AOC is Tweeting

OK, here's more:

Interesting. Sounds like she at least learned how the place works in practice during the last 2 years. Not sure whether that makes her any better or just more dangerous, as philosophic point of view on the role of government in the United States has not changed.

She's awesome. So smart. I hope she runs for Senator.
Covid Bill she co-wrote with another Squad.

That's not the real problem with the Bill.. Trump played into their hands on this.. ONLY PEOPLE who need "money for nothing" are the unemployed and folks behind on their bills.. Probably 50% of those direct payments go to folks that are either WORKING or retire on fixed income with no Covid issues.

UPPING those payments is as BIG a waste as the $50Million in the appropriations side of this clusterfuck porksicle for Cent. American NARCO DICTATORS to build BIGGER and more CORRUPT drug empires.. Get ready for MAJOR STREAMS of money flushed down the crapper by the Biden Admin trying to cure our "border problem" by making the Narco Dictators stronger and richer..
Since this is important info about stimulus checks, here's her latest tweets about the bills:

what social problem is $ 2000 supposed to solve?
Will it end crime? end substance abuse? end
homelessness? (be not deceived -----I WILL NOT
REJECT IT IF IT COMES MY WAY) btw---anyone out there know any BLM person------will it end the BLM
It will pay some rent and buy some food.

Why do people STILL working and employed need a check? Why do folks on retirement need a check? This is the kind of Swamp Bullshit flinging match that got Trump elected in the 1st place. And the tying the Covid as a RIDER to the PORKULUS homongo Swamp buffet is the BADDEST WAY to get a well-considered pandemic relief bill..
Who is AOC ?

And does anyone care outside of her bubble ?

Do you even realize how stupid those tweets are?

The issue is getting assistance out where it's most needed and deserved.

Not just sending out checks as fast a possible.

As always, AOC proved beyond any reasonable doubt that she is a moron.

Money should have been sent to small businesses instead of foreign interests, Sending just $600 to citizens is a slap in the face of the whole country.
Covid Bill she co-wrote with another Squad.

That's not the real problem with the Bill.. Trump played into their hands on this.. ONLY PEOPLE who need "money for nothing" are the unemployed and folks behind on their bills.. Probably 50% of those direct payments go to folks that are either WORKING or retire on fixed income with no Covid issues.

UPPING those payments is as BIG a waste as the $50Million in the appropriations side of this clusterfuck porksicle for Cent. American NARCO DICTATORS to build BIGGER and more CORRUPT drug empires.. Get ready for MAJOR STREAMS of money flushed down the crapper by the Biden Admin trying to cure our "border problem" by making the Narco Dictators stronger and richer..

But it's politics in Washington.

Any politician that doesn't play the game is deemed unfit. By changing the sum for Americans (not even every American) to $2000 I think he's outplayed the Democrats.

If they disagree and don't do it he looks like the good guy.

If they do agree, then to still add all their porkulus the cost will be astronomical and they will look irresponsible.

I dunno. Could go either way.
dependent adults.

Two very sad words when put together ...


He'll just spend the money on weed and Green Day tickets.
what social problem is $ 2000 supposed to solve?
Will it end crime? end substance abuse? end
homelessness? (be not deceived -----I WILL NOT
REJECT IT IF IT COMES MY WAY) btw---anyone out there know any BLM person------will it end the BLM
It will pay some rent and buy some food.

I live in an area of my city which is an epicenter of BLM. Ain't nobody starving here-----there is free food all
over the place. They only time I saw HUNGER or
malnutrition here in the MANY DECADES I worked
in the hospitals was------amongst psychotics,
addicts and their kids. At this time---there is a
moratorium on evictions for non-payment of rent.
HOWEVER---the crime rate is WAY UP. Seems to
that there are also lots of fires-----but I don't have
10 posts deleted. Two warnings issued. Stay on the topic... Dont take the troll bait,..

IMNSHO (in my not so humble opinion) the PAYOFF is part of a democrat (sadly) program of buying votes via a BREAD AND CIRCUSES policy
Covid Bill she co-wrote with another Squad.

That's not the real problem with the Bill.. Trump played into their hands on this.. ONLY PEOPLE who need "money for nothing" are the unemployed and folks behind on their bills.. Probably 50% of those direct payments go to folks that are either WORKING or retire on fixed income with no Covid issues.

UPPING those payments is as BIG a waste as the $50Million in the appropriations side of this clusterfuck porksicle for Cent. American NARCO DICTATORS to build BIGGER and more CORRUPT drug empires.. Get ready for MAJOR STREAMS of money flushed down the crapper by the Biden Admin trying to cure our "border problem" by making the Narco Dictators stronger and richer..

But it's politics in Washington.

Any politician that doesn't play the game is deemed unfit. By changing the sum for Americans (not even every American) to $2000 I think he's outplayed the Democrats.

If they disagree and don't do it he looks like the good guy.

If they do agree, then to still add all their porkulus the cost will be astronomical and they will look irresponsible.

I dunno. Could go either way.

Naw.. He misplayed that one.. Should have started out by nailing them for HIDING the Covid relief in the humongo Porkulus Omnibus.. Tell them about their tiny private parts for not being brave enough to pass it separately.. YOU KNOW there's no limit to the free stuff Dems are willing to bribe voters with.. It's like their favorite brain dead play..

Should have focused on the Swamp Buffet which was the BIGGER PART of that Bill.. As they say -- "THE OPTICS" stinks by combining the two...
Covid Bill she co-wrote with another Squad.

That's not the real problem with the Bill.. Trump played into their hands on this.. ONLY PEOPLE who need "money for nothing" are the unemployed and folks behind on their bills.. Probably 50% of those direct payments go to folks that are either WORKING or retire on fixed income with no Covid issues.

UPPING those payments is as BIG a waste as the $50Million in the appropriations side of this clusterfuck porksicle for Cent. American NARCO DICTATORS to build BIGGER and more CORRUPT drug empires.. Get ready for MAJOR STREAMS of money flushed down the crapper by the Biden Admin trying to cure our "border problem" by making the Narco Dictators stronger and richer..

But it's politics in Washington.

Any politician that doesn't play the game is deemed unfit. By changing the sum for Americans (not even every American) to $2000 I think he's outplayed the Democrats.

If they disagree and don't do it he looks like the good guy.

If they do agree, then to still add all their porkulus the cost will be astronomical and they will look irresponsible.

I dunno. Could go either way.

Naw.. He misplayed that one.. Should have started out by nailing them for HIDING the Covid relief in the humongo Porkulus Omnibus.. Tell them about their tiny private parts for not being brave enough to pass it separately.. YOU KNOW there's no limit to the free stuff Dems are willing to bribe voters with.. It's like their favorite brain dead play..

Should have focused on the Swamp Buffet which was the BIGGER PART of that Bill.. As they say -- "THE OPTICS" stinks by combining the two...

What about Mitch and the thing republican bribe the voters with. I have put drinks on expense accounts but never take them off taxes, unless it was done by corporate at their level. Cheap point, but the Dems aren't the only ones in on this as it is mostly the result of a bipartisan recommendation. It takes two to tango with the money in our system.
Covid Bill she co-wrote with another Squad.

That's not the real problem with the Bill.. Trump played into their hands on this.. ONLY PEOPLE who need "money for nothing" are the unemployed and folks behind on their bills.. Probably 50% of those direct payments go to folks that are either WORKING or retire on fixed income with no Covid issues.

UPPING those payments is as BIG a waste as the $50Million in the appropriations side of this clusterfuck porksicle for Cent. American NARCO DICTATORS to build BIGGER and more CORRUPT drug empires.. Get ready for MAJOR STREAMS of money flushed down the crapper by the Biden Admin trying to cure our "border problem" by making the Narco Dictators stronger and richer..

But it's politics in Washington.

Any politician that doesn't play the game is deemed unfit. By changing the sum for Americans (not even every American) to $2000 I think he's outplayed the Democrats.

If they disagree and don't do it he looks like the good guy.

If they do agree, then to still add all their porkulus the cost will be astronomical and they will look irresponsible.

I dunno. Could go either way.

Naw.. He misplayed that one.. Should have started out by nailing them for HIDING the Covid relief in the humongo Porkulus Omnibus.. Tell them about their tiny private parts for not being brave enough to pass it separately.. YOU KNOW there's no limit to the free stuff Dems are willing to bribe voters with.. It's like their favorite brain dead play..

Should have focused on the Swamp Buffet which was the BIGGER PART of that Bill.. As they say -- "THE OPTICS" stinks by combining the two...

What about Mitch and the thing republican bribe the voters with. I have put drinks on expense accounts but never take them off taxes, unless it was done by corporate at their level. Cheap point, but the Dems aren't the only ones in on this as it is mostly the result of a bipartisan recommendation. It takes two to tango with the money in our system.

Mitch is a poor example.. HIS BOOTIE in this Porkulus was a "Humane Horse Racing Commision " for Kentucky.. You think 99% of Kentucky feel relieved by that? Repubs are stupid. They got some new missile system design for the cost of ALL of those foreign aid boondoggles. Do we CARE about that? Maybe...

But Dems get REAL aroused by feeding Central Amer Narco dictators and shit like that because they're morons who believe you wouldn't need a wall if you just BRIBED "El Presidente Loco Powder" a little bit to be "nicer to his people"..

It's either cotton candy fluff from Dems or stuff you REALLY DIDN'T want for Christmas from Repubs. Take your pick...
Covid Bill she co-wrote with another Squad.

That's not the real problem with the Bill.. Trump played into their hands on this.. ONLY PEOPLE who need "money for nothing" are the unemployed and folks behind on their bills.. Probably 50% of those direct payments go to folks that are either WORKING or retire on fixed income with no Covid issues.

UPPING those payments is as BIG a waste as the $50Million in the appropriations side of this clusterfuck porksicle for Cent. American NARCO DICTATORS to build BIGGER and more CORRUPT drug empires.. Get ready for MAJOR STREAMS of money flushed down the crapper by the Biden Admin trying to cure our "border problem" by making the Narco Dictators stronger and richer..

But it's politics in Washington.

Any politician that doesn't play the game is deemed unfit. By changing the sum for Americans (not even every American) to $2000 I think he's outplayed the Democrats.

If they disagree and don't do it he looks like the good guy.

If they do agree, then to still add all their porkulus the cost will be astronomical and they will look irresponsible.

I dunno. Could go either way.

Naw.. He misplayed that one.. Should have started out by nailing them for HIDING the Covid relief in the humongo Porkulus Omnibus.. Tell them about their tiny private parts for not being brave enough to pass it separately.. YOU KNOW there's no limit to the free stuff Dems are willing to bribe voters with.. It's like their favorite brain dead play..

Should have focused on the Swamp Buffet which was the BIGGER PART of that Bill.. As they say -- "THE OPTICS" stinks by combining the two...

What about Mitch and the thing republican bribe the voters with. I have put drinks on expense accounts but never take them off taxes, unless it was done by corporate at their level. Cheap point, but the Dems aren't the only ones in on this as it is mostly the result of a bipartisan recommendation. It takes two to tango with the money in our system.

Like I always say -- bipartisan agreement between these 2 inept, corrupt tribes means TWICE the money for HALF of the performance..
Covid Bill she co-wrote with another Squad.

That's not the real problem with the Bill.. Trump played into their hands on this.. ONLY PEOPLE who need "money for nothing" are the unemployed and folks behind on their bills.. Probably 50% of those direct payments go to folks that are either WORKING or retire on fixed income with no Covid issues.

UPPING those payments is as BIG a waste as the $50Million in the appropriations side of this clusterfuck porksicle for Cent. American NARCO DICTATORS to build BIGGER and more CORRUPT drug empires.. Get ready for MAJOR STREAMS of money flushed down the crapper by the Biden Admin trying to cure our "border problem" by making the Narco Dictators stronger and richer..

But it's politics in Washington.

Any politician that doesn't play the game is deemed unfit. By changing the sum for Americans (not even every American) to $2000 I think he's outplayed the Democrats.

If they disagree and don't do it he looks like the good guy.

If they do agree, then to still add all their porkulus the cost will be astronomical and they will look irresponsible.

I dunno. Could go either way.

Naw.. He misplayed that one.. Should have started out by nailing them for HIDING the Covid relief in the humongo Porkulus Omnibus.. Tell them about their tiny private parts for not being brave enough to pass it separately.. YOU KNOW there's no limit to the free stuff Dems are willing to bribe voters with.. It's like their favorite brain dead play..

Should have focused on the Swamp Buffet which was the BIGGER PART of that Bill.. As they say -- "THE OPTICS" stinks by combining the two...

What about Mitch and the thing republican bribe the voters with. I have put drinks on expense accounts but never take them off taxes, unless it was done by corporate at their level. Cheap point, but the Dems aren't the only ones in on this as it is mostly the result of a bipartisan recommendation. It takes two to tango with the money in our system.

Like I always say -- bipartisan agreement between these 2 inept, corrupt tribes means TWICE the money for HALF of the performance..

Agree. Also agree with your earlier post about the money give away. I did not ask for $600, being one of those retired with fixed (I prefer the word guaranteed) income streams as I set it up this way to make sure I would not be depending on SS government money in my old age. Your point was correct, though, didn't need it as haven't lost a penny and expenses lower as traveling less. So now they want to give us between $3,000 and $4,000 dollars? I am not in a position to see the nation. I see Jackson, and it appears humping and bumping, though the Covid number rise every day.
Do not understand trump on this one. Do not know what Mitch and the Senate will do with it, but I do not see much pork being pulled off the bone to cover it. Got a guess?

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