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70's Music

Can't Stand Iron Maiden or Judas Priest. I don't particularly like random noise.
And putting SRV in that list is another comedic example of what you are trying to say.
Most of what SRV released was 60s and 70s music. His music was blues rock, which was polar opposite of what other bands were doing.
Another like that is George Thorogood. Huge hits in the 80s, but the music was very 1970s.
you just dont like hard rock....you aint alone.....my wife hates when i am listening to priest or maiden with the sound up...
you just dont like hard rock....you aint alone.....my wife hates when i am listening to priest or maiden with the sound up...
I actually have ADD, not one of the millions "diagnosed" with it... I actually have ADD.
Actual ADD people can be overstimulated pretty easily. The hard-fast hitting sounds of hard rock makes me stressed out. I will literally feel like what you or most people would feel like in a very stressful situation, like someone yelling at you.
So take this song...... love it. Great song, yet it has clearly defined rhythm.

And then there is this...
Godawful. Fucking noise. Just banging drums and making a guitar make loud sounds.

I actually have ADD, not one of the millions "diagnosed" with it... I actually have ADD.
Actual ADD people can be overstimulated pretty easily. The hard-fast hitting sounds of hard rock makes me stressed out. I will literally feel like what you or most people would feel like in a very stressful situation, like someone yelling at you.
So take this song...... love it. Great song, yet it has clearly defined rhythm.

And then there is this...
Godawful. Fucking noise. Just banging drums and making a guitar make loud sounds.

and yet many guitarist from those bands get high marks from other guitarists....
The 1980s was one of the worst decades of music. That isn't even arguable.
This would be the first time I have ever heard someone actually try to say that 80s rock is better than 70s.

Too funny
And the 70's music was created as a result of the 50s and 60s. Those three decades produced more iconic music than any other era, IMHO
The 1980s was one of the worst decades of music. That isn't even arguable.
This would be the first time I have ever heard someone actually try to say that 80s rock is better than 70s.

Too funny
I’ve heard plenty of enjoyable, creative music from the 1980’s, 70’s, 60’s, etc.
By those standards I can say, without question, that I have rarely heard anything from 1992 and beyond that has a legit musical hook. Indie records perhaps. Even Rolling Stones recordings beyond 1980 are musically limp.
I could not recognize any music by any famous music star from anything beyond 1995. Insipid droning.
People these days mistake talent for art.
I’ve heard plenty of enjoyable, creative music from the 1980’s, 70’s, 60’s, etc.
By those standards I can say, without question, that I have rarely heard anything from 1992 and beyond that has a legit musical hook. Indie records perhaps. Even Rolling Stones recordings beyond 1980 are musically limp.
I could not recognize any music by any famous music star from anything beyond 1995. Insipid droning.
People these days mistake talent for art.
Black Keys....
This is from 2003

Same band from 2010 -

Mostly what I liked about the 1970s music the groups developed their style instead of blending into what was marketable at the time.
Mostly what I liked about the 1970s music the groups developed their style instead of bending into what was marketable at the time.
The 1970s was a short period where the artists were in near absolute control of what they released.
Some of that was also true in the 1960s.
By the 80s, the labels were taking back the industry. By producing their own "bands"... I call them "boardroom bands".
The 90s had some decent stuff, the 2000s-2010s still good stuff if you knew where to look.
But the 1980s - with the glam rock, arena rock, MTV garbage, sell outs like Aerosmith and Journey, REO etc. etc. Absolute ugh!! Terrible decade for music.
The 90s had some decent stuff, the 2000s-2010s still good stuff if you knew where to look.
But the 1980s - with the glam rock, arena rock, MTV garbage, sell outs like Aerosmith and Journey, REO etc. etc. Absolute ugh!! Terrible decade for music.
Late 2000’s to now has Taylor Swift, that is the biggest musical W.
But the 1980s - with the glam rock, arena rock, MTV garbage, sell outs like Aerosmith and Journey, REO etc. etc. Absolute ugh!! Terrible decade for music.
Journey was one of the greatest rock groups of all time.
Journey was one of the greatest rock groups of all time.
Not for me, their pre-MTV days they had some good stuff.
But I am not a fan of arena rock bands, the "Neil Diamond'isk" power ballads... the anthem songs.
The 80s had a lot of great British synthesizer pop songs.
The 90's was a return of great rock guitar bands.
Around 2000 music started going down hill.
Today's pop music STINKS.
I love the 70's music. But I like all the decades and styles except screamo. Screamo is the only music I don't like and hard core punk.


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