 2023

Climate alarmists’ overwrought accounts of hot summer weather are “fueling mental derangements,” writes the Wall Street Journal’s Allysia Finley in a searing op-ed Monday.

It is not the weather itself, but the hyperbolic way it is reported that spreads panic, Finley insists, since in the past “heat waves were treated as a normal part of summer,” whereas now they are treated as harbingers of an impending climate apocalypse.
Knowingly or not, mainstream media have been complicit in spreading “climate hypochondria,” she writes, which simply does not match the reality of what is happening to the weather and the threats this may or may not pose.

“It isn’t difficult to notice that today’s snowflakes consider hot weather aberrant, similar to how they perceive normal feelings such as anxiety or sadness,” Finley asserts. “But there’s nothing normal about climate anxiety, despite the left’s claims to the contrary.”
Daily data back up Finley’s contentions. On Sunday, The Messenger reported that given the summer’s extreme heat, “we may not live to see climate’s ‘new normal.’” The article goes on to make the scientifically untenable claim that “thousands of deaths” from excessive July heat “can be attributed to human emissions of greenhouse gases.”
The article also repeats warnings of a climate “tipping point” beyond which humanity is doomed, a proposal that further stokes the climate hysteria underscored by Finley.

During a local telecast, Florida meteorologist Steve MacLaughlin uttered a similar threat, assuring viewers he fears we “have reached a point we cannot return from.”
“This is the first time that I’ve been overly concerned that we have reached a point we cannot return from,” MacLaughlin said in a weather report for NBC6 South Florida.
“In 25 years of broadcasting, I’ve never uttered these words on TV before,” the five-time Emmy-winning reporter wrote on Twitter. “I try to stay positive. I report on not just the problem, but the solution. I try to not be alarmist. But with corals, sirens should be blaring.”
Meanwhile, on Monday the Washington Post declared that the world is “boiling,” echoing breathless predictions from U.N. Secretary General António Guterres, who stated last Thursday that “the era of global boiling has arrived.”
The once-sober Associated Press joined in the melee, reporting Monday that as climate change produces hotter and longer heat waves, air conditioning “is now a matter of survival.”

Most people can read these reports and take them with a grain of salt, mentally toning down the obvious hyperbole and exercising critical thinking to form an objective opinion of the situation. They may consider, for instance, that many more people die each year from cold weather than from heat, or that globally fewer and fewer people die every year from weather-related events.

The problem, Finley suggests, is for those who are swept along by the alarmism, allowing themselves to be overwhelmed by irrational fear from prophecies of a rapidly imploding world.
“Climate hypochondriacs deserve to be treated with compassion, much like anyone who suffers from mental illness,” she concludes. “They shouldn’t, however, expect everyone else to enable their neuroses.”

Doctor I'm depressed.jpg

Child abuse JPEG.jpg
And once again, the failure of the American people to understand really basic science is the entire Federal Debt...

911 - $15 trillion
Covid - $10+ trillion
Co2 Fraud - $20 trillion

Their theory is that increasing atmospheric Co2 would warm the atmosphere. They NEVER had ANY evidence of this....

We have TWO and ONLY TWO measures of atmospheric temps - satellites and balloons

Both showed NO WARMING in highly correlated fashion before being FUDGED in 2005.

To save America, first



Using the largest text size is also a mental health illness ... what you post is only as important as anyone else ... don't be so highly, okay ...
The OP's article does not state that people spreading information about global warming are suffering from a mental illness. It is those who overreact, in this psychiatrist's opinion, who are judged to be suffering a mental illness. So, the OP is founded on a lie. Then we get an unfounded diatribe claiming hyperbole and alarmism when, demonstrably, it is YOU that are spreading falsehoods on this topic.
The OP's article does not state that people spreading information about global warming are suffering from a mental illness. It is those who overreact, in this psychiatrist's opinion, who are judged to be suffering a mental illness. So, the OP is founded on a lie. Then we get an unfounded diatribe claiming hyperbole and alarmism when, demonstrably, it is YOU that are spreading falsehoods on this topic.
Climate change is a lie. What part don't you get?
replying to the largest text size with the smallest is a sign of severe immaturity

Yeah ... so what? ... I'm a man ... all men stop maturing at 12-years-old ...

Defending ChemEngineer is a sign of stupidity ... seriously ... 6,000 year old flat Earth? ... stolen elections? ... do you know what an enzyme is ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha? ...

You took the time to post this, maybe you shouldn't be accusing others of mental health issues ... or at least dream up better insults ... I honestly didn't think you'd bother with your glasses ...
Yeah ... so what? ... I'm a man ... all men stop maturing at 12-years-old ...

Speak for yourself.

Defending ChemEngineer is a sign of stupidity ... seriously ... 6,000 year old flat Earth? ... stolen elections? ... do you know what an enzyme is ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha? ...

I have never claimed that the earth is "6,000 years old," nor that it is "flat."
Talk about signs of stupidity, you demonstrate them and then giggle about it.
My first book, Brilliant Creations - The Wonder of Nature and Life, was described by a medical doctor as "beyond incredible." He purchased twenty hardcovers each of which I personalized and autographed, as he requested.

I'm sure you have credentials which exceed this. Please, post them for the amazement of everyone here, ReinyDays

You took the time to post this, maybe you shouldn't be accusing others of mental health issues ... or at least dream up better insults ... I honestly didn't think you'd bother with your glasses ...

I did not write the article. I simply found it interesting and logical since eco-warriors have been gluing their hands to highways to disrupt everyone else's lives. They have been destroying priceless art, and causing great mental anguish and harm to children. One teenager committed suicide over climate change, not that you give a rip.

I suspect that you are a garden variety Leftist who also supports abortion and giggles about that as well.
The OP's article does not state that people spreading information about global warming are suffering from a mental illness. It is those who overreact, in this psychiatrist's opinion, who are judged to be suffering a mental illness. So, the OP is founded on a lie. Then we get an unfounded diatribe claiming hyperbole and alarmism when, demonstrably, it is YOU that are spreading falsehoods on this topic.


Then answer me this?

Why in the past five years in this forum are there only three or four regulars in here who concur with your opinions? ( out of 25K members)

Climate alarmists are radical fringe in the real world.......not viewed as serious people.

The consensus is.......mental cases.

Its akin to somebody striding naked down main street this weekend shaking a banana at shoppers and screaming, "Its the end of the world!"
Speak for yourself.

I have never claimed that the earth is "6,000 years old," nor that it is "flat."
Talk about signs of stupidity, you demonstrate them and then giggle about it.
My first book, Brilliant Creations - The Wonder of Nature and Life, was described by a medical doctor as "beyond incredible." He purchased twenty hardcovers each of which I personalized and autographed, as he requested.

I'm sure you have credentials which exceed this. Please, post them for the amazement of everyone here, ReinyDays

I did not write the article. I simply found it interesting and logical since eco-warriors have been gluing their hands to highways to disrupt everyone else's lives. They have been destroying priceless art, and causing great mental anguish and harm to children. One teenager committed suicide over climate change, not that you give a rip.

I suspect that you are a garden variety Leftist who also supports abortion and giggles about that as well.

Did you describe enzymes in your book ... and no ... medical doctors don't take advanced chemistry ... but thank you for these ad hominem attacks ... easier to insult me than address the issues I present ... you must agree with me then ...

The sad part is you think because I'm a man, I can get pregnant, and have a reasoned opinion on abortion ... which is stupid ... I asked my female relatives, they say I'm against abortion but it shouldn't be illegal ... do you want government probing all the pussy-holes they want to? ... you know, looking for babies ... my female relatives don't want this, perhaps you do? ...

Did you describe enzymes in your book ... and no ... medical doctors don't take advanced chemistry ... but thank you for these ad hominem attacks ... easier to insult me than address the issues I present ... you must agree with me then ...

I disagree with everything you say. For that reason, I put you on IGNORE long ago so as not to suffer your... "issues." I clicked everyone off IGNORE to read Crick's fringe eco silliness and yours came up as well. I always address issues, unlike you and your "HAW HAW HAW HAW."

A medical doctor called my book "beyond incredible.". A dentist said "It should be required reading for every teenager." He also said a few of the chapters "were too advanced for me. I had to skim through them." So please tell everyone here YOUR bonafides. We'd love to hear your accomplishments.

The sad part is you think because I'm a man, I can get pregnant, and have a reasoned opinion on abortion ... which is stupid ...
Nobody but crazy Leftists claim that men can get pregnant. My reasoned opinion on abortion is based on science and medicine. Doctors say that life begins at conception. Men are in prison for murdering unborn babies, but not women. This double standard doesn't trouble Leftists like you in the slightest. Murder you call "choice." Sick. Evil.

I asked my female relatives, they say I'm against abortion but it shouldn't be illegal ... do you want government probing all the pussy-holes they want to? ... you know, looking for babies ... my female relatives don't want this, perhaps you do? ...

Government need not probe vaginas to hold up "the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
Your vulgarity is matched by your pettiness, your ignorance, and your evil support of killing innocents for convenience.

I did. It has five-star ratings from doctors who are of course far better educated and classier than you can ever hope to be.
I disagree with everything you say. For that reason, I put you on IGNORE long ago so as not to suffer your... "issues." I clicked everyone off IGNORE to read Crick's fringe eco silliness and yours came up as well. I always address issues, unlike you and your "HAW HAW HAW HAW."

A medical doctor called my book "beyond incredible.". A dentist said "It should be required reading for every teenager." He also said a few of the chapters "were too advanced for me. I had to skim through them." So please tell everyone here YOUR bonafides. We'd love to hear your accomplishments.

Nobody but crazy Leftists claim that men can get pregnant. My reasoned opinion on abortion is based on science and medicine. Doctors say that life begins at conception. Men are in prison for murdering unborn babies, but not women. This double standard doesn't trouble Leftists like you in the slightest. Murder you call "choice." Sick. Evil.

Government need not probe vaginas to hold up "the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
Your vulgarity is matched by your pettiness, your ignorance, and your evil support of killing innocents for convenience.

I did. It has five-star ratings from doctors who are of course far better educated and classier than you can ever hope to be.

You disagree that only women can get pregnant? ... I can see why you had to publish your book yourself ... what the scientific community calls "self-published" ... and that includes the crap scientific publishing houses won't touch ... you could have gotten a thesis mill, or is the book that bad? ...

What's an enzyme? ... you've never answered that question in all these years we've been posting here ... your very name here is a lie ... I have enough class to not ever post under a liar's name ... it's raining in Western Oregon, and spelting is overratted; my name is truthful ...
You disagree that only women can get pregnant? ... I can see why you had to publish your book yourself ... what the scientific community calls "self-published" ... and that includes the crap scientific publishing houses won't touch ... you could have gotten a thesis mill, or is the book that bad? ...

Please name all the men who have gotten pregnant, genius. You?

I notice that you completely ignored my challenge to you to present your Bonafide's to the audience.
I'm quite certain it is because you don't have any.
What's an enzyme? ... you've never answered that question in all these years we've been posting here ... your very name here is a lie ... I have enough class to not ever post under a liar's name ...
An enzyme is a polypeptide which causes or speeds up a chemical reaction or synthesis in an organism.

Now I will post my analysis and critique of Richard Dawkins nonsense, and biochemist Douglas Axe's complete approval of my analysis.

  • johnjaeger
Thu 9/14/2023 11:35 AM

Hi John—

Your critique of the Dawkins weasel demonstration found its way to me, and I agree with it entirely. I offered my own critique in Undeniable (p198-200). You hit the nail on the head!

Regrettably, even solid refutations of evolutionary arguments like this don’t seem to get their proponents to rethink their position. I’ve become convinced that this is because the root problem is spiritual, not scientific or intellectual.

Best regards,

Doug Axe

Douglas Axe, PhD
Rosa Endowed Chair of Molecular Biology
Professor of Computational Biology
Co-Director of Stewart Science Honors Program
School of Science, Technology & Health
Biola University

October 4, 2023

I think you were spot on.

Well put.

Jason Cordova, PhD, Biochemistry

Weasel program - Wikipedia

In chapter 3 of his book The Blind Watchmaker, biologist Richard Dawkins gave the following introduction to the program, referencing the well-known infinite monkey theorem.*

I don't know who it was first pointed out that, given enough time, a monkey bashing away at random on a typewriter could produce all the works of Shakespeare. The operative phrase is, of course, given enough time. Let us limit the task facing our monkey somewhat. Suppose that he has to produce, not the complete works of Shakespeare but just the short sentence 'Methinks it is like a weasel', and we shall make it relatively easy by giving him a typewriter with a restricted keyboard, one with just the 26 (capital) letters, and a space bar. How long will he take to write this one little sentence?

[NOTE: How lazy of Richard Dawkins to fail to look up the author of his monkey business. It was Sir Arthur Eddington.

In 1928, British astrophysicist Arthur Eddington presented a classical illustration of chance in his book, The Nature of the Physical World: “If I let my fingers wander idly over the keys of a typewriter it might happen that my screed made an intelligible sentence. If an army of monkeys were strumming on typewriters they might write all the books in the British Museum.”

This is nonsense compounding nonsense. And yet my high school math teacher presented this proposition to his classes in the 1960’s.

First, an “army of monkeys” wouldn’t be very interested in hitting typewriter keys repeatedly. There is nothing for them to gain in so doing.

Second, those who did hit the keys would quickly get to the end of the line, and have no concept of returning the carriage to type the second line.

Third, those very few who somehow overcame the first and second hurdles, repeatedly, would find that the paper was ejected from the carriage, and they are hopelessly unable to replace the first page with a fresh sheet of paper.

Fourth, we will never get to the fourth problem of exhausting the ink in the typewriter ribbons because the “army of monkeys” would have defecated on or otherwise ruined every typewriter.

Fifth, Sir Arthur Eddington never began to consider the statistics of monkeys “selecting” 1 out of approximately 100 different keys, counting upper and lower case of all letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. A page of an average book has 250 – 300 words. (

*Finally, the largest army in the world is the People’s Liberation Army of Communist China, with over 2,000,000 troops. This is hardly “infinite” in number. (

The average word has 6.47 letters. (

Using the lower value of 250 words, times 6.47 letters equals 1,617 characters in a page.

1/100 to the 1,617th power is 10 to the -3,234, for just one page, much less “all the books in the British Museum.”

“we just think of one chance in 10 to the 40th power” as “impossible”. – Richard Dawkins, (The Blind Watchmaker, page 142)

Emil Borel, a famous statistician, defined “impossible” as an event with a probability of 10 to the -50 or less.

This is equivalent to finding one unique marble, in 82,800 spheres the size of our solar system out to Pluto, all full of identical marbles except for one, on your first and only attempt. You do not get an infinite number of attempts, not even two.

(10 to the 5 marbles/km)3 = 10 to the15 marbles per cubic km

Adding the radius of the sun, 700,000 km, to get the total distance from its center to Pluto, is 5.906 x 10 to the 9 km.

The volume of earth is about 1.083 x 10 to the 12 cubic kilometers.

10 to the 15 marbles/cubic km x 1.083 x 10 to the 12 cubic kilometers/earth =1.083 x 10 to the 27 marbles to fill one earth sized sphere.

10 to the 50 marbles / 1.083 x 10 to the 27 marbles/earth size sphere = 9.234 x 10 to the 23 earths full of marbles, which is to say 923,400,000,000,000,000,000,000 (923,400 billion billion) earths full to search and find the unique marble on your first and only try. Personally, I would call it impossible to find that unique marble in just one earth-sized sphere full of them.]

Dawkins then goes on to show that a process of cumulative selection can take far fewer steps to reach any given target. In Dawkins' words:

We again use our computer monkey, but with a crucial difference in its program. It again begins by choosing a random sequence of 28 letters, just as before ... it duplicates it repeatedly, but with a certain chance of random error – 'mutation' – in the copying. The computer examines the mutant nonsense phrases, the 'progeny' of the original phrase, and chooses the one which, however slightly, most resembles the target phrase, METHINKS IT IS LIKE A WEASEL.








Dawkins continues:

The exact time taken by the computer to reach the target doesn't matter. If you want to know, it completed the whole exercise for me, the first time, while I was out to lunch. It took about half an hour. (Computer enthusiasts may think this unduly slow. The reason is that the program was written in BASIC, a sort of computer baby-talk. When I rewrote it in Pascal, it took 11 seconds.) Computers are a bit faster at this kind of thing than monkeys, but the difference really isn't significant. What matters is the difference between the time taken by cumulative selection, and the time which the same computer, working flat out at the same rate, would take to reach the target phrase if it were forced to use the other procedure of single-step selection: about a million million million million million years. This is more than a million million million times as long as the universe has so far existed.

[So much for Dawkins’ specious argument in defense of Darwinism, which he proudly claimed, “… made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.” ( Twenty-six capital letters plus the space bar equals twenty-seven. Twenty-seven to the twenty-eighth power equals ten to the fortieth different possible combinations, of which we seek only one specifically. Dawkins admits his definition of “impossible” is 1 chance in 10 to the 40th power. This is not for all of Shakespeare’s works, but for one short sentence, and even then, on a dramatically altered keyboard, not of fifty possible keys, lower case, and fifty more keys, upper case, but for only twenty-six keys, all upper case.

Of critical but neglected importance is the fact that for “selection” to occur, the intermediary produced by the random mutation MUST confer a “selective advantage” for the host organism, otherwise it will be lost. It is therefore incumbent on the advocate for Darwinism to demonstrate, in each case, what that improvement is and how it operates, every single time, without exception. “Selection” requires no less. This is easily done when copying short sentences, but not so easily done when originally constructing over 20,000 proteins in humans*a, the largest of which is titin, at 38,138*b amino acid residues in length.

One out of 20 amino acids “selected” consecutively 38,138 times has a probability of 1 chance in 10 to the 49,618. This is for only one protein. Calculating for chirality, i.e. the “selection” of L amino acids instead of D amino acids*c and all peptide bonds rather than the equally probable non-peptide bonds *d reduces the probability of original naturalistic synthesis to 1 chance in 10 to the 72,578. Twenty thousand more proteins to go! ]

*a -\

*b -

*c - ½ to the 38,138 = 10-11,480

*d - ½ to the 38,138 = 10-11,480

[Postnote: After considerable thought, I have an important addition that was not given to Douglas Axe and Jason Cordova. Note that Richard Dawkins asserts, “We shall make it relatively easy by giving him (the monkey) a typewriter with a restricted keyboard, only 26 keys…”

Thus Dawkins extrapolates from “a restricted keyboard,” producing only one brief sentence, to typing out “all the works of Shakespeare” (sic) rather than what Sir Eddington originally said, “All the books in the British Museum” – a prodigiously larger collection of works than Shakespeare’s.

This ignorant extrapolation of a monkey typing a single line, to typing all of Shakespeare’s works, much less the British Museum’s, is no different from the ignorance of trivial adaptations being extrapolated to produce all living organisms from the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA).]


Eminent statistician, Emil Borel, defined “impossible” as one chance in ten to the fiftieth power, or less.1

Let’s look at the volume of ten to the fiftieth marbles, one centimeter in diameter.

There are 100 such marbles per meter, and 100 times 1,000 per kilometer.

Therefore 105 marbles cubed equals 1015 marbles per cubic kilometer.

Pluto is 5.906 billion kilometers from our sun2, the radius of which is 700,000 kilometers.3

From the center of our sun to Pluto is 5.906 billion km + 700,000 km, or 6.606 x 109 kilometers.

The volume of a sphere the size of our solar system to Pluto is 4/3 pi x (6.606 x 109)3, or 1.2075x 1030 cubic kilometers.

1.2075 x 1030 cubic kilometers x 10 to the 15 marbles per cubic kilometer = 1.2075 x 10 to the 45 marbles to fill that one hypothetical sphere.

1050 marbles / 1.2075 x 10 to the 45 marbles per sphere = 8.28 x 10 to the 4 spheres out to Pluto, not 78.5 spheres as I originally calculated incorrectly.


2 Pluto's Distance from the Sun

3 Solar radius - Wikipedia

Here's the interesting flip side of the CO2 factor of ACC/AGW. Not enough CO2 will cause major Global Cooling;

Earth was a giant snowball 700 million years ago, now scientists know why​

Australian geologists have shared new findings on an extreme ice-age event that enveloped Earth in a snowball over 700 million years ago, a period marked by a planet-wide glacial cover extending from the poles to the equator.

This fascinating research from a group of scientists at the University of Sydney deepens our comprehension of Earth's natural temperature regulation mechanisms, while highlighting the delicate balance of our planet's climate in response to shifts in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
Named after Charles Sturt, the 19th-century European colonial explorer of central Australia, the Sturtian glaciation spanned from 717 to 660 million years ago.

This period, occurring long before the emergence of dinosaurs and complex terrestrial plant life, marks a significant epoch in Earth's prehistoric timeline.
Sturtian glaciation: A deep dive

They propose a compelling theory: the ice age, known as the Sturtian glaciation, was primarily triggered by historically low volcanic carbon dioxide emissions, compounded by the weathering of volcanic rock in present-day Canada, which absorbed atmospheric CO2.

"We now think we have cracked the mystery: historically low volcanic carbon dioxide emissions, aided by weathering of a large pile of volcanic rocks in what is now Canada; a process that absorbs atmospheric carbon dioxide," said Dr Dutkiewicz.
Dr. Dutkiewicz explains, "Various factors have been considered for the initiation and conclusion of this ice age, but its remarkable duration of 57 million years has been especially baffling."

Many different geological forces at play

The research team's investigations reveal a correlation between the onset of the Sturtian glaciation and a dramatic reduction in volcanic CO2 emissions. This condition persisted throughout the "Snowball Earth" ice age.

The team created a demonstration video that can be found here.
During this "Snowball Earth" period, a reconfiguration of plate tectonics reduced volcanic degassing to a minimum, while erosion of a volcanic region in Canada led to significant CO2 absorption.

"Geology ruled climate at this time. The result was that atmospheric CO2 fell to a level where glaciation kicks in -- which we estimate to be below 200 parts per million, less than half today's level," MĂźller explained.

The resulting drop in atmospheric CO2, estimated to fall below 200 parts per million, was critical for glaciation onset, marking a stark contrast to today's levels.


An ice age in Earth's future?

In summary, this study resolves a longstanding mystery and prompts contemplation about Earth's distant future.

While a theory suggests the formation of a swelteringly hot supercontinent, Pangea Ultima, within the next 250 million years, current trends of diminishing volcanic CO2 emissions could hint at another potential ice age.
This is the alternate scenario to global warming.

Potential Collapse of Oceanic Heat Conveyance System Imminent, Researchers Find​

An AMOC collapse would have dramatic global climate repercussions, potentially dropping temperatures in northwestern Europe by 9 to 27 degrees Fahrenheit and altering weather patterns worldwide. The ensuing climate shifts could result in widespread agricultural and water resource challenges, escalating into humanitarian crises.

The new study, which for the first time integrates complex simulations across multiple variables, suggests nearing a “cliff-like” threshold. Study lead author Rene van Westen, a climate scientist at Utrecht University, expresses uncertainty on the precise timing of the tipping point but acknowledges the possibility within a century or closer—a timeline that starkly contradicts earlier predictions that saw a collapse as less imminent.
This is the alternate scenario to global warming.

Potential Collapse of Oceanic Heat Conveyance System Imminent, Researchers Find​

An AMOC collapse would have dramatic global climate repercussions, potentially dropping temperatures in northwestern Europe by 9 to 27 degrees Fahrenheit and altering weather patterns worldwide. The ensuing climate shifts could result in widespread agricultural and water resource challenges, escalating into humanitarian crises.

The new study, which for the first time integrates complex simulations across multiple variables, suggests nearing a “cliff-like” threshold. Study lead author Rene van Westen, a climate scientist at Utrecht University, expresses uncertainty on the precise timing of the tipping point but acknowledges the possibility within a century or closer—a timeline that starkly contradicts earlier predictions that saw a collapse as less imminent.
The AMOC's collapse is being caused by global warming. It will NOT cool the Earth. It will cease the redistribution of thermal energy for which AMOC has been responsible. It will make large portions of the Earth less livable for our children and theirs and theirs and theirs. Not a problem, right? Who cares, right? Just a liberal hoax, right?

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