Zone1 Change is Afoot

Mutts are smarter and healthier than pure breeds.
Most noticeable in urban areas where population density is higher, but the change is happening. Personally, it was about ten years ago that I started noticing more and more couples strolling about hand in hand who were "mixed" racially (for whatever that made up bullshit term is worth). Now even in traditionally not so diverse New Hampshire I notice more and more "mixed" families pushing baby carriages around. Not good or bad, just how it is. People are people. In the absence of physical, legal or social barriers, people of all sorts will get together eventually.

You probably watch too much tv

A visitor from Mars watching American tv advertising might think that half the people in America are black or mixed race

Thats a form of brainwashing by the woke media

In fact the real percentage is still pretty low around 10%

In the absence of physical, legal, or social barriers, human beings will always "mix" over time. Ever thus.
Societal pressures as well.

As more miscegeny is promoted it may actually be deemed 'racist'...especially for whites to marry and create more...racist whites.
That's enough being ridiculous for today.
Most noticeable in urban areas where population density is higher, but the change is happening. Personally, it was about ten years ago that I started noticing more and more couples strolling about hand in hand who were "mixed" racially (for whatever that made up bullshit term is worth). Now even in traditionally not so diverse New Hampshire I notice more and more "mixed" families pushing baby carriages around. Not good or bad, just how it is. People are people. In the absence of physical, legal or social barriers, people of all sorts will get together eventually.

In my city, we have a lot of racially diverse couples, very common. As a society we can bridge this racial gap, but we have to stop racists and race baiters. Period.
That's enough being ridiculous for today.
Why is everything that does not agree with your Pollyanna ideals...ridiculous.

Do you not see the world around you?

Do you not see the overt anti-white culture surrounding you?


Are you completely fucking blind?

what makes people like you?

You are a fucking fool.
Things that are ridiculous will be recognized as ridiculous.
Part of the change of times is that nowadays people barely notice when they see a "mixed" family. The only people who seem to care about it anymore are the few numbskulls on this site who cry about Cheerios commercials.
I dont think it is just the Cheetos commercials, because since the black population is 14%, the majority of commercials have black people in them. Why is that, are those companies pandering to the smallest group hoping that they can make a lot of money or is it that they are afraid that they dont want their buildings burned to the ground. ?
Why on earth would anyone care what percentage of this or that kind of person is it a damn commercial? It’s ridiculous.
Back in the day, marrying outside of ones religion was considered a mixed marriage and looked down upon by some.
My mom hit the jackpot. The nice Jewish girl married an Iroquios Quaker. My aunt Anna wouldn't let me in her house. I sat on the porch. Was it the Iroquois part or the Quaker part that got to her? Will never know because THAT Jewish girl married a Nazi after the war.

Go figure.
Interracial rates are still very very low. You only notice because it is aberrant in a society like ours where race is fundamental to every aspect of life.
Interracial rates are still very very low. You only notice because it is aberrant in a society like ours where race is fundamental to every aspect of life.
Rates are increasing rapidly and it is no longer an oddity or an aberration and I am seeing it with my own two eyes in the real world. There is actually a real world with real people outside of forums for racists to vent their ignorance.
In my own family, my generation was the first to have anyone in it who was not of 100% Irish heritage. One brother married an Italian American, another married a Jewish woman, a cousin married a black woman from South America. We're just starting to mix it up, USA style.
Our nation has been called “the great melting pot.”

Interracial rates are still very very low. You only notice because it is aberrant in a society like ours where race is fundamental to every aspect of life.
Maybe if you define interracial ONLY to include black and white. I constantly see interracial couples of Latinos, Asians, East Asians, Indians as well as Blacks and Whites. And it's not only Whites with minorities but mix and match of all categories. It's so common as to not be worthy of notice. It was common when I was a highschooler in the late sixties, it's ubiquitous today.

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