A Breakdown Of All 126 Seditious Republicans That Signed On For A Coup 'D Etat


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
When Texas sued to overturn four other states’ election results in the hopes of installing illegitimate, two-time popular vote loser, and white supremacist mediocrity Donald Trump into a second presidential term, they exposed how many elected officials are straight-up wannabe oligarchs. The fact that even in the upside-down world we are living in, with the hijacked ultra conservative Supreme Court in place, most everybody knew there was little chance of the Supreme Court stepping in and hearing the case, which should tip one off to how far afield this maneuver is. It’s the kind of thing that most people would rather not put their name on since it is the sort of thing people should go to jail for—if laws concerning sedition and treason are real laws.

Here is a nice list of the 126 Republican officials who whether charged with sedition and treason or not, are guilty of trying to, at the very least, thwart the will of the American people and overturn our democratically elected president:

This should be rather easy for an 'Originalist' prosecutor to bring forward.
You maniacs got a lot of fucking nerve with your asshole of an impeachment fiasco with one side of your stupid faces, while blubbering about dissent/protest being patriotic out of the other side of your stupid faces.

Get the fuck outta here with your crying and hypocritical bullshit.
China Joe was not legitimately elected. The Democrat Dirty Tricks Department fraudulently produced unverifiable mail in ballots in the swing states and that got the corrupt sonofabitch elected. That and a little help from China Joe's Chicom buddies.
When Texas sued to overturn four other states’ election results in the hopes of installing illegitimate, two-time popular vote loser, and white supremacist mediocrity Donald Trump into a second presidential term, they exposed how many elected officials are straight-up wannabe oligarchs. The fact that even in the upside-down world we are living in, with the hijacked ultra conservative Supreme Court in place, most everybody knew there was little chance of the Supreme Court stepping in and hearing the case, which should tip one off to how far afield this maneuver is. It’s the kind of thing that most people would rather not put their name on since it is the sort of thing people should go to jail for—if laws concerning sedition and treason are real laws.

Here is a nice list of the 126 Republican officials who whether charged with sedition and treason or not, are guilty of trying to, at the very least, thwart the will of the American people and overturn our democratically elected president:

This should be rather easy for an 'Originalist' prosecutor to bring forward.
They cannot be officeholders in the federal or state government. It would be unconstitutional.
Dissent to Liberal Extremism is now termed "sedition"??
No. Trying to undermine our election process is.

And how does investigating suspicious results to determine if they are legit "undermine" anything?

If Biden were legit, the libs would be WELCOMING a chance to prove it, instead of trying to run out the clock and calling dissidents "traitors".
But wait...There is more

When Congress votes to accept the Electoral Votes from the States, Congressmen AND Senators will have a chance to officially revoke Democracy.
Yes, charge them all with sedition, tar and feather them in the town square and let people throw rotten stuff at 'em.
After that, vote them out - No matter your politics, they are all unfit to serve.
But wait...There is more

When Congress votes to accept the Electoral Votes from the States, Congressmen AND Senators will have a chance to officially revoke Democracy.

Regardless of what Congress decides or doesn't decide, people will still have the opportunity and, indeed, the patriotic obligation, to continue to investigate and dissent against the Fake President Biden's tyranny. That's what democracy looks like, RW.
But wait...There is more

When Congress votes to accept the Electoral Votes from the States, Congressmen AND Senators will have a chance to officially revoke Democracy.

Regardless of what Congress decides or doesn't decide, people will still have the opportunity and, indeed, the patriotic obligation, to continue to investigate and dissent against the Fake President Biden's tyranny. That's what democracy looks like, RW.
The voters will have another chance to evaluate Biden in 2024
When Texas sued to overturn four other states’ election results in the hopes of installing illegitimate, two-time popular vote loser, and white supremacist mediocrity Donald Trump into a second presidential term, they exposed how many elected officials are straight-up wannabe oligarchs. The fact that even in the upside-down world we are living in, with the hijacked ultra conservative Supreme Court in place, most everybody knew there was little chance of the Supreme Court stepping in and hearing the case, which should tip one off to how far afield this maneuver is. It’s the kind of thing that most people would rather not put their name on since it is the sort of thing people should go to jail for—if laws concerning sedition and treason are real laws.

Here is a nice list of the 126 Republican officials who whether charged with sedition and treason or not, are guilty of trying to, at the very least, thwart the will of the American people and overturn our democratically elected president:

This should be rather easy for an 'Originalist' prosecutor to bring forward.
You’re a giant ignoramus and buffoon
The USSC knew the states illegally violated the Constitution but did nothing , because they’re politicians at the end of the day
Every election going forward is now destroyed and can easily be manipulated at will, because the gutless lemmings at the USSC refused to stop it and follow the constitution . It states in article 2, section 1 area , that the state legislatures are only allowed to make election changes and not rogue governors, state courts and AGs
When Texas sued to overturn four other states’ election results in the hopes of installing illegitimate, two-time popular vote loser, and white supremacist mediocrity Donald Trump into a second presidential term, they exposed how many elected officials are straight-up wannabe oligarchs. The fact that even in the upside-down world we are living in, with the hijacked ultra conservative Supreme Court in place, most everybody knew there was little chance of the Supreme Court stepping in and hearing the case, which should tip one off to how far afield this maneuver is. It’s the kind of thing that most people would rather not put their name on since it is the sort of thing people should go to jail for—if laws concerning sedition and treason are real laws.

Here is a nice list of the 126 Republican officials who whether charged with sedition and treason or not, are guilty of trying to, at the very least, thwart the will of the American people and overturn our democratically elected president:

This should be rather easy for an 'Originalist' prosecutor to bring forward.
I hope he goes full Pinochet, saves our nation and cleans the communist off our campuses. By whatever means necessary.
But wait...There is more

When Congress votes to accept the Electoral Votes from the States, Congressmen AND Senators will have a chance to officially revoke Democracy.

Regardless of what Congress decides or doesn't decide, people will still have the opportunity and, indeed, the patriotic obligation, to continue to investigate and dissent against the Fake President Biden's tyranny. That's what democracy looks like, RW.
The voters will have another chance to evaluate Biden in 2024
2022 the House falls to Republicans. Backlash over stealing the election with mail-in ballots.
Dissent to Liberal Extremism is now termed "sedition"??
No. Trying to undermine our election process is.

And how does investigating suspicious results to determine if they are legit "undermine" anything?

If Biden were legit, the libs would be WELCOMING a chance to prove it, instead of trying to run out the clock and calling dissidents "traitors".
You are a shining example of what the problem here is.

There has been no actual evidence or even any indication of fraud. There is nothing to investigate. All the allegations have proven to be fake. All the experts say there was none. All the courts including the supreme say there is no issue.

Yet here you are, bleating out the conspiracy theories you've need fed.

This is why what they are doing is seditious. They are undermining faith in our process. Attempting to overthrow a duly elected government.

They are no longer eligible to hold public office.

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