Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

Nobody but his base thought that he would actually close the border. The rest of us were appalled that he would even suggest it, due to the economic chaos it would cause.
And the economic chaos we HAVE HAD for 70 years now, with the border wide open like it is ? No thought about THAT ? That's probably because information-deprived liberals, being victims of liberal OMMISION media, have NO IDEA what that chaos is.

Sorry that you have had economic chaos in your neighborhood due to brown skin illegals. Did they take away your job in the Imperial Valley picking grapes? I live on the border, and have had no such chaos at all. In fact, when I lived in New Orleans, it was Mexican illegals who rebuilt the city after Katrina. I learned elementary Spanish while hiring them to reroof, drywall, and repaint my house. Nobody else would do it.
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Nobody but his base thought that he would actually close the border. The rest of us were appalled that he would even suggest it, due to the economic chaos it would cause.
And the economic chaos we HAVE HAD for 70 years now, with the border wide open like it is ? No thought about THAT ? That's probably because information-deprived liberals, being victims of liberal OMMISION media, have NO IDEA what that chaos is.

Sorry that you have had economic chaos in your neighborhood due to brown skin illegals. Did they take away your job in the Imperial Valley picking grapes? I live on the border, and have had so such chaos at all. In fact, when I lived in New Orleans, it was Mexican illegals who rebuilt the city after Katrina. I learned elementary Spanish while hiring them to reroof, drywall, and repaint my house. Nobody else would do it.
And all the chimps hauled ass for Houston and welfare
Nobody but his base thought that he would actually close the border. The rest of us were appalled that he would even suggest it, due to the economic chaos it would cause.
And the economic chaos we HAVE HAD for 70 years now, with the border wide open like it is ? No thought about THAT ? That's probably because information-deprived liberals, being victims of liberal OMMISION media, have NO IDEA what that chaos is.

Sorry that you have had economic chaos in your neighborhood due to brown skin illegals. Did they take away your job in the Imperial Valley picking grapes? I live on the border, and have had so such chaos at all. In fact, when I lived in New Orleans, it was Mexican illegals who rebuilt the city after Katrina. I learned elementary Spanish while hiring them to reroof, drywall, and repaint my house. Nobody else would do it.
Poor baby.
How many millions is your portfolio up to?
Actually, it must suck for you to be so fricken petty.

I do not find it petty to want my president to not talk trash and then back down like a pussy.

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No kidding, after all these months I was under the impression he wasn't YOUR president.

I have never said such a thing. Why must you lie?

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Way too much drama in your life. We know the drill, all of a sudden it's "I didn't say that". And the lie accusations, what a fricken joke....go away.

you are the pathetic mother fucker that gets his jollies making up lies about people on an internet forum

what a life! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

WTF dood, you're getting your panties in a bunch.
Nobody but his base thought that he would actually close the border. The rest of us were appalled that he would even suggest it, due to the economic chaos it would cause.
And the economic chaos we HAVE HAD for 70 years now, with the border wide open like it is ? No thought about THAT ? That's probably because information-deprived liberals, being victims of liberal OMMISION media, have NO IDEA what that chaos is.

Sorry that you have had economic chaos in your neighborhood due to brown skin illegals. Did they take away your job in the Imperial Valley picking grapes? I live on the border, and have had no such chaos at all. In fact, when I lived in New Orleans, it was Mexican illegals who rebuilt the city after Katrina. I learned elementary Spanish while hiring them to reroof, drywall, and repaint my house. Nobody else would do it.

Yep, it's rough trying to find someone to work for $20/day...dumbass.
No matter what Trump does, dimocrap FILTH will revile him for it.

It isn't so much that dimocrap scum hate Trump so much as they HATE the fact that America is doing so well.

People, you need to understand something.........

dimocraps HATE America.

I've been telling you this since the first day I joined this board. And, as it turns out, I was right.

But, I'm right at just about everything. So that's no surprise.

Had Trump closed the border, dimocrap scum would have bashed him for that.

If he doesn't do something about illegal immigrants, they'll bash him over that. If he DOES do something about illegals, they'll bash him over that.

dimocraps aren't serious people. They are consumed by hatred.

And their hatred is centered on America. They focus on Trump but the truth is -- They hate America. They want to destroy it and remake it in their image


Nomatter what Trump doesn't do, filthy shitforbrains Trump supporters kiss his ass anyway.

Trump supporters would rather trust Russia, an enemy of their own country, to kiss Trumps ass.

Maybe they're hoping for a housekeepers job at Trump tower in Moscow.

You know, the one he's not making any deals to build.
Nobody but his base thought that he would actually close the border. The rest of us were appalled that he would even suggest it, due to the economic chaos it would cause.
And the economic chaos we HAVE HAD for 70 years now, with the border wide open like it is ? No thought about THAT ? That's probably because information-deprived liberals, being victims of liberal OMMISION media, have NO IDEA what that chaos is.

Sorry that you have had economic chaos in your neighborhood due to brown skin illegals. Did they take away your job in the Imperial Valley picking grapes? I live on the border, and have had no such chaos at all. In fact, when I lived in New Orleans, it was Mexican illegals who rebuilt the city after Katrina. I learned elementary Spanish while hiring them to reroof, drywall, and repaint my house. Nobody else would do it.

Yep, it's rough trying to find someone to work for $20/day...dumbass.

Well, since you weren't there and don't have a clue about what you are talking about, I will point out that you could not get construction people at any price after Katrina. In my case, I lucked out, and found a guy who laid tile who was living in a tent in City Park, but that was pure luck. However, there were plenty of Mexicans in front of Home Depot every day that the contractors picked up in their trucks.
Anti-Trump tards.

Attack him for doing what he says, attack him for being too aggressive, attack him for not being aggressive enough, attack him for reconsidering....

No matter what he did, you would attack him.

You have no credibility.

Well, many on the left will tell you I am not one of them but he was wrong making that threat.

Work on a solution and fix the issue but making the threat to close a border that will cost Texas nearly a billion a day, well that is just not dumb but beyond f'ing retarded.

DO you believe that Mexico is willing to work on the problem in good faith? What about the dems? Hell, what about the fucking GOP?

Here is a question and when has either nation worked together in good faith?

Mexico is not innocent but neither is the U.S. and to even pretend this is just Mexico doing, well keep on pretending.

Reagan was operating in good faith when he pushed though a fucking amnesty, and Mexico's reaction was to pour even more illegals in.

In the end Trump has two choices:

1. Close the border and Crush the Economies of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California and throw America into a recession or worst a depression.

If he does that then accept the fact Donald John Trump did what he wanted to do and destroy the Republican party from within because in 2020 Hillary could run an win.

2. Stop with the threat of closing the border and work with the House and Senate on so form of Immigration Reform that will remove the anchor status while also holding countries like Mexico accountable for their willingness to allow China and Russia to use them to flood our border with the poor and uneducated from Mexico and Central America.

Why is this all just on Trump?
Sorry that you have had economic chaos in your neighborhood due to brown skin illegals. Did they take away your job in the Imperial Valley picking grapes? I live on the border, and have had no such chaos at all. In fact, when I lived in New Orleans, it was Mexican illegals who rebuilt the city after Katrina. I learned elementary Spanish while hiring them to reroof, drywall, and repaint my house. Nobody else would do it.
Sure they would do it. Just pay a decent wage and Americans will do ANY job, and the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs are being done by Americans, didn't you know ?

And you can save your dopey "brown skin" talk with me, since I'm 1/2 Hispanic myself, and I don't have to learn Spanish. I've known it for 60 years.

As for illegal aliens taking away jobs, they've taken 8-9 million of them away from Americans, in addition to the long list of other harms they present.
Well, since you weren't there and don't have a clue about what you are talking about, I will point out that you could not get construction people at any price after Katrina. In my case, I lucked out, and found a guy who laid tile who was living in a tent in City Park, but that was pure luck. However, there were plenty of Mexicans in front of Home Depot every day that the contractors picked up in their trucks.
Could not get construction people at any price ? BULLSHIT.
Sorry that you have had economic chaos in your neighborhood due to brown skin illegals. Did they take away your job in the Imperial Valley picking grapes? I live on the border, and have had no such chaos at all. In fact, when I lived in New Orleans, it was Mexican illegals who rebuilt the city after Katrina. I learned elementary Spanish while hiring them to reroof, drywall, and repaint my house. Nobody else would do it.
Sure they would do it. Just pay a decent wage and Americans will do ANY job, and the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs are being done by Americans, didn't you know ?

And you can save your dopey "brown skin" talk with me, since I'm 1/2 Hispanic myself, and I don't have to learn Spanish. I've known it for 60 years.

As for illegal aliens taking away jobs, they've taken 8-9 million of them away from Americans, in addition to the long list of other harms they present.

Another Katrina expert who has never been within 500 miles from the worst natural disaster to hit America, pontificates.
Well, since you weren't there and don't have a clue about what you are talking about, I will point out that you could not get construction people at any price after Katrina. In my case, I lucked out, and found a guy who laid tile who was living in a tent in City Park, but that was pure luck. However, there were plenty of Mexicans in front of Home Depot every day that the contractors picked up in their trucks.
Could not get construction people at any price ? BULLSHIT.

So, the reason that my house was uninhabitable for 5 months was because I loved living in a run down motel room at $45 per night out of my own pocket, right?
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Trump is being tough ...he's gonna close the border NEXT YEAR

'President Trump has punted on his plans for closing the southern border, telling a group of reporters on Thursday that he will give Mexico a year to stop the flow of migrants and drugs into the US. If they fail on either count, Trump will either slap tariffs on Mexican-made cars or close the border entirely.

"You know I will do it. I don’t play we’re doing it to stop people. We’re gonna give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop, or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ballgame is cars....and if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border."

It was unclear whether an agreement with Congressional Democrats would also be a condition for the border closure, after Trump said Tuesday that Congress needed to get rid of chain migration, catch and release and the visa lottery and "do something about asylum" or he would still consider closing the border. "If Mexico doesn't or we don't make a deal with Congress, the border will be closed."

Over the past week, Trump has repeatedly threatened to close the Southern border, even saying that he might do so as soon as this week. His acting chief of staff took to the Sunday shows over the weekend to warn that Trump was serious about the threat, and media reports claimed the White House was looking into various plans.

The decision to back down from an immediate closure order followed complaints from several Republican Senators from border states, including John Cornyn and Martha McSally.

The peso has rallied on the news as pressure from a possible border closure eased.'

Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

Trump just played chicken with himself...and (somehow) lost.

I KNEW he would back down.

What a completely, useless prick.
You WANT him to shut the border?
He is giving them an impossible task, asking them to stop the flow of drugs into this country in a year. That's like the King giving an ardent suitor for the princess's hand the task of returning with the front left eye tooth of a dragon in order to win her hand.

Trump's losing it, if you ask me. He is going to put tariffs on Dodges, Chevys and Fords? That oughta fix 'em.

No...I want him to stop making useless threats that do nothing for anyone but give his base another sound bite to masturbate to. Either do what you say or shut the fuck up, Donnie.

He NEVER was going to close the border. He NEVER was going to replace Obamacare. He was NEVER going to get China to sign a fair trade agreement. He was NEVER going to pull all troops out of Syria.

Most politicians lie. But they at least give some thought to the damage that it can cause when they don't do what they promise. This loser just spews forth whatever he thinks will please his base...irrespective of the consequences.

The more he lies - the less the world takes him seriously. And that makes America look like a joke. Which makes making future deals all the more difficult.

You can only cry 'Wolf' so much before people simply stop caring.
If what you spout is true then the game is over for this nation. I fully expect the oldest to get their health care to the end of their lives and then the boomers to have a slightly worse time with that increasing based from oldest to youngest. Then Generation X to be screwed more so. Over the years Progs have spouted about overseas issues that Trump has and did nothing about it. Now you don't like him doing what you wanted. There will be a time if we keep doing this where you will take people like Brian Stelter and stick a pikepole through his rear and mouth orifices and roast him on a spit as many will be impoverished.
Anti-Trump tards.

Attack him for doing what he says, attack him for being too aggressive, attack him for not being aggressive enough, attack him for reconsidering....

No matter what he did, you would attack him.

You have no credibility.

I thought we established that, especially with turds like Mcrockhead from when they started posting.

It bears repeating.
Anti-Trump tards.

Attack him for doing what he says, attack him for being too aggressive, attack him for not being aggressive enough, attack him for reconsidering....

No matter what he did, you would attack him.

You have no credibility.
Cowardly donnie caved....and all the CRCs lap it up.

Do you agree with Rightwinger, that it would be fine if every other person on the Earth, illegally immigrated to this nation?
Anti-Trump tards.

Attack him for doing what he says, attack him for being too aggressive, attack him for not being aggressive enough, attack him for reconsidering....

No matter what he did, you would attack him.

You have no credibility.

Haha it's true, they will continue to attack him from all side. Hilariously delicious whine, considering how many false narratives the Pseudo-conned still believe and parrot about President Obama.

So, your "defense" is "yes, but your side did it too"?

Interesting. Are you aware that you just admitted that what I said was true, and that thus, your side has zero credibility?

Yes, I am acutely aware of what I write. Neither side has any credibility to criticize the other for the 24/7/365 attack posture they have chosen to take.

Good for you. Then we agree. The complaints of the OP are partisan shit.

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