Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

As if you couldn't make yourself look any more stupid. It's clear to me that the threat to close the border was aimed at Mexico. Anyone with half a brain knows that illegals don't come in to this country from check points and legitimate border crossings.

Closing the border would hurt Mexico way more that it would hurt us. I look for Mexico to act in ways that will help us stop the flow seeing how the evils pos in congress refuse to lift a finger.

And here it was just two days ago libstains were all crying how it would be so awful if the evil Trump closed the border and attacked all those poor tomatoes and avocados. What happened to "border closing bad"? Shame on you gutless lying two faced liberal swine. Not one of you has a soul.

Personally, I wasn't so self-focused to worry as to whether I could get avocados or tomatoes in the grocery store....It was obvious to me that such a closing would harm those who wanted to sell such perishable items, far more so than those who wanted to buy them.

But in the end, it was a big attention-grabbing bluff.
Trump confirms he is an incompetent fool and buffoon every day. He dupes his followers on a regular basis. He is incompetent and incompetent is the key word as he fails over and over. He cannot solve problems. all he can do is shovel bullshit to his fan base. When he caves and fails they blindly ignore reality.
No matter what Trump does, dimocrap FILTH will revile him for it.

It isn't so much that dimocrap scum hate Trump so much as they HATE the fact that America is doing so well.

People, you need to understand something.........

dimocraps HATE America.

I've been telling you this since the first day I joined this board. And, as it turns out, I was right.

But, I'm right at just about everything. So that's no surprise.

Had Trump closed the border, dimocrap scum would have bashed him for that.

If he doesn't do something about illegal immigrants, they'll bash him over that. If he DOES do something about illegals, they'll bash him over that.

dimocraps aren't serious people. They are consumed by hatred.

And their hatred is centered on America. They focus on Trump but the truth is -- They hate America. They want to destroy it and remake it in their image


That's true...

If Trump cured cancer the bed wetters would wail about unemployed doctors.
Trump confirms he is an incompetent fool and buffoon every day. He dupes his followers on a regular basis. He is incompetent and incompetent is the key word as he fails over and over. He cannot solve problems. all he can do is shovel bullshit to his fan base. When he caves and fails they blindly ignore reality.
Cnn tell you that?
Trump confirms he is an incompetent fool and buffoon every day. He dupes his followers on a regular basis. He is incompetent and incompetent is the key word as he fails over and over. He cannot solve problems. all he can do is shovel bullshit to his fan base. When he caves and fails they blindly ignore reality.

Your a fine one to call someone an incompetent fool and buffoon.

I'm sure someone takes you out twice a day to water you and let the sun hit your useless ass.
Trump confirms he is an incompetent fool and buffoon every day. He dupes his followers on a regular basis. He is incompetent and incompetent is the key word as he fails over and over. He cannot solve problems. all he can do is shovel bullshit to his fan base. When he caves and fails they blindly ignore reality.
Says the nose picker who slavishly genuflected to his shrine of the Mulatto Messiah.:laugh2:
This is great, Trump is going to close the border....liberals piss and moan. Trump isn't going to close the border...liberals piss and moan. I'm all for transparency but you fricken loons are getting a little too transparent.

Perhaps it is the empty threats that he makes that is the problem...nobody fears Trump or thinks he will follow through on his stupid threats

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Great, it only took you a minute or two to find something else to piss and moan about.

What can I say, I do not worship the man so I am allowed to criticize him. Sucks for you that you have yo spend your days defending such a pussy of a man.

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Actually, it must suck for you to be so fricken petty.

I do not find it petty to want my president to not talk trash and then back down like a pussy.

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No kidding, after all these months I was under the impression he wasn't YOUR president.
Anti-Trump tards.

Attack him for doing what he says, attack him for being too aggressive, attack him for not being aggressive enough, attack him for reconsidering....

No matter what he did, you would attack him.

You have no credibility.

Haha it's true, they will continue to attack him from all side. Hilariously delicious whine, considering how many false narratives the Pseudo-conned still believe and parrot about President Obama.

So, your "defense" is "yes, but your side did it too"?

Interesting. Are you aware that you just admitted that what I said was true, and that thus, your side has zero credibility?

Yes, I am acutely aware of what I write. Neither side has any credibility to criticize the other for the 24/7/365 attack posture they have chosen to take.
Trump confirms he is an incompetent fool and buffoon every day. He dupes his followers on a regular basis. He is incompetent and incompetent is the key word as he fails over and over. He cannot solve problems. all he can do is shovel bullshit to his fan base. When he caves and fails they blindly ignore reality.
Cnn tell you that?
No, I don't know what they say. I happen to believe the immigration problem would be quickly solved if we began jailing and fining employers, like Trump, who continue to employ undocumented immigrants and vastly increase the numbers of judges and prosecutors so that illegals and asylum seekers would have their case heard quickly so as to deny them the opportunity to live here for years awaiting their trials.
'President Trump has punted on his plans for closing the southern border, telling a group of reporters on Thursday that he will give Mexico a year to stop the flow of migrants and drugs into the US. If they fail on either count, Trump will either slap tariffs on Mexican-made cars or close the border entirely.

"You know I will do it. I don’t play we’re doing it to stop people. We’re gonna give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop, or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ballgame is cars....and if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border."

It was unclear whether an agreement with Congressional Democrats would also be a condition for the border closure, after Trump said Tuesday that Congress needed to get rid of chain migration, catch and release and the visa lottery and "do something about asylum" or he would still consider closing the border. "If Mexico doesn't or we don't make a deal with Congress, the border will be closed."

Over the past week, Trump has repeatedly threatened to close the Southern border, even saying that he might do so as soon as this week. His acting chief of staff took to the Sunday shows over the weekend to warn that Trump was serious about the threat, and media reports claimed the White House was looking into various plans.

The decision to back down from an immediate closure order followed complaints from several Republican Senators from border states, including John Cornyn and Martha McSally.

The peso has rallied on the news as pressure from a possible border closure eased.'

Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

Trump just played chicken with himself...and (somehow) lost.

I KNEW he would back down.

What a completely, useless prick.
As if you couldn't make yourself look any more stupid. It's clear to me that the threat to close the border was aimed at Mexico. Anyone with half a brain knows that illegals don't come in to this country from check points and legitimate border crossings.

Closing the border would hurt Mexico way more that it would hurt us. I look for Mexico to act in ways that will help us stop the flow seeing how the evils pos in congress refuse to lift a finger.

And here it was just two days ago libstains were all crying how it would be so awful if the evil Trump closed the border and attacked all those poor tomatoes and avocados. What happened to "border closing bad"? Shame on you gutless lying two faced liberal swine. Not one of you has a soul.
There would be relatively little pain to the US automakers. Trump was DEADLY serious about closing the border. All his supporters know this is true. There is never any doubt. The President is a focused extremely serious world leader who all take as Huugely successful and the greatest ever. Really. I shit you not.
I find it easier to co-exist with Trump as president, now that it has become clear that he is all talk, and that there is really no danger that he will do anything that he promises to do. Granted, he has followed through on a few things, but they have only hurt his base, like the farmers in the Plains states. Most of all, I am relieved that the leaders of other countries no longer take him seriously either, and just laugh at his antics, or ignore him completely. That is embarrassing, but I can survive another 2 years of that.
Anti-Trump tards.

Attack him for doing what he says, attack him for being too aggressive, attack him for not being aggressive enough, attack him for reconsidering....

No matter what he did, you would attack him.

You have no credibility.

Haha it's true, they will continue to attack him from all side. Hilariously delicious whine, considering how many false narratives the Pseudo-conned still believe and parrot about President Obama.

So, your "defense" is "yes, but your side did it too"?

Interesting. Are you aware that you just admitted that what I said was true, and that thus, your side has zero credibility?

Yes, I am acutely aware of what I write. Neither side has any credibility to criticize the other for the 24/7/365 attack posture they have chosen to take.
Well not that I was a huge fan of his policy, though other aspects I admired, but I don't recall Obama threatening to do anything that he was not prepared to carry out.

Conversely, Trump rolls shit out by the day that he knows is not going to happen. Pence is in Germany now bitching about military spending, and while Merkel might throw in some money, she's not going to rearm the Wermacht. And Trump was never going to shut down the border.
There would be relatively little pain to the US automakers. Trump was DEADLY serious about closing the border. All his supporters know this is true. There is never any doubt. The President is a focused extremely serious world leader who all take as Huugely successful and the greatest ever. Really. I shit you not.

I don't believe that for a moment...His pattern has been to always stake out an opening position that grabs people's attention, only to later adjust back to a more reasonable stance...It's what he does.
There would be relatively little pain to the US automakers. Trump was DEADLY serious about closing the border. All his supporters know this is true. There is never any doubt. The President is a focused extremely serious world leader who all take as Huugely successful and the greatest ever. Really. I shit you not.

I don't believe that for a moment...His pattern has been to always stake out an opening position that grabs people's attention, only to later adjust back to a more reasonable stance...It's what he does.
In other words he doesn't mean any of the shit he throws at the window LOL
There would be relatively little pain to the US automakers. Trump was DEADLY serious about closing the border. All his supporters know this is true. There is never any doubt. The President is a focused extremely serious world leader who all take as Huugely successful and the greatest ever. Really. I shit you not.

I don't believe that for a moment...His pattern has been to always stake out an opening position that grabs people's attention, only to later adjust back to a more reasonable stance...It's what he does.
In other words he doesn't mean any of the shit he throws at the window LOL
It's an an observation, coupled with and based upon what he himself said in "Art of the Deal"
I am very unhappy about this.
He was never serious....In case you hadn't noticed, he says shit like this all the time in order to gauge the reaction.

Of course, this never stops the knee-jerk haters from reacting viscerally to their hatred and squealing like stuck pigs...People steeped in the emotional response never notice the pattern, which is right in front of their noses to see.
I was thinking this in the back of my mind and I hope you’re correct.
I find it easier to co-exist with Trump as president, now that it has become clear that he is all talk, and that there is really no danger that he will do anything that he promises to do. Granted, he has followed through on a few things, but they have only hurt his base, like the farmers in the Plains states. Most of all, I am relieved that the leaders of other countries no longer take him seriously either, and just laugh at his antics, or ignore him completely. That is embarrassing, but I can survive another 2 years of that.
Well the problem is that he's ineffective, unless McConnell wants something. For example, Germany is not going to rearm. W. Germany armed to counter E. Germany in the cold war. But the unified German Army (weremacht) is not going to be armed for any leader to use for offensive operations unless the RW nationalists take over again. And the reason is clear. Besides murdering 8-`12 million civilians, the last war resulted in about 40% of Germans becoming displaced persons and most women in Soviet territory were gang raped, and a good percentage in the west were reduced to sex workers.

Germany may contribute more to nato, but Trump/pence aren't gonna get anything … of course, Putin may not want anything.

Meanwhile the fate of new NAFTA depends on Mexico enacting labor laws, but Trump is too busy rallying his base base with "Ahm gonna close the borders"

Basically, McConnell is president.
Perhaps it is the empty threats that he makes that is the problem...nobody fears Trump or thinks he will follow through on his stupid threats

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Great, it only took you a minute or two to find something else to piss and moan about.

What can I say, I do not worship the man so I am allowed to criticize him. Sucks for you that you have yo spend your days defending such a pussy of a man.

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Actually, it must suck for you to be so fricken petty.

I do not find it petty to want my president to not talk trash and then back down like a pussy.

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No kidding, after all these months I was under the impression he wasn't YOUR president.

I have never said such a thing. Why must you lie?

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There would be relatively little pain to the US automakers. Trump was DEADLY serious about closing the border. All his supporters know this is true. There is never any doubt. The President is a focused extremely serious world leader who all take as Huugely successful and the greatest ever. Really. I shit you not.

I don't believe that for a moment...His pattern has been to always stake out an opening position that grabs people's attention, only to later adjust back to a more reasonable stance...It's what he does.
In other words he doesn't mean any of the shit he throws at the window LOL
It's an an observation, coupled with and based upon what he himself said in "Art of the Deal"

He did not write that book

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He did not write that book

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What-fucking-ever....It's the pattern set forth in the book, which he has repeated a number of times over the last couple years...And pants-poopers like you and the OP fall for it every time.

Can you overlook your blind never-Trumper hatred long enough to notice recurring patterns in behavior?

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